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Messages - fictivecameron

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Amigos Playing Cards KS
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:28:48 AM »
Yep. Agreed. We've learned lots. I'll certainly be in touch next time.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Amigos Playing Cards KS
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:26:01 PM »
Hola. Just a quick update. We added more visuals to the project:

The GIFs are working pretty well I think.

Also, we're making some decent progress. Still a long shot, but no longer feeling impossible.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Amigos Playing Cards KS
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:36:34 PM »
All great advice. And yep, understood, there is always a next time.
That said, I'm gonna try like crazy to get this one through. Current odds (1/10).
I'll update this thread when we've got better artwork on the KS page.
Should be this week sometime.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Amigos Playing Cards KS
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:20:14 PM »

Thanks for all the advice!

It's gonna be tough to ensure that we have completely unique courts for every suit at this point, but we can certainly show a lot more of our artwork. Hopefully we can sort that out tomorrow.

I also hear you on the gray frame. I'll figure something out there as well.

I guess three decks was biting off a little too much, but I'm still gonna keep my fingers crossed. In some ways I agree that they are different, but they are unified in that they come from our app, they are all designed by good friends of ours, and they are all awesome. :)

Don, as for hiring, thanks so much for the offer. I'd say we maybe missed the boat this time around given how much time is left, but whether we're successful or not, let's be sure to talk more. We're pretty keen to bring some wonderful cards into the world.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Amigos Playing Cards KS
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:41:39 PM »
Okay, been a long week. Lots to respond to here. :)  Sorry for the delay.

1. Don. Glad you like the idea for the game. It works like this: anyone can sign up and become a member. If you're a member, you can start up a game and invite friends. It's primarily a web app, but we could do iPad and iOS later. The main features are:

- Play games / automatically keep score
- Player profiles with stats - You can see a profile here:
- Custom decks / backgrounds (you don't always play on a green felt table)
- Voice chat and text chat
- Custom house rules (play your game your way)
- More good stuff

A lot of this already works, but there's still a fair bit to do. We're hoping to use any proceeds from the sale of the cards to pour into finishing this app up. We almost decided to Kickstart the app but then we figured that would be hard for folks to get their heads around.

2. As for the court cards, it's really only the Frank Chimero one that has drastically different court cards per suit. That deck has very custom courts for each suit.

3. While our Kickstarter profile for Fictive Kin is pretty spare, my own personal one is more active. We all tend to fund things individually rather than as a company.

4. As for questions for you all, I'd say that given how new we are to this, we're probably making some amateur mistakes. Because I (with bias) think that these decks are super beautiful and I'd love to have them in the world, I'd love any suggestions on how we can present them better. At the current rate, it feels a bit like we're out of luck. That said, we've got quite a bit of energy and passion for the project so if you have any good avenues to direct that energy down, please do share.

Thanks so much.


Playing Card Plethora / Hello from the folks behind Amigos
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:18:20 PM »
First up, thanks so much Rose for all the kind words and for pointing me towards The Discourse.

I just thought I'd say hello in case anyone had any questions.
As some of you have pointed out, we made a few amateur mistakes on our Kickstarter. Our bad. It's our first time but I think we're making imrovements. We added options for a half and full brick at Rose's suggestion and we put up a pretty fun little video.

If you're wondering what the hell Amigos is generally, I wrote up a back story on our company site:

The short of it is that it started as an online club for playing cards. Games like Euchre, Spades, Hearts, Bridge, etc. We got some lovely decks designed by our friends and we found ourselves missing them when we were playing offline so we crossed our fingers and launched a Kickstarter.

Anyhow, that's the deal. Thanks to anyone who backs the project.


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