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Off Topic Chat => The Conversation Parlor => Topic started by: shutupdangit on June 01, 2012, 03:52:36 AM
So I know several of you play videogames out there, and I would just like to raise awareness for The Humble Indie Bundle. In this bundle, you get 5 incredible games: Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Limbo, Bastion, Psychonauts, and Sword & Sworcery. You pay whatever you want (however, you can only get Bastion if you pay above the average), and are DRM-free. You can also choose to split the money however you want between the developers, charity, and the website itself. The sale lasts for about 13 more days.
I already have Bastion and Limbo on the Xbox 360 however I have no regrets from buying them again because they are that good.
Amnesia: The Dark Decent; IMO, seriously over-rated. I hated it. FPS setting doesn't work, puzzles are boring, atmosphere is not immersive, controls weren't fluid, it's difficult and frustrating to naviagate and the list of complaints ad flaws just go on and on. Didn't get this at all.
Limbo: Stylish and fun but short and you'll probably only play it through once (3 hours or so should do it).
Bastion: Well executed with some nice innovations (the announcer) and an excellent soundtrack. Gameplay can get repetitive and difficulty curve often takes random tangents.
Psychonaughts: Excellent story and design marred by dull gameplay and tedious sidequests.
Haven't played S&S but I do have it.
All in all, I think these are games touted as great rather than actually, truly great games. By all means, get the bundle but I wouldn't pay TOO much for it.
You are entitled to your opinion, however I must say that you're the first person I've seen that's had a problem with the FPS nature or the immersion factor for Amnesia.
I think i's because I'm a sound designer and when you know all the tricks they're using to create the atmosphere, it comes across like a bare wireframe of techniques rather than an immersive, cohesive experience.
I just picked up the bundle! It's kind of hard to pass up if you are looking for a fun game to play at a cheap price. I already own Limbo, but no big deal since you are really only paying the price for one of the games and getting the rest free.
They just added Super Meat Boy, Braid, and Lone Survivor to the bundle. Looks like if you haven't bought the bundle yet, you would have to pay more than the average to get these three and Bastion, but if you already bought it before they added them, you get them regardless of what you paid. How nice!
So stoked they included Braid! have been wanting to play it for a while now. This is officially an awesome deal, if it wasn't considered one already! :D
OK, this deal just went from good to FREAKING SPECTACULAR.
Super Meat Boy is one of the most hardcore platformers in existence but it never feels like a grind, or frustrating die to phenomenally clever level design. It also has a great sense of humour and tonnes of unlockables.
Braid is one of the best games ever made. Excellently paced, beautiful at every turn and really forces you to think. Definitely the smartest puzzles ever in a platforming game, perhaps in any game ever.
I haven't gotten very far into Lone Survivor but I'm very impressed with it so far. Creepy as all hell and not afraid to do things to get a reaction from you without feeling the need to explain itself. Only criticism is that it's obviously taken a lot of influence from Silent Hill and I feel it wears that influence on its sleeves a little too much (even borrowing sound effects from SH).