The Next Chapter for Kings Wild Playing Cards, Sherlock Holmes!
I happy to announce my next project. I have been in talks with the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Estate and I just received approval to make an officially licensed Sherlock Holmes Playing Card Deck. I have always been captivated by the characters and stories of Sir Conan Doyle and am excited to contribute my own style to a rich heritage a creativity. More details to follow but as of now I plan on going live with the project here on Kickstarter around the first of November.
Thanks again for all of your support,
Well, this was kept quiet lol here's me thinking that you were going to go with the simple design that u had in the design section. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this design, the detail in your work is just awe inspiring. Question though (sorry if it sounds a little silly), are the court cards going to be based on the original Sherlock Holmes characters or are you going to make your own up as to how you think they should look?
Ah no fair, show us a little peek Jackson :)
The project will feature three decks - The Baker Street Edition, The Holmes Edition and The Moriarty Edition (as seen below), one completely unique court set featured on all three card decks. Jackson will also be making a limited edition set available for backers.
Sneak peak courtesy of Scott from
Looks like i have to get back in the prostitution business again.. sigh Jackson why must you do this! =p
Following quote also from project will feature three decks - The Baker Street Edition, The Holmes Edition and The Moriarty Edition (as seen below), one completely unique court set featured on all three card decks. Jackson will also be making a limited edition set available for backers.
I'm not sure if the above implies the same 'completely unique court set' (12 different court faces) featured on all 3 decks or 3 different 'completely unique court set' ( 36 DIFFERENT FREAKING COURTS!) featured on the 3 versions. Can you remove the ambiguity please, Jackson?
I love the Moriarty edition!
No problem. I'm designing one complete court set that will featured on all three decks. The Holmes and Baker Street Editions will have the exact same faces. However the Moriarty Edition will have the same design but with more eviiil color schemes and metallic silver in place of red for the suite colors. I have had thoughts of designing an entire new court set for the Moriarty Edition that are nothing but Sherlock Holmes Villains. That will most likely be a stretch goal, but I would really like to do that cuz it sounds like a blast.
Hope that helps.
Sneak peak courtesy of Scott from
Looks like i have to get back in the prostitution business again.. sigh Jackson why must you do this! =p
I thought I would drop a few images.
Wish he would show us his Kickstarer Preview. That is what we are here for. It's good to have lots of eyes checking for errors. Can't wait to get some more "God" decks ;)
Hey Jackson, I just looked through your pledge tiers, and clicked on your spreadsheet for your shipping calculator, the domestic tiers have shipping included, but the international shipping is not the difference between the two, but instead the whole sum. Its as though we internationals pay for shipping twice.
Hey Jackson, I just looked through your pledge tiers, and clicked on your spreadsheet for your shipping calculator, the domestic tiers have shipping included, but the international shipping is not the difference between the two, but instead the whole sum. Its as though we internationals pay for shipping twice.
Yes and No. Because the way Kickstarter works their is no way to separate domestic shipping from the pledge tiers. The int. shipping rates are based on 2013 rates and the included domestic shipping accounts for the postage price raise due in 2014
Hey Jackson, I just looked through your pledge tiers, and clicked on your spreadsheet for your shipping calculator, the domestic tiers have shipping included, but the international shipping is not the difference between the two, but instead the whole sum. Its as though we internationals pay for shipping twice.
Yes and No. Because the way Kickstarter works their is no way to separate domestic shipping from the pledge tiers. The int. shipping rates are based on 2013 rates and the included domestic shipping accounts for the postage price raise due in 2014
Jackson, you could possibly add on a 10% increase in international postage, or whatever is the expected percentage increase. Then minus the 2014 domestic postage from it. This should be the amount that is added on for the internationals.Otherwise shipping is in excess of $40 for internationals, a little savings for us go a long way.
Hey Jackson, I just looked through your pledge tiers, and clicked on your spreadsheet for your shipping calculator, the domestic tiers have shipping included, but the international shipping is not the difference between the two, but instead the whole sum. Its as though we internationals pay for shipping twice.
Yes and No. Because the way Kickstarter works their is no way to separate domestic shipping from the pledge tiers. The int. shipping rates are based on 2013 rates and the included domestic shipping accounts for the postage price raise due in 2014
Jackson, you could possibly add on a 10% increase in international postage, or whatever is the expected percentage increase. Then minus the 2014 domestic postage from it. This should be the amount that is added on for the internationals.Otherwise shipping is in excess of $40 for internationals, a little savings for us go a long way.
No matter how you split it, International shipping is going to hurt, and im totally transparent about that. Going over $40 for shipping is an easy task. I really am sorry for it.
So I got in on the early bird mixed brick and as I was watching the funding tick ever upward (2/3 funded in 10 minutes) I got to thinking...
Hopefully Jackson was able to negotiate a discounted price for printing into his contract. This would be a brilliant move on his part and would make it a little more profitable for him. Even if the discount was just enough to cover the cost of shipping it would create a little better windfall for him as a deck designer. Hope you worked that into the negotiations JROB!
So I got in on the early bird mixed brick and as I was watching the funding tick ever upward (2/3 funded in 10 minutes) I got to thinking...
Hopefully Jackson was able to negotiate a discounted price for printing into his contract. This would be a brilliant move on his part and would make it a little more profitable for him. Even if the discount was just enough to cover the cost of shipping it would create a little better windfall for him as a deck designer. Hope you worked that into the negotiations JROB!
I wish, but their coparate arm doesn't have anything to do with their custom arm. :o
Well it's midnight but no limited edition decks?
Edit: Nevermind. God, I really fucking hate Daylight Savings.
Well it's midnight but no limited edition decks?
Edit: Nevermind. God, I really fucking hate Daylight Savings.
Daylight Saving Time is still in effect for another 13 minutes on the East Coast... It ends at 2AM, sending clocks back to 1AM Standard Time.
Well it's midnight but no limited edition decks?
Edit: Nevermind. God, I really fucking hate Daylight Savings.
Daylight Saving Time is still in effect for another 13 minutes on the East Coast... It ends at 2AM, sending clocks back to 1AM Standard Time.
Yeah Daylight savings screwed me up too XD.
I didn't know you guys had Daylight Savings in the US.
I had calculated the release time to be 4 AM where I was so i was staying up late haha.
Then at 3 AM got an update on the fed52 part 2 project with the live link - I nearly shat myself scrambling over to the page XD.
Oh This Jackson Robinson project is the biggest playing card pledge I've made on kickstarter... except maybe for Dale Mathis' 3D Mechanical deck if I get that frame :| ...
Between Dale Mathis and Jackson Robinson they're going to get my first born and second born children XD.
"Here are the release time for the LE Decks for the Holmes project:
Saturday, Nov 2nd 12PM Central Standard Time
Sunday, Nov 3rd (Saturday night) 12AM Central Standard Time
Sunday, Nov 3rd (Sunday Morning) 6AM Central Standard Time"
World Clock: (
Sherlock Holmes Teaser: (
Wish he would show us his Kickstarer Preview. That is what we are here for. It's good to have lots of eyes checking for errors. Can't wait to get some more "God" decks ;)
Well enough of you have asked for it, and I think that the project needs a good jolt of energy! So I'm happy to announce that I am releasing the Hound of the Baskervilles deck NOW!
Are we able to purchase just the Hounds of Baskersville deck? I don't see the option for it on the side
Jackson - the number of deck variations you keep piling onto each project you create is STULTIFYING. Your first project had four, your second had six - in both cases, only if you count Bicycle-branded and unbranded decks as different decks - and now you have FIVE versions WITHOUT branding variations! I look at your tiers and add-ons and my brain melts just a little bit in the back, just behind my memories of the first lunar landing - they're a little singed now, by the way; thanks for that. You are really going to give USPC fits and starts with the work you do for them, I'm sure!
For a second there I thought he accidentally posted the LE Reserve Note deck from Fed52 part 2.
I wonder if all of the LE from Kings Wild will follow this black and red color scheme and layout.
It doesn't hurt that my favorite color is Scarlett, heck I named my daughter Scarlett.
If I've already pledged for a Limited Edition deck, do I just add 12 dollars to my pledge and add the Hound deck on with the Backerkit after the project ends? I really don't want to miss out on this deck.
Just wanted to say Gratz to these 4 very lucky people.............oh, and DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, i got the tip a little late.
Just wanted to say Gratz to these 4 very lucky people.............oh, and DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, i got the tip a little late.
Did you see the $1 dollar pledge at the top? :)
Just wanted to say Gratz to these 4 very lucky people.............oh, and DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, i got the tip a little late.
Did you see the $1 dollar pledge at the top? :)
Well yes, but those are usually there, that "One" lucky person is always there on most KS projects. This was the 1st time I've seen the unannounced "Deal of a lifetime", lol
Note to self: don't try to do any thing else that is an attempt to create excitement and traffic to your page just like every other online marketing scheme in the world. Just come out with more junk like key chains, fridge magnets, and pet collars that have your back design on them cuz that's what people will really like and want to spend their money on. (END soap box)
Note to self: don't try to do any thing else that is an attempt to create excitement and traffic to your page just like every other online marketing scheme in the world. Just come out with more junk like key chains, fridge magnets, and pet collars that have your back design on them cuz that's what people will really like and want to spend their money on. (END soap box)
One of the problems of the internet (as well as many other forums) is that negativity sounds so much louder only because the tiny minority who act that way tend to yell.
The many many other, more reasonable, people don't feel the need to scream that they approve of what you're doing.
When you feel passionate about something, and what you hear over the general hub-bub is somebody screaming "YOU SUCK", it's easy to miss that 99% of the people who are following what you are doing are NOT screaming (or even thinking) the same thing.
I used to own and run a company which did online games and contests. We had hundreds of thousands of participants across the continent. Many days were dominated by a tiny tiny fraction who felt, for one reason or another, that WE SUCKED.
However, we'd do conventions or just meet-ups in cities I was visiting and the one-on-one feedback couldn't have been more different.
Anyway, just a supportive voice reminding you "Illegitimi non carborundum" (
One of the problems of the internet (as well as many other forums) is that negativity sounds so much louder only because the tiny minority who act that way tend to yell.
The many many other, more reasonable, people don't feel the need to scream that they approve of what you're doing.
When you feel passionate about something, and what you hear over the general hub-bub is somebody screaming "YOU SUCK", it's easy to miss that 99% of the people who are following what you are doing are NOT screaming (or even thinking) the same thing.
I used to own and run a company which did online games and contests. We had hundreds of thousands of participants across the continent. Many days were dominated by a tiny tiny fraction who felt, for one reason or another, that WE SUCKED.
However, we'd do conventions or just meet-ups in cities I was visiting and the one-on-one feedback couldn't have been more different.
Anyway, just a supportive voice reminding you "Illegitimi non carborundum" (
Jackson Robinson's most recent kickstarter project closed today at just over a whopping 100k in funds generated for the project!
Those of you that backed are really in for a treat with what has turned into an amazing project!
A U.S. Federal Judge has just placed into the public domain all Sherlock Holmes elements published prior to 1923.
The recent Sherlock rulings are focused on copyright. The Conan Doyle estate still owns many trademarks that still give the protection for a lot of stuff.
Jackson's decks do just get better and better as time goes on… The artistry and high design of these decks are really unparalleled… I don't want to sound melodramatic, but there is not a designer making playing cards today that is in the same league as Jackson… Period… Incredible group of decks once again… The add ons and additional decks carry the theme, but are original enough as to make them unique and highly desirable… Great work once again Jackson… Looks like you're going to hit another home run out of the park, and from what it looks like you are going to crush your next few visits up to bat as well… Wishing you continued success… You truly deserve all of the accolades that you're receiving…
I don't want to sound melodramatic, but there is not a designer making playing cards today that is in the same league as Jackson… Period…
I wish I had uncut prints of these tucks.
Looks like a came to the party too late to be able to snag one of these amazing looking decks off KS. I only hope that some day I may be lucky enough to stumble onto one.
Have I missed them? Been refreshing since 5pm GMT (12 central?) hope I haven't missed out!
So pissed off. Had the decks in my cart and every time I go to check out it says there unavailable. It still lets me go back and select them again!
The Holmes coins appear to be sold out. Alas.
Does anyone know if any re-sellers or shops will be carrying complete sets of these (including the ltd ed Baker Street).
I missed out. I know its my own fault for not backing the KS campaign.
I also didn't manage to get the decks on the release on Saturday.
I'm just after 1 complete set.
Does anyone know if any re-sellers or shops will be carrying complete sets of these (including the ltd ed Baker Street).
I missed out. I know its my own fault for not backing the KS campaign.
I also didn't manage to get the decks on the release on Saturday.
I'm just after 1 complete set.