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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: EvanEssence on January 31, 2015, 07:06:50 PM

Title: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: EvanEssence on January 31, 2015, 07:06:50 PM

Not sure how to post this properly :/
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on January 31, 2015, 07:24:20 PM
I'll get ya covered. ;) Good eye, I didn't even notice this campaign.

Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards (
by Collectable Playing Cards

( (






Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 01, 2015, 06:17:00 AM

Not sure how to post this properly :/

Drop in a link, upload a few photos (preferred) or add BBcode links to them, perhaps quote a paragraph from the campaign and you're done.  Or just put in the project home page link and call it "Miller time!"
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: EvanEssence on February 01, 2015, 09:33:44 AM
I'm thinking of passing on this one...just not too into it.  What are your thoughts on this deck?
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Will W. on February 01, 2015, 09:57:28 AM
I'm thinking of passing on this one...just not too into it.  What are your thoughts on this deck?
Much the same as yours I'm guessing.  The backs are so busy and the cards have an almost cut and paste, postage stamp kind of feel. 
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on February 01, 2015, 11:28:05 AM
I'm thinking of passing on this one...just not too into it.  What are your thoughts on this deck?
Much the same as yours I'm guessing.  The backs are so busy and the cards have an almost cut and paste, postage stamp kind of feel.

The flow of the deck is off in terms of courts representatives. It's the queens, the queens. They stab at me with their wrongness. Should be the queens of the kings in my opinion. The back is over busy, they're tossing in shit just to do it at that point, not about presidents it becomes just stuff. The tuck has more images of Lady Liberty on it than it does anything else, there weren't many presidents who had much to do with her I think President Cleveland presided over the dedication ceremony. (Enough Fes, this isn't about Lady Liberty.) The Flag is a flag, not a sports banner, yet it has a sports banner stylized approach which is eh in my opinion and doesn't flow well with the other iconography. With so much to choose from that is purely presidential, it makes me think this deck was thrown together from ideas of "Oh that says patriot" instead of "That makes sense it's about presidents." there is a difference. The tucks and card backs don't make presidential sense to me, they do make patriotic sense.

Am I the only one who thinks an Elephant tuck and a Donkey tuck should have different decks in them? I'm not a very good tuck collector, although sometimes I do it. Vikings CfC are cool as hell tucks. These ones aren't so much.

So now that I've gotten that bit off my chest haha. I really like the design of the court cards frame. That's quite pleasant. Again I wish it was more presidential but I get it, at this point, no research other than a few pictures, okay. Toss the flag on it and lay down some tiles. This WORKS, it's got a great feel. I like it! (unfortunately the courts choices do not.)

Number cards, eh, not so much. Why ditch the frame? Those presidents don't get the same respect from the designer? I don't understand the change. Let the indices report to the users what a cards rank is, if you must include pips on the number cards for presidents, work it into mosaic tiles on the frame in my opinion. After all, you did keep the tile flag on the number cards. Ditch the frame on all the presidents or keep the frame on all the presidents. Some with, some without... not a good move.

I'll stop here, could go on but yea. I'll pass on all versions of this tuck and the deck inside them.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: EvanEssence on February 01, 2015, 11:51:29 AM
I keep sinking more and more into arcana so little ones like this I just can't justify.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 02, 2015, 02:46:18 AM
I keep sinking more and more into arcana so little ones like this I just can't justify.

Trust me, you don't have to!  CPC is rapidly becoming the playing card equivalent of a spammer.  Throwing out deck after deck after deck - it's like they're flinging them at a wall to see what sticks.  It wouldn't be so bad if so many weren't either bad, unattractive or forgettable.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: BiggerDee on February 02, 2015, 09:51:22 AM
I'm going to be the weird one again (surprise, surprise). I like these, and I'm in. I think that three decks are a bit much, and prefer just the standard deck, but it reminds me of engraving, and I really like that look. They are busy, I agree, but they still appeal enough to me to take the plunge.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 02, 2015, 11:44:30 PM
I'm going to be the weird one again (surprise, surprise). I like these, and I'm in. I think that three decks are a bit much, and prefer just the standard deck, but it reminds me of engraving, and I really like that look. They are busy, I agree, but they still appeal enough to me to take the plunge.

Nothing weird about that.  Not everyone shares my tastes, nor do they have to.  :))  Feel free to disagree with me any time!

Engraving-style art is pretty cool, but it's been done so much since Jackson released the Federal 52 series.  I now search for a bit more variety.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: PrincessTrouble on February 03, 2015, 12:39:56 PM
I'm going to be the weird one again (surprise, surprise). I like these, and I'm in. I think that three decks are a bit much, and prefer just the standard deck, but it reminds me of engraving, and I really like that look. They are busy, I agree, but they still appeal enough to me to take the plunge.

Me too.  I think they could have done away with the red and blue ones and just went with the embossed deck and gold deck. But I pledged.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: CoolaFu on February 04, 2015, 05:49:43 AM
Hi, is the tuck case embossed or flat? Looks awesome if the tuck case is embossed.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 04, 2015, 06:22:58 AM
Hi, is the tuck case embossed or flat? Looks awesome if the tuck case is embossed.

The Deluxe Edition is embossed.  The red and blue decks are not.

And just to be clear, all three boxes have exactly the same cards in them, right down to the color/design of the card backs.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: PrincessTrouble on February 04, 2015, 11:06:55 AM
The gold deck is different (and unlocked at $60K).


Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 04, 2015, 06:59:04 PM

The gold deck is different (and unlocked at $60K).

You're right in that it's a different color pattern with the addition of the gold.  But it's still the same design - and not yet unlocked.  All three present'y-available decks are the same in the inside, different only in tuck box.
Title: Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
Post by: naggarwal on February 04, 2015, 11:23:09 PM
This deck is just giving me a feeling that it is a great idea to have a deck that has all the US president on it but then I will wait for someone to do a neat job bringing them all in one deck.