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Messages - rohwer

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Deck "secrets"
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:05:09 AM »
So I collect cards.  Mostly for the art (because I suck at tricks, magic, and flurishes).  I like when there is a "back story" or game that goes along with the deck.  I got my Altruism deck before Sandy hit, and I ordered a few of the Smow Owls on Halloween.  I spent the weekend going over the deck trying to find the "secrets."  I also went through their FaceBook page and tried to find more there as well.  I still think I am missing something.

For me, it is fun as long as it is not in-my-face, not too hard, and has a decent payoff at the end (I guess I will have to wait until the 13th for more clues).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown - ON SALE
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:05:27 PM »
My three decks were waiting for me when I got home yseterday, plus I ordered 3 Snow Owls during the Trick or Treat sale.

The first time I looked it said Novemeber 6th, but when I went back this morning, it says November 13th.  Any thoughts?

And is TBC giving any hints about the other secrets?  I think I have found a few, but I have no context, so I don't know if they are clues or just cool design.   And the circles...  what the hell?  No idea that that is about.

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