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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: BastianBJ on June 17, 2013, 07:35:05 PM

Title: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: BastianBJ on June 17, 2013, 07:35:05 PM
Platinum Playing Cards from Elite Playing Cards on Kickstarter.
Goal of $15,000
Limited Edition (no statement about the amount of decks that will be printed)
Metalic inks

1 single deck is $10 (+ $9 for intl. shipping)
2 is $19 (+ $12 for intl. shipping)
3. is $28 (+ $14 for intl. shipping) (
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on June 18, 2013, 12:33:50 AM
Hmm...  Why would someone want to make indices that are MORE difficult to read?

The art is boring.

I believe someone discovered how to render metallic surfaces with their graphics software and just went to town on a standard deck design, finding ways to make it worse than the original.

Yet another deck that five years ago would have been a big deal but today just generates yawns.  Where is the creativity?
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Bill Collins on June 18, 2013, 01:55:37 AM
I will say I like the heart pip, I think it would make a cool looking grill on a steampunk vehicle.
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on June 18, 2013, 02:46:21 AM
I will say I like the heart pip, I think it would make a cool looking grill on a steampunk vehicle.

Yeah, well, those pips are about the full extent of creativity here.

Another thought occurred to me: if this is a borderless design, you'll be able to spot red cards from black just by looking at the edge of the deck...  Makes certain tricks a lot easier - but it's terrible design.
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Paul Carpenter on June 18, 2013, 09:03:46 AM
I will say I like the heart pip, I think it would make a cool looking grill on a steampunk vehicle.

Yeah, well, those pips are about the full extent of creativity here.

Another thought occurred to me: if this is a borderless design, you'll be able to spot red cards from black just by looking at the edge of the deck...  Makes certain tricks a lot easier - but it's terrible design.

Yes, that is true. And I'm honestly mystified by the white bordered back and black faces. WIth as dark as the deck is all the way around, why on earth add the white border? Usually you try to minimize front-to-back differences, not make them as contrasting as possible...

The metallic pips and chrome and all that is pretty cool looking, but the overall feel is hard to digest and read.
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Alex Willis on June 18, 2013, 03:45:42 PM
Still, in one day this deck has more pledges than most decks currently on KS.  It's not really my thing, but I can see the attraction.  It's leaps and bounds better than Total Eclipse which is just as boring to me. 
Title: Re: Platinum Playing Cards (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on June 18, 2013, 11:18:24 PM
Still, in one day this deck has more pledges than most decks currently on KS.  It's not really my thing, but I can see the attraction.  It's leaps and bounds better than Total Eclipse which is just as boring to me.

I just noticed the big attraction - it's Elite Playing Cards.  They've developed a fan base by now, people who like their "neo-baroque" deck styles.  Hey, if they have an audience and they know what that audience likes, more power to them.  I never bought any of their decks, but simply because they're not to my liking.  Though I would have to admit that this is probably the least functional deck they've made, assuming that it is indeed a white-bordered back and a borderless front with colored index corners.  I'm a stickler for functionality, but not everyone is.