- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Design & Development => Topic started by: Rick Davidson on May 25, 2013, 06:43:25 AM

Title: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 25, 2013, 06:43:25 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm working on a new deck, inspired by 16th century cards and I'm exploring options for production.  I was planning on the KS route and my own site but have had some interest and considering going with a distributor.  So I wonder, do you have a favourite distributor...  Any experience going it alone or through Kickstarter?

Here's a link to the site, let me know what you think.  Regards,Rick

Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: RandyButterfield on May 25, 2013, 08:31:14 AM

I prefer
Although, I may be a little biased! I've never had a bad experience with Kevin and Alex.

Thanks, Randy

Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 25, 2013, 08:44:00 AM
Haha hey Randy.  Just admiring your Imperials, beautiful!  Thanks for your thoughts
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: MrMollusk on May 25, 2013, 08:39:52 PM
I can't see this deck being produced by HOPC. They seem to be more into more "modern" decks. This classy, old-era deck might not gel with decks like the NOC and Mechanic decks. Then again, the killer design might overshadow the HOPC's trend!

It's a long shot, but you could always try to get in touch with Theory 11. It looks like a deck that  they'd love to produce.

If those two don't work out, I'd say Kickstarter is your best alternative.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on May 27, 2013, 12:55:27 PM
Try "FullBoatDealer"... They distributed both Virtuoso and Seasons Playing Cards. They are located in Cincinnati, OH. You can have cards delivered to them from USPCC (Kentucky) and they will distribute for you. I don't know all the details involved. Try contacting him via his eBay store or I would inquire with TheVirts or Seasons Playing Cards about their dealings with him.

As a customer, my decks have always come well packaged and his shipping time frame is impeccable.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: xela on May 27, 2013, 01:28:48 PM
Those cards are absolutely beautiful!

You should really try HOPC, they would be foolish not to pick up such an awesome deck. FullBoatDealer is pretty good too, and I believe he works with AceKing and The1EyedJack to distribute decks.

Stay away from anyone that wants to buy your deck for $2-3 wholesale.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: billysac on May 28, 2013, 10:23:08 PM
I'll throw out an opinion that doesn't matter much (mine  ;)).

I'd have no qualms purchasing the deck from hopc or kickstarter.
Some people cringe at the thought of kickstarter lately, but out of ~40 decks I've backed only 2 haven't delivered.

The others I've not dealth with, but they definitely have a good repuation.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: xela on May 28, 2013, 10:56:03 PM
I can't see this deck being produced by HOPC. They seem to be more into more "modern" decks. This classy, old-era deck might not gel with decks like the NOC and Mechanic decks. Then again, the killer design might overshadow the HOPC's trend!

Well then good sir how do you explain the Americana?
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on May 29, 2013, 12:46:03 AM
I can't see this deck being produced by HOPC. They seem to be more into more "modern" decks. This classy, old-era deck might not gel with decks like the NOC and Mechanic decks. Then again, the killer design might overshadow the HOPC's trend!

Well then good sir how do you explain the Americana?

Easily - they were simply the distributor.  Russ had already paid for everything, the decks were going to be made, etc., he just wanted someone else to do the heavy lifting of selling most of it.

There's no set "style" that HOPC has for their decks.  They run a range of styles, the only real determining factor being whether Alex and/or Kevin like the deck.

Appearance-wise, I'd say it would look right at home in the inventory of either E or T11 right now.  They're both going a lot lately for elegant boxes with a lot of metallic foils.

I will say one thing, trickz - consider doing the backs a little differently in terms of the color palate.  T11's original design for the Monarchs had a nearly-identical combination - and they ended up destroying all but a single gross of them due to how terrible it looked.  The metallic gold ink in the fine pattern practically disappeared into the dark background - it's darker than you think it would be.  Of that gross, only 111 were put up for sale and they vanished a long time ago.  Skip ahead to the second-most funded deck on Kickstarter, the "Misc. Goods Co." deck.  The box showed everything in a cool black-on-white pattern, but they did the backs in the same metallic-gold-on-black.  Almost all of the fine detail was lost because of the colors being too close together.  You don't have to take my word for it - just pick up a Misc. Goods Co. deck or look at their back design poster.

As I see it, there's a few options that wouldn't seriously upset the design.  The least-intrusive one would be to simply substitute a brighter yellow for metallic gold on the card backs, giving you a much better contrast between it and the black/dark brown/whatever that dark color is.  T11's solution was to swap black for navy and gold for white - it didn't go over as well with the fans.  Another would be to try silver metallic inks on the card backs instead of gold - but this would significantly alter the appearance of the cards as well, possibly to its detriment as far as popularity goes.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 29, 2013, 04:30:53 AM
Wow, thanks guys for your advice.  I didn't see any notification of these posts. 

Don, that info is invaluable thanks.  I had heard about the monarchs but I didn't know how bad.  There is a lot of fine hairline detail in the design I don't want to lose.  I was considering avoiding the metallics, but I might need to tweak my line weights to be safe.

I will follow up on the distributors you've mentioned thanks, I'd prefer Kickstarter as a lesser option, just for the sake some would be wary, but it makes a good backup
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on May 29, 2013, 05:41:21 AM
I will say one thing, trickz - consider doing the backs a little differently in terms of the color palate.  T11's original design for the Monarchs had a nearly-identical combination

From the reviews I've seen, most people liked the blue/gold of the monarchs better and could not understand why theory11 stopped that print run (only to go to the blue/white). If anything, the fact that theory11 did not make the blue/gold monarchs their primary finished design for the deck when all was done, should push to keep the Origins color scheme the way it is.  The Origins design is much more detailed, allowing the gold to be more effective then it was on monarchs.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on May 29, 2013, 06:38:26 AM
I will say one thing, trickz - consider doing the backs a little differently in terms of the color palate.  T11's original design for the Monarchs had a nearly-identical combination

From the reviews I've seen, most people liked the blue/gold of the monarchs better and could not understand why theory11 stopped that print run (only to go to the blue/white). If anything, the fact that theory11 did not make the blue/gold monarchs their primary finished design for the deck when all was done, should push to keep the Origins color scheme the way it is.  The Origins design is much more detailed, allowing the gold to be more effective then it was on monarchs.

Have you given the back of the Misc. Goods Co. deck (a.k.a. the Pedale Design deck) a close look?  The art on the box is awesome - black lines on white - but on the cards, it's metallic gold on black and it looks more like mush.  Nothing pops, nothing stands out.  Metallic gold ink, despite how people think of gold being bright and glittery, is darker than you think and in fine lines against a black background it practically disappears.  It's not the same as a "real" gold, just as metallic blue looks more like metallic grey.

I can't imagine there were a great number of reviews, considering that only 111 decks were released and the majority of them remain sealed.  I can't imagine there's more than a few dozen people who've even held the cards, out of the box, in their hands.  Such a small sampling of the overall card collecting community can't possibly provide a baseline from which to derive a general consensus among them as to what they think of this deck - it would be off by a huge margin of error, too huge to be remotely accurate.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Collector on May 29, 2013, 05:18:21 PM
@trickz, I’ll advise you to investigate Bicycle Karnival Ryujin Deck by Big Blind Media. It doesn’t have metallic inks but colors look like metallic.

And of course Seasons playing cards – the same situation.

Nice design. I hope you’ll be able to print them.

@Legacy, can you get a scan/photo of the (Gold) Monarchs' back?
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on May 29, 2013, 07:14:20 PM
I will say one thing, trickz - consider doing the backs a little differently in terms of the color palate.  T11's original design for the Monarchs had a nearly-identical combination

From the reviews I've seen, most people liked the blue/gold of the monarchs better and could not understand why theory11 stopped that print run (only to go to the blue/white). If anything, the fact that theory11 did not make the blue/gold monarchs their primary finished design for the deck when all was done, should push to keep the Origins color scheme the way it is.  The Origins design is much more detailed, allowing the gold to be more effective then it was on monarchs.

Have you given the back of the Misc. Goods Co. deck (a.k.a. the Pedale Design deck) a close look?  The art on the box is awesome - black lines on white - but on the cards, it's metallic gold on black and it looks more like mush.  Nothing pops, nothing stands out.  Metallic gold ink, despite how people think of gold being bright and glittery, is darker than you think and in fine lines against a black background it practically disappears.  It's not the same as a "real" gold, just as metallic blue looks more like metallic grey.

I can't imagine there were a great number of reviews, considering that only 111 decks were released and the majority of them remain sealed.  I can't imagine there's more than a few dozen people who've even held the cards, out of the box, in their hands.  Such a small sampling of the overall card collecting community can't possibly provide a baseline from which to derive a general consensus among them as to what they think of this deck - it would be off by a huge margin of error, too huge to be remotely accurate.

Yes, I am familiar with the v1 Misc. Goods Co. deck. In that example I do share your concern for the color scheme. The style or digital strokes used in Misc. Goods Co. deck is similar to the Monarch's in that they use very fine thin lines. I'm thinking because Origins uses more of a dimensional rendering and larger pixel shapes/shadowing to form the back design it could still work. There are examples like the Artisans that successfully balanced the Gold/Color. I think that's the key really, balance. Rick will most likely need to figure it out with prototype decks.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: sprouts1115 on May 29, 2013, 07:35:57 PM
Trickz - Don't give up on metallic inks.  If this is your first deck make it special.  Just choose one metallic ink and make it a stretch goal like mine: 
200% 30K  Metallic Silver ink instead of white:  @ .05 per deck extra; We can do that.  It's now a special deck.   

300% 45K Bee stock:  @ .08 per deck extra; We can do that.  Now we have some poker cards.

400% 60K Custom Black Seals:  @ .10 per deck extra; We can do that. You know It's the first run.

600%  90K Q1 Quality control.  @ .50 per deck; We can do that.  Just like the Casinos. Hardly any decks with errors.  It's a better deck.

1000% 150K Silver Gilded edges. @ approximately 2.10 per deck extra;  We can do that. A limited run of 2500 decks with Aristocrat 300 stock with silver gilded edges. Now we have a collectors item. This is the best deck I can make. Lets just say all pledges of 4 decks or more. Will at least get one of this deck. This may change; it depends on the numbers. Can you fan 64 cards?!
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on May 29, 2013, 08:00:04 PM
1000% 150K Silver Gilded edges. @ approximately 2.10 per deck extra;  We can do that. A limited run of 2500 decks with Aristocrat 300 stock with silver gilded edges. Now we have a collectors item. This is the best deck I can make. Lets just say all pledges of 4 decks or more. Will at least get one of this deck. This may change; it depends on the numbers. Can you fan 64 cards?

Gilded edges is something that should be mentioned upfront and is a deal breaker... I would choose to back out, rather then pay for crappy gilded edge handling. That would be very disappointing.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: sprouts1115 on May 29, 2013, 09:20:21 PM
Legacy - You would use a gilded deck. Now that's disappointing.  It's not uncommon for a first run to be gilded.  They're mainly for show and tell and not to open.  Look and Peek but don't streak. 
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 29, 2013, 09:41:34 PM
Yes personally I think the metallics can be a little overrated, like Don says they are quite dark.  And sometimes you need a second take to confirm it is metallic.  But printed well it does add an edge.  On white they look great but the dark colours are a challenge for sure.   But get the line weights right, strong and light variations..  My first priority would be the quality of the deck, metallics a nice touch. I dont want to lie awake hoping they printed ok ;)
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on May 30, 2013, 12:10:01 AM
Trickz - Don't give up on metallic inks.  If this is your first deck make it special.  Just choose one metallic ink and make it a stretch goal like mine: 
200% 30K  Metallic Silver ink instead of white:  @ .05 per deck extra; We can do that.  It's now a special deck.   

300% 45K Bee stock:  @ .08 per deck extra; We can do that.  Now we have some poker cards.

400% 60K Custom Black Seals:  @ .10 per deck extra; We can do that. You know It's the first run.

600%  90K Q1 Quality control.  @ .50 per deck; We can do that.  Just like the Casinos. Hardly any decks with errors.  It's a better deck.

1000% 150K Silver Gilded edges. @ approximately 2.10 per deck extra;  We can do that. A limited run of 2500 decks with Aristocrat 300 stock with silver gilded edges. Now we have a collectors item. This is the best deck I can make. Lets just say all pledges of 4 decks or more. Will at least get one of this deck. This may change; it depends on the numbers. Can you fan 64 cards?!

Do we really need this much detail about your deck - on SOMEONE ELSE'S deck topic?  No, we do not.  If you want to talk about this deck, TALK ABOUT THIS DECK, not yours!

Gilded edges is something that should be mentioned upfront and is a deal breaker... I would choose to back out, rather then pay for crappy gilded edge handling. That would be very disappointing.

Agreed.  Gilded decks are for people who don't like playing cards but like to have pretty things.

Legacy - You would use a gilded deck. Now that's disappointing.  It's not uncommon for a first run to be gilded.  They're mainly for show and tell and not to open.  Look and Peek but don't streak. 

Sorry, bro - on that, I call bullshit.  I have yet to see any modern custom deck make a first run of all-gilded decks.  It's as "uncommon" as glaciers in the Mojave Desert.

Sprouts - stay on topic.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 30, 2013, 04:51:38 AM
Heheh all good stuff.  Yes I think I'd be gutted if they weren't considered a high end all round deck, but appreciate the comments!
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: MrMollusk on May 30, 2013, 07:50:17 PM
Legacy - You would use a gilded deck. Now that's disappointing.  It's not uncommon for a first run to be gilded.  They're mainly for show and tell and not to open.  Look and Peek but don't streak.

It's super uncommon for the first run to be gilded...
The only 2 gilded decks I can think of off the top of my head are the Metal Blades deck and the limited Hornets deck.

Back on topic, I think this deck would look absolutely superb with metallic inks. It doesn't even need a lot. Some metallic highlights on the hearts & diamonds could really enhance the design.
As for the back design color issue, I think T11 really nailed the gold-black back with the Artisans.

You could use a similar gold, and maintain the black back. Navy blue just doesn't suit this deck, IMO.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on May 30, 2013, 11:18:58 PM

Back on topic, I think this deck would look absolutely superb with metallic inks. It doesn't even need a lot. Some metallic highlights on the hearts & diamonds could really enhance the design.
As for the back design color issue, I think T11 really nailed the gold-black back with the Artisans.

You could use a similar gold, and maintain the black back. Navy blue just doesn't suit this deck, IMO.

That works because the gold isn't just fine lines - there's almost more gold than black there.  They really did a sweet job on them.  Reminds me, I have to get those White Arties...

If I were doing a deck comparable in back design to the Monarchs, I'd use silver instead of gold.  It's brighter and would stand out big-time.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 31, 2013, 10:19:49 AM
Just for fun.  Imagining these were metallic - I know which one I like but which would you prefer...  Antique silver/black box, Gold/dark blue box

Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on May 31, 2013, 11:14:47 AM
Gold/Dark Blue. It pops a bit more and fits the Origins style better. Silver/Black has been done so many times.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Collector on May 31, 2013, 03:30:05 PM
Gold is better. Even stock exchanges agree with me  ;)
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on May 31, 2013, 08:54:16 PM
Haha thanks guys.  Yes I'd have some problems with the court cards going silver.  And conceptually it would be out of kilter.  All the design is inspired by 16th century art and they really loved their gold
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on June 01, 2013, 02:08:46 AM
Just for fun.  Imagining these were metallic - I know which one I like but which would you prefer...  Antique silver/black box, Gold/dark blue box


Gold/Dark Blue. It pops a bit more and fits the Origins style better. Silver/Black has been done so many times.

Gold is better. Even stock exchanges agree with me  ;)

Haha thanks guys.  Yes I'd have some problems with the court cards going silver.  And conceptually it would be out of kilter.  All the design is inspired by 16th century art and they really loved their gold

Bear in mind that how the metallic ink looks in person and how it looks on a screen will be two different things.  It's why T11 didn't realize the gold-on-black Monarchs would look how they did until they were printed.

It's OK to use gold in your case - if you REALLY use gold, a lot of it.  I think that thickening up the gold lines to make them more prominent would be a step backwards - in which case, have you considered swapping gold for black and vice versa, making the linework in black and the background in gold?  That would really convey "GOLD!!!"
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: MrMollusk on June 01, 2013, 05:22:55 PM
Just for fun.  Imagining these were metallic - I know which one I like but which would you prefer...  Antique silver/black box, Gold/dark blue box.

Gold's definitely the way to go. It suits the style so much better, and looks awesome with the court cards.

You could always try lightening the back up a bit. Maybe not a navy blue, but a very dark grey could retain the style and have the gold pop out a bit more.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 02, 2013, 11:58:59 AM
Yes I think beefing up the linework would give it more wow.  I've just finished the site which has updated renders of the box. - (

I've been trawling the forums but haven't been able to track down any info on hiring a warehouse to ship the decks.  Anyone point me in the right direction?  Just looking at options
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on June 03, 2013, 01:17:19 AM
Yes I think beefing up the linework would give it more wow.  I've just finished the site which has updated renders of the box. - (

I've been trawling the forums but haven't been able to track down any info on hiring a warehouse to ship the decks.  Anyone point me in the right direction?  Just looking at options

A keyword search of "fulfillment center" on Google will give you many good leads.

Murphy's Magic will generally sell anything playing cards, so they're worth an inquiry.

But before you do any of that, I think you should still shop this around to the "major players" in the custom deck business - T11, D&D, E, CARC, TBC, Blaine, etc.  It could be simpler and more profitable than fighting to get the deck made through crowdfunding, then turning over some of the profit to a fulfillment center.  At least do price comparisons, if you can get a "major" interested.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 03, 2013, 02:02:10 AM
Boy Don you're the go to man around here, thanks again.  Fulfilment center .. got it. 

Yes that's the way I'd prefer to go as well, I've been in touch with a couple of the big guys.  But I'll add those mentioned to the list thx.  Options open.  Really appreciate your advice. 

Got me thinking on that gold, might have a tweak.  And thx Mollusk, might be onto something.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on June 06, 2013, 05:50:33 AM
But before you do any of that, I think you should still shop this around to the "major players" in the custom deck business - T11, D&D, E, CARC, TBC, Blaine, etc.  It could be simpler and more profitable than fighting to get the deck made through crowdfunding, then turning over some of the profit to a fulfillment center.  At least do price comparisons, if you can get a "major" interested.

I was going mention CARC. They also distributed Prime and the Legends decks for international productions. This project does have the feel of something CARC would work with.

If it were me, I would not want another companies name on my creation. I would want total control of my design, how they are sold and at what price. CARC and Fullboatdealer would fit what I would be looking to do. Don is right though, nothing wrong with listening to what companies might be offering.
Title: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 06, 2013, 06:10:26 AM
Actually that sounds just what I'm looking for Lagacy.  You're right, I want to keep control on things.  Getting a few people saying kickstarter is the way but needing a fulfillment center throws a spanner in the works.  Fullboat has come up as well.  I'll get in touch with a few people, but getting back into the design.  Here are the latest workings, be interested in your thoughts.  Flipping the Queen?  Still might look at filling out the gold foil.   

Maybe I should have put this in another thread or kept the thread more open..

Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: sprouts1115 on June 06, 2013, 05:08:45 PM
Rick Davidson - Notice your going with the Rouen theme.   Very bold!  What does your seal say?  The text...  Do you think you will go with metallic Gold?  On your back I've hear Metallic gold shows better in solid than in lines....
Title: Re: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Don Boyer on June 06, 2013, 05:14:10 PM
Actually that sounds just what I'm looking for Lagacy.  You're right, I want to keep control on things.  Getting a few people saying kickstarter is the way but needing a fulfillment center throws a spanner in the works.  Fullboat has come up as well.  I'll get in touch with a few people, but getting back into the design.  Here are the latest workings, be interested in your thoughts.  Flipping the Queen?  Still might look at filling out the gold foil.   

Maybe I should have put this in another thread or kept the thread more open..

The queen is elegant, youthful and gorgeous.

The king - what the hell is going on with his face?  He looks more like that squid-faced character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies!  He doesn't look human!  everything from the nose up is fine, even that hat he's wearing instead of a crown.  But that beard - it's ALIVE!!
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: sprouts1115 on June 06, 2013, 05:19:54 PM
it all depends.  Do you want the King of Spades to look like this or this?   Is he missing part of his mustache?
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on June 06, 2013, 05:49:44 PM
Rick Davidson - Notice your going with the Rouen theme.   Very bold!  What does your seal say?  The text...  Do you think you will go with metallic Gold?  On your back I've hear Metallic gold shows better in solid than in lines....

How is using a two-centuries-old standard "very bold"?  You make it sound like something no one ever uses...

Re the metallic gold ink - did you read what was written before on the topic?

it all depends.  Do you want the King of Spades to look like this or this?   Is he missing part of his mustache?

What is the "it" on which it depends?  It clearly has a full mustache.
Title: Re: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Card Player on June 06, 2013, 06:46:54 PM
Actually that sounds just what I'm looking for Lagacy.  You're right, I want to keep control on things.  Getting a few people saying kickstarter is the way but needing a fulfillment center throws a spanner in the works.  Fullboat has come up as well.  I'll get in touch with a few people, but getting back into the design.  Here are the latest workings, be interested in your thoughts.  Flipping the Queen?  Still might look at filling out the gold foil.   

Maybe I should have put this in another thread or kept the thread more open..

Hey Rick

Suits and Gold Inlay: On the Queen you were using a sunburst effect on the background of the diamond suits. I was wondering if you noticed inconsistently with that design from the King of Spade you created. But now I see you did realize and updated the queen by removing the sunburst effect. It was very subtle but I did pick up on it.  The gold inlay on the suits without that sunburst background is much better. Its elegant looking and the suit maintains its origin colors of black and red. Anymore gold inlay then that would be too much. Right now they look really nice and maintain the function of the suits.

Color Tint: The "color tint" you suggest in one of the examples does NOT work for me. I think you hit the color arrangement of the court cards just right from the beginning.

King of Spades: I'm good with the beard on the king of spade. As long as the beard is in-line with the mouth and eyes you straitened out. The beard is consistent with the look of the originals you are modeling your cards after.

Tuck Box: I would not go crazy with all the quotes your using on the tuck box examples. One quote is nice but from what I saw your using more then one. More visual font and art, less of the tuck box message board.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the court cards.

Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 07, 2013, 09:39:48 AM
Haha laughing.  Cheers guys, great comments.  Yes Dan you're right, squidman on the beard ;)   It's tied in to the original art but I am trying to freshen things up.  The historic queens were plain ugly, so I just went with something new there.  Felt the beard style had to stay but I could tone it down a little.

Good thoughts all round Legacy thanks.  Yes I couldn't make the sunburst fly, too out there.  And yep, reworking the tuck to tie in with a few other ideas.  You guys are good value.  I can't shake Pirates of the Caribbean now
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Don Boyer on June 07, 2013, 10:36:18 AM
Haha laughing.  Cheers guys, great comments.  Yes Dan you're right, squidman on the beard ;)   It's tied in to the original art but I am trying to freshen things up.  The historic queens were plain ugly, so I just went with something new there.  Felt the beard style had to stay but I could tone it down a little.

Good thoughts all round Legacy thanks.  Yes I couldn't make the sunburst fly, too out there.  And yep, reworking the tuck to tie in with a few other ideas.  You guys are good value.  I can't shake Pirates of the Caribbean now

I still wonder why so many people insist on calling me Dan when my name is Don...  :))

Just take the old King you're using as a model and compare it with a real bearded face.  Remember, unless you're looking at the very first Rouen deck, the rest are all copies that got further and further from the original with each subsequent copy.  I think your instinct on the Queen was excellent and that you should follow it up with the King while not entirely neglecting the historical appearance.  The Queen's hair looks real.  The King's hair looks like ropey dreadlocks (just like that squid-guy)!  I'll grant that Kings of the era likely wore those silly wigs, but still, you can give the hair a more realistic appearance.  Look at the White Knuckle playing cards ( - the artist actually used live models for his deck and gave the art a more three-dimensional appearance by giving the images more depth.  Don't emulate him precisely, but his hair looks like hair.  Playing card hair looks like, well, playing card hair...
Title: Re: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Collector on June 07, 2013, 06:55:22 PM

The queen is elegant, youthful and gorgeous.

... But that beard ...!!

+1. The face of that old French prototype King looks more natural than this one.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Card Player on June 07, 2013, 07:42:21 PM
The Queen's hair looks real.  The King's hair looks like ropey dreadlocks (just like that squid-guy)!  I'll grant that Kings of the era likely wore those silly wigs, but still, you can give the hair a more realistic appearance.

Hey Dan, I mean Don :) ...

I agree with you about the kings hair. Then again, standard USPCC court cards look that way also. 

It looks like Rick is mixing many styles from the queen to the king. Rick should find one facial style and be consistent with whatever he chooses. If your going to do a mouth and nose one way (queen), that style or line-work should be consistent in forming other facial features for other courts (nose bridge or no nose bridge, mouth definition or no mouth definition).

Don... I love those white knuckle court cards you use as an example. Those look to be illustration with graphic (photoshop) color, Rick's work looks purely graphic (photoshop) design from start to finish. You might be asking him to consider an artistic discipline (hair/white knuckle) he is not regularly accustomed to using.
Title: Re: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Don Boyer on June 08, 2013, 12:56:06 AM

The queen is elegant, youthful and gorgeous.

... But that beard ...!!

+1. The face of that old French prototype King looks more natural than this one.


The Queen's hair looks real.  The King's hair looks like ropey dreadlocks (just like that squid-guy)!  I'll grant that Kings of the era likely wore those silly wigs, but still, you can give the hair a more realistic appearance.

Hey Dan, I mean Don :) ...

I agree with you about the kings hair. Then again, standard USPCC court cards look that way also. 

It looks like Rick is mixing many styles from the queen to the king. Rick should find one facial style and be consistent with whatever he chooses. If your going to do a mouth and nose one way (queen), that style or line-work should be consistent in forming other facial features for other courts (nose bridge or no nose bridge, mouth definition or no mouth definition).

Don... I love those white knuckle court cards you use as an example. Those look to be illustration with graphic (photoshop) color, Rick's work looks purely graphic (photoshop) design from start to finish. You might be asking him to consider an artistic discipline (hair/white knuckle) he is not regularly accustomed to using.

Actually, if I'm remembering correctly, the entire White Knuckle deck was hand drawn, start to finish.  It's why the project nearly drove the creator insane!  :))  Even the individual spot cards had unique pips from card to card - standard pips with intricate line work that made them different in each card.  That's probably the most labor-intensive deck of mass-produced cards out there.

I'm not actually looking for Rick to alter his style - I'm asking him to use it consistently!  Use the same style he applied in the creation of the Queen to that of the other courts - including more realistically-drawn facial and hair features that look more plausible, like the kind of natural features you'd expect to see in a photograph (before it's been assaulted by a Photoshopper)!

Another fine example of this kind of detail would be the Virtuoso deck ( (scroll down to the section called "THE PICTURE CARDS", with the photo displaying the ten through King of Hearts).  The design on these courts are completely faithful to the traditional playing card design while at the same time having a modern, realistic appearance to them.

I think the best way to describe what I'm thinking would look good here would be if the faces on the court cards could look just as good if they appeared on the heads of characters in a realistically-drawn comic book with real human likenesses.  They needn't be utterly lifelike as in the White Knuckles, but neither do they have to appear devoid of life and unrealistic in the style of woodcuts from over two hundred years ago.
Title: Re: New Origins cards - Your preferred distributor?
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 09, 2013, 07:37:15 PM
Haha sorry Don, I know your name too.  Late night typo

Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.  Have reworked the King, toned back the beard, but want to put together another before I'm sure.  It's a tricky one, I don't want the faces to overpower the look of the deck but good feedback.  Probably went too far with the Queen but it works.  It's a LOT of work for 4cm across :)  Have been chatting with USPCC so moving along.  Like the comments, hope to fire you an update shortly.
Title: 3D Renders
Post by: Rick Davidson on June 30, 2013, 08:44:53 AM
Hi guys,

Just a quick update.  I've reworked the face cards a little, will post some tweaks on those soon.  Of course have the tuck case on the go as well, so here are new renders with the embossing.  I also have a custom label which I'll render up.  Working with USPCC on the details, coming along well, great bunch of people :)

Title: Re: Origins cards - refined concepts
Post by: Fred on June 30, 2013, 10:46:13 AM


Hey Rick, absolutely stunning designs you have there! Very elegant and intricate. I'm a big fan (:

I agree with most people's opinion on making the King's swirly wirlies less exaggerated for it to be more consistent with the theme and not look out of place while placed together with the queen. I would recommend simply keeping the curl (from the hair) on the left, but removing that ridiculous one (from the beard) on the right. The other smaller curls look fine to me and i believe would look worse if removed. (Have you designed the Jack by the way?)

One 'issue' that bothers me a lot is the flower design on the King's gown. At first glance, I thought they were soccer balls! Of course when examined closer, they are obviously flowers.. But one has to remember the scale of the final product and how the cards might look at arms length. I noticed it straight away and now i can't un-notice it! Haha :p

For some strange reason, i much prefer the flipped queen as shown in your above image. It just floats my boat a little more than the original.. I can't explain why, it just looks more proportionated to me!

As for the colour tint, i much prefer the original. The tinted version obviously has more pop and contrast, but i love the way the original is faded, aged, and thus has more consistency with the overall theme. 

Another little suggestion that come into my mind is to advise you to incorporate more of the intricate layer-like texturing design displayed for example on the front of the tuck box. I would love to see more of that kind of texturing on your court card clothing to make them pop a little more and add a bit more complexity/detail without sacrificing elegance. You could even make the textures metallic whilst keeping the base colour normal, creating different levels of detail (the Mana back design is an example of what I'm referring to). I think that would contribute further to the theme of passion and gold. I know i'm not making a lot of sense, it's late here where i live =p.

That's all i have to add for now! I hope you'll consider my suggestions (especially the soccer ball one =p). Your artistic style is amazing and i love your interpretation of this theme. :)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on July 01, 2013, 07:26:29 AM
Thank you Froggo, nice comments.  I've been knuckling down making some changes to the male styles, bringing them more inline with the Queen and pretty happy with the results.  Gone are the curls, and the colour now is even more subdued.  It's a balance, I am drawing from references that have the curls - and the soccer balls ;) but the end artwork has to stand on it's own of course.  And I am actually looking at a metallic overlay right now, nice call.  Appreciate your thoughts, all good stuff there
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Fred on July 01, 2013, 10:18:07 AM
Thank you Froggo, nice comments.  I've been knuckling down making some changes to the male styles, bringing them more inline with the Queen and pretty happy with the results.  Gone are the curls, and the colour now is even more subdued.  It's a balance, I am drawing from references that have the curls - and the soccer balls ;) but the end artwork has to stand on it's own of course.  And I am actually looking at a metallic overlay right now, nice call.  Appreciate your thoughts, all good stuff there

All good! Always glad to contribute! Looking forward to your updates, keep em coming (:
Title: Re: 3D Renders
Post by: Card Player on July 04, 2013, 08:49:14 AM
@ Rick:

Hi guys,

Just a quick update.  I've reworked the face cards a little, will post some tweaks on those soon.  Of course have the tuck case on the go as well, so here are new renders with the embossing.  I also have a custom label which I'll render up.  Working with USPCC on the details, coming along well, great bunch of people :)

The tuck box is looking really elegant. I like what your doing to the sides of the box (more font, less quotes). I think the side is still missing a little something.  What if you used that same dark background from the circle on the front of the tuck box and also used it behind the text on the side of the box. Not sure if that background is ink or embossing? Looks like a faded or transparent circle design on the front?

@ Froggo:

One 'issue' that bothers me a lot is the flower design on the King's gown. At first glance, I thought they were soccer balls!

I've seen a few soccer balls in my day, I could not help but wonder the same thing on first glance.

As for the colour tint, i much prefer the original. The tinted version obviously has more pop and contrast, but i love the way the original is faded, aged, and thus has more consistency with the overall theme.

I also mentioned this. Rick hit the color tint on the original designs of the courts right on the head. No darker color tint. I think that light shade of tan or gold make the dark Red and Black pips really pop. It gives it a nice contrast. 
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on July 12, 2013, 09:38:26 AM
Hey Legacy, thanks, yes I've trimmed back on the text on the tuck.  The circle is embossing and I could perhaps look at a little more of that on the sides.  Don't want to distract too much from the front and back artwork but worth a look.  Soccer ball is out, and yes have settled on a subdued palette to set off the pips :) 

Getting down to the fine details now, & working through the best options for production
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on July 19, 2013, 12:07:45 AM
Hey guys,

Have just wrapped up the promo trailer for the deck, here's a link.  Gives you a better look at the refined styles for the face cards toward the end.  Hope you like the updates
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Loop Cuts on July 19, 2013, 09:40:07 AM
I absolutely love the trailer.  Your talented in both art and 3D animation.  Very excited for this deck.

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on July 21, 2013, 06:20:17 AM
Hey thanks Robert, not a 3D expert but I get there in the end :)   A special project to work on, the forum feedback has been a great help, good people.  Will keep plugging
Title: Re: プラダ トートバッグBareealcokili uplinexissops Mortieruplirl 69532
Post by: MrMollusk on October 26, 2013, 08:00:25 PM
はるかに許し、彼女または彼は、飢えに到達する達成不可能に思えるかもしれません正確なもの。 スマート市場の司令官は好意に苦しんで成功することはできません。 完全に、極東成功しない。<a href="">エルメス 財布</a>昨年は良いクルーズという。 通常のAthlon 64トラックダウンと組み合わせるOpteronプロセッサの作成と、AMDは間違いなくスタイリングプロセッサチップを過ぎて成功したかもしれない可能性の期間の方法を提供しています。 おそらく実際のK7構造は設計でしたが、AMDはアスロン64工学の重要な何かを実行する疑いもなく恵まれています。<a href="">エルメス 店舗</a>環境は単に十分患者が彼らと参加している限り、報酬を持っている。 この期間中に良好な結果を得る窓の事実だった、これは1980年代と1990年代にはイライラアップル社のリンゴのコンピュータ技術の致命的なエラーが発生している区別する失態。 ソフトウェアプログラム環境の成果は本当にどのこの種の行う個体数の最初のインスタンスで異なっている。
実際に海を楽しんで、ピートは合理化、さらにはやがて世界人口の負荷が誤った任意のバックを閉め滑った。 例外的な妹が非常に良いために終了するとチェルシーベンソンは、デトロイトで設定。 ピートはサンフランシスコでテッドに署名するためにサブスクライブし、そしてトゥルー輝かしい小への旅行の周りハングいずれかで送信されます。<a href="">シャネル 財布</a>ここでチームメンバーに考慮すべきいくつかの他の貢献ポイントは、あなたは、単に事実上のSFを投資カタカタプラスチック製を購入することはできませんということです。 それは多くの退屈な植民進み、Salsalitoチキンパンを作る1近所の店を取ることは本当に主要な都市ではありません。 ので、ロードアイランド州ができること起こる、私はゴブ、おそらくshittiestボデガは確かにあなたが望む任意の時点で、おいしいプラスチックを作ることを実現するために有頂天になった(そして最後に恥ずかしい時)と組み合わせる叩かた。<a href="">アウトレット グッチ</a>アーロン·マレーは4着陸がゼロで、理由傑出ジャスティンScottWesley 1時47、特に、あなたの25yinthatのwouldrderを与えチャック。 9アトランタはN'T圧倒する反発。 報復の訴訟は、2011年に古代の女性役員が記入しながら変更が勃起迷惑ために表示されます。<a href="">シャネル ショルダーバッグ</a>明らかに本当に水するためにリンゴ酢の治療を含む、いくつかのtbspsを追加(それが焼けるように暑いであることを確認してください)​​しかし、また、すべての水蒸気あなたの心は、古い見クラッチ。 アイデアは、その人の方向に人のdisectを指示するには、あまりにも深く浸したナプキンを保持するために、次に助けることができます。 リンゴ酢処理薬品は、より輝くと同様、かなりの人づくり、さらにフィッター顔の筋肉を得ることに、皮膚の体をdeepcleanseすることができます!。
私はほとんどその人が座っていることで十分に幸運持って、それは私がどのように学んだこれだ:彼はすぐにユーゴスラビアセルビアから作成されます)さらに、工業生産を持っていた。 あなたが彼の直接設計·構築のセクションでは、彼が彼の服装を低減する方法を利用し考慮に関連付けられている見つけることができます。 彼らは現時点でになるまで、私はそれが正直に言うと、あなたにも男のシリーズへの道に花柄を構成目撃していない見て、私は彼の適切な機能のアイデアで、この作品であればわからない。<a href="">ルイヴィトン 長財布</a>さらにいくつかのwellreceived写真runnerup豪華なグランプリ受賞者を持っている、言語監督ザビエルヴォーヴォが男と一緒に神に関してwellreceivedだ、このフランス語の僧侶をグループ化し、いくつかについてはかなり控えめできれいなドキュメンタリードラマは人質単にAlgeriテロリストを鳴らした。 最初の秘蔵、ジュリエットBoperating acrossocheは最も可能性が高いアッバス·キアロスタミのレプリカを訓練した彼女の部分と一緒に優れた時折プレゼンターとして知られて考えられていた。 政治飛行内側には、ジェーンは失業者に関連付けられ投獄イランマネージャー以前に最近放出されるように見て食品の成功の機能になっていたジャファルパナヒ、向かって作成するために彼女の非常に自身のステータスメッセージを撮影。<a href="">gucciの財布</a>そこにベストを尽くす、それが厄介な検索に表示されない、特に一時的な個人以内に撮影したものまで、何人かの人々の合併症のすべてがありました。 それは、常にそれがより多くのことを行うことが可能なこのモデルとして衝撃的な真実を発見することをお勧めします。 インスタンス、あなたは、単にあなたの腹筋よりのtrainngセッション他の場所にできます。
上記のリストの報酬はナイキエアジョーダンXIのレトロで適用されます。 残りレトロジョーダンの純や近所のノミホーム専門ニッチサプライヤーを選択する際にフリップ側では、アドバイスとして、これらの領域を使用します。 あなたが古典的なレトロに関してナイキジョーダン1のすべてのサイズでの1000年のセットを見つけることが何か方法はありません。<a href="">miumiu 長財布</a>それらの計画:ソリューションてGoodlooking dogooder医者の原因となった、しばしばジェシー(エミリー·マクローリン)と呼ばれる医療専門家の内側物語として始まった。 加えて、(ニコールBeradino)頑丈ダビデは、洗浄水と素晴らしいカップルlennyの添付ラウラスペンサーすなわち洗剤の全てに乗る前usinggによって、1つまたは2つの情熱的な密会、解体の関係と同様、backstabbback求め難しい関係を示しに追い詰めています しばしば非常に結び目1981。 Superlegendトレックのレナード·ニモイがシリーズの速い周期の関与していた。<a href="">プラダ 新作</a>それは私が単に言う理由。など驚異的なおもてなしの隣ecasinoの住居の存在という事実を考慮して、達成可能のためにフィラデルフィア内側に真新しいホテルの部屋を構築するのは難しい ほとんど800のキッチン、しかも900フィート正方形を、適切に700:国家ミズーリまたはフィラデルフィアの面積というだからへ、そこから高校に行ってきました執筆、みなさ世界であなたを与え、優れたレギュラーwithinsideボストンMA、最適な事業を思い付く 平方フィート;風光パッケージ、特に才能のあるいくつかの多くの生産者と大中小企業、通常気まぐれですホームシアター部門、さりげ全て最近highlychargedそれは駆動力が普通であることを事業内部シンプルな正しい情報であってインチ滞在する満足 noncasinoの観光スポットには、ビデオゲーム市場は、毎年最高級の、チェックout.Thereさん何もユニークな少数のビデオスロットまたは多分ポンツーンやカジノクラップスリストやバカラ。だけでなく、彼らの特定の自身のものとして全体ではもう何の圧力を得られないでしょう。
あなたが最初に実用X230Tを置くとき、あなたが実際にすべての前のThinkPadであるのを確認している。 それは可能性が高いようにしかし、平易な英語色の石の宝石では、より良い箱型だが、いつ第二netvertibles広い。 彼らは、ThinkPadの周辺に来る。アムロジピンは、石灰スケールアプローチブロッカーとみなす。 それは、その血流の上に根性の細胞内への石灰の動きに関連しています。 結果的に、アムロジピンにかかわらず、それが仕事を持ってダウンさせるのに多くの酸素は、血液のビートの供給を強化すると組み合わせる耳鳴りにつながる巻き戻し。<a href="">トリーバーチ 通販</a>それか自分で印象的な方法のヒントやガイド、そして、六十年代、モビリティ、さらに自由を関連付けられているこれらの時代を覚えている。 それは多分、大きなtelecomuttingは、次を含む何か違ってガスを節約関連した期間です。 特定の六十年代のいないのであれば、それは今朝、ここではないことを確認してくださいすることについてのすべて。
あなたが助け、また前に[トリミングして、キーワードを組み込む]一見真にタークス·カイコス諸島のバックアップ引き出さ買っなりになるの。、することができます。 (この投稿、ミリアラウンド。
と、まったく新しい世界各地の気候に探しに関して大きなコア。 期間によると、この素晴らしいアプローチに実装広い多様な明確な経験があります。 加えて、不寛容レポート、インフルエンザは、ほぼ一人一人が月である内側にスケジュールされているを信じ北米における健康配慮に関連付けられたカウント。ニューバランス-574yyfbzhttp-www-p-onestep-jp-link-ferragam/



On a more relevant note, any more updates on the design?
Title: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on October 26, 2013, 11:59:52 PM



On a more relevant note, any more updates on the design?

Yes, said poster is no more.

Isn't there a KS in progress for this deck?  It's not in the design stage anymore, if I'm correct.  If so, this should be commented on in the PCP, no?
Title: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: MrMollusk on October 27, 2013, 08:17:59 PM


On a more relevant note, any more updates on the design?

Yes, said poster is no more.

Isn't there a KS in progress for this deck?  It's not in the design stage anymore, if I'm correct.  If so, this should be commented on in the PCP, no?

Uh, I don't think so. I don't see it on KS.
Title: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: adhex5150 on October 27, 2013, 11:53:18 PM


On a more relevant note, any more updates on the design?

Yes, said poster is no more.

Isn't there a KS in progress for this deck?  It's not in the design stage anymore, if I'm correct.  If so, this should be commented on in the PCP, no?

Uh, I don't think so. I don't see it on KS.

Hi everyone, I've recently chat with Rick. This deck would be on kickstarter soon :)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on November 01, 2013, 09:56:20 PM
Hi all,

Yes a quick update.  I've refrained from spamming you with updates but happy to say I'm in the final preps for a Kickstarter campaign.  I've been researching and working on the art for this deck for almost a year, tracking down historic artwork with the help of card historians, through numerous sources including the British Museum, the Fitzwilliam and the Bibliothèque nationale de France.  It's been a much bigger task than I ever planned, and quite expensive to obtain some of the art..  But in two or so weeks I plan to hit Kickstarter which is finally coming to my part of the woods.

I just want to say thank you again personally for your feedback and crits, all very helpful and appreciated.  Here are the latest visuals, happy to hear your thoughts.


Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: MrMollusk on November 02, 2013, 12:37:21 AM
Now THAT is a king!

This looks absolutely amazing! Any progress on the king of spades?
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on November 02, 2013, 01:18:29 AM
Now THAT is a king!

This looks absolutely amazing! Any progress on the king of spades?

That really is a rocking King design.  It's a vast improvement over some of the earlier designs you showed us.

This deck is going to be big on KS.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on November 03, 2013, 03:09:10 PM
Great, thanks guys :)  Yes your feedback has been excellent, reworked the styles.  I do have an updated KoS, 99% happy.  Might fire you a couple of updates when I get a moment. 
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Lotrek on November 04, 2013, 09:35:13 AM
Great work, Rick!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Anthony on November 04, 2013, 02:08:57 PM
Beautiful work, can't wait to see it roll out. Gratz and Good Luck with the project Rick!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: kateofclubs on November 05, 2013, 10:56:04 AM
This deck is incredible. Love the updates you've made since first starting the thread, and the back design is amazing! Love the detail.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Card Player on November 10, 2013, 04:59:59 PM
Hi all,

Yes a quick update.  I've refrained from spamming you with updates but happy to say I'm in the final preps for a Kickstarter campaign.  I've been researching and working on the art for this deck for almost a year, tracking down historic artwork with the help of card historians, through numerous sources including the British Museum, the Fitzwilliam and the Bibliothèque nationale de France.  It's been a much bigger task than I ever planned, and quite expensive to obtain some of the art..  But in two or so weeks I plan to hit Kickstarter which is finally coming to my part of the woods.

I just want to say thank you again personally for your feedback and crits, all very helpful and appreciated.  Here are the latest visuals, happy to hear your thoughts.


WOW, That tuck box is looking amazing.

Can you hit the newsletter subscribers an advanced heads up about date and time you plan to launch the kickstarter?

Suggestion: On the KOD, I would not get too fancy with that added cross design on the diamond pip. The gold lining looks to be enough. I don't know if that has any origin significance? You want users to see the inner solid red of the pip.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Lotrek on November 19, 2013, 01:04:42 PM
I agree, great work by Rick! I believe it will be a big hit.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Collector on November 20, 2013, 04:15:50 PM
Very nice king. I am glad to see this project developing.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Leif on December 06, 2013, 03:42:35 AM
I really, really love this deck.

The only tiny, tiny thing about it I like a little less is that cross on the diamonds.

Suggestion: On the KOD, I would not get too fancy with that added cross design on the diamond pip. The gold lining looks to be enough. I don't know if that has any origin significance? You want users to see the inner solid red of the pip.

Other than that, I think you have done a wonderful job on these. T11, or whoever you approach, would be insane, not to take up these.

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: rjtomlinson1977 on December 07, 2013, 12:18:47 PM
Great looking cards and even a more amazing tuck case. I can't wait to support you on KS.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 26, 2013, 04:50:36 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick happy holidays and all the best for 2014.  Hope you had a great christmas.  Thanks again for all your amazing feedback and helpful comments, truly appreciated.

Number crunching final costs at the moment.  Here are concept visuals for the Grail limited edition.  I've yet to decide on the Grail as a stretch goal or the two decks as a pair.  Together would make the campaign much cleaner but the funding cost would be high.  Very expensive decks to produce!  Also experimenting with colour palettes for the face cards.

Talk soon, happy new year and all the best :)

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Lotrek on December 26, 2013, 04:55:58 AM
All the best to you Rick!  ;)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: sprouts1115 on December 26, 2013, 10:04:38 AM
Love the symbolism of the JoH. Rick you really know your stuff. If your Kickstarter starts when mine is still going, I'll definitely give you a shout out in an update.  Most people don't know it started out with a dagger then was changed to the walking stick and from the walking stick morphed into the leaf. I don't buy the conspiracy theories where the leaf is somehow connected to the Freemasons. If you know the history of the cards, it doesn't make sense. The leaf came about because of necessity when they went to reversible court cards. I think it's a lot of HoopLa Watch 21:30 (
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 29, 2013, 03:05:12 AM
You've obviously spent some time yourself on the history Russ :) Yes even examining the early art myself I struggled to make out the detail and can see just how the mistakes were made.  Great to see you've taken the plunge, all the best :)

And hey Lotrek, have a fantastic year
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Lotrek on December 29, 2013, 03:51:13 AM
And hey Lotrek, have a fantastic year

I'll do my best, buddy!  ;)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Sher143 on December 30, 2013, 06:05:28 AM
I really really like the design of this deck and can't wait for it on Kickstarter! :D

I think your design for the LE deck is awesome! I think I read somewhere that you're thinking of using pearlescent stock? I hope you do. The tuck case for the Aurum White Gold edition by Encarded uses a stock with a pearlescent effect to it and it's one of my favorite tuck boxes.  :)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 30, 2013, 07:36:22 PM
Thank you Sher!  Yes a pearlescent stock, should really shine with the emboss and foil.  I didn't know the Aurum used it, yes lovely looking deck.  Looking forward to KS myself, it's been a long time coming.  Happy New year!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 07, 2014, 07:38:06 AM
Just need to get this out of my system.  What do you think of these variations?

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Anthony on January 07, 2014, 08:27:34 AM
Great design Rick, I do like the middle one with the soft coloring. That being said, I'm kind of torn on the image being retained in the boarder or expanding past it.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: ivan on January 07, 2014, 08:41:52 AM
Wow...beautiful design Rick!

I wonder how the soft colours from the second card will look on the third image?
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on January 07, 2014, 10:45:26 AM
I like the second card - more colorful without being a rainbow.

Why have borders at all?  Lose them and see how gorgeous they look when the courts are "full-screen".
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: HandSkillz on January 07, 2014, 12:07:47 PM
My 2 cents - I actually like the second one the most.  The picture going beyond the borders creates an odd effect for me - as the elbows don't expand (and I wouldn't want them to...I think) in the middle of the card.

Great design though, I look forward to seeing it on KS!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: PrincessTrouble on January 09, 2014, 04:18:06 PM
I like the muted colors of the first one the best.  Can't wait to pledge for these!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 10, 2014, 12:01:59 AM
Hey thanks everyone, you've been great to bounce ideas off this whole project.  I really appreciate it.

I've worked on finding a balance between the two on the colours.  I've not wanted to introduce too much colour as I didn't want it to overwhelm the linework.  I think this is working pretty well.

I've always preferred the art without the constraints of the border myself but I've resisted losing them purely for the fact I wanted to produce a deck that didn't feel a million miles from the standard - and could still be used by cardists/magicians without issue.  But that said, here's another round...

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on January 10, 2014, 12:41:03 AM
Go borderless and make the art a little larger.  That's one of the big benefits of no border - more room, bigger art.  You won't alienate anyone by making a more gorgeous deck...
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Leif on January 10, 2014, 05:08:24 AM
I think that, since you call the deck origins, are you trying to merge the old design like this: with the modern standard of playing cards?
I think there are several questions in these photos you posted.

I will offer my take on each of them.

First, the question of color. I originally liked the subdued color of your first postings. But the origins, the old designs you've drawn inspiration from, did they have a lot of color? Do you want to keep everything as close to the originals as possible, or do you want to do some things different?

Second, the question of borders.
Again, you have to think about the originals, what did they look like, and how much do you want your design to be exactly like the originals? Why, do you think, did they have borders in the first place, if they did?
Borders can work as a way of focussing the eye on the art, I think. And I like your borders.
Personally I'd like number one or number three in your last post. Either have borders, and keep everything inside, or remove the borders completely. But if you do remove the borders, what happens to the queen of diamonds left arm? How much redrawing do you have to do on the other courts?

Third, with or without color fading. I was rather fond of the color fading on your first postings. Now, these last ones don't have any fading at all, right? Maybe these last was just to show the border differences, but I actually like these without the fades too.

It would be fun to see one of your court cards with the same vibrant red, gold and green color as the Rouen example above, just for comparison.

I can firmly say that whatever you do, your decks will be the first I back on kickstarter, if you go that route.

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 10, 2014, 08:30:08 AM
Thanks for your feedback Leif.  And humbled you'll brave kickstarter for the first time, thank you

Yes the battle I had early on was how close do I try to stay to the originals, and I found it was going to make for some pretty clunky art.  Probably followed some of the feedback on the early posts.  So while I have tried to retain the same elements and details as the originals, I'm careful to say the deck is 'inspired' by.  The goal was always a modern deck and a modern take.   My thought process was that the artists of the 16th century were working with wood, stencils and brushes, which limited what they could create.  If they had our tools, what might they produce. 

Hopefully I won't get trouble for showing these images but you can see some of my workings.


You're right on the colours, the originals were bright.  I decided to keep the colour monotone originally to tie in with the tuck and keep the focus on the detail.  Also didn't want to open a gold foil tuck, and be hit with fluro red cards.  Artistic license ;)

The color fade or gradient is something I'm revisiting.   I think monotone it adds depth.  With extra colour perhaps it doesn't need it so much, and more importantly from a production stand point, if you use a gradient, you can't use metallics. Which would kill my options to an extent.

The borders, if you look at the historic art they are just inside the edge, no squeezers of course, so they don't feel as dominant as modern cards and the art basically uses the entire card.  So I think there is some play there.  All of my art is stand alone like this, so not a lot of work to remove borders, but it is another step away from the cropping of the originals.  Too far?  Undecided
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: HandSkillz on January 10, 2014, 11:10:50 AM
I'm a fan of the borderless with more color, that's the best I've seen so far for sure.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Anthony on January 10, 2014, 02:58:50 PM
I'm a fan of the borderless with more color, that's the best I've seen so far for sure.

Ya I have to agree with HandSkillz, the more vibrant, boarderless design is beautiful.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: th4mo on January 11, 2014, 03:15:27 AM
I'm a fan of the borderless with more color, that's the best I've seen so far for sure.

Ya I have to agree with HandSkillz, the more vibrant, boarderless design is beautiful.

I third what these two have said!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 11, 2014, 03:37:57 AM
I knew I shouldn't have asked you guys.  Yes agreed
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Leif on January 12, 2014, 06:34:07 AM
Even though I may be in the minority here, I must say that I like the ones with the border a tiny bit more than the ones without borders. Hell, with gorgeous art like this, you can release decks en masse, without borders, with borders, bright colors, no colors, neon colors, you name it, I'll get them all.

I have a question, though:

How many colors are you going to use?
USPC said to me that I could use only six colors, any more and they would have to rasterize (Is that the correct term?) the art and mix colors.
What are your opinions about this for your deck?

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: volantangel on January 13, 2014, 05:44:15 AM
I think the borders work much better, esp with the queen coming out of the border.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 13, 2014, 08:22:07 AM
Thanks again guys.  I've been turning this over the last couple of days.  In the end converting everything to full colour will be a task, and will increase the price of the decks again, which are already sky high.  And yes the production process changes.  It a minor thing but keeping the colors to a minimum will keep the line work sharp.  The borders, as much as I like it without I think will have to stay.  I've been working with a historian and it would be hard at the last to make such a switch.  I'd also feel like I'd bombed on working to the standard.  I've made a little compromise by thinning it out.  Good to work this through though
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: HandSkillz on January 13, 2014, 09:46:10 AM
Thanks again guys.  I've been turning this over the last couple of days.  In the end converting everything to full colour will be a task, and will increase the price of the decks again, which are already sky high.  And yes the production process changes.  It a minor thing but keeping the colors to a minimum will keep the line work sharp.  The borders, as much as I like it without I think will have to stay.  I've been working with a historian and it would be hard at the last to make such a switch.  I'd also feel like I'd bombed on working to the standard.  I've made a little compromise by thinning it out.  Good to work this through though

Rick - at the end of the day you're the artist and your work is excellent. If you put 10 Literature experts in a room you'll have 10 different opinions about even Shakespeare's work.  You should go with what feels best to you and what works best for your project.  I would also say you've gone above and beyond the standard with the courts, regardless of color detail or borders, so don't worry about that.  Keep up the good work!!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Leif on January 13, 2014, 02:31:14 PM

Thanks again guys.  I've been turning this over the last couple of days.  In the end converting everything to full colour will be a task, and will increase the price of the decks again, which are already sky high.  And yes the production process changes.  It a minor thing but keeping the colors to a minimum will keep the line work sharp.  The borders, as much as I like it without I think will have to stay.  I've been working with a historian and it would be hard at the last to make such a switch.  I'd also feel like I'd bombed on working to the standard.  I've made a little compromise by thinning it out.  Good to work this through though

Rick - at the end of the day you're the artist and your work is excellent. If you put 10 Literature experts in a room you'll have 10 different opinions about even Shakespeare's work.  You should go with what feels best to you and what works best for your project.  I would also say you've gone above and beyond the standard with the courts, regardless of color detail or borders, so don't worry about that.  Keep up the good work!!

I agree with HandSkillz.

And it's probably best to keep costs as low as you can. I'd hate for this to not get funded just because people think the deck is too expensive.
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Rick Davidson on January 15, 2014, 05:53:15 PM
Yes cost is my main concern at the moment, even UPSCC talked me down on the colours.  But I'm about set to run after that little experiment.  Thanks again for the feedback, always good points
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Nurul on January 18, 2014, 06:41:50 AM
Deck goes live at 9am EST. 2PM GMT. Good luck Rick, I look forward to this :)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Anthony on January 18, 2014, 09:08:10 AM
And were off........... (

Good Luck Rick!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: ivan on January 18, 2014, 09:29:49 AM
@Sparkz: Did u get the HISTORIC FIRST reward tier?  :)
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Anthony on January 18, 2014, 09:31:10 AM
@Sparkz: Did u get the HISTORIC FIRST reward tier?  :)

I did, thrilled to death!
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: chach on January 18, 2014, 09:37:52 AM
@Sparkz: Did u get the HISTORIC FIRST reward tier?  :)

I did, thrilled to death!

Damn, that was you?  I was so disappointed to be able to click on it only to get the message on the next screen saying that I have failed at life and shall die a miserable existence.  Or at least that's what it felt like. 
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on January 18, 2014, 09:55:00 AM
Can this thread get moved to the regular playing card section now?
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: badpete69 on January 18, 2014, 10:34:04 AM
This is a travesty  This is the first time I do not get the all inclusive reward pledge for a card project.  I want a recount
Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: ivan on January 18, 2014, 10:48:06 AM
@Sparkz: Did u get the HISTORIC FIRST reward tier?  :)

I did, thrilled to death!

NOooooo!! Lol I was so close :(

Title: Re: Origins Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on January 18, 2014, 11:32:39 AM
Can this thread get moved to the regular playing card section now?

There's a new topic there, if everyone wants to join the action there.