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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: john on August 02, 2013, 06:39:36 PM

Title: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: john on August 02, 2013, 06:39:36 PM
Just announced via the Royal Optik Kickstarter. The Blue Blood Redux.

From the Kickstarter update:

"And now for the surprise news! After receiving so many emails from backers, collectors and playing card enthusiasts around the world who missed out on our Blue Blood deck when we first brought it out a year and a half ago – and cannot find this sold out deck anywhere –  we decided to bring the indigo monarchs back for one last appearence. Blue Blood Redux will be the title of our second edition of this deck design and we are hoping to release it on Kickstarter the week of August 12th. There will be some new court cards –  a coup in the original heart suit, has seen the King overthrown by the original Jack of Hearts who truly makes for a unique and awesome suicide King.  His replacement in the ranks is another stealth assassin who helped with the royal overthrow and has a watchful eye on his rogue king.

There has also been a replacement in the Spade Court as well – a new Jack has risen to take the spot of a vanquished warrior. Stealth and far more dangerous than his comrade he is a lethal threat ready for battle.   

Aside from the court changes, we added two new animals for the Ace of Diamond & Ace of Hearts cards.  There are other exciting new changes to the deck that we hope you will enjoy and that we feel make this version of the deck Blue Blood through and through!

Just a note before closing, the Blue Blood Redux deck is in addition to our six deck series - it is not our fourth deck. We are bringing it back by popular demand and to give a second chance to everyone who wanted to have all the decks in our series."
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 02, 2013, 11:52:40 PM
Just announced via the Royal Optik Kickstarter. The Blue Blood Redux.

From the Kickstarter update:

"And now for the surprise news! After receiving so many emails from backers, collectors and playing card enthusiasts around the world who missed out on our Blue Blood deck when we first brought it out a year and a half ago – and cannot find this sold out deck anywhere –  we decided to bring the indigo monarchs back for one last appearence. Blue Blood Redux will be the title of our second edition of this deck design and we are hoping to release it on Kickstarter the week of August 12th. There will be some new court cards –  a coup in the original heart suit, has seen the King overthrown by the original Jack of Hearts who truly makes for a unique and awesome suicide King.  His replacement in the ranks is another stealth assassin who helped with the royal overthrow and has a watchful eye on his rogue king.

There has also been a replacement in the Spade Court as well – a new Jack has risen to take the spot of a vanquished warrior. Stealth and far more dangerous than his comrade he is a lethal threat ready for battle.   

Aside from the court changes, we added two new animals for the Ace of Diamond & Ace of Hearts cards.  There are other exciting new changes to the deck that we hope you will enjoy and that we feel make this version of the deck Blue Blood through and through!

Just a note before closing, the Blue Blood Redux deck is in addition to our six deck series - it is not our fourth deck. We are bringing it back by popular demand and to give a second chance to everyone who wanted to have all the decks in our series."

I've spoken with Linnea at Uusi about this - the new version of Blue Blood will have the "Uusi-standard" indices that they used on Bohemia and Royal Optik.  As mentioned, there will be some slight redesigning to it - it's things they noticed AFTER making the deck that they wished they'd done differently.

Additionally, the pips will be dark blue for the blacks and light blue for the reds - they picked shades that are far enough apart to make for easy recognition.  It's also a possibility (though this isn't set in stone) that if a stretch goal is reached, they'll release a second color of the deck, as they have done for the more-recent projects.

But perhaps the biggest reason for making this was the hardcore demand for the deck.  Not a week has passed since the deck came out that someone isn't asking Peter and Linnea how to get their own or if they have any left for sale.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Fred on August 03, 2013, 12:13:31 AM
Super excited! Don, any chance you could contact the creators about the hand placement on the sword of the Jack of hearts? Its not a big deal but it doesnt look right (im not talking about an issue concerning proportion etc as everythings obviously abstract, its judt that the actual fingers do not fit right).

Blue blood is one of, if not my all time favourite deck. I have my calendar booked for release! Keep us updated please!
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 03, 2013, 01:13:13 AM
Super excited! Don, any chance you could contact the creators about the hand placement on the sword of the Jack of hearts? Its not a big deal but it doesnt look right (im not talking about an issue concerning proportion etc as everythings obviously abstract, its judt that the actual fingers do not fit right).

Blue blood is one of, if not my all time favourite deck. I have my calendar booked for release! Keep us updated please!

If the man wielding the sword were striking with the flat of the blade, this would actually be just fine.  There are also some blocks that would employ a similar hand placement, with the second hand making contact with the dull edge of the blade for support.  Furthermore, one's hand would likely shift position just a bit, were this to be a strike with the blade's sharp edge, as the other hand gripped the handle - samurai rarely use katana as a one-handed weapon outside of a period movie.  Aikido requires some amount of practice with a bokken, a wooden sword roughly the same size as a samurai's katana, and we use it in a similar fashion.  I've not been attending regularly, but I'm still an ikkyu in the art - that's the last rank before shodan, the first "black belt" rank.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Fred on August 03, 2013, 01:22:42 AM
Thanks for the background information. Maybe i wasnt clear enough, what i meant was the finger position gripping the handle of the katana. The middle and ring fingers along with the pinky in particular. Concerning the girth of the handle (avoiding all penis related jokes), the middle and ring fingers do not wrap 'comfortably' around the handle. They honestly look deformed. I can allow my OCD to get over the lack of knuckles but the fingers just do not look right to me.

Again, i love this deck and am just trying to improve some minor, but noticeable imperfections.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 03, 2013, 03:50:46 AM
Thanks for the background information. Maybe i wasnt clear enough, what i meant was the finger position gripping the handle of the katana. The middle and ring fingers along with the pinky in particular. Concerning the girth of the handle (avoiding all penis related jokes), the middle and ring fingers do not wrap 'comfortably' around the handle. They honestly look deformed. I can allow my OCD to get over the lack of knuckles but the fingers just do not look right to me.

Again, i love this deck and am just trying to improve some minor, but noticeable imperfections.

I'll grant that the fingers are a bit stubby.  In addition, when gripping a katana handle, it's the last two fingers that grip the most tightly, not the first two, for better blade control and power.  The right hand appears to have the pinky nearly loose.  I'd just chalk it up to the character being in "mid-grip" - his weapon is drawn but not yet ready for battle, his hands and fingers still moving into correct position.  This guy's iaido needs some work!
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: john on August 03, 2013, 09:52:02 AM
Additionally, the pips will be dark blue for the blacks and light blue for the reds - they picked shades that are far enough apart to make for easy recognition.  It's also a possibility (though this isn't set in stone) that if a stretch goal is reached, they'll release a second color of the deck, as they have done for the more-recent projects.

Hmm, the blues for both pips bothers me, but they are experienced enough to know what they are doing so they should look great. Would the second color be a red or black? Bohemia's extra deck was blackish, Royal Optic's extra deck was red, so it would make sense to follow the trend. Don, maybe you can summon the Uusi account when the kickstarter goes live, or now, to answer more direct questions.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 03, 2013, 07:29:41 PM
Additionally, the pips will be dark blue for the blacks and light blue for the reds - they picked shades that are far enough apart to make for easy recognition.  It's also a possibility (though this isn't set in stone) that if a stretch goal is reached, they'll release a second color of the deck, as they have done for the more-recent projects.

Hmm, the blues for both pips bothers me, but they are experienced enough to know what they are doing so they should look great. Would the second color be a red or black? Bohemia's extra deck was blackish, Royal Optic's extra deck was red, so it would make sense to follow the trend. Don, maybe you can summon the Uusi account when the kickstarter goes live, or now, to answer more direct questions.

The blues will be different enough, I've seen images - didn't they post some at the Royal Optik comments page on KS?

As I said, the second color isn't set in stone - a color has not yet been picked because it may not come to fruition.  I can tell you what I'd like to see, but it would be sheer speculation.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: john on August 03, 2013, 08:32:57 PM

The blues will be different enough, I've seen images - didn't they post some at the Royal Optik comments page on KS?

As I said, the second color isn't set in stone - a color has not yet been picked because it may not come to fruition.  I can tell you what I'd like to see, but it would be sheer speculation.

The posted a picture of the Jack of Spades, but no color comparison of the suits or anything. And what color would you like to see?
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 03, 2013, 11:18:12 PM

The blues will be different enough, I've seen images - didn't they post some at the Royal Optik comments page on KS?

As I said, the second color isn't set in stone - a color has not yet been picked because it may not come to fruition.  I can tell you what I'd like to see, but it would be sheer speculation.

The posted a picture of the Jack of Spades, but no color comparison of the suits or anything. And what color would you like to see?

Well, on the one hand, red would be nice, but this is the Blue Blood deck...  Everything about it is blue.  So I gues I'm a bit undecided.  Perhaps red, perhaps black, perhaps different shades of blue, perhaps purple...  Definitely not green or brown - good colors, but not a good match to the design.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: uusikissa1 on August 12, 2013, 10:46:55 AM
Super excited! Don, any chance you could contact the creators about the hand placement on the sword of the Jack of hearts? Its not a big deal but it doesnt look right (im not talking about an issue concerning proportion etc as everythings obviously abstract, its judt that the actual fingers do not fit right).

Blue blood is one of, if not my all time favourite deck. I have my calendar booked for release! Keep us updated please!

Hi Froggo – just saw this thread. Awesome, detailed description of how the Jack would be holding that type of sword!! Loved reading yours and Don's back and forth on that. Yes, the old Jack of Hearts (who is now the King of Hearts because we thought he made a brilliant suicide king) no longer has severe arthritis on his sword hand.  That was a hurried sketch for our first Kickstarter and we didn't realize we could change artwork that we had posted. We thought it was fine then, but given the chance to recreate the deck, we were eager to repair that detail along with a few others.  We hope you enjoy the new, anatomically appropriate version that also has some new court characters and many other changes when Blueblood Redux launches!


Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: uusikissa1 on August 12, 2013, 10:50:41 AM
oops, not sure what happened there...
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Fred on August 12, 2013, 11:20:11 AM
Hi Linnea, i am extremely glad you were able to cure his arthritis :) It wasnt anything major and obviously would not be detrimental to the decks success, but the fact that you acknowledged and corrected the imperfection just goes to show how much you love the deck as a complete and perfect work of art. My respect for you guys has just shot up even higher. I am very eager for the release and wish you the best of luck!
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: uusikissa1 on August 12, 2013, 09:30:01 PM
Hi Linnea, i am extremely glad you were able to cure his arthritis :) It wasnt anything major and obviously would not be detrimental to the decks success, but the fact that you acknowledged and corrected the imperfection just goes to show how much you love the deck as a complete and perfect work of art. My respect for you guys has just shot up even higher. I am very eager for the release and wish you the best of luck!

Thanks, Froggo! We are lucky to have you as a backer – love your eye for detail!  We will be launching BB Redux on Monday, August 19th at noon and hope to see you there :D

Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: kdklown on August 12, 2013, 10:17:16 PM
So I was thinking...  What excites me about the BB Redux is that it's in addition to the planned 6 deck Uusi set.  So it's like a bonus for us Uusi fans.  It also serves to round out the first three, giving us six decks to date.  It gives the creators an opportunity to hone some details they may have found needed something, while making their first effort a somewhat paired set.  Their talent as designers coupled with the fact that their projects have increased in funding with every effort leads me to believe that, barring something crazy happening, we should end up with a total of 12 decks to marvel at.   That is assuming that they are not dead set against an alternate color or tuck in one of the next versions.  Good things to come, folks, good things to come.  I realize most of this is obvious I just wanted to gush a little.  I own what I think is a lot of decks and my Uusi's are the ones that catch my eye every time I pass my display case.  That is all.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on August 13, 2013, 02:22:47 AM
So I was thinking...  What excites me about the BB Redux is that it's in addition to the planned 6 deck Uusi set.  So it's like a bonus for us Uusi fans.  It also serves to round out the first three, giving us six decks to date.  It gives the creators an opportunity to hone some details they may have found needed something, while making their first effort a somewhat paired set.  Their talent as designers coupled with the fact that their projects have increased in funding with every effort leads me to believe that, barring something crazy happening, we should end up with a total of 12 decks to marvel at.   That is assuming that they are not dead set against an alternate color or tuck in one of the next versions.  Good things to come, folks, good things to come.  I realize most of this is obvious I just wanted to gush a little.  I own what I think is a lot of decks and my Uusi's are the ones that catch my eye every time I pass my display case.  That is all.

Bro, gush away!  If the original was any indication, it's going to be an awesome deck.
Title: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: uusikissa1 on August 14, 2013, 02:50:36 PM
Hey everybody,

Just thought we would let anyone who might be interested know that we will be launching our new "Blueblood Redux" playing card deck on KS this coming Monday, the 19th of August at 10:00am EST. It will be a second revised edition of the original Blueblood deck, which was our first playing card deck we produced (and apparently one of our hardest decks to procure). Some of the revisions Blueblood Redux will feature will be a new tuck box, new jack of spades and jack of hearts (with the old jack of hearts moving up to the kings position) a new queen of hearts, an Uusi signature diptych add card, and new animals for the ace of diamonds and the ace of hearts. There will also be a revision of the pip cards, using the same suite symbol design and layout that we used in Bohemia and Royal Optik. Also the entire deck will be blue, with the clubs and spades a dark blue and the hearts and diamonds being a light blue. Oh, a new card back as well! There will probably be a few other additions as well. Hope to see you over at KS on Monday!

Peter and Linnea

Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Yin on August 15, 2013, 12:31:05 AM
I think, at this point of time, you guys are one of the most dependable and unique card designers out there today, and I will pledge for whatever with the knowledge that I have the assurance that it will be a uniquely designed deck, high standard, delivered ON time, decks arrived without a scratch or dent on them and it will be a collectible deck. Always.  :D
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: MrMollusk on August 15, 2013, 02:26:33 AM
New back.

New courts.

New pips.


I never thought the pips on the Bohemia deck would work so well with the Blueblood deck.

This is one hell of a redux!
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Don Boyer on August 15, 2013, 06:41:27 AM
The new back design looks like a giant leap forward in attractive back designs!  We want to see more!  :))
Title: Uusi Blueblood Redux deck (KS)
Post by: CordedTires on August 19, 2013, 11:00:11 AM
Live for an hour (!?), >$5200 pledged: (
Title: Re: Uusi Blueblood Redux deck (KS)
Post by: MrMollusk on August 19, 2013, 11:12:02 AM
We already have a topic for this.'blueblood-redux'-ks-launch-date/

It's no surprise at all that it's over 1/2 funded in only an hour. It's a fantastic design by a fantastic company.
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Don Boyer on August 19, 2013, 12:07:21 PM
I merged them.  The project is climbing FAST.  Two hours in, nearly $7,700.  I'd be shocked if it wasn't funded by 1:00pm EST/17:00 UTC.
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Rob Wright on August 20, 2013, 12:50:37 AM
148% funded. I really like these. I prefer the indices of this better than the first.
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Card Player on August 20, 2013, 05:42:50 AM
I like the idea of the lighter/darker blue pips and indices. Metallic Inks would look really nice on this version. It would set the Redux version apart from the first Blue Blood even more.
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Candace B on August 20, 2013, 02:53:16 PM
This is a beautiful deck! There are so many things I love about the design, especially the watercolor looking pips. Beautiful! I'm not at all surprised to see this doing so well right off the bat. :]
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Fred on August 30, 2013, 11:29:30 PM
Let me just leave this here...
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: xela on August 31, 2013, 12:13:05 AM
That wood gave me wood
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: Rob Wright on August 31, 2013, 12:27:05 AM
They have a really nice story as an update about how they get the wood for all of there projects. Pretty cool
Title: Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
Post by: 10ofclubs on August 31, 2013, 07:49:10 AM
The brick box looks really nice, but it wouldn't be much of a display because you can't really see the cards inside.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 16, 2013, 02:10:09 PM
got my blue bloods in the mail today. AWESOME! deck. Great work as always.

I'll be honest about one thing, I was a little disappointed to open the sweet tuck and see the blank white tuck on the inside. I would really encourage you guys to print on the inside as well, it would really take the deck up another notch.

Great work guys!
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Justin O. on December 16, 2013, 05:32:56 PM
I just got a deck of the original Blue Bloods off eBay and received them over the weekend; Could not be more excited to own this deck and am thinking I will pick up a redux just so I can have the full catalog of Uusi decks after once the Pagan deck shows up.
Title: Re: New *Soon to be* Kickstarter Deck: Blue Blood Redux
Post by: Don Boyer on December 16, 2013, 10:02:43 PM
got my blue bloods in the mail today. AWESOME! deck. Great work as always.

I'll be honest about one thing, I was a little disappointed to open the sweet tuck and see the blank white tuck on the inside. I would really encourage you guys to print on the inside as well, it would really take the deck up another notch.

Great work guys!

Look at you, new kid on the block!  :))

I'll mention it to them when we speak next.