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Which is your choice for best deck in the 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest?  Each deck title is a link that will take you to the contest entry for that deck.

Evil Deck by Giovanni Meroni
61 (57%)
Deduction Deck by "Shebhnt"
2 (1.9%)
Rainbow Illusion by "lms_jam"
4 (3.7%)
Stenlund Red by "Leif"
2 (1.9%)
Seamless by Randall Veneracion
4 (3.7%)
Symphony #1 by Ade Suryana
34 (31.8%)

Total Members Voted: 107

Voting closed: July 15, 2014, 12:03:42 AM

The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - COMPLETED!

Author (Read 24195 times)

The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - COMPLETED!
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:58:55 PM »

Don Boyer

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Ladies and gentlemen!

Do you have an original idea for a deck that's been burning a hole in the back of your brain for a while?

Is your idea top-notch, crème de la crème, so good that people may be blinded by its brilliance?

Then you're in the right place - welcome to...

Proudly sponsored by the EXPERT PLAYING CARD COMPANY!

STAGE ONE: refine your design work and seek commentary from the community by making a topic on the Design and Development board.  This is also where you should ask me if you have any rules questions pertaining specifically to your work.

STAGE TWO: submit your official entry designs here (the topic will remain locked until then).  Entries will be final and editing will disqualify your entry, so be sure you've done your best and left nothing out before posting (see Stage One).

STAGE THREE: cast your votes for favorite design here!  One vote per person, so make sure it counts!
BEGINS TUES 01 JULY 2014 04:00 UTC* - ENDS TUES 15 JULY 2014 04:00 UTC*

For the person whose design receives the most votes by a majority...

EPCC will print your design FOR SALE and send you THREE GROSS (432) of your decks, free of charge!

Imagine all the things you can do with THIRTY-SIX BRICKS of your own deck design!!

For all the contestants, win or lose, this can be your golden opportunity: a chance to refine your design, receive comments from your fellow members and get some valuable exposure.  It could possibly draw the attention of a deck design company or be the motivation you need to create a Kickstarter project!

All contestants must read the official contest rules in the sticky topic marked "1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - RULES", where you may leave comments regarding general rules questions.

* Time reference - 04:00 GMT (24-hour clock) equals:
15:00 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEST) on the same day (Sydney)
13:00 Japan Standard Time (JST) on the same day (Tokyo)
12:00 China Standard Time (CST) on the same day (Beijing, Taipei)
06:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST) on the same day (Paris, Rome, Berlin)
05:00 Western European Summer Time (WEST)/British Summer Time (BST) on the same day (London, Lisbon)
00:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on the same day (Toronto, New York)
21:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on the previous day (Vancouver, San Francisco)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 11:41:56 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 12:01:36 AM »

Don Boyer

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Ladies and gentlemen,

I have unlocked the topic - we are ready to accept submissions for the contest!

I strongly advise that you post it FIRST in the DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT board, in order to make sure you've crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's.  You only get ONE ENTRY so make it a good one.

See the rules topic for more information.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2014, 04:11:14 AM »

Thirdway Industries

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Hi there!
I want partecipate at the contest with my Evil Deck.

I'm Giovanni Meroni, designer from Milan, Italy. I illustrate funny vector characters in my spare time (night & weekends), and Evil Deck took almost a year to be done.

The Evil Deck is a bit different than regular decks, because it have an illustration on every card (I didn't want use the "classic" structure of the cards on purpose, I wanted to make a deck where every card could be interesting as a court card.

Every suit represents a different kind of evil: hearts are for passion, clubs are for nature, diamonds are for violence and spades are for magic.

The style is flat and simple, I used only three main colors: violet for the black cards, a deep blood red for the red cards, and every card have some yellow elements (I wanted a "evil" color scheme). As you see, Evil Deck is Evil, but fun. I wanted a parody, where the characters are bad, but silly.

Now, the images! Tuck box and the cards, hope you like them!

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2014, 04:15:18 AM »

Thirdway Industries

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The rest of the entry.
I attached my favourite cards in big size, the back and a special edition tuck.

Thank you very much for the opportunity, I would very happy to produce this deck with EPCC and spread some funny evil to the world.



Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2014, 04:12:14 PM »


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Here is my entry, I call it the "Discourse" deck.

I was inspired by my time spent here on the forums so I wanted to make something that had a mix of modern and old.  To do this I used a minimal back design that both reflects the older designs of some casino decks but at the same time has seen a come back in recent years.  I used the old way of having your pips take up the whole area but included indices to make them a bit more practical.  I used the faces that EPCC used for their Exquisite decks with a slight modification to make them fit the rest of the theme.  I also threw in a reference to our beloved Don Boyer  :)

As far as special things go, the fronts of the cards all have a subtle one way design in that one of the indices is slightly bolder than the other.  I have a special marking system on the back that can tell you if the card is black or red.  There will be two identical jokers as I have found that to be more useful when it comes to my tricks then a reveal on the joker.  The jokers do include the subtle one way design but I made the main face of the card two way so that way if one is trying to hide the fact they are using duplicate jokers it will be easier to hide.

I'm also going with a side tuck case like the Exquisites as I have found them to be much more sturdy and I just like how they look and feel "classy".  I was thinking of adding the url to the bottom of the card box if Don was ok with that.

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2014, 04:17:27 PM »


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Here are the court cards/aces.

I tried uploading this many times but it wouldn't work that is why I am posting it from an external site.

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2014, 12:07:20 AM »

Don Boyer

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I tried uploading this many times but it wouldn't work that is why I am posting it from an external site.

In all likelihood, you exceeded the file size limit, especially considering how huge this single image is.  I suggest you break the image into up to five smaller chunks and upload them rather than linking to them.

BTW: this forum is the property of Tom Dawson.  Did you obtain licensing from him for your deck?  If not, you should change the name immediately.  You also used court cards from a Bill Kalush/CARC deck - his kings usually have images of people who are part of CARC and I'm sure he obtained permission first.  Bill's face is on the King of Hearts, David Blaine's face is on the King of Spades and I'm not sure who is on the remaining kings but I think the King of Diamonds might be the Buck twins.  Use a more generic set of courts or see if he can and will allow you to use these courts and you'll be fine.  You can also ask him about using the generic courts he's creating as the standard EPCC faces for future decks - it's simply a matter of whether the designs are completed, as the rules state you can use those.

Check the resolution of your image files.  Lower resolution is permitted for posting on the site, but you want it to look sharp and some of your images just aren't there.  Furthermore, you need to have the proper resolution and format for these images complete and ready to hand over to Expert PCC - if you don't, that will disqualify your entry even if you win the voting rounds and a new winner will be selected.

Normally I'd have to disqualify this entire entry outright, but I'm going to be generous and permit you a chance to go back to the drawing board.  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you post your FINISHED designs there and ask me whether it's complete and suitable for entry.  For the time being, we'll consider this entry as null and void until you resolve the issues.  DO NOT edit those posts for a new entry - just create new posts.  You may not submit any other design - this IS your entry deck.

In the interests of fairness, should anyone else need a minor "do-over", I'll allow it but you have to submit the same deck you submitted in the first place or I'll have to disqualify the entry.

MrMollusk, !An0nym0u5 - permit me to quote a section of the contest rules.  The emphasis in red is mine.


Guys - if you have commentary on his design, I ask that you confine them to his Design/Dev topic and not make them here, unless those happen to be your official contest entries, in which case they're nowhere near complete and thus are ineligible... :))  I'm moving them to that topic now rather than deleting them.

As far as what we're expecting from such a deck - he's free to make it his entry, as long as he clears up the rights issues.  I have no actual expectations, other than that we get a lot of entries and that each entry meets all of the contest standards, including having the design work at the correct resolution and prepared in the correct way.  I'm not hand-picking a winner unless there's a tie in the two-deck run-off election (assuming there even is a run-off), and even then it's not my decision alone - Tom and Lee also get a vote each.  I'll offer tips and advice to anyone wanting to make an entry, but they're free to totally ignore them if they wish - again, as long as they meet the standard for contest entries, it's perfectly fine by me and I'm completely neutral.  It's YOU and your fellow members of the Discourse who will choose the winner in the end - Admins are not permitted to participate in the first or second round of voting.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2014, 05:12:04 PM »


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I do not think it is appropriate to name the deck Discourse. It is a registered name of the Playing Card Forum. Also Discourse is running the contest
 - again inappropriate to use the name in the contest. Also would not want people thinking the deck was approved by or sponsored by Discourse.
Tom Dawson
52 Plus Joker Playing Card Collectors Club

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2014, 10:02:57 PM »


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Take 2:

Here is my entry, I call it the "Deduction" deck.

I was inspired by my time spent here on the forums so I wanted to make something that had a mix of modern and old.  To do this I used a minimal back design that both reflects the older designs of some casino decks but at the same time has seen a come back in recent years.  I used the old way of having your pips take up the whole area but included indices to make them a bit more practical.  I used the standard court faces with a slight modification to make them fit the rest of the theme.  I also threw in a reference to our beloved Don Boyer on the AoS.  :)

As far as special things go, the fronts of the cards all have a subtle one way design in that one of the indices is slightly bolder than the other.  I have a special marking system on the back that can tell you if the card is black or red.  There will be two identical jokers as I have found that to be more useful when it comes to my tricks then a reveal on the joker.  The jokers do include the subtle one way design but I made the main face of the card two way so that way if one is trying to hide the fact they are using duplicate jokers it will be easier to hide.

I'm also going with a side tuck case like the Exquisites as I have found them to be much more sturdy and I just like how they look and feel "classy".

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2014, 10:03:57 PM »


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Here is my joker (remember there will be two identical jokers).  I also want to make sure you know that my artwork should be high enough resolution to be print worthy.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 10:06:01 PM by Shebhnt »

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2014, 04:17:58 AM »

Don Boyer

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Here is my joker (remember there will be two identical jokers).  I also want to make sure you know that my artwork should be high enough resolution to be print worthy.

Please add a random sampling of spot cards, one from each suit, as well as all the threes, and this looks like a complete entry.  Best of luck to you in the election.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 04:19:10 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2014, 08:12:18 AM »


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Please add a random sampling of spot cards, one from each suit, as well as all the threes, and this looks like a complete entry.  Best of luck to you in the election.

Here is a set of 3's and a random sampling.  Excited for voting to start!

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2014, 04:06:32 AM »

Don Boyer

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A reminder to other designers - we will stop accepting entries and begin the voting in just over three weeks from now!  Get your projects ready, put a bow on them and get them posted!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2014, 01:20:43 AM »

Don Boyer

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Everyone who wants to make an entry needs to do so SOONER rather than LATER!  15 days remain until the deadline for entries!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2014, 10:23:45 AM »


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Hello everyone,
My name is Ade Suryana from Indonesia.

This is my entry for Discourse Deck Design Contest.

Symphony No.01 Playing Cards.
This is a full custom deck inspired by the Greatest Composers of all time, from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic Period.
The Courts and Jokers are digital drawing. All design are vector artwork with CMYK color. Below I attached the images for the entire deck.

Thank you and Good luck to everyone  ;)
- Ade

Back Design

Number Cards

Spades :
J ♠ - Johannes Brahms
Q ♠ - Amy Beach
K ♠ - Ludwig van Beethoven

Diamonds :
J ♦
- Robert Schumann
Q ♦ - Clara Schumann
K ♦ - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Clubs :
J ♣ - Frederic Chopin
Q ♣ - Maria Szymanowska
K ♣ - Johann Sebatian Bach

Hearts :
J ♥
- Richard Wagner
Q ♥ - Fanny Mendelssohn
K ♥ - Niccolo Paganini

Jokers :
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Claudio Monteverdi

Front & Back Tuckcase

54 Cards
"Behind every great King there's a great Queen"
Aquila Playing Card :

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2014, 08:29:45 PM »

Don Boyer

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Looks excellent, Ade.

To all the other artists who haven't entered yet - you have about 6 days, 3.5 hours left to submit your entry!

No more entries will be accepted after 04:00 UTC on Tuesday, July 1st.
For the North Americans, that's midnight Eastern, 9:00pm Monday Pacific.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2014, 04:23:56 PM »


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Here is my deck Rainbow Illusion
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 01:32:04 AM by lms_jam »
If at first you don't succeed try try again

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2014, 04:45:49 PM »


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Here is more of my deck
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 09:33:37 PM by lms_jam »
If at first you don't succeed try try again

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2014, 04:48:31 PM »


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And some more. The extra cards are a blank face and a double back with a color change.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 04:51:14 PM by lms_jam »
If at first you don't succeed try try again

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2014, 07:11:23 PM »

Don Boyer

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Landry - odds are you're not using the right template; EPCC uses one that's different from USPC.  As stated in the rules, we need to see a representation that shows all six sides of the tuck box in completed form.  If your box flaps have special features or if there's any printing on the inside, we need to see representations of those as well.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 07:12:16 PM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2014, 01:28:45 AM »


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Hi Guys!
I'm Randall Veneracion From the Philippines. I saw this contest while checking out Expert Playing Card Company and i thought why not try my luck. Playing cards is one of the things I always have in my bag or in my pocket and since I love cards sometimes I create some artwork of playing cards design. So this one is a simple back design that I really like and i think it's really neat.

I called this one "SEAMLESS".
Hope you guys like it. :)

This is the back design.

The Ace Of Spades:

The Spot Cards: ( It's basically classic spot cards design. )


The Court Cards:

Two Extra Cards:  ( I didn't put jokers since a blank card and double backer would be a helpful. )

The Box Design: ( It's really simple and straight to the point. )

I'm not really a graphic designer so the artwork is not that great but still hope you guys will like it.
Good luck to me and to the other entries.
- Randall Veneracion

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2014, 12:00:52 AM »

Don Boyer

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Randall, thanks for your entry, but you need to make some changes.
  • The rules require that your images be attached to your post, not linked in from other websites.  This provides us with a more permanent record of entries and no chance of a broken link taking all your artwork away with it.  You can attach up to five images per post, not more than 5000 Kb each, but seriously, 1000 Kb should be more than adequate for viewing on a web page.
  • Also check the rules regarding the types of files required for printing - if you won but don't meet minimum specifications, your entry may get passed over.
  • Being a graphic designer is NOT a requirement, but you should have posted this first to the Design/Development board for people to review, even if briefly - if they discovered any flaws or had any suggestions, you could have benefited from their advice, but now, your entry is fixed and can't be changed.
  • Lastly, we need to see ALL SIX SIDES of the tuckbox, and if there are any special features on the flaps or printed inside, we need to see them as well.

I need this COMPLETED before the deadline or your entry won't be valid.  No design alterations will be permitted to your present design as shown in the previous post.

To all potential entrants - less than 72 hours remain for posting your entry, or if I left you instructions on this topic to do so, fixing your entries to avoid disqualification!!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 12:06:13 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
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Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2014, 11:49:25 AM »


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OK, here is -finally- my contribution for the deck contest. You can read all about the twist and turns this design has taken in the design topic:

I call it: Stenlund Red.

I wanted to make a clean and uncluttered design.
The courts are a red and black version of the standard courts. They are recognisable by many people around the world and should work fine for magicians and players alike.
The back is thin bordered with a clean, chequered pattern and a round centre piece. The same round piece is partly visible on the Ace of Spades and on the box, on the front, side flaps and seal.
The pips are a slightly customized version of the standard pips, standard enough to pass without suspicion, custom enough to add visual interest. I especially like the Ten of Diamonds and the Eight of Hearts.
The box contains a usable barcode reveal.
There are no jokers, instead I have added not one but two gaff cards: one blank face/printed back and one blank face/blank back
Please note that the chequered pattern on the back is how it's supposed to look, the box mockups look a little more bulky.

Thanks for looking!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 11:52:26 AM by Leif »

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2014, 11:51:23 AM »


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The rest of the pictures:
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 12:21:56 PM by Leif »

Re: The 1st Discourse Deck Design Contest - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2014, 12:39:51 AM »

Don Boyer

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Leif, great entry.

Approximately 47.5 hours remain!  GET YOUR ENTRIES IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!

DEADLINE: 04:00 Tues 1 July UTC.  East Coast: midnight, Tuesday morning.  West Coast: 9pm, Monday night.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
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