- A Discourse For Playing Cards
Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: Joker and the Thief on November 22, 2013, 09:49:53 PM
Don't know what to make of this but Dan and Dave have recently posted pictures of some playing cards. They look like Chinatown: Game of Death but with yellow faces. They are accompanied by Bruce Lee quotes. There is a date too 27/11/13. Now I'm not sure if that date is significant to Bruce Lee or if it's a release date of a product. Attached some photos
In other D&D news, the twins revealed gold deck stays. Not sure if the colour has anything to do with a possible Bruce Lee inspired deck. In Black Friday releases we have an aluminium based close up pad inspired by Apple's MacBook Airs. Also, there is a limited edition card clip wrapped in vintage camera leather grip. There will be on 37 of those available.
Also this just in. Picture on Instagram from the Creator of Whispering Imps posted a close up of what looks to be this new deck.
Just got a newsletter in from Dan and Dave. Sorry for the multiple posts. Can't add photos to the original post. This pretty much confirms a Bruce Lee deck.
There's also new gift certificates.
The Bruce Lee deck could actually be pretty awesome if it's not limited to members. I like the colored faces.
Also, it looks like they have something planned for Christmas.
It's interesting to D&D approach with a deck inspired from Bruce Lee. I remember Zenneth Kok doing something similar as well. Not a deck, but a t-shirt.
I'm not much of a fan of D&D but I do like some good ol' Bruce Lee kung fu action, and like how they've apparently designed this to pay homage to Lee's Game of Death outfit. :t11:
I like the original GoD deck, and the theme on the faces here will probably work really well - but it seems lazy not to have taken that theme to the back of the deck. The faces are full bleed colour, but the backs have kept the white borders. Isnt this an issue for performers? (impossible to "hide" a face up card in a fan now). If they'd made the borders yellow and continued the black band onto the back they'd be a must have for me...
I like the original GoD deck, and the theme on the faces here will probably work really well - but it seems lazy not to have taken that theme to the back of the deck. The faces are full bleed colour, but the backs have kept the white borders. Isnt this an issue for performers? (impossible to "hide" a face up card in a fan now). If they'd made the borders yellow and continued the black band onto the back they'd be a must have for me...
It's a problem for magicians, but a crazy cool feature for cardists. That color on the faces means you get two different fans. And once you fan the deck face up, the stripe will look even more like Bruce lee's suit!
Apparently Nov 27 is Bruce Lee's birthday so it is a fitting day for the release, he would have been 73 I believe.
The Bruce Lee deck is very cool, does anyone want to venture a guess on it's availability? Meaning, will it be a limited run or maybe a "piggy back" item like E has done with 1st holiday rodeo, I'll be better prepared next year :P
The Bruce Lee deck is very cool, does anyone want to venture a guess on it's availability? Meaning, will it be a limited run or maybe a "piggy back" item like E has done with 1st holiday rodeo, I'll be better prepared next year :P
If anything, this is a good year to cut your teeth - the holiday season's the shortest it gets, only 26 days from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. And keep your eyes open and wallet ready - Dan and Dave have had a habit in recent years of putting out New Year's Day releases.
New photo, posted on Instagram
via Kete Moon
Well if the rest of the cards are as lazy as that AoS then this is the easiest pass on Black Friday for me. Hugely disappointed.
As much as I like Bruce Lee, and think the deck is cool in a quirky way.... I don't think I will pick up these. When there are the other releases, especially from CARC, makes it difficult to fork out money on these.
Well... I guess that's one Deck I can scratch off my Black Friday "too buy" list.
I mean, it's a cool fanning deck, but the design's just lazy. They couldn't have done something else with the face cards?
Well... I guess that's one Deck I can scratch off my Black Friday "too buy" list.
I mean, it's a cool fanning deck, but the design's just lazy. They couldn't have done something else with the face cards?
I absolutely agree with you here. Bruce Lee's one of my all time heroes.. but this deck is ridonculous. I think this tops every other D$D deck in terms of absolute shittiness. Very disappointed. Especially as it's the representation of an official release with the Bruce Lee foundation. Simply laughable.
EDIT: The tuck case is nice though.. so if D$D makes this a rare release (which they will as there is no way in hell this will sell on a regular basis and become their staple product), then i guess all of you collectors that don't open decks have somewhat of a decent reason to buy it.
Charlie Brown?!?
Charlie Brown?!?
Charlie Brown?!?
I don't know what D&D was thinking? This is not up to D&D standards. This reminds me of a bad Kickstarter project.
Charlie Brown?!?
I don't know what D&D was thinking? This is not up to D&D standards. This reminds me of a bad Kickstarter project.
It really is. The back doesn't match the faces, and the execution is just lazy in general.
I'll be the first to agree that it's not a great deck - but it is a pretty good deck for flourishers or for fans of minimalist design. I had no plans to buy it, but now I actually want a negative number of these decks...
I am changing the topic title since this deck has little to do with the Fulton's Chinatown: Game of Death deck. At 33 characters including spaces, that deck might hold the record for longest title...
As a "collector who doesn't open decks" (typically), I still will pass. I don't care about BL one way or another, but the deck is way too plain for me.
The Bruce Lee deck could actually be pretty awesome if it's not limited to members. I like the colored faces.
Also, it looks like they have something planned for Christmas.
I'm really looking forward to the juan tamariz mnemonica release on Christmas Day. Consider all the magicians producing decks with mnemonica in mind. The impact and influence is obvious. Dan and Dave mentioned it was basically the teaching of mnemonica in about 3 hours.
It looks like there are words on the black bar in the middle, probably quotes from Bruce Lee. Liking this less with each new reveal. :(
It looks like there are words on the black bar in the middle, probably quotes from Bruce Lee. Liking this less with each new reveal. :(
Oh, look - giant initials in the center make for a LOVELY one-way back if this deck didn't have enough strikes against it...
Honestly, the box is the only thing going for it at the moment. It's just perplexing to think that this is a D&D deck. It looks completely half arsed. It's like everything was; that'll do.
Dan and Dave are usually really on the ball when it comes to design. The box is awesome, no doubt about that... However the cards. Yeah I guess it's an alright idea to put quotes on the fronts and make it full bleed, it makes sense and it makes it striking visually. THAT I can deal with. The initials makes the backs 1 way. As for the jokers... Meh it works.
In saying that, this would probably make a great gift for any Bruce Lee or Martial arts fan...
EDIT: Just found out that Bruce was born on the year of the dragon so the chinatown backs make sense. The initials are not that bad as well now seeing the whole deck. My mind has changed on this, it isn't bad - I don't hate it but I don't overly love it either. I must say it does look fantastic in motion. After seeing it in motion I would seriously consider picking it up for flourishing.
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This is Sprouts' version of sleight-of-hand. He pulls something out of the air that's only peripherally related to the topic!
[clap type=golf duration=3s]
14.95$ a deck???
These are up at $14.95.
14.95$ a deck???
I'm guessing part of the high cost is securing the rights to make it an official Bruce Lee deck, where as the Game of Death version of Fulton's Chinatown (wow, that's a long title for a deck of cards) is inspired/paying homage to Bruce Lee which would fall under fair use. This deck has the approval of the Bruce Lee Foundation and everything.
This one is hard to wrap your head around. Suffice to say, this deck is a truly bizarre release.
I am really shocked with what D$D did with this deck. The bar with quotes and the slight changes to the Game of Death deck does not justify their $15 price tag. As a Bruce Lee fan, I won't be picking up any of these.
More evidence that you can only be on top for so long before coming back down… If someone had put this up on Kickstarter, I'd be surprised if it received the funding necessary to move forward…
Video posted on Youtube and apparently everyone but members of this forum are loving it. Very odd. I hope this doesn't encourage the twins to continue releasing things on par with this.
It would seem there is a sharp line between people that appreciate cards for their use, design and history and everyone else in the general public that simply sees the subject matter and ignores the obvious flaws.
If you are looking to make money, it's obvious which proportion you should aim at...
Video posted on Youtube and apparently everyone but members of this forum are loving it. Very odd. I hope this doesn't encourage the twins to continue releasing things on par with this.
Yeesh. I really hope D&D pulls themselves out of this designing slump soon.
The October deck really looked like it could be their first cool and custom deck in a long time, but reusing the court card art, joker art, and box art pretty much killed it's steam.
As much as I love Bruce Lee, there's no way I'm willing to smack down 15 clams for this. Sure, it's a neat tribute, but the lame faces, the one way back with the huge logo, the quotes, and the price tag suck the charm out of it. I must admit though, the seal and tuck box are really sweet.
Get it together, D&D!
Strangely, it's starting to really grow on me...
I do like the back design despite being a one-way back, and I most likely would've gotten one if it was priced like a normal deck. For 15 bucks a deck I'll pass though
Video posted on Youtube and apparently everyone but members of this forum are loving it. Very odd. I hope this doesn't encourage the twins to continue releasing things on par with this.
I wouldn't exactly call a dozen or so YouTube commenters "everyone". It really pains me to say this, but Victor Miranda (VJose32 World of Cards, among his many aliases) seems to be in agreement with many on this board... I can hear the ice crackling as Hell freezes over... I guess even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day...
I second every single opinion of the rest of you.
And I'm shocked: D&D pulled of a deck that can be more ugle and lazy than the most crapy Kickstarter projects. What happened D&D?
I would buy the deck just to have the tuck, but not at $15. Fan is pretty cool. That's about it.
These decks are cool in that it's a great homage to Bruce Lee, and the cards look actually pretty cool. However, the $15 price tag is killing me. Combine that with D&D's $5 shipping, the deck really isn't worth it.
These decks are cool in that it's a great homage to Bruce Lee, and the cards look actually pretty cool. However, the $15 price tag is killing me. Combine that with D&D's $5 shipping, the deck really isn't worth it.
Oh noooooo!! $5 shipping, poor you :(
Come on man, that's nothing compared to what we pay outside the USA it's not even comparable haha
Regardless of the talk about this deck, I'd kill for the USA domestic shipping rate
Think it's safe to say that this is potentially D$D's worst release yet. Don't think anything else tops it in terms of premium pricing, crappy design etc. Yes, even worse than the repeating courts in the October deck.
I'm just saddened that there were some many other possible designs that could have been used for this homage deck and they chose one of the least attractive and least imaginative. Even a "1970s-look" deck with pictures from Bruce Lee movies on the cards would have been better than this. Stealing the back design from one of your own decks and slapping some initials on it - why? An original design that's a proper two-way back could have been used here, like a silhouette Lee in a flying kick (as used on the FC:GoD deck jokers) on each deck half - that might have looked really cool. This looks like a deck only De'vo could love - and only if Lee was kicking magician ass in it...
I think this is the 1st deck I was excited to see, liked the concept and subject....who doesn't like Bruce Lee, and with each new pic, photo and detail I lost interest more and more. Like many of you have already mentioned, with Bruce Lee being the subject matter I would have expected something more exciting.
could be a rumors so i dont want to make new topic, my friend send me this pic in Instagram, what do you think ??? (
could be a rumors so i dont want to make new topic, my friend send me this pic in Instagram, what do you think ??? (
That's the version 2 deck. The email about it went out March 29th.
Stealing the back design from one of your own decks and slapping some initials on it - why? An original design that's a proper two-way back could have been used here, like a silhouette Lee in a flying kick
t's really more of a "third in a series" and that's the way I think of it.
There was Fulton's China Town - that sold out. There was also a special "game of death" edition of that deck - same back, but normal faces. The game of death deck was then "redesigned" as THIS deck. Not to mention that this deck was also commissioned by Bruce, meaning it's a collaboration of minds. (not just the Buck brothers)
Even a "1970s-look" deck with pictures from Bruce Lee movies on the cards would have been better than this.
I don't know if you've seen it, but there was an earlier "official" Bruce Lee deck printed by Aquarius -
it was just photographs of Bruce Lee, but... the quotes are on THAT deck also - which makes me think that was the contribution by Bruce (but what do I know?)
Stealing the back design from one of your own decks and slapping some initials on it - why? An original design that's a proper two-way back could have been used here, like a silhouette Lee in a flying kick
t's really more of a "third in a series" and that's the way I think of it.
There was Fulton's China Town - that sold out. There was also a special "game of death" edition of that deck - same back, but normal faces. The game of death deck was then "redesigned" as THIS deck. Not to mention that this deck was also commissioned by Bruce, meaning it's a collaboration of minds. (not just the Buck brothers)
Even a "1970s-look" deck with pictures from Bruce Lee movies on the cards would have been better than this.
I don't know if you've seen it, but there was an earlier "official" Bruce Lee deck printed by Aquarius -
it was just photographs of Bruce Lee, but... the quotes are on THAT deck also - which makes me think that was the contribution by Bruce (but what do I know?)
It's actually FOURTH in a series at this point, since we're on version two of the "third in a series"... :))
Photos and quotes, with a decent two-way back, would not have been too much too ask for, it would not have been a grand stretch of the imagination - but it wouldn't look ANYWHERE near as COOL in a FAN or a SPRING!!! LULZ!!!
Seriously, it would have been much more attractive.
havent seen much Bruce Lee film - even Game of Death, any quote of him is "go **** yrself" or something like that :-\, i only know "kyaaaaaa" quote :))