- A Discourse For Playing Cards
Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: CBJ on November 02, 2012, 01:13:27 PM
There has been a lot of whispers and secrets going around about the Ellusionis secret related to the Sultan Republic deck...
well... thanks to Chris Lazarus... he's ruined the surprise for everyone.... and trying to sell it for $100.. what a dumbass (" onclick=";return false;
Here is the Sultan Treasury Deck
seriously though.. don't buy that ebay deck for $100.
you'll kick yourself later
Like I said.. don't buy it on ebay...
these decks are available now for purchase if you have the link.. by breaking the code from the first Sultan.
There is a 3 deck limit per order, and they are selling for $9.95 per deck.
I would imagine, these will be on full release on Black Friday.
actually... here's the write up from the site...
"You have discovered The Treasury.
This deck is a hybrid of the Sultan Republic and is LIMITED. At this stage, only 2500 will be released for sale to the public.
Due to the rare and collectible nature of these decks, they've been limited to 3 decks per order
We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards. You earned it, let others earn it if they can."
"100 BC, The Treasury derives from one legend that bandits and pirates of the east hid their loot in a stone urn high on the second level. Significant damage from bullets can be seen impaling the urn in hopes of breaking it open and spilling the treasure within.
Tucked away in the rocky cliffs of Petra, Jordan, the map you'll see inside is the very destination in which one of the worlds most extravagant structures and mysteries still stands today. Welcome to the ancient steps of Al Khazneh - Your journey begins here. "
(click pic for larger view)
It's pretty easy to figure out the link since you posted that last picture. :o
probably cheaper here!
I can't use that Ellusionist link because I haven't earned it D:
probably cheaper here!
Are you serious right now man?
probably cheaper here!
Are you serious right now man?
Just throwing it out there. They're still available on the E website, so thought people would like to know that :)
probably cheaper here!
Are you serious right now man?
Just throwing it out there. They're still available on the E website, so thought people would like to know that :)
They were only for people who spent time and money buying the Sultan deck, and deciphering it.
probably cheaper here!
Are you serious right now man?
Just throwing it out there. They're still available on the E website, so thought people would like to know that :)
They were only for people who spent time and money buying the Sultan deck, and deciphering it.
oh gotcha, oh well...
Guys, it's an eBay sale, not local. He can charge whatever the hell he wants. Doesn't mean you or anyone else has to buy it. Cut the cross-talk, please.
Brown_baggs: some secrets are meant to be kept secret...
At this stage, only 2500 will be released for sale to the public.
EDIT: Didn't notice this was a sales thread, sorry for the hijacking Evan.
Only 2500 will be released to the public at this time. So, ergo, there are probably at least 5000. Therefore, not worth anything close to $100. $10-$15 max I'd say. That said, it looks a lot cooler than the normal one.
Guys, it's an eBay sale, not local. He can charge whatever the hell he wants. Doesn't mean you or anyone else has to buy it. Cut the cross-talk, please.
Brown_baggs: some secrets are meant to be kept secret...
who cares. Cats out of the bag. I'm just sharing some info with my friends in the community. If you want to cry about it go ahead but I think everybody should get the chance at this deck.
probably cheaper here!
Are you serious right now man?
Just throwing it out there. They're still available on the E website, so thought people would like to know that :)
They were only for people who spent time and money buying the Sultan deck, and deciphering it.
translation: the market value of this deck I'm selling is decreasing as we speak
It's pretty easy to figure out the link since you posted that last picture. :o
How so? The link doesn't appear in the image.
Only 2500 will be released to the public at this time. So, ergo, there are probably at least 5000. Therefore, not worth anything close to $100. $10-$15 max I'd say. That said, it looks a lot cooler than the normal one.
DECEPTIVE MARKETING STRIKES AGAIN. but in all seriousness I agree, this deck looks way better than the originals imo. Although given the past history of Ellusionist decks that had a limited release, the price for these could become really high at some point.
It's pretty easy to figure out the link since you posted that last picture. :o
How so? The link doesn't appear in the image.
It doesn't, but really it's not too hard to make an educated guess about what it is. I figured it out in about 10 seconds
edit: just double checked and yeah, the Red Artifice, Gold Arcane and LTD decks all had runs of 5000 decks, and those can go for $50-$100. Wouldn't be too surprised to see these decks go for around that much at some point.
translation: the market value of this deck I'm selling is decreasing as we speak
Pretty much. The ad says that only 2,500 have been released for this sale, implying a larger overall quantity, probably a 5,000-deck print run. As more people either decipher the code or get it leaked to them, the value will continue to drop further.
Only 2500 will be released to the public at this time. So, ergo, there are probably at least 5000. Therefore, not worth anything close to $100. $10-$15 max I'd say. That said, it looks a lot cooler than the normal one.
DECEPTIVE MARKETING STRIKES AGAIN. but in all seriousness I agree, this deck looks way better than the originals imo. Although given the past history of Ellusionist decks that had a limited release, the price for these could become really high at some point.
It's not deceptive for people who know how to read. I sussed it out immediately.
As far as track record for past rare decks, this isn't the age of the BG1E or the Gold Arcane anymore. There are countless limited-release decks, fragmenting the market - there's been some growth, I'm sure, but it's still a luxury hobby and there's a lot more rare releases these days. Black Crowns were made at 5K decks, they're going for about $20 - not a huge markup. Gold Crowns are a bit more expensive, but they're still a bit harder to obtain. In comparison, the BG1E and GA were never openly sold, only available as a premium item - even when they had GA specials, you still had to buy merchandise to get the deck. This deck is openly being sold, albeit through a hidden webpage. It's not all that hard to get, ergo, its current and near-future market price will not get as high as the earlier rare decks.
well one was just sold for 40 bucks, so I don't think it's totally unreasonable to think that the market price will be around that point at some point. I think the difference is that Ellusionist has a much larger consumer base, so 5000 decks for Ellusionist is equal to a much smaller run from another company. I could be wrong, but it's not like the LTD, Gold Arcane and Red Artifice came out that long ago, and there is a much higher demand for Ellusionist decks than any other company I can think of. Will it reach the same price as those decks? Probably not, but I would definitely guess that it'll be higher than most decks that get 5000 deck runs.
well one was just sold for 40 bucks, so I don't think it's totally unreasonable to think that the market price will be around that point at some point. I think the difference is that Ellusionist has a much larger consumer base, so 5000 decks for Ellusionist is equal to a much smaller run from another company. I could be wrong, but it's not like the LTD, Gold Arcane and Red Artifice came out that long ago, and there is a much higher demand for Ellusionist decks than any other company I can think of. Will it reach the same price as those decks? Probably not, but I would definitely guess that it'll be higher than most decks that get 5000 deck runs.
Fools and money - they don't stay together long.
This is a deck that can be bought at retail for ten bucks. Anyone paying more than that is foolish in the extreme. But never underestimate the power of foolish thinking...
Quite surprised that ellusionist went the route of aged looking playing cards. From the recent sale of the series 1800 I gathered that the cards were not amongst the most popular items from ellusionist, and its understandable why the market hasn't flocked to those like the other decks.
That being said though, the interior design of the box is wonderful to the extent that the ripped box itself by far catches my attention much more than the cards.
It's pretty easy to figure out the link since you posted that last picture. :o
True. - I feel bad for the buyer who bought their deck at $40.
you can sell it for whatever you want but you make me sick saying you bring people the playing card news on fb. Instead of letting them know that they can get these from E or wait for a possible release (like CBJ) you just try to make a quick buck. You also try to stop others from letting people know about the sale on the E website. You aren't bringing the news you using it for you own benefit
you can sell it for whatever you want but you make me sick saying you bring people the playing card news on fb. Instead of letting them know that they can get these from E or wait for a possible release (like CBJ) you just try to make a quick buck. You also try to stop others from letting people know about the sale on the E website. You aren't bringing the news you using it for you own benefit
You act like people don't resell decks for more than they got them for. Have you seen the Sales section here? Ebay? And the reason that I didn't post about these is because it was supposed to be a secret according to E.
it seems you had no problem not keeping it a secret once you started selling it for 4 times what it's going for on
it seems you had no problem not keeping it a secret once you started selling it for 4 times what it's going for on
The decks on Ellusionist were ONLY for people who solved the mystery in the deck.
I just want to point out that you guys should not buy from Lazarus. He was a customer of mine for the Vortex deck. He ordered three decks and inquired when they would ship. I answered him numerous times, and he ended up cursing me out.
This is not the bad part.
He filed a claim with Amazon (which was quickly shut down since I had proof of our conversations and shipment, etc) and tried to get a refund after I shipped his cards out.
I've had a few people try to do this, but with him I have seen reports from our members about him trying to scam on eBay.
His KS project was also quite sketchy.
Better safe than sorry, and you can get these decks from the E website for $9 or from our trusted sellers here for a bit more. But not 100.
it seems you had no problem not keeping it a secret once you started selling it for 4 times what it's going for on
The decks on Ellusionist were ONLY for people who solved the mystery in the deck.
you keep saying that but you couldn't give a shit about it. You say that it's not fair to others to know about this deck if they didn't "solve" some "mystery" but you just want to scam others into paying way more than market value for the deck. you just want to make money, you don't care about anything else. It's well within your rights to do what you're doing, but don't lie and act like you're standing up for some noble cause when you're not.
well E's shipping costs has gone up to us Canadian customers :( But I like the deck so Ill live I guess. ;)
and don't get me wrong, you do a lot of good for the playing card community. Your youtube channel and facebook page are informative and I appreciate them being there. It's just that you don't have any moral high ground here, especially when your reason is "ellusionist wanted me to keep it a secret"
it seems you had no problem not keeping it a secret once you started selling it for 4 times what it's going for on
The decks on Ellusionist were ONLY for people who solved the mystery in the deck.
you keep saying that but you couldn't give a shit about it. You say that it's not fair to others to know about this deck if they didn't "solve" some "mystery" but you just want to scam others into paying way more than market value for the deck. you just want to make money, you don't care about anything else. It's well within your rights to do what you're doing, but don't lie and act like you're standing up for some noble cause when you're not.
First of all, how am I scamming others? You sound ridiculous.
Second of all, I'm not acting like I'm "standing up for a noble cause." I'm not standing up for anything.
selling a deck for 40 bucks when it's available for 10, deleting posts on your facebook about the deck because you don't want others to have full information about it. And you're saying that people who spent money on the other sultan deck deserve it more because ellusionist said so.
They were only for people who spent time and money buying the Sultan deck, and deciphering it.
And the reason that I didn't post about these is because it was supposed to be a secret according to E.
which you had no problem informing others about the deck when you could make a huge profit off of it.
selling a deck for 40 bucks when it's available for 10, deleting posts on your facebook about the deck because you don't want others to have full information about it. And you're saying that people who spent money on the other sultan deck deserve it more because ellusionist said so.
They were only for people who spent time and money buying the Sultan deck, and deciphering it.
And the reason that I didn't post about these is because it was supposed to be a secret according to E.
which you had no problem informing others about the deck when you could make a huge profit off of it.
You're contradicting yourself. You're saying that I didn't inform people about the deck, and then you're saying that I did.
you have no problem letting others know that the deck exists when it's available from you, but you do everything in your power to prevent people from knowing that it's available for significantly less money from ellusionist.
you have no problem letting others know that the deck exists when it's available from you, but you do everything in your power to prevent people from knowing that it's available for significantly less money from ellusionist.
The only reason that people shouldn't know that they're on Ellusionist, is because it is meant for the people who solved the mystery.
whatever helps you sleep better. I already said that that's bullshit reasoning, but if it's enough to justify it to you then I guess good luck with that.
once you know the name, so easy to find the link.
@evan you didnt keep it a secret because you sold it for 4x what you paid for it. By showing/selling it to others you let the cat out of the bag. It almost seems like scamming since people didnt know about the retail price (which you kept hidden and stopped people from posting on your fb page)
All in all I just think that was low of you. And I feel bad for the poor person who fell for your trick and bought a deck for 40. They essentially got scammed. :bosswalk:
@evan you didnt keep it a secret because you sold it for 4x what you paid for it. By showing/selling it to others you let the cat out of the bag. It almost seems like scamming since people didnt know about the retail price (which you kept hidden and stopped people from posting on your fb page)
All in all I just think that was low of you. And I feel bad for the poor person who fell for your trick and bought a deck for 40. They essentially got scammed. :bosswalk:
I don't feel bad for them at all. Perhaps it was low of Evan to post it that high and try to keep the page a secret, but let's be honest if you're buying a random deck without doing a little research first, you deserve what's coming to you. :P
Seriously, a simple Googling of the deck gives you the page:,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS484US484&sclient=psy-ab&q=sultan+treasury+playing+cards&oq=sultan+treasury+playing+cards&gs_l=serp.3..33i29.1997.6089.0.6141.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=8c0bb27d33614e56&bpcl=37189454&biw=1527&bih=875
It's the first result.
This thread is the third result.
once you know the name, so easy to find the link.
or just google it...
it's ridiculous for sell it higher than retail price on website...
I had posted the pics of the deck on my FB page earlier today... and when I got home tonight... this was in my e-mail... 10 times.
We have removed or disabled access to the following content that you have posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):
Photo from Album: "Sultan Treasury - By Ellusionist", uploaded on November 2nd, 10:10am PDT
We strongly encourage you to review the content you have posted to Facebook to make sure that you have not posted any other infringing content, as it is our policy to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers when appropriate.
If you believe that we have made a mistake in removing this content, then you can submit an appeal by filling out our automated form at http://ww (http://ww)" onclick=";return false; facebookXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX47731688587012.
The Facebook Team"
TOTAL BULLSH*T! These decks are listed on Ebay for Christ's sake... listed for HUNDREDS of dollars
Well screw them.... here is the link to buy them
So you guys like these ones more than the originals? How come?
The international shipping for 3 decks is outrageous, $26 cheapest option to Australia.
I've honestly got no problem with the situation, and don't really know what the fuss is. The decks page (We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards.) was to be found only by those who had found cracked a code of some sort. If Ellusionist really wanted to keep it a secret, you would've had to post some form of proof to them with your sultan deck or something like that. This would then lead you to a private page to purchase decks. There was no agreement formed on the page regarding "Do not sell this deck as it will give away its name."
Furthermore, the fact that they're limited at the moment implies that there will be more on the way, and in any form of Market, there are informed and uninformed traders. As the name implies, the uninformed trader will make bad decisions, and the informed traders reap the benefits. There's nothing wrong with that; it's how the market works, and it's why the market can keep existing the way it does. If the entire market consisted of informed traders, there would be no profit to be earned, and ultimately business could not exist in its current form.
Since everyone insisted on stepping on Evan's EBAY post and a second topic sprouted in the PCP, I've split out the conversation posts on the original topic and merged it with this one.
So you guys like these ones more than the originals? How come?
The weathered look and lighter color makes them more distinctive. Personally, I think they should have simply sold these up front with the others.
The international shipping for 3 decks is outrageous, $26 cheapest option to Australia.
It wasn't that much cheaper for me - they wanted nearly $20 to ship three decks to New York via US Mail - I use a PO Box so UPS and other shippers were not an option. I ended up cutting my order back to only two decks to get the total cost down - shipping dropped to just under $12.
While I don't feel Evan's heart was in the right place regarding his actions in getting his decks sold for more than retail while suppressing information about how to get them much more cheaply, that's something he has to live with. They're the kind of tactics used by rip-off artists, though I'm not calling him such since he is indeed selling his decks.
But Alex is correct in that this is a caveat emptor world we live in, and that a simple Google search does show the Ellusionist page selling the decks. I'm sure they could have found a way to suppress it from appearing on Google, so the fact that they didn't means this deck is fair game to find at retail by anyone who knows how to use Google. Any fool not taking the trouble to research the deck with even the simplest of search deserves what they're getting - one terrifically-expensive deck of cards including a penalty fee for being uninformed and too lazy.
So you guys like these ones more than the originals? How come?
- There's an aged look to it. Some members like that.
- It's different. - When was the last time you've seen an aged deck?
- In the eyes of resellers, it's limited.
- And, there's a "chase" involved in obtaining the deck.
I didnt like the other ones but I think these are awesome, Picked up 2 deck no reselling for me. But I think these colours look way better than the other edition.
- It's different. - When was the last time you've seen an aged deck?
A few months back, when Bicycle Americana was released. And the Distressed Expert Back deck, too. There are countless "aged-look" decks out there, you should know better.
My apologies to any posters who got confused when the topics on this deck were merged. The chatter started in an STISO post, the last place such conversations should be happening. CBJ started this one in the Plethora so it made sense to split out the posts from the STISO topic and put them in here. No posts were lost and it was not my intent to confuse people.
For future reference, posting all kinds of stuff not directly dealing with the purchase or sale in question on somebody's STISO topic is pretty inconsiderate to the seller.
If shipping wasn't $22 for 2 decks I'd be more inclined to buy some for collecting purposes.
Wow, ellusionist is really getting really ridiculous with their shipping. $13 is just crazy in my opinion. I miss the good o'l days with $4 shipping within the US :(
I paid over $11 for shipping for 3 decks, which is way more than what ive paid previously. not sure whats going on but E shipping is getting ridiculous. probably better to get decks from another retailer at this point
@Don: You cannot prevent Google from caching a page unless you password protect it or do some other method of keeping the spider bots out of it. Even then Google scours the code and still caches the password protected page.
After a good nights sleep, I've calmed down a bit.
I'm taking down the link to buy the decks, if you had a chance to see it.. awesome! If not, I'm sure you can find a way to get it.
But DON't buy these for the crazy prices on Ebay... for the love of god lol
E is selling these decks for 9.95
Even if you still have the link, or even google search it, it takes you to the regular Sultan Republic page..... Kind of odd, isn't it?
That's because they changed the link.
That's because they changed the link.
Ok, that makes sense. Well, my original Sultan deck is coming today, so I should have the link soon enough.
If the link isn't posted, you might want to remove that from the currently misleading title.
A few months back, when Bicycle Americana was released. And the Distressed Expert Back deck, too. There are countless "aged-look" decks out there, you should know better.
Oh, I was only recalling the decks that mattered to me. Sure, the Americana was important, but the Expert Back, not so much. What is that? One, maybe two decks in significance in the last few months?
did they change link cuz the old one dosent work anymore. or they sell out?
did they change link cuz the old one dosent work anymore. or they sell out?
Like I said above, they changed the link so that only people who have deciphered the deck, can access it.
did they change link cuz the old one dosent work anymore. or they sell out?
Like I said above, they changed the link so that only people who have deciphered the deck, can access it.
8) cool.
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Did you now? Proof please...just a little bit.
I forgot to remove the decks from my cart on ellusionist and I have the new link ;D Oh yeah and for some reason 3 deck shipping international is at $12? I'm very confused right now.
I forgot to remove the decks from my cart on ellusionist and I have the new link ;D Oh yeah and for some reason 3 deck shipping international is at $12? I'm very confused right now.
it was over $11 for domestic shipping for both UPS an USPS, which is ridiculous. no idea how E is justifying these shipping prices but there's no way that it's costing them that much.
@Don: You cannot prevent Google from caching a page unless you password protect it or do some other method of keeping the spider bots out of it. Even then Google scours the code and still caches the password protected page.
I was under the impression that you could have a page not get listed by Google by request. Perhaps I was mistaken.
If the link isn't posted, you might want to remove that from the currently misleading title.
A few months back, when Bicycle Americana was released. And the Distressed Expert Back deck, too. There are countless "aged-look" decks out there, you should know better.
Oh, I was only recalling the decks that mattered to me. Sure, the Americana was important, but the Expert Back, not so much. What is that? One, maybe two decks in significance in the last few months?
That's more than you claimed there was. Just because it doesn't matter to you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
I forgot to remove the decks from my cart on ellusionist and I have the new link ;D Oh yeah and for some reason 3 deck shipping international is at $12? I'm very confused right now.
it was over $11 for domestic shipping for both UPS an USPS, which is ridiculous. no idea how E is justifying these shipping prices but there's no way that it's costing them that much.
Sounds like they're having some shipping calculation foul-ups. We'll see soon enough.
It seems like it may have been a mishap, however the payment has been made already so I may have gotten lucky regarding shipping costs. So I ordered 3.
An excerpt from a PM convo I had with Jake, this part is regarding the shipping prices:
We're also looking into fixing up the shipping on these decks as well, which we wouldn't have known about had it not been for the posts here.
Keep fighting the good fight, they're listening. :P
I paid $11.95 for shipping for my SR Treasury decks. Much more than it should be.
I did think something was odd when it was $12 international when the day before it was around $22
This deck is beautiful... It's like series 1800 and sultan had sex, while artifice was watching praying the baby was beautiful and it was...
I don't like the 3 deck limit though, a 6 deck limit would be perfect though :P.
Oh and heres the link
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Pictures of artwork? Conversations with E? If you did indeed design it, I'm sure you can prove it.
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Pictures of artwork? Conversations with E? If you did indeed design it, I'm sure you can prove it.
all private and confidential. Rest assured, I am not lying.
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Pictures of artwork? Conversations with E? If you did indeed design it, I'm sure you can prove it.
all private and confidential. Rest assured, I am not lying.
How can you expect us to believe that if you provide no proof?
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
An excerpt from a PM convo I had with Jake, this part is regarding the shipping prices:
We're also looking into fixing up the shipping on these decks as well, which we wouldn't have known about had it not been for the posts here.
Keep fighting the good fight, they're listening. :P
is there a possibility that I could get some money refunded on shipping if I already made a payment, or is it a lost cause?
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
you'd lie about it for the same reason you brought it up in the first place
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
please PM your name, address, SSN, and credit card information, and I will mail you a deck to sign
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
Dude with out proof you can not except us to believe you. That is like me saying, David blaine and I grew up performing magic together. If it was real I would have proof. As evan said you would have original art work that you could share because it would be yours. Or messages with Ellusionist of you sending them the design.
You guys are being so silly.
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
Seems legit... ::)
I recommend that no one send ANY decks to this person until he proves that he is actually the designer.
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
He's lying, and perhaps just trying to have some fun.
If you want proof of how I know, I was the one who changed the URL. If you know how to find the decks the first time, you'll know the second time. We're also taking steps to make sure that no-one cheats. It's not fair to the people who actually did the work.
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
He's lying, and perhaps just trying to have some fun.
If you want proof of how I know, I was the one who changed the URL. If you know how to find the decks the first time, you'll know the second time. We're also taking steps to make sure that no-one cheats. It's not fair to the people who actually did the work.
Thank you for clearing that up!
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
He's lying, and perhaps just trying to have some fun.
If you want proof of how I know, I was the one who changed the URL. If you know how to find the decks the first time, you'll know the second time. We're also taking steps to make sure that no-one cheats. It's not fair to the people who actually did the work.
Am not.
Kcaso sultan deck maker
is there a possibility that I could get some money refunded on shipping if I already made a payment, or is it a lost cause?
We were made aware of the issue from these forums, so thanks for that. We're taking a look at the system and trying to figure out if anything was indeed wrong. We're not at all unreasonable, and if something jumps out at us that seems like it was, we'll take the steps to correct that.
Send your order information in a support ticket via and let them know what you think has happened, and we'll (or myself) will look at the information on hand and get back to you.
As always, talking to us (Ellusionist) is the quickest way to get a proper response and the correct information.
Thanks for being patient. And remember, if you know the link, let the other people work for it too.
cause i told you I'm not lying. why would i?
He's lying, and perhaps just trying to have some fun.
If you want proof of how I know, I was the one who changed the URL. If you know how to find the decks the first time, you'll know the second time. We're also taking steps to make sure that no-one cheats. It's not fair to the people who actually did the work.
Hi david! Hope to see you comment here more.
is there a possibility that I could get some money refunded on shipping if I already made a payment, or is it a lost cause?
We were made aware of the issue from these forums, so thanks for that. We're taking a look at the system and trying to figure out if anything was indeed wrong. We're not at all unreasonable, and if something jumps out at us that seems like it was, we'll take the steps to correct that.
Send your order information in a support ticket via and let them know what you think has happened, and we'll (or myself) will look at the information on hand and get back to you.
As always, talking to us (Ellusionist) is the quickest way to get a proper response and the correct information.
Thanks for being patient. And remember, if you know the link, let the other people work for it too.
I was wondering the same thing as sr15, but whenever I submit a support ticket, I never get a reply.
I was wondering the same thing as sr15, but whenever I submit a support ticket, I never get a reply.
That's actually more troubling to me. Can you send me a PM with the email address you used and I'll look it up in our records. Unfortunately our spam filter is a little on the agressive side, but it shouldn't be prevently legitmate issues from getting through.
So this DM is legit Ellusionist? That's cool.
Is there any reason why I paid $12 international shipping for 3 decks? When yesterday when I calculated shipping before checking out it was $22? I'm not complaining, and the transaction has already gone through, but I was curious to this.
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
please PM your name, address, SSN, and credit card information, and I will mail you a deck to sign
Like I'm going to believe you.
So this DM is legit Ellusionist? That's cool.
Is there any reason why I paid $12 international shipping for 3 decks? When yesterday when I calculated shipping before checking out it was $22? I'm not complaining, and the transaction has already gone through, but I was curious to this.
Make him show proof, emails to ellusionist. Can never be too careful round these parts.
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
please PM your name, address, SSN, and credit card information, and I will mail you a deck to sign
Like I'm going to believe you.
His post was sarcastic to yours.
Did you guys know I designed these decks?
Sorry, bro - I call bullshit on that. What on earth made you think we'd believe that statement?
lol cause its true
Can you provide any proof?
Pictures of artwork? Conversations with E? If you did indeed design it, I'm sure you can prove it.
all private and confidential. Rest assured, I am not lying.
Boys and girls, if you believe any of this bullshit, there's a really nice bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you - vintage but in good condition...I also have some prime lunar real estate, and we're looking into branching out into Mars as well, possibly even Venus (though there it's really more about airspace rights)...
We've never had issues with others from Ellusionist discussing products that are already in release - what would make you so special? Or are you just a genius in your own mind? Can you even name the people you were in contact with over at E? Who signed your contract there - or are you a regular salaried employee? I'm pretty sure you can't answer any of these questions truthfully, but I thought it would be fun to ask...
Just give it up, kid, because until you back up your statements with actual evidence, there's not one person here who's buying what you're selling.
Just send me the decks you wanted signed and ill do it, no prob.
So, if I sign a deck, that makes me the designer? It's all so clear now... All this time I could have designed dozens, even hundreds of decks, simply by adding my autograph to them... Perhaps I still can, since I have about five hundred different models lying around...
You guys are being so silly.
And you're being a useless troll. What of it?
Alex, can we kick this fool to the curb or something?
So this DM is legit Ellusionist? That's cool.
Is there any reason why I paid $12 international shipping for 3 decks? When yesterday when I calculated shipping before checking out it was $22? I'm not complaining, and the transaction has already gone through, but I was curious to this.
Make him show proof, emails to ellusionist. Can never be too careful round these parts.
Why? He has people here that vouch for him, people who can tell the real deal apart from the bullshitters such as yourself...
I'm done with this idiot.
So this DM is legit Ellusionist? That's cool.
Is there any reason why I paid $12 international shipping for 3 decks? When yesterday when I calculated shipping before checking out it was $22? I'm not complaining, and the transaction has already gone through, but I was curious to this.
As I said, we're looking into it, but at this time I can't comment without knowing everything.
So this DM is legit Ellusionist? That's cool.
Is there any reason why I paid $12 international shipping for 3 decks? When yesterday when I calculated shipping before checking out it was $22? I'm not complaining, and the transaction has already gone through, but I was curious to this.
As I said, we're looking into it, but at this time I can't comment without knowing everything.
will that mean I will have to cover the forgone shipping costs?
Don gets so angry. Im a salary employee actually.
What I do to be kicked to curb? Broke no rules.
Don gets so angry. Im a salary employee actually.
What I do to be kicked to curb? Broke no rules.
Attempting to scam?
I thought we were friends. Nice to see you push me under the bus so quickly.
I thought we were friends. Nice to see you push me under the bus so quickly.
Dude, you just lied to us all and attempted to scam us...
You can't prove I'm lying. So shush.
You can't prove I'm lying. So shush.
It was just proven. David from Ellusionist just posted that you did not design the Sultan deck.
He has no idea who I am though, maybe incognito??
He has no idea who I am though, maybe incognito??
That's exactly it! He has no clue who you are.
Sounds to me like your jealous of my design skills
Sounds to me like your jealous of my design skills
Your's? no. The real designer's of the Sultan deck? Definitely.
Did you buy many? When will you make a in depth review?
If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me kcaso.
Did you buy many? When will you make a in depth review?
I bought some but I probably wont do a review because I probably won't open them due to their rarity. I haven't decided for sure, though.
Sorry I mean reg sultans
Sorry I mean reg sultans
Oh. Yes, I'll have a review of those up within the next couple days. I've already filmed it. I just have to edit and upload it.
If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me kcaso.
Says the guy with sac in his name.
Sorry I mean reg sultans
Oh. Yes, I'll have a review of those up within the next couple days. I've already filmed it. I just have to edit and upload it.
Like them more after you saw in person?
If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me kcaso.
Says the guy with sac in his name.
No milk will ever be our milk.
Sorry I mean reg sultans
Oh. Yes, I'll have a review of those up within the next couple days. I've already filmed it. I just have to edit and upload it.
Like them more after you saw in person?
Definitely. Mostly because I thought the backs were black, but they're actually navy.
I was trying To tell everyone that
i really like the box of the sultan treasury deck, how the inside is like a map to find another treasure maybe? 8)
Don gets so angry. Im a salary employee actually.
What I do to be kicked to curb? Broke no rules.
Just the one about trolling. Everything you've said about your involvement with Ellusionist is total bullshit. If you want to troll, take it to the LOLAQ - you can make any dumbass claims over there as you want if you really feel like drumming up more posts. We take a dim view of it in here.
Get over the bullshit and move on.
Kcaso, consider this a warning. While you'll usually be beaten off the forum for trying to spam, when you try to scam, we take that seriously. Our ban list consists of spambots and two scammers at the moment. I don't want you to be a third. Get your shit together and stay a contributing member.
Next time you annoy people, it's a permaban. We're not short on awesome members here, don't think we need you, but we also believe in second chances.
Back on topic, this thread is about the Sultan Treasury deck!
All I did to find them was google 'Sultan Treasury Deck' and the E site came up... just to let you guys know
All I did to find them was google 'Sultan Treasury Deck' and the E site came up... just to let you guys know
The first result you get, however, now redirects to the normal deck page and not the Treasury version.
You can't prove I'm lying. So shush.
How about you bugger off. I'm sorry I backed you up. A personal apology to Karak and Dee. I can't stand a person who both lies and is an idiot rolled into one. Don't disrespect our mods either. As Alex said, we believe in second chances... Redeem yourself.
Back on topic; nice looking deck. Has anyone had the feeling that it was designed to oppose Monarchs? Not the Rebels.
The treasury edition is awesome,but now i feel like the regular sultan(beside the tuck box) is a joke. Like the monarch, when the white monarch came out, the regular navy version looked inferior imo
i really like the box of the sultan treasury deck, how the inside is like a map to find another treasure maybe? 8)
After you wrote this, I spotted a photo of this deck with the deck box torn open to reveal the map inside. It may very well be "part two" of the quest...
I'd recommend carefully opening a deck at the seams, so you can reglue it closed once you've scanned a copy of it.
Whilst the map does hint at being the next stage of the quest its quite weird that to accomplish it you would have to essentially destroy the box your deck came in.
so I sent an inquiry to the ellusionist support center about my $11.14 shipping costs and got this back:
When I place an order for treasury decks using your address I get .33 less then you paid, shipping prices fluctuate...
- Jennifer.
great customer service you got there, E. Don't even get a real answer or justification, just a snippy response. Guess I'll be getting my Sultan Republic decks from a 3rd party.
so I sent an inquiry to the ellusionist support center about my $11.14 shipping costs...
We believe this may have been a USPS error. It appears it's possible something happened at USPS that meant their shipping calculator was charging regular costs instead of our negotiated account costs, hence the 33c difference. Despite it not being an Ellusionist fault - you're our customer and you were inconvenienced, so we would like to do right by you.
The easiest way for us to fix this would be to issue you a coupon code - given it's 33c, I'm happy to authorise a $1 Unique Coupon for your next order, or you can request that we refund the 33c to your payment method via reverse charge. Simply reply to the email you received and we can take it from there.
Does the map hint at another Treasure? Well, the Sultan Republic led you to two treasures (for those who found them both) - could the map have something to do with the current treasure, or possible future treasures? Who knows? Where could this journey end? How many roads does a man need to cross? Will our heros be saved in the next episode... etc.
Kcaso. The designer of the Sultan Republic Deck was also the designer of the Sultan Treasury Deck (go figure). We clearly state the designer of the Republic deck was Mike Clarke, on our product page. Something tells me Mike would not be the type to call himself 'Che Cazzo' or any variation of such, so no. I don't think anyone here will be vouching for you anytime shortly.
Thanks for your feedback folks - helps us address these sorts of things quickly.
I'm not concerned about 33 cents, I'm concerned about the nearly 7 dollar difference between an order I placed on E last week and an order I placed today for a different company. These prices are for the same delivery method. USPS priority mail was quoted at nearly 12 dollars last week, while it was 4.50 on an order I placed today.
I just checked the shipping for 3 regular sultan republic decks, and it seems like it's been fixed for that since it's now 7 dollars for priority and 4 dollars for first class, but these weren't there when I made my order. I don't have the link for the treasury decks and I don't know if shipping for them is different, but there is obviously a large disparity between the shipping on my order for 3 decks and the shipping for 3 decks right now.
edit: It also doesn't explain why first class USPS shipping is available now but wasn't available for my order last friday.
edit2: for reference, I actually used UPS ground to ship these, because at the time it was cheaper than the quote for USPS priority mail.
Whilst the map does hint at being the next stage of the quest its quite weird that to accomplish it you would have to essentially destroy the box your deck came in.
If you're careful, you don't have to destroy anything. Pop it open at the glued spots carefully, then reglue it when you're done. It's an open deck at that point anyway, it's not like you're hurting the resale value.
so I sent an inquiry to the ellusionist support center about my $11.14 shipping costs...
We believe this may have been a USPS error. It appears it's possible something happened at USPS that meant their shipping calculator was charging regular costs instead of our negotiated account costs, hence the 33c difference. Despite it not being an Ellusionist fault - you're our customer and you were inconvenienced, so we would like to do right by you.
The easiest way for us to fix this would be to issue you a coupon code - given it's 33c, I'm happy to authorise a $1 Unique Coupon for your next order, or you can request that we refund the 33c to your payment method via reverse charge. Simply reply to the email you received and we can take it from there.
Does the map hint at another Treasure? Well, the Sultan Republic led you to two treasures (for those who found them both) - could the map have something to do with the current treasure, or possible future treasures? Who knows? Where could this journey end? How many roads does a man need to cross? Will our heros be saved in the next episode... etc.
Kcaso. The designer of the Sultan Republic Deck was also the designer of the Sultan Treasury Deck (go figure). We clearly state the designer of the Republic deck was Mike Clarke, on our product page. Something tells me Mike would not be the type to call himself 'Che Cazzo' or any variation of such, so no. I don't think anyone here will be vouching for you anytime shortly.
Thanks for your feedback folks - helps us address these sorts of things quickly.
First of all, Jake, thanks for stopping by.
Second, thanks for the comments about Kcaso! Sounds like he's just a kid trying to grab attention.
Now, to the real point...
I placed an order for three of these decks, but when I saw that the shipping was over $18 to a US PO Box address via USPS, I had to scale it back to only two, and it was still nearly twelve bucks for shipping them. This seems pretty crazy when someone like me, who doesn't have a corporate account with USPS, can ship a Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope with as much as a dozen decks in it for only $5.15 with Delivery Confirmation when I purchase online. Yes, I acknowledge that there's ancillary costs for staff, storage and bubble wrap, but those shipping figures seem really high.
@Xntrix, when i ordered, there were only 2 shipping options. One was $11.95 or so, and the other was in the $20's. Now if I want to order, it is as low as $5.40. Is it possible for me to get the difference refunded? (I made 2 orders)
@Xntrix, when i ordered, there were only 2 shipping options. One was $11.95 or so, and the other was in the $20's. Now if I want to order, it is as low as $5.40. Is it possible for me to get the difference refunded? (I made 2 orders)
Two orders on a limited item? That you're reselling on eBay for a huge profit? When it's restricted to only three to a customer? For shame... :))
@Xntrix, when i ordered, there were only 2 shipping options. One was $11.95 or so, and the other was in the $20's. Now if I want to order, it is as low as $5.40. Is it possible for me to get the difference refunded? (I made 2 orders)
Two orders on a limited item? That you're reselling on eBay for a huge profit? When it's restricted to only three to a customer? For shame... :))
I don't understand why you say, "for a huge profit." I am selling it for $24.99 and I bought it for $10.... that's not "huge profit." And at the time that I purchased my decks, all it said was that it was limited to three per order, not per customer. Now it says per customer, but at the time of my order, it didn't.
The first one you sold you sold for like $40. that is a huge profit.
The first one you sold you sold for like $40. that is a huge profit.
the first three he sold at 40 bucks...not sure when evan became such a bullshitter
anyway, I'm not sure if Ellusionist is trying to avoid responsibility, but I've now gotten two responses from two different people that are essentially saying that we'll all have to eat the cost from their mistake (assuming it is a mistake and not just them trying to get extra money from inflated shipping costs). Obviously they don't have to do anything, but it would be great for their reputation if they fixed it in some way.
@Xntrix, when i ordered, there were only 2 shipping options. One was $11.95 or so, and the other was in the $20's. Now if I want to order, it is as low as $5.40. Is it possible for me to get the difference refunded? (I made 2 orders)
i don't think they supposed to refund it because you already agree on the shipping price when you pay for it. what if your buyer who paid $40 want a refund because now you sell it for $25? would you give the refund? i don't think so. same case here
@Xntrix, when i ordered, there were only 2 shipping options. One was $11.95 or so, and the other was in the $20's. Now if I want to order, it is as low as $5.40. Is it possible for me to get the difference refunded? (I made 2 orders)
i don't think they supposed to refund it because you already agree on the shipping price when you pay for it. what if your buyer who paid $40 want a refund because now you sell it for $25? would you give the refund? i don't think so. same case here
I will say this is different. Ellusionist has a set system for shipping. If the system messed up and over charged him, he should get a refund. With him selling it, its just him making it cheaper. Decided selling the 1st batch for 4x the price was good enough.
Yes, they sold for $40, but those people could have easily just bid and got it for much less because there was an auction option as well.
E has every right to charge whatever the heck they want for shipping and you can choose to buy them or not, if they want to raise costs for a big release like these with more orders being made (maybe for extra staff hours) they can.
Dont be babies about it you agree to pay it when you check out.
E has every right to charge whatever the heck they want for shipping and you can choose to buy them or not, if they want to raise costs for a big release like these with more orders being made (maybe for extra staff hours) they can.
Dont be babies about it you agree to pay it when you check out.
you're free to think that, but in the business world, reputation means a lot. If you pull shitty practices like upcharging on shipping, then that reflects poorly on the company. Not worth buying from a company that does things like that
edit: kinda like what evan did. was it worth it in the short run? sure, he made a big profit. In the long run, though, his reputation here probably took a hit
edit 2: and for the record, I think it's more likely that it was actually a shipping glitch than purposely charging more shipping to hide costs. Either way, not fixing it still has the same effect.
I don't understand why you say, "for a huge profit." I am selling it for $24.99 and I bought it for $10.... that's not "huge profit." And at the time that I purchased my decks, all it said was that it was limited to three per order, not per customer. Now it says per customer, but at the time of my order, it didn't.
Yes, they sold for $40, but those people could have easily just bid and got it for much less because there was an auction option as well.
Evan, if you don't see a return on investment of 150-300% over the course of less than a week as a huge profit, then you're head's so far up your ass you can't even smell your own crap anymore.
Is what you did illegal? No. Is it dishonorable and slimy? Hell yes.
E has every right to charge whatever the heck they want for shipping and you can choose to buy them or not, if they want to raise costs for a big release like these with more orders being made (maybe for extra staff hours) they can.
Dont be babies about it you agree to pay it when you check out.
If you ran a company and that was your version of "customer service", I don't think you'd be hanging on to your customers for very much longer... It sounds a lot more like there was a glitch in the shipping calculations. Raising an item's price is one thing, but hiding costs in "shipping and handling" is something completely different. It's not like a rare deck requires some kind of special handling or shipping process than a regular one doesn't, so there's no good reason for the sudden change, especially when we know for a fact that it could be shipped for far, far less - and we don't even get a corporate volume discount; we're just using the retail prices for USPS's services.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
E has every right to charge whatever the heck they want for shipping and you can choose to buy them or not, if they want to raise costs for a big release like these with more orders being made (maybe for extra staff hours) they can.
Dont be babies about it you agree to pay it when you check out.
you're free to think that, but in the business world, reputation means a lot. If you pull shitty practices like upcharging on shipping, then that reflects poorly on the company. Not worth buying from a company that does things like that
edit: kinda like what evan did. was it worth it in the short run? sure, he made a big profit. In the long run, though, his reputation here probably took a hit
I agree it isnt a good thing and I dont think it is right but if thats what they want to do no one is entitled to a refund.
and in regards to evans thing, I really dont see anything wrong with it, it is no different than what many other ebayers do and the only difference is that we know who is selling the decks.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
That's a fantastic quote and I thank you for sharing it, but I haven't done anything like that.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
That's a fantastic quote and I thank you for sharing it, but I haven't done anything like that.
you deleted my posts specifically from the facebook page where I informed others about the deck. what do you call that?
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
That's a fantastic quote and I thank you for sharing it, but I haven't done anything like that.
you deleted my posts specifically from the facebook page where I informed others about the deck. what do you call that?
I deleted comments of people who were posting the link to the deck. I did not delete comments that were just telling people about the deck. I even told people that it was available on, but only to people who deciphered the Sultan deck.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
That's a fantastic quote and I thank you for sharing it, but I haven't done anything like that.
you deleted my posts specifically from the facebook page where I informed others about the deck. what do you call that?
I deleted comments of people who were posting the link to the deck. I did not delete comments that were just telling people about the deck. I even told people that it was available on, but only to people who deciphered the Sultan deck.
not once did I post the link to the deck, yet you deleted multiple comments made by me. you deleted posts informing about the deck when the link was revealed and easy to find, and then told people about the deck once Ellusionist changed the link because you had nothing to worry about then.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
"an item is worth more when I hide information from others"
That's a fantastic quote and I thank you for sharing it, but I haven't done anything like that.
you deleted my posts specifically from the facebook page where I informed others about the deck. what do you call that?
I deleted comments of people who were posting the link to the deck. I did not delete comments that were just telling people about the deck. I even told people that it was available on, but only to people who deciphered the Sultan deck.
not once did I post the link to the deck, yet you deleted multiple comments made by me. you deleted posts informing about the deck when the link was revealed and easy to find, and then told people about the deck once Ellusionist changed the link because you had nothing to worry about then.
That's completely false.
that's not false in the slightest. When you were advertising your original auctions, I mentioned that the deck was available on Ellusionist and that the first person who bought your deck was massively overpaying. This was before E changed the link. All my comments were deleted by you. If you want to make this your word vs. mine, I'm fine with that because your word has no credibility right now.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
In a fair market, yes. But when you went out of your way to suppress information about where to get the deck at the same price you did, and when you attempted getting more than what Ellusionist would consider your fair share of the deck, well, you tried to change the playing field and the market's no longer a fair one.
As I said, not illegal, but dishonorable and slimy. The short-term profits you gained are probably not worth the long-term damage to your reputation.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
In a fair market, yes. But when you went out of your way to suppress information about where to get the deck at the same price you did, and when you attempted getting more than what Ellusionist would consider your fair share of the deck, well, you tried to change the playing field and the market's no longer a fair one.
As I said, not illegal, but dishonorable and slimy. The short-term profits you gained are probably not worth the long-term damage to your reputation.
I did not suppress any information at all. And I did not buy more decks than were allowed!
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
are you saying that what I said here is false:
When you were advertising your original auctions, I mentioned that the deck was available on Ellusionist and that the first person who bought your deck was massively overpaying. This was before E changed the link. All my comments were deleted by you. If you want to make this your word vs. mine, I'm fine with that because your word has no credibility right now.
or are you saying that you don't agree that it's suppressing information
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
In a fair market, yes. But when you went out of your way to suppress information about where to get the deck at the same price you did, and when you attempted getting more than what Ellusionist would consider your fair share of the deck, well, you tried to change the playing field and the market's no longer a fair one.
As I said, not illegal, but dishonorable and slimy. The short-term profits you gained are probably not worth the long-term damage to your reputation.
I did not suppress any information at all. And I did not buy more decks than were allowed!
So, then Ellusionist DIDN'T change the wording of their offer from "three per order" to "three per person"? Because that would contradict what you've already said. They wouldn't have changed it if they didn't think people like you were abusing it, largely for profit at the expense of others, thus allowing fewer people to obtain the deck fairly.
All you're doing at this point is digging a deeper hole. Make it deep enough and you might not be able to climb out of it.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
@Don, I believe I've even heard you say this: "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it"
In a fair market, yes. But when you went out of your way to suppress information about where to get the deck at the same price you did, and when you attempted getting more than what Ellusionist would consider your fair share of the deck, well, you tried to change the playing field and the market's no longer a fair one.
As I said, not illegal, but dishonorable and slimy. The short-term profits you gained are probably not worth the long-term damage to your reputation.
I did not suppress any information at all. And I did not buy more decks than were allowed!
So, then Ellusionist DIDN'T change the wording of their offer from "three per order" to "three per person"? Because that would contradict what you've already said. They wouldn't have changed it if they didn't think people like you were abusing it, largely for profit at the expense of others, thus allowing fewer people to obtain the deck fairly.
All you're doing at this point is digging a deeper hole. Make it deep enough and you might not be able to climb out of it.
What are you talking about? I clearly stated above that they DID change the wording of their offer.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
yet you didn't delete your ebay auction that revealed the deck, and you ordered at least twice the amount of the deck you were supposed to. who are you to say that the information isn't for everyone?
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
The info on how to find the deck and buy it was not for everyone but when you posted the ebay auction you released the info that this deck was "out there" by me telling people E had it and they could use the other deck to find it... that is for everyone. It's just slimy what you did.
edit: the post above me echos my thoughts!
Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I have made a post, but I felt this thread deserved some attention.
Thanks for making this thread one of the most god damn entertaining things I have read tonight.
I may have to change CBJ's thread title to include a warning that a lot of the thread is actually useless bullshit banter. ;)
- Curt
On a side note, I think the deck actually looks pretty sweet, but passed on it just because I have lost my fondness of E decks as of late, but I do think it is one of their better designed ones.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
yet you didn't delete your ebay auction that revealed the deck, and you ordered at least twice the amount of the deck you were supposed to. who are you to say that the information isn't for everyone?
As stated on the Sultan Republic Treasury deck product page, "We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards." We are allowed to reveal the deck, just not reveal where to get the deck (the link)
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
yet you didn't delete your ebay auction that revealed the deck, and you ordered at least twice the amount of the deck you were supposed to. who are you to say that the information isn't for everyone?
As stated on the Sultan Republic Treasury deck product page, "We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards." We are allowed to reveal the deck, just not reveal where to get the deck (the link)
and i did this on your page without a link and you deleted it! That's going out of your way to keep info from people.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
yet you didn't delete your ebay auction that revealed the deck, and you ordered at least twice the amount of the deck you were supposed to. who are you to say that the information isn't for everyone?
As stated on the Sultan Republic Treasury deck product page, "We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards." We are allowed to reveal the deck, just not reveal where to get the deck (the link)
But by revealing the name you opened the doors for everyone to figure out the link. I am sure any idiot could have figured it out. Or as people stated once you gave the name we could google the damn thing and find it. E now has this whole thing fixed.
As stated on the Sultan Republic Treasury deck product page, "We ask you not to reveal the whereabouts of this special deck of playing cards." We are allowed to reveal the deck, just not reveal where to get the deck (the link)
don't give me that bullshit. you don't care what ellusionist wanted you to do. I'm positive they didn't want you to order at least twice as many decks as they intended, or to sell the deck at four times what they were selling it at, yet you had absolutely no problems doing that.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
The info on how to find the deck and buy it was not for everyone but when you posted the ebay auction you released the info that this deck was "out there" by me telling people E had it and they could use the other deck to find it... that is for everyone. It's just slimy what you did.
edit: the post above me echos my thoughts!
I was telling people how they could get the deck. I straight up told people that they could get the deck by deciphering the Sultan deck.
Yeah I also noticed Evan trying to keep info from possible buyers. I posted a comment on his playing cards page on facebook and it was deleted. I posted it again so people would have the info and would pay an ungodly price for a deck they could get for less than 10 bucks and that comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on the page! That's going a long ways to stop people from knowing basic information. I find it extremely dishonorable and I would consider him an ambassador for the card community like CBJ and others. Tis a shame
This is ridiculous and yet again false! I banned one person and clearly it was you, and the reason was because you that person was repeatedly posting the link to the decks, and every time I deleted it, it was posted again, so I to banned that person from posting on my page.
someone who runs a facebook page about playing cards is deleting information about playing cards on the page...
well that's just great
Deleting information that is not for everyone. In the past, I have been asked by the companies to remove information like that because it is not meant for people who in this case, did not decipher the Sultan deck.
The info on how to find the deck and buy it was not for everyone but when you posted the ebay auction you released the info that this deck was "out there" by me telling people E had it and they could use the other deck to find it... that is for everyone. It's just slimy what you did.
edit: the post above me echos my thoughts!
I was telling people how they could get the deck. I straight up told people that they could get the deck by deciphering the Sultan deck.
Complete lie. you kept info from people AND deleted my comments telling people about it. If you had told people they wouldnt have paid your ridiculous prices
question. Have we all decided to waste our entire night telling evan how wrong he was for what he did? I was pissed but I feel its old news.
@brown_baggs, I'm not going to keep typing the same exact thing. I didn't withhold information, and I straight up told people that they could get this deck by deciphering the Sultan deck.
@Aaron, please don't blame me for something I didn't do. I actually wasn't the one who revealed the name or anything about the deck. I believe it was Lazarus who did it.
@sr15, right, because I'm sure you know exactly what my thoughts are. I actually did care what ellusionist wanted us to do. And if they didn't expect people to order more than once, then they would have said only 3 per person from the start.
I'm going to sleep now. I'll be back here in the morning to continue repeating myself over and over again.
question. Have we all decided to waste our entire night telling evan how wrong he was for what he did? I was pissed but I feel its old news.
well I've just about realized it's totally a lost cause. Doesn't really matter what he says anyway
question. Have we all decided to waste our entire night telling evan how wrong he was for what he did? I was pissed but I feel its old news.
well I've just about realized it's totally a lost cause. Doesn't really matter what he says anyway
Exactly, because no matter what I say, you don't believe me. And if it's such a lost cause, why do you continue with this?
@brown_baggs, I'm not going to keep typing the same exact thing. I didn't withhold information, and I straight up told people that they could get this deck by deciphering the Sultan deck.
@Aaron, please don't blame me for something I didn't do. I actually wasn't the one who revealed the name or anything about the deck. I believe it was Lazarus who did it.
@sr15, right, because I'm sure you know exactly what my thoughts are. I actually did care what ellusionist wanted us to do. And if they didn't expect people to order more than once, then they would have said only 3 per person from the start.
I'm going to sleep now. I'll be back here in the morning to continue repeating myself over and over again.
okay fine Evan you can keep writing the same thing but we know thats untrue and you fail to acknowledge the fact that you deleted my posts about the deck info (thus keeping it from people). Ill leave this to rest and you can keep defending yourself. But I think your reputation will be tarnished for a long while...
question. Have we all decided to waste our entire night telling evan how wrong he was for what he did? I was pissed but I feel its old news.
well I've just about realized it's totally a lost cause. Doesn't really matter what he says anyway
Exactly, because no matter what I say, you don't believe me. And if it's such a lost cause, why do you continue with this?
well for one you were essentially saying I was lying when I said you deleted my posts and you denied it. I figured you might admit that you pulled some scummy bullshit and you might salvage some credibility, but it seems you have no intention of doing that
@Aaron, please don't blame me for something I didn't do. I actually wasn't the one who revealed the name or anything about the deck. I believe it was Lazarus who did it.
What!? I said I didnt see anything wrong with what you did!
But after reading all this I do you pretty much lied to the community and anyone who was considering purchasing.
anyway has anyone discovered the other product? I am guessing uncuts of one of the sultan decks.
I'm going to sleep now. I'll be back here in the morning to continue repeating myself over and over again.
Evan, please don't.
We've gone WAAAAAY off topic with this. At this point, neither side will be convincing the other that they're in the right, so there's no point in continuing this here. If you or anyone else wants to keep running laps around this issue, I beg of you, TAKE IT TO THE LOLAQ. This includes the WHOLE peanut gallery, not just Evan. (It even includes me, though at this point I'm disinclined to continue - I said my piece, there's nothing more to discuss unless some new facts come to light.)
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
So there are at least 2 other products linked to the sultan deck? One being the treasury deck and the other is unknown to those who have not broke the code? This is interesting. I might just buy one to break the code. I love codes.
Ellusionist did change the wording for the Treasury deck
See attachments
Ellusionist did change the wording for the Treasury deck
See attachments
Which came first, "per order" or "per person"?
Ellusionist did change the wording for the Treasury deck
See attachments
Which came first, "per order" or "per person"?
"per order" was first. And I bought 6 decks(2 orders). A guy named Hikeeba on ebay has at least 2 bricks of these.
Ellusionist did change the wording for the Treasury deck
See attachments
Which came first, "per order" or "per person"?
"per order" was first. And I bought 6 decks(2 orders). A guy named Hikeeba on ebay has at least 2 bricks of these.
Evan, everything after "'per order' was first" belongs in the LOLAQ. Got it? We're done with it here. Kindly take it there if you want to continue - last warning.
Ellusionist did change the wording for the Treasury deck
See attachments
Which came first, "per order" or "per person"?
"per order" was first. And I bought 6 decks(2 orders). A guy named Hikeeba on ebay has at least 2 bricks of these.
Evan, everything after "'per order' was first" belongs in the LOLAQ. Got it? We're done with it here. Kindly take it there if you want to continue - last warning.
All I did was make a comment... an on topic comment. This is the Sultan Treasury deck thread, right? But ok, whatever you say.
This whole thing is blown out of proportion... So what Evan is selling these decks, he is simply providing a way to get the decks to people that don't have the link at a profit. Nothing is wrong with that at all...
lock thread ban op burn sultan treasury decks destroy ebay kill everyone that posted in thread
This whole thing is blown out of proportion... So what Evan is selling these decks, he is simply providing a way to get the decks to people that don't have the link at a profit. Nothing is wrong with that at all...
lock thread ban op burn sultan treasury decks destroy ebay kill everyone that posted in thread
So, since all that's off-topic - what do YOU think of the DECK ITSELF, John? And not the other crap that belongs elsewhere?
This deck is beautiful... It's like series 1800 and sultan had sex, while artifice was watching praying the baby was beautiful and it was...
I don't like the 3 deck limit though, a 6 deck limit would be perfect though :P.
This whole thing is blown out of proportion... So what Evan is selling these decks, he is simply providing a way to get the decks to people that don't have the link at a profit. Nothing is wrong with that at all...
lock thread ban op burn sultan treasury decks destroy ebay kill everyone that posted in thread
So, since all that's off-topic - what do YOU think of the DECK ITSELF, John? And not the other crap that belongs elsewhere?
Already posted my opinion days ago :P
According to the E facebook page, the Sultan Treasury decks will be available to all, tonight at 8pm Eastern time.
That's going to piss a lot of people off, and make a lot of people happy.
According to the E facebook page, the Sultan Treasury decks will be available to all, tonight at 8pm Eastern time.
That's going to piss a lot of people off, and make a lot of people happy.
Aww. Pretty lame. :(
To make this post not seem like spam, I'll just say these cards look nicer in fans than the regular sultans
This is just my opinion, but I think E really had no choice but to unlock this deck/link for everyone. E got cornered with people on one side selling the decks on ebay for a higher profit or revealing the link to everyone..........and on the other side I'm sure a lot of pissed off customers who felt cheated by having this deck/link revealed the way it did. The surprise has been ruined for everyone who bought the original Sultan decks and have spent their time trying to decipher the codes and follow the clues. It becomes hard for companies to come up with neat ideas regarding their products. It looks like they wanted to try making it be more than just a deck of cards. Throw a little bit of fun and mystery into the mix. Make it a little more interesting and be unique. They tried, but when people are not gonna follow the rules and ruin it for everyone. What else can they do? What else can they try to be different and unique from other companies? Just some thoughts of mine after seeing how this all unfolded.
As with the cards, I do not currently have either deck. Was kinda waiting for the whole Black Friday/Holiday thing. But I do plan on getting a couple of each deck. I really do like the whole thing with customizing the inside of the tuck box. I think its a nice touch. Yeah, the map is on the inside and you really cant see it. But I still like it and think its a neat idea. Just like with the Altruism deck and how they simple colored the inside of the tuck box purple. I thought that was different and sharp as well. Soo, I am curious to see how this all unfolds tonight. Only 2500 decks available. What are your guys thoughts...........Do you think they will still limit the number of decks per person since they are revealing this to everyone? Do you think this deck will sell out very quickly? Will E or other companies try this again with having clues to find and mysteries to be solved? I guess we will see tonight as well how things play out with the Altruism deck here in the future.
I feel that, just like the White Monarchs, if they are very limited in a release window, the follow few days will see overinflated prices on eBay then they'll quickly die down a fair bit in price after that.
update on the shipping situation:
Im sorry I cant tell you what another companies business model or shipping rates are compared to ours. I asked the warehouse to get the actual cost to ship your package via UPS and it came to $8.68 so I refunded you in paypal $2.46
- Jennifer.
not a huge refund but I didn't really expect any refund so I can't complain. Hopefully E can take care of the whole situation and keep its customers happy. Overall I think they handled the situation pretty well, with realizing their mistake through these forums and eventually taking some responsibility and helping their customers. $8.68 is still pretty high for shipping but E has always had pretty high shipping rates so it's not a big surprise.
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Yep! I shared the link when it was supposed to be shared. Unlike you, who shared the link when it was not supposed to be shared.
Back on topic: I am glad to see that the shipping prices are back to normal. Sadly I had to pay $11.95 for domestic shipping last week :(
Only cost me like 6 bucks for shipping to Canada.
I reckon that they released the link because they are a business after all. Which business would print decks and not sell them to the public. It was only a matter of time before they released the link.
I am happy that I waited. Now I can buy the nicer Treasury Edition at reasonable price instead of been screwed by flippers or fellow board member.
And the best part is I do not even need to buy the normal edition. :bosswalk:
I reckon that they released the link because they are a business after all. Which business would print decks and not sell them to the public. It was only a matter of time before they released the link.
from a business standpoint, keeping it a secret had the potential to work out for future decks, being able to market future secrets effectively based on the past success of the deck and how keeping it a secret could have made it so only the people who bought the first deck would've gotten the second. Unfortunately it didn't work out like that, but if it did it could've been a good thing for future sales on decks.
this is of course only my opinion, but I figure that's what they were going for
I reckon that they released the link because they are a business after all. Which business would print decks and not sell them to the public. It was only a matter of time before they released the link.
from a business standpoint, keeping it a secret had the potential to work out for future decks, being able to market future secrets effectively based on the past success of the deck and how keeping it a secret could have made it so only the people who bought the first deck would've gotten the second. Unfortunately it didn't work out like that, but if it did it could've been a good thing for future sales on decks.
this is of course only my opinion, but I figure that's what they were going for
Quite true. I didnt think of that. I still havent placed an order as it just didnt connect with me with the custom pips and stuff. There are still no review of this deck. Hmmmmmm.
in the situation where the deck was kept a secret and sold out before being completely available, everyone and their mother would buy the next deck by E that had a "secret" because they would want the chance to get a rare deck.
in the situation where the deck was kept a secret and sold out before being completely available, everyone and their mother would buy the next deck by E that had a "secret" because they would want the chance to get a rare deck.
True dat. That's basically what my thoughts were as well.
1) I'd like to give Ellusionist some recognition, for at least trying to add some spice to the playing card community. But, because of the lesson they've learned with their first "secret" deck, I hope they are able to counteract this problem if it does arise later on.
2) Although the first secret is a goner, THE SECOND SECRET IS STILL OUT THERE. And we should work on finding it. First off, how do we know the second secret is laid out on the Treasury deck?
Just letting you know, there are 2 secrets in the regular Sultan deck. One is the Treasury deck.
Just letting you know, there are 2 secrets in the regular Sultan deck. One is the Treasury deck.
The other one is for uncutsheet or t-shirt or both?
I am happy that I waited. Now I can buy the nicer Treasury Edition at reasonable price instead of been screwed by flippers or fellow board member.
And the best part is I do not even need to buy the normal edition. :bosswalk:
Well, that assumes there's no additional secrets to discover, requiring BOTH decks to decipher... :))
The idea of hiding secrets in a deck is a good one, and I see this sales gimmick as being used successfully in the future - when done right.
I am happy that I waited. Now I can buy the nicer Treasury Edition at reasonable price instead of been screwed by flippers or fellow board member.
And the best part is I do not even need to buy the normal edition. :bosswalk:
Well, that assumes there's no additional secrets to discover, requiring BOTH decks to decipher... :))
The idea of hiding secrets in a deck is a good one, and I see this sales gimmick as being used successfully in the future - when done right.
Yeah, if it's done properly it could be very useful. I think what Ellusionist should have done was when you decipher the code, you enter it into a website which generates you a one off code (one per customer) and the link to the deck. There also needs to be a record of if you have purchased the Sultan deck or not. So at least that way, regardless of if the link gets leaked, you can only use the code once and you need to have purchased the Sultan deck as well.
best interior tuck box ever
Yeah, if it's done properly it could be very useful. I think what Ellusionist should have done was when you decipher the code, you enter it into a website which generates you a one off code (one per customer) and the link to the deck. There also needs to be a record of if you have purchased the Sultan deck or not. So at least that way, regardless of if the link gets leaked, you can only use the code once and you need to have purchased the Sultan deck as well.
Sounds like a LOT of work. You're essentially registering each and every deck purchase of the new "prize" deck. But not impossible, and certainly an effective way to completely eliminate the chance of someone spilling the beans. It could be something as simple as requiring you to log in to enter the secret, then generate a unique page ID that's linked to your account - only that account would be able to purchase from that page. It's also a pretty good way to issue one-off coupon codes and such.
Something to consider for the future...
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Yep! I shared the link when it was supposed to be shared. Unlike you, who shared the link when it was not supposed to be shared.
Back on topic: I am glad to see that the shipping prices are back to normal. Sadly I had to pay $11.95 for domestic shipping last week :(
@Evan - I actually never shared the link because I never had it... I Didn't get this deck until tonight :D Not trying to start an argument just saying I think you got the wrong dude haha
Overall I really like the look of this deck and I think with the right tactics they could pull this off next time. If they had the map go to a page for the "secret" deck with a 1-time use code to purchase a deck. Of course if you added a not super limited stock to that formula it would work even better. I could see it being fun and very profitable to them.
edit: whoops saw that idea was posted a couple posts above me. Didn't read that one. Overall I think it could work even though, as Don stated, it could be a lot of work
It's become quite clear lately that any of these "rare and special" decks from the big companies follow the exact same pattern:
- OMG it's so rare you can only get it this special way!!!
- HOLY COW BALLZ this is going to be so hard to get!!
- Oh wait, maybe you can get it this other way!!
- There, anyone can buy it. Sorry about all the hype.
- Oh BTW, it's actually not all that rare. No bigs, right?
It's become quite clear lately that any of these "rare and special" decks from the big companies follow the exact same pattern:
- OMG it's so rare you can only get it this special way!!!
- HOLY COW BALLZ this is going to be so hard to get!!
- Oh wait, maybe you can get it this other way!!
- There, anyone can buy it. Sorry about all the hype.
- Oh BTW, it's actually not all that rare. No bigs, right?
I actually got a chuckle reading that. Funny thing is...............everything you said is true. An example that comes to mind first was the Gold Crown deck. Had to spend so much money to get one and they didn't even have anything worth getting. I waited and had patience knowing this would happen...........then voila! Gold Crowns for anyone that wants them.
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Yep! I shared the link when it was supposed to be shared. Unlike you, who shared the link when it was not supposed to be shared.
Back on topic: I am glad to see that the shipping prices are back to normal. Sadly I had to pay $11.95 for domestic shipping last week :(
I am very furious with Ellusionist.
For those who discovered the secret what was really the "prize"?
- To buy a edition limited to 2500 decks? Almost 24h passed and the deck is still in stock!! Limited edition? 2500 decks? I don't believe it!
- But for those who discovered the secret there was a prize! Yes, I had the right to pay 27 dollars to ship 4 decks to Europe :o Now you can order the same decks for 13 dollars!
Thank you Ellusionist. I feel really special.
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Yep! I shared the link when it was supposed to be shared. Unlike you, who shared the link when it was not supposed to be shared.
Back on topic: I am glad to see that the shipping prices are back to normal. Sadly I had to pay $11.95 for domestic shipping last week :(
I am very furious with Ellusionist.
For those who discovered the secret what was really the "prize"?
- To buy a edition limited to 2500 decks? Almost 24h passed and the deck is still in stock!! Limited edition? 2500 decks? I don't believe it!
- But for those who discovered the secret there was a prize! Yes, I had the right to pay 27 dollars to ship 4 decks to Europe :o Now you can order the same decks for 13 dollars!
Thank you Ellusionist. I feel really special.
"Limited" 2 decks per order now
I think there will really be 2500 for sale
But there is no so many collectors to buy it ::)
There is why it still in stock
I think limited deck must available in special way
Alway not sell in public and released often(I mean I don't like every decks are "limited")
So I think there only vintage decks are really "limited"
Otherwise limited decks printed recent year is created by merchant 8)
Card collection is running to a weird situation :(
So I didn't collect every decks now
And some time I won't buy some "limited" decks many
Sigh… :mindf-ck:
It's become quite clear lately that any of these "rare and special" decks from the big companies follow the exact same pattern:
- OMG it's so rare you can only get it this special way!!!
- HOLY COW BALLZ this is going to be so hard to get!!
- Oh wait, maybe you can get it this other way!!
- There, anyone can buy it. Sorry about all the hype.
- Oh BTW, it's actually not all that rare. No bigs, right?
Too funny!
I am very furious with Ellusionist.
For those who discovered the secret what was really the "prize"?
- To buy a edition limited to 2500 decks? Almost 24h passed and the deck is still in stock!! Limited edition? 2500 decks? I don't believe it!
- But for those who discovered the secret there was a prize! Yes, I had the right to pay 27 dollars to ship 4 decks to Europe :o Now you can order the same decks for 13 dollars!
Thank you Ellusionist. I feel really special.
You do realize that it didn't say they only made 2,500 decks, right? That they only RELEASED 2500 decks? That there's probably a fair amount more, but we don't know how much since they haven't told us?
I doubt they planned to release it the way they did, but when it became clear that the secret just couldn't be kept, they felt it better to open up the release rather than leave customers frustrated.
Yes Don, I am aware of that mainly because USPCC minimum printing requisits. As far as I know and read (and I may be obviously wrong) the minimum is 5000 decks.
What I believe is that big companies can announce the numbers they want just to keep the collectors happy with their purchase. Really, what is stopping them to do that?
On the other hand, I think the problem is not a lower number of collectors. I think it's the huge number of releases. I can't buy them all so I have to choose the decks I want. And in that case, the marketing strategie of Ellusionist failed: people really didn't choose the Sultan Treasury.
Ellusionist haven't advertised the release of this deck on their website, only their facebook page, which may suggest why it hasn't sold out yet. However, I am sure more will come around during the Black Friday or whatever it's called sales ???
Yes Don, I am aware of that mainly because USPCC minimum printing requisits. As far as I know and read (and I may be obviously wrong) the minimum is 5000 decks.
What I believe is that big companies can announce the numbers they want just to keep the collectors happy with their purchase. Really, what is stopping them to do that?
On the other hand, I think the problem is not a lower number of collectors. I think it's the huge number of releases. I can't buy them all so I have to choose the decks I want. And in that case, the marketing strategie of Ellusionist failed: people really didn't choose the Sultan Treasury.
Ellusionist sold 2500 decks to the people who have found the secrect link first and not releaseing anyinfo on it. the release now is the other 2500 deck. i do agree that there are too many releases now days i cant buy them all ???
i really dont want to double post and i wont do it again but who ever didnt get the treasury deck yet ellusionist is saying get it now 1000 decks left for sale, i think if they have anymore it will be fore promotions this is the email i got, im sure you guys did too
''The Sultan Treasury has been plundered with less than 1000 of these decks currently remaining for sale. Those who deciphered the mystery of the Sultan Republic deck were the first to find it. Our Facebook followers have now had over 12 hours notice as well. Constrained to just 2 decks per person, if you haven't yet got yours; now's your chance.'' -Ellusionist
Yes Don, I am aware of that mainly because USPCC minimum printing requisits. As far as I know and read (and I may be obviously wrong) the minimum is 5000 decks.
What I believe is that big companies can announce the numbers they want just to keep the collectors happy with their purchase. Really, what is stopping them to do that?
On the other hand, I think the problem is not a lower number of collectors. I think it's the huge number of releases. I can't buy them all so I have to choose the decks I want. And in that case, the marketing strategie of Ellusionist failed: people really didn't choose the Sultan Treasury.
First of all, USPC dropped the minimum to 2,500 - and has been known to make exceptions for big customers.
Second, there's less than a thousand left in this sale. Fifteen hundred decks in this short a time is actually good these days.
Ellusionist haven't advertised the release of this deck on their website, only their facebook page, which may suggest why it hasn't sold out yet. However, I am sure more will come around during the Black Friday or whatever it's called sales ???
I got an email ad for it from them. It's ON SALE NOW. Regarding Black Friday, anything's possible.
Ellusionist sold 2500 decks to the people who have found the secrect link first and not releaseing anyinfo on it. the release now is the other 2500 deck. i do agree that there are too many releases now days i cant buy them all ???
Um, where did it say that? They simply said they were releasing 2,500 in this sale, period - and that was while the sale was still an exclusive. It may not be on their main sale pages on the site, but once you push out an email to the world, it's not that big a secret anymore.
Check this wording out from the current sale page:
This deck is a hybrid of the Sultan Republic and is LIMITED. At this stage, only 2500 will be released for sale to the public.
[/size]"At this stage" means there will be at least one more stage to come. So there's more than 2,500, but there's only 2,500 being released into the wild for now.[/size][/font]
With them reducing the limit to only two decks per person, it doesn't surprise me that it would take longer to sell out. The Red Artifice took maybe a half-day with server crashes, but that was limited to up to a brick per person. Not everyone bought a brick, I'm sure, but a large number certainly did.[/font][/size][/font]
First of all, USPC dropped the minimum to 2,500 - and has been known to make exceptions for big customers.
Second, there's less than a thousand left in this sale. Fifteen hundred decks in this short a time is actually good these days.
Thank you Don for the info about USPCC. Clearly I was not updated.
But the real question is: what keeps big companies from announcing a number - like 2500 decks - and selling 5000 or more decks?
That's why I like numbered decks. On those cases I know what I am buying.
On other cases it's difficult to be sure mainly because what Encarded already appointed in this thread: the marketing of big companies is deceiving, is not clear.
(Sorry for any english mistakes - I hope you get the ideia)
Thank you Don for the info about USPCC. Clearly I was not updated.
But the real question is: what keeps big companies from announcing a number - like 2500 decks - and selling 5000 or more decks?
That's why I like numbered decks. On those cases I know what I am buying.
On other cases it's difficult to be sure mainly because what Encarded already appointed in this thread: the marketing of big companies is deceiving, is not clear.
(Sorry for any english mistakes - I hope you get the ideia)
It's not really in their best interests in the long run to get caught. It would destroy the company's reputation. It's not to say it never happens, but I'd say it happens with "wiggle room" numbers.
By that, I'm referring to the fact that a USPC print run can end up +/-10% the run size contracted for. This is a standard clause in their custom deck contracts. If it's over, you pay for the extra; if it's short, you get refunded the difference for decks not printed. The odds of any print run being precisely any given number are practically impossible. But then again, most companies do also account for keeping a reserve of decks.
The reserve is used for premium giveaways, company gifts, replacements for damaged or misprinted decks, etc., and this number is usually not counted in the advertised totals because they're not an actual part of the release other than in cases where the deck is only given out as a premium release, like Gold Arcane and LTD.
It's one of the reasons why there's no actual figure for how many White Centurions were created - it appears that T11 ordered a thousand, but it's known that the print run went over by an unknown amount within the contracted "buffer margin", leaving the actual number of decks made between 1,000 and 1,100. They either kept inaccurate records of how many they received or were disinclined to release the actual figure. Regardless, they're all gone as of last year anyway - they gave away the remainder of the reserve during a Black Friday promotion.
Thank you for your explanation!
Shipping is much more affordable! As low as $3 for 1 deck! Woah Evan shared the link!!! haha
Yep! I shared the link when it was supposed to be shared. Unlike you, who shared the link when it was not supposed to be shared.
Back on topic: I am glad to see that the shipping prices are back to normal. Sadly I had to pay $11.95 for domestic shipping last week :(
I am very furious with Ellusionist.
For those who discovered the secret what was really the "prize"?
- To buy a edition limited to 2500 decks? Almost 24h passed and the deck is still in stock!! Limited edition? 2500 decks? I don't believe it!
- But for those who discovered the secret there was a prize! Yes, I had the right to pay 27 dollars to ship 4 decks to Europe :o Now you can order the same decks for 13 dollars!
Thank you Ellusionist. I feel really special.
I emailed E about this (I live in UK) and I asked why there was a sudden decrease, and whether I could get a refund - they said they'd refund me the difference :D
I hope I have helped :P
as far as the deck still being in stock, you'd figure it would have sold out by now given the past history of limited ellusionist decks, but I think there are a few good reasons why it hasn't. One is that they did release the link on their facebook page, but the deck is still hidden on the site. Anyone who didn't see the facebook posting or see it from a 3rd party site isn't going to know about it. Granted, they have over 100k likes on their facebook page, but I highly doubt anything but a small amount of those people are really concerned with hardcore collecting to the extent that a lot of people here are (me included). A lot of E's consumer base is concerned with magic first and foremost, which I guess could be considered reason #2.
Another reason is that E has severely limited the amount anyone can buy in one order. Other decks may have collectors getting bricks of these, and resellers buying multiple bricks which would have the deck running out significantly quicker than it is right now. I actually like the way E is limiting orders because not limiting the deck really only hurts collecters and benefits resellers who are looking to make a profit off the deck (although that didn't stop people in this case given the whole secret thing). I think we would've seen this deck sell out very quickly if it weren't for these factors, or at least way quicker than it already has.
I have to make a important not in favor of Ellusionist: they've refund me part of the excessive price for shipping. It's good to see that. Very well Ellusionist.
I'm wondering, is there a one way back for this deck? I've been looking and all I can think of is that the cards aren't centered perfectly and one side of the border is thicker than the other.
I'm wondering, is there a one way back for this deck? I've been looking and all I can think of is that the cards aren't centered perfectly and one side of the border is thicker than the other.
Differing widths of the border is not intentional and just a byproduct of the cards shifting when they were cut. This happens to every deck to some degree and is not part of the design.
I'm wondering, is there a one way back for this deck? I've been looking and all I can think of is that the cards aren't centered perfectly and one side of the border is thicker than the other.
Differing widths of the border is not intentional and just a byproduct of the cards shifting when they were cut. This happens to every deck to some degree and is not part of the design.
I first noticed this with my Black Tigers and I actually used it for tricks - no one ever figured out how it worked as no one else notices such tiny details like difference in width of the borders :P
But anyone else know anything about the Sultan Treasury backs?
Well, Ellusionist has finally chimed in on how many Treasury decks were printed...
Half the run is depleted!
Well, Ellusionist has finally chimed in on how many Treasury decks were printed...
Half the run is depleted!
Thanks CBJ. I'm sure a lot of us have been wondering about this. We now have an answer.
I'm glad they were straightforward with it. They'll probably use them for promotional purposes but I don't think they'll have the same value as previous 5000 run decks they've done.
Hey guys!
Before you read any further, please notice that English is not my first language, so.. ::)
Anyway! I wanted to hear you guys about the Sultan Treasury deck by Ellusionist.. I have read the thread about The Sultan Republic deck, but not about this.. Treasury! :)
It is a limited deck, but I am not sure about how limited it is. At first it seems to be a limited run for 2500 decks, BUT... look at this quote from Ellusionist: "ONLY 2500 AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE" or "At this stage, only 2500 will be released for sale to the public.". They don't really tell anything about how many decks actually are produced, but only that 2500 are public available. What do you think?
Also, what are your thoughts about this deck? After going through the thread about the Sultan Republic Deck, I felt that most of you guys are rather disappointed.. but what about this limited deck? Is got another theme to it IMO. When I see the deck, I am thinking about something old, antique, rare, Arabian or something like that! Let me hear what you guys think about this! :D
Also, have you bought any of these? I got three ::)
Link: (
Again, sorry for bad English.. I am doing my best :-\
Hi there, and welcome to the forums. It's great that you're posting a thread so soon, but I believe you're 26 days late on the information:
Anyways I'll let Don deal with the rest mate.
Welcome aboard, and please, next time, look to see if a topic already exists for what you want to post about. The search function is your friend...
Merging the topics now.
Hi there, and welcome to the forums. It's great that you're posting a thread so soon, but I believe you're 26 days late on the information:
Anyways I'll let Don deal with the rest mate.
Thank you for the welcome, Agera :)
Yeah.. I know I'm late, but I used the search function and didn't find anything, IDK.. maybe I misspelled something in my search, my bad! :)
Welcome aboard, and please, next time, look to see if a topic already exists for what you want to post about. The search function is your friend...
Merging the topics now.
Thank you for the welcome Don :)
I'm sorry for re-posting about the deck.. I did use the search function and did not find anything about the deck, so I guess I misspelled or someting like that.. anyway, that can happen to anyone :)
It's all good mate ;) I've got a deck and it's pretty nice to use and looks very different.
Well, I've always been a sucker for aged-and-weathered-look decks...
It's a nice deck. I love what they did with the box's interior.
In addition, the uncut sheets look ridiculously sick! - Also, these decks are now sold out.
In addition, the uncut sheets look ridiculously sick! - Also, these decks are now sold out.
Sold out, or simply not available? They opened up sales for the first 2,500, but they still have another 2,500, if I'm not mistaken.
In addition, the uncut sheets look ridiculously sick! - Also, these decks are now sold out.
Sold out, or simply not available? They opened up sales for the first 2,500, but they still have another 2,500, if I'm not mistaken.
Okay then, hopefully I can get them along with some regulars before the Holiday season ends.
In addition, the uncut sheets look ridiculously sick! - Also, these decks are now sold out.
Sold out, or simply not available? They opened up sales for the first 2,500, but they still have another 2,500, if I'm not mistaken.
Okay then, hopefully I can get them along with some regulars before the Holiday season ends.
They're probably planning to use the rest as a premium deck - buy X, get a deck. Good luck.