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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: badpete69 on May 12, 2014, 10:17:47 AM
The third deck in the Unrest series
Speaking of tuck cases... here's a sneak peak of the tuck case for Colonial Unrest. Keep in mind this is still a work in progress but as of right now I'm thinking about using the old Bicycle logo. Let me know what you think.
Yes it looks great.
Not a huge fan of the aged paper texture on the tuck. I think having it a bit more subtle or maybe choosing a less contrast-y texture could help! But I do like the old Bicycle logo :)
Looking forward to seeing more!
I like the front but the back is too plain. I understand that it's a work in progress though.
Yes this is just a tease
I'm in agreement on ditching the "aged-look" tuck box. It's not even remotely authentic to the period, anyway. In the mid-18th century, there's a more likely chance a deck of cards would have simply been wrapped in paper for retail sale.
Yes, keep in mind it still is a work in progress. When dealing with over 200 years ago you need to walk a fine line between looking authentic for the time period and being authentic. If I made this deck or even Civil Unrest completely authentic to the time period it would be hard to sell comercially (at least in my opinion). With the back I used paper money form the time period as inspiration. I know some people won't like it but that's how 18th century Colonail American money looked like (minus all the text they used).Back then the printing press was a relatively new thing and form followed function.
I'm not 100% sold on the old paper look either but I am leaning towards some kind of a distressed look. For a finishing touch (perhaps just as an add-on or limited edition) I might wrap in paper and seal with a custom wax seal. I know I would take some heat because Jackson and others are doing the wrapping in paper but for the time period it works. I mainly want to use a custom wax seal but need something to put it on.
I disagree a bit about the worn look. I don't consider it overused at all, however most of the time the worn look is overdone. There are so many different options and levels between a regular look and the 1800's for example. For this tuck case I'd consider whitening it up a bit (apparently that's my advice of the day). Make it look old, but not "this is the deck Adam and Eve used when they got bored in Eden" old.
I disagree a bit about the worn look. I don't consider it overused at all, however most of the time the worn look is overdone. There are so many different options and levels between a regular look and the 1800's for example. For this tuck case I'd consider whitening it up a bit (apparently that's my advice of the day). Make it look old, but not "this is the deck Adam and Eve used when they got bored in Eden" old.
I'll play around with different aging to see what works best. I'm also waiting for a package from USPC with paper samples from their 3rd party tuck case printer. I'm hoping they have an off-white paper but I doubt it. I mainly don't want scream in your face white.
I disagree a bit about the worn look. I don't consider it overused at all, however most of the time the worn look is overdone. There are so many different options and levels between a regular look and the 1800's for example. For this tuck case I'd consider whitening it up a bit (apparently that's my advice of the day). Make it look old, but not "this is the deck Adam and Eve used when they got bored in Eden" old.
I'll play around with different aging to see what works best. I'm also waiting for a package from USPC with paper samples from their 3rd party tuck case printer. I'm hoping they have an off-white paper but I doubt it. I mainly don't want scream in your face white.
If they're using the same stock as usual, it's white and they'll print on whatever aged-look effect you want. Find the people who did the vellum work for Whispering Imps and see if they can get a tan or khaki vellum - now THAT might look really cool, though it would mean a bit of a redesign for the box.
One thing I always have issue with is how when we're seeing something "from the past", it often ends up with an aged look to it - a look more like how it would appear today after all those years rather than how it looked to the people who were alive then when it was new. Anything dealing with the Old West tends to be the most frequently targeted. It's as if there was never anything new back then and they got THEIR raw materials and supplies from a hundred years ago! Too many people have used this aged-look effect by now. When USPC themselves started using it, that right there should have been a sign to the world that it followed Fonzie over that shark and that it shouldn't be used any more!
I disagree a bit about the worn look. I don't consider it overused at all, however most of the time the worn look is overdone. There are so many different options and levels between a regular look and the 1800's for example. For this tuck case I'd consider whitening it up a bit (apparently that's my advice of the day). Make it look old, but not "this is the deck Adam and Eve used when they got bored in Eden" old.
I'll play around with different aging to see what works best. I'm also waiting for a package from USPC with paper samples from their 3rd party tuck case printer. I'm hoping they have an off-white paper but I doubt it. I mainly don't want scream in your face white.
If they're using the same stock as usual, it's white and they'll print on whatever aged-look effect you want. Find the people who did the vellum work for Whispering Imps and see if they can get a tan or khaki vellum - now THAT might look really cool, though it would mean a bit of a redesign for the box.
One thing I always have issue with is how when we're seeing something "from the past", it often ends up with an aged look to it - a look more like how it would appear today after all those years rather than how it looked to the people who were alive then when it was new. Anything dealing with the Old West tends to be the most frequently targeted. It's as if there was never anything new back then and they got THEIR raw materials and supplies from a hundred years ago! Too many people have used this aged-look effect by now. When USPC themselves started using it, that right there should have been a sign to the world that it followed Fonzie over that shark and that it shouldn't be used any more!
I've seen several movies that are set back in time but use props that look old opposed to using somethig that looks new. I agree that sometimes it's nice to see an item how it was intended to look but at the same time I think the aged look gives a piece character.
Today on facebook I saw exactlly what I'm looking for. I'm not positive but I think it was the Exquisite Bold deck that somebody posted a pic of... it was wrapped in a custom cut paper and sealed with a sticker. Other than the paper being the wrong color for my use... it was exactlly what I hae in mind for a bonus cover. I would seal mine with a custom wax seal instead of a cheap sticker.
I've seen several movies that are set back in time but use props that look old opposed to using somethig that looks new. I agree that sometimes it's nice to see an item how it was intended to look but at the same time I think the aged look gives a piece character.
Today on facebook I saw exactlly what I'm looking for. I'm not positive but I think it was the Exquisite Bold deck that somebody posted a pic of... it was wrapped in a custom cut paper and sealed with a sticker. Other than the paper being the wrong color for my use... it was exactlly what I hae in mind for a bonus cover. I would seal mine with a custom wax seal instead of a cheap sticker.
Under the right circumstances, adding an aged look will give something character - but there's a place where you draw the line. Beyond that, it's less about character and more about looking inauthentic and too much like everything else that's preceded it.
Wax seals you have to be careful with. They have an unfortunate tendency to break, even if you use the nice modern polymer waxes designed for use in mailing machines. It's also going to be much costlier and more labor-intensive than using stickers.
I've seen several movies that are set back in time but use props that look old opposed to using somethig that looks new. I agree that sometimes it's nice to see an item how it was intended to look but at the same time I think the aged look gives a piece character.
Today on facebook I saw exactlly what I'm looking for. I'm not positive but I think it was the Exquisite Bold deck that somebody posted a pic of... it was wrapped in a custom cut paper and sealed with a sticker. Other than the paper being the wrong color for my use... it was exactlly what I hae in mind for a bonus cover. I would seal mine with a custom wax seal instead of a cheap sticker.
Under the right circumstances, adding an aged look will give something character - but there's a place where you draw the line. Beyond that, it's less about character and more about looking inauthentic and too much like everything else that's preceded it.
Wax seals you have to be careful with. They have an unfortunate tendency to break, even if you use the nice modern polymer waxes designed for use in mailing machines. It's also going to be much costlier and more labor-intensive than using stickers.
That's a good poit about the wax seal breaking prematurely. I can already hear people wanting whole new decks because their seal was broken. I would either need to put a disclaimer telling people that seals aren't guaranteed or use stickers. It would be nice if someone could print authentic looking tax stamps. They would be a nice touch.
That's a good poit about the wax seal breaking prematurely. I can already hear people wanting whole new decks because their seal was broken. I would either need to put a disclaimer telling people that seals aren't guaranteed or use stickers. It would be nice if someone could print authentic looking tax stamps. They would be a nice touch.
A tax stamp is nothing more than a sticker with moisture-activated adhesive. In reality, you could just as easily make stickers that look exactly like tax stamps for deck seals, except the part about them being issued by the IRS or actually charging a tax on them. The deck seal as we know it today evolved from the tax stamp, and was created only because card-buying customers had become accustomed to paying taxes on playing cards for several decades and seeing those decorative seals on the boxes. When the tax was abolished in 1965, manufacturers made their own company seals as a replacement - the Arrco seals in particular looked more like a tax stamp, though with a much less intricate design. (The Bureau of Engraving and Printing has the budget for creating some mighty fine seals, more money than the typical playing card company was willing to shell out.)
Long story short, you can create your own seal that resembles a tax stamp. It'll cost more than using a USPC seal or no seal at all, but it will be a helluva lot cheaper than applying wrappers and wax seals...
Ben Franklin (
Any advice on my courts? I know I'm only showing Ben thus far but should I add a splash of color? Advice and commentary is welcomed.
The joker spread... rough draft. Still needs a little work (colorwise).
Any advice on my courts? I know I'm only showing Ben thus far but should I add a splash of color? Advice and commentary is welcomed.
Color, yes. Go for a more painterly appearance, as if we're seeing a Colonial-era artist's work. I would also go for a border with a more "federal" appearance, like you'd find in the architecture of many government buildings in Washington, DC.
Thanks for the advice, Don. I'm going to experiment with giving it a slash of color. Maybe aim for early american folk art color. For the border, I wanted to stay closer to the period of 1776. Washington DC was started sortly after during the 1790s (early 1800s). No offence to the Independece deck but it's scrollwork isn't correct to the time period. Don't get me wrong, it looks good but historically it's not correct.
Thanks for the advice, Don. I'm going to experiment with giving it a slash of color. Maybe aim for early american folk art color. For the border, I wanted to stay closer to the period of 1776. Washington DC was started sortly after during the 1790s (early 1800s). No offence to the Independece deck but it's scrollwork isn't correct to the time period. Don't get me wrong, it looks good but historically it's not correct.
The Federal architectural style didn't simply start with Washington, DC - Jefferson's Monticello I think is of the same style or similar (probably a pre-cursor style) and construction began on it well before the war. I'm sure there are other such examples.
Thanks for the information, Don. I'll do some research on that tonight when I have time. I'll post any changes I make in the next few days.
Here's revision #1 for the court style. Let me know what you think? I was playing around with the background to give it some contrast. Should I use color and lines, no color and no lines or what?
I'll be re-tooling the back and the tuck later this weekend too. Thinking about using EPCC. Haven't decided yet because the vintage Bicycle logo looks so cool.
I quite like option 1 there. The color made it stand out a bit whilst avoiding turning it into a "portrait" or risking the dreadful fantasy art style that colored portraits so often do.
It's looking like a July 4th launch date for Colonial Unrest (maybe in the evening of July 3rd). There's a few surprises I'm trying to get ready before the launch so it depends how soon I can get things wrapped up. Many people associate the Unrest Series about war... which it is but the true meaning is something completely different. The true meaning about the Unrest Series is freedom. That's why I saved the American Revolution for the final chapter. In Global Unrest we joined with other allied nations to bring an end of a tyrant and in Civil Unrest we redefined the words "All Men Are Created Equal." In the end we couldn't fight for the freedom of others before we could fight for our own freedom.
It's not a coincidence that the Unrest Series has the intials US... not just because the United States is a major player within all three decks but because the decks are to represent all of us (not just the United States but all freedom loving nations of the world).
It's looking like a July 4th launch date for Colonial Unrest (maybe in the evening of July 3rd). There's a few surprises I'm trying to get ready before the launch so it depends how soon I can get things wrapped up. Many people associate the Unrest Series about war... which it is but the true meaning is something completely different. The true meaning about the Unrest Series is freedom. That's why I saved the American Revolution for the final chapter. In Global Unrest we joined with other allied nations to bring an end of a tyrant and in Civil Unrest we redefined the words "All Men Are Created Equal." In the end we couldn't fight for the freedom of others before we could fight for our own freedom.
It's not a coincidence that the Unrest Series has the intials US... not just because the United States is a major player within all three decks but because the decks are to represent all of us (not just the United States but all freedom loving nations of the world).
I love the art - missed that splash of color you added. Please reconsider it.
I would also suggest a launch on Monday rather than any time between Friday and Sunday inclusive. Many people in the US will be traveling or barbecuing or some other activity that will keep them away from a computer - you won't get that strong first day spike that many projects receive. Give them a chance to return home first, or launch tomorrow, in advance of the holiday weekend.
I like the faux aged look, and I like the overall design. I will be in on these. Regardless of whether faux aging is appropriate or not, designing cards is all about the designer's mind flowing through pen to paper, so if they wanted it to look like papyrus, that suits me fine as long as the deck appeals to me. As for the tax stamp-type seals, I LOVE them. The Ultimate Deck by Stranger has a fantastic stamp-type seal. In my humble opinion, it's a very classy look, provided it doesn't just clash outright.
I also agree with Don on the splash of color. It adds a lot, without being too distracting or over the top.
It's looking like a July 4th launch date for Colonial Unrest (maybe in the evening of July 3rd). There's a few surprises I'm trying to get ready before the launch so it depends how soon I can get things wrapped up. Many people associate the Unrest Series about war... which it is but the true meaning is something completely different. The true meaning about the Unrest Series is freedom. That's why I saved the American Revolution for the final chapter. In Global Unrest we joined with other allied nations to bring an end of a tyrant and in Civil Unrest we redefined the words "All Men Are Created Equal." In the end we couldn't fight for the freedom of others before we could fight for our own freedom.
It's not a coincidence that the Unrest Series has the intials US... not just because the United States is a major player within all three decks but because the decks are to represent all of us (not just the United States but all freedom loving nations of the world).
I love the art - missed that splash of color you added. Please reconsider it.
I would also suggest a launch on Monday rather than any time between Friday and Sunday inclusive. Many people in the US will be traveling or barbecuing or some other activity that will keep them away from a computer - you won't get that strong first day spike that many projects receive. Give them a chance to return home first, or launch tomorrow, in advance of the holiday weekend.
Don... you're right it might be smart to hold off until after the weekend. If I can I'll launch before we get to the 4th... if not I'll have to see if I can hold off for that long.
Quick question... One of the surprises I was thinking about doing was a 2nd (completely different) deck. There's tons of people I want to represent during this time period so I thought two decks would be a good way to do it. But once I start crunching my numbers before launching I came to the conclusion I would have to have a crazy high goal like $27,000 or so to do it that way. My question is... would it be possible to use people on the regular number cards (2 through 10) without people being upset about it? I want to represent as many people as possible but not break the bank or create a goal that's impossible to reach. If I keep it down to one deck my goal would be more like $14,000 or $15,000.
I think it depends on what your goal for the deck is. If you want to make it an art deck, go for it! If you want a deck to play poker with, keep to the pips on the number cards. Ultimately, it is your vision coming to life in the cards, show us your vision, what ever it may be. :)
I would also suggest a launch on Monday rather than any time between Friday and Sunday inclusive. Many people in the US will be traveling or barbecuing or some other activity that will keep them away from a computer - you won't get that strong first day spike that many projects receive. Give them a chance to return home first, or launch tomorrow, in advance of the holiday weekend.
Yeah, God forbid international buyers having an advantage for a change.... ;)
Stretch goal for second deck. Your brand is growing and so is the collecting community. You might make it to the stretch goal. If, however you don't, then run another campaign. Colonial Unrest V2. You should be able to complete your vision, either way it washes out.
Here's what I had in mind.
Quick question... One of the surprises I was thinking about doing was a 2nd (completely different) deck. There's tons of people I want to represent during this time period so I thought two decks would be a good way to do it. But once I start crunching my numbers before launching I came to the conclusion I would have to have a crazy high goal like $27,000 or so to do it that way. My question is... would it be possible to use people on the regular number cards (2 through 10) without people being upset about it? I want to represent as many people as possible but not break the bank or create a goal that's impossible to reach. If I keep it down to one deck my goal would be more like $14,000 or $15,000.
Have you considered a semi-transformation deck? You could present your historical figures and perhaps even images of places, battles, other events, etc. One deck could cover everything (and costs less to produce).
I would also suggest a launch on Monday rather than any time between Friday and Sunday inclusive. Many people in the US will be traveling or barbecuing or some other activity that will keep them away from a computer - you won't get that strong first day spike that many projects receive. Give them a chance to return home first, or launch tomorrow, in advance of the holiday weekend.
Yeah, God forbid international buyers having an advantage for a change.... ;)
Sorry, bro, but the simple fact is there are a lot more Americans overall on KS than people from other countries. There's no "advantage" if the deck doesn't grab a lot of attention on launch day and fails to gain momentum because the project could fail and then what good is that "advantage?" Given the choice, I'd rather be the hundredth person to a celebration than the first person to a funeral.
In simpler terms, it's to the creator's advantage, especially when you factor in that Dan and Dave are releasing a new Variety Box on the Fourth. You launch a sailboat on a windy day, not a day when the wind has been sucked away by other goings-on. Think of it like Cyber Monday - people will be back from their long weekend, on their computers at work...
(And I know you weren't being very serious but I thought this was worth mentioning nonetheless.) :))
Here's what I had in mind.
Sometimes I don't mind banners and text but this one just makes it look like he's tying his hair with a ribbon. And you know how other people are with "text and banners."
I don't know how you would do it but Don's semi-transformation deck seems pretty cool and I'd be 1000% more excited if it was.
Now live (
The banners on the number cards seem odd.
The banners on the number cards seem odd.
I agree. I'll probably update it to look better.
Thanks for the advice.
I would love it if the boarders on the court cards matched the floral design from the back of the card, it would match the sketchy flow, if you get my drift. The heavy border pulls me away from the sketch and doesn't match. Even the boarder on the number card would be better to me. The sketches are very well done and the border distracts me. I hope that makes sense. ;)
I would love it if the boarders on the court cards matched the floral design from the back of the card, it would match the sketchy flow, if you get my drift. The heavy border pulls me away from the sketch and doesn't match. Even the boarder on the number card would be better to me. The sketches are very well done and the border distracts me. I hope that makes sense. ;)
I see what your saying. The back design I've posted earlier will be different because it doesn't go with the vintage style I decided to go with. I was planning to do two separate designs at once (a vintage feel and a modern feel) but once I crunched the numbers decided to have a stretch goal for the second (modern feel) design. I'll look into see what I can do about the heavy border. Thanks for the advice.
Here's a few additions made since the project launched. All limited edition decks come wrapped in paper and sealed with a custom "tax" stamp.
For anyone backing or will soon be backing and hasn't seen a post about voting. I just want to let you know that the first round of voting has begun. You can go here to help decide the positioning of the first round of characters:
More voting will take place later this week. We're planning to fill the enitre deck with notable people and we want our backers to help us decide who's who within the deck. So far we have Debrah Sampson the first American women to fight in battle (she dressed up like a man to do so), Joseph Brant a Native American who supported the British and was a Freemanson, Samuel Adams a stateman and avid beer drinker and John Adams 2nd Present of the United States.
So far the voting results have concluded George Washington should be on the Ace of Spades. In addition, Samuel Adams has gone to the 9 of Spades and John Adams to the Ace of Clubs. I also changed the name banner on the numbered cards. I'm thinking about adding a thinner border to the numbered cards but different than the face cards. I want the face cards to stand out like they should.
Now that we're nearly funded we need to think about stretch goals. Normally I get funded near the end of the project so I never had to deal with stretch goals before. lol I did a survey and it seems a lot of people want upgraded tuck case options like embossing. I have a quote in with USPCC but was wondering if anyone on her would have a rough estimate? Also, does anyone have other stretch goals I should offer?
Here's a few more images. It's amazing how much history you can learn by doing a deck about the American Revolutionary War.
I was hoping to get to the point where I could do both of these designs but as fate would have it... I'll have to decide between the two. Should I go for a more authentic vintage look or the more modern look? For the vintage look the "Kickstarter Exclusive" deck would have an aged tuck case and also be wrapped in aged vellum parchment. The modern back design option would have a slight alteration to the colors for the "Kickstarter Exclusive" deck. This would also be wrapped in aged vellum parchment. If we hit our $18,000 stretch goal the aged vellum wrapper will be embossed.
Also, what would look better... a faded map in the background (similar to what I did with Global Unrest) or do a faded Declaration of Independace?