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Messages - Samscott10

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Hey guys, I'm going to take the project down and look over everything again. The project was a little rushed and simply was not the best work I was capable of. If anyone has any helpful comments, Please inbox me. I cannot improve without your help.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:16:24 AM »
Though whats up with it being in AUD but free shipping in the US? I figured I was going to be considered international.
I think I can explain this, the creator is from Australia, so the project must be run in AUD, but the deck is printed and shipped from the US. ( Because the US has the best printers) So only backers outside the US pay extra shipping.
Sam can confirm this though.

One of the best are in the US. EPCC is not printed in the US
Yes, EPCC does not print in the US, sorry you are correct!

Yeah you are correct. I am using amazon fulfillment for shipping which ships from the US.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:32:09 PM »
I just pledged for the last early bird. These do look nice.


Thanks :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:31:52 PM »
Though whats up with it being in AUD but free shipping in the US? I figured I was going to be considered international.
I think I can explain this, the creator is from Australia, so the project must be run in AUD, but the deck is printed and shipped from the US. ( Because the US has the best printers) So only backers outside the US pay extra shipping.
Sam can confirm this though.

Also, I am based in AUS but shipping through amazon in America

Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:31:13 PM »
Happen to see this. Glad I did as I think I/a friend will enjoy this.  Though whats up with it being in AUD but free shipping in the US? I figured I was going to be considered international. Also you mention choosing the dog tag pledge, the 5th deck would be 0005. But the only one that has the dog tag is the 1 deck.

Sorry, still working out the kinks :). I'll get right on it.

Playing Card Plethora / World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:14:52 AM »
Hey Guys, I posted here a little while back and took note of what everyone had to say and made some improvements.
Anyway, we finally launched  :D and we're off to a fantastic start. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped, especially to sprouts1115 and Don Boyer for the tips.

Here is the link:

I see no problem using the word "anniversary".  Anniversary isn't necessarily positive or negative - it's neutral, indicating simply that something happened a certain number of years ago.  I see it as often referring to things like national tragedies such as the 9/11/2001 attacks as I do for something celebratory such as a wedding.

I do agree, however that "Premium Quality Playing Cards" means as much to me as "The check is in the mail."  Were they certified by some quality review board, or did someone's aunty say they were really nice?  It's meaningless in this context.

I'd be surprised if you didn't include the flag of France on the new tuck - a large amount of the fighting took place in that nation.  You're using the wrong US flag - the 35-star flag you depicted was taken out of commission on July 3, 1865; for the full duration of "The Great War", the flag had 48 stars on it, in a grid 8 stars wide and 6 stars tall.

The box back looks a bit bland as well.  Perhaps you could depict flags of the US/UK/Fr alliance on the front, with the opposition on the back?  Or maybe a map of Europe at the time war broke out as a wraparound?

Now, what do the cards look like - faces and backs?  Who will be your printer?

Well grandma said they looked like good quality and frankly, I trust her judgement  ;) But It's just there because I think it adds to the somewhat vintage look of the tuck case. It isn't supposed to entice people to buy directly. Also, I am still upset about france's involvement in this deck because the way the deck features work, there simply wasn't enough room. The situation with the American that is on one of the cards in the deck does in fact have the correct 48 stars. That tuck case image is an older model.

But thanks for all the tips guys, keep em' coming.

EDIT: I'm trying to show you the entire deck but I'm having trouble converting them from a PDF to something Imgur will accept in high quality.

Hey you're dead right. This rather egregious oversight has been somewhat explained in previous comments and is being fixed as we speak.

But I do appreciate you giving me your thoughts, thanks.

World War I did start in 1914 but I would not use a World War II picture on the box.  That is a whole other animal and is a bit of an insult. 

Instead use the picture of Big Bertha.  That symbolizes World War I trench warfare.  They used to call it "shell shock"  now it has a calming name called PTSD.
If you made that 101 mistake, we need to see your cards before you launch.  If you lay it all out we can help you.  Are you sure you want to say anniversary? 

"Premium Quality Playing Cards" doesn't mean much in my book...

+1 Russell, I have to say I agree with you 100%

I would add that making that mistake makes me question the amount of research, or lack there of, that went into this. Makes this seem like a rushed project to throw up on KS. JMO

Just a suggestion, but instead of anniversary-maybe
World War I(not one)
100 Years Later

I totally agree. Anniversary sounds a tad to happy for me. If you want a single word noun, perhaps Commemoration or Memorialization may be more suited?

I'm not too sure about the huge "play cards" and the smaller "premium quality playing cards" as well. Firstly, you don't really have to emphasize on the "play cards", and secondly, you don't need to repeat it.

We haven't seen any cards so not much to comment, but you can also take a look at the Bicycle War Series from USPC as well. After all, that deck was produced in reference to the victory in WWI.

I'll post a link to the full deck shortly but yes, as explained in the previous comment, the tuck case is very new. We will definitely be making changes and I will be implementing some of these tweaks. Thanks again guys for your honest opinions, It really helps.

World War I did start in 1914 but I would not use a World War II picture on the box.  That is a whole other animal and is a bit of an insult. 

Instead use the picture of Big Bertha.  That symbolizes World War I trench warfare.  They used to call it "shell shock"  now it has a calming name called PTSD.
If you made that 101 mistake, we need to see your cards before you launch.  If you lay it all out we can help you.  Are you sure you want to say anniversary? 

"Premium Quality Playing Cards" doesn't mean much in my book...

+1 Russell, I have to say I agree with you 100%

I would add that making that mistake makes me question the amount of research, or lack there of, that went into this. Makes this seem like a rushed project to throw up on KS. JMO

Just a suggestion, but instead of anniversary-maybe
World War I(not one)
100 Years Later

I definitely see where you're coming from but trust me when i say these cards have been in the woks for a while. Although I will admit the tuck case was rushed. This was our original tuck case and we recently decided we simply could not have it and have making a new one. So that is how this slipped through. But I agree, we should be scrutinizing more strongly

That's man. We recently had to rush and completely re do the tick case. Yeah I'm happy to show you the full deck. - atrocious spelling

Playing Card Plethora / World War I 100th Anniversary Playing Cards (KS)
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:27:42 AM »
Hey guys, I will be launching my deck on the 11th of October. It recognizes the 100th anniversary of World War One. Here's a sneak peak of the deck.

Also, if you sign up here, you will be added to the gold level backers list. You will get regular updates in the project and stretch goals and you will receive a free collectors coin when you pledge!

Sign up here:

Thanks guys, all the support helps. Let me know what you think of the tuck case and if you have any questions, just ask away.

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