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Messages - PlayingKards

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Hey guys, I am selling a signed blue split spades lions deck on ebay. I got the deck a while back and it has been sitting in my drawer for a while so I thought I would sell it. It is still sealed and brand new,(although there is no cellophane due to David Blaine's signature).

Here is the link to the listing if anyone wants to check it out:

Thanks for reading this!

Only 2 min left! Deck only at 5 dollars. Brand new condition

Listing ending in 9 hours. Only at 1.75! This is your chance for anyone who wants to get smoke and mirror v5's for cheap!

The dvd set is still available! Go check it out!

The deck is currently only at $1.04! Go bid on it!

I am selling the Trilogy 3 dvd set by Dan and Dave. I bought it about 2 months ago and all three dvd's are in perfect condition. It will come in all of the original packaging. One dvd is Flourishes, another is Tricks, and the last one is Everthingelse. If you are interested or was planning on purchasing the set, then I suggest save some money and buy the set from me.

I am selling it for $53 dollars w/ free shipping to anyone in the US(lower 48 states). You would normally pay $85 plus $15 shipping from most places.

Payment Method: You can pay directly through paypal. Or you can go through my ebay listing if you would like to. Note: You will have to pay an extra 2 dollars if you go through ebay to cover fee's. 

If you want to see pictures of the set, go to the ebay listing:

Thanks and feel free to message me if you have any questions.

I put up an auction on ebay for a smoke and mirrors v5 deck. It is currently only at .99 cents. So go check it out! Link:

Isn't fanning part of cardistry? cause wynns suuuuuuck at fanning.

Yes fanning can be part of cardistry. Wynns are great for cuts and flourishes that require cards to stick/clump together. Jerry's Nuggets also are bad at fanning but are recognized as one of the best if not the best flourishing deck out there. It matters what you are into. Dan and Dave love Nuggets and Wynns because there flourishing consists of cuts and stuff that requires ''clumpy'' cards. When I do fans I usaully use ellusionist cards or bikes. They are great for fans as they are slippery.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: February 14, 2013, 01:07:45 AM »
The release and full trailer will be out this friday according to his latest teaser of the cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue LTD from Ellusionist [NEW]
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:09:39 AM »
Ellusionist will be shooting a trailer for the new deck today. Also, the deck will be made available mid-week. There will be no pre-order this weekend. Here's the link to revelations 5 where Daniel Madison talks about the deck:
It was going to be available for PRE-ORDER this weekend but I guess they got the shipment of decks early or something so there just going to do a full release mid week next week.

Someone said just a few posts ago that it would be THIS WEEKEND, not the middle of next week, that blue LTD is released.  Who's right?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue LTD from Ellusionist [NEW]
« on: January 31, 2013, 07:43:01 PM »
Ellusionist will be shooting a trailer for the new deck today. Also, the deck will be made available mid-week. There will be no pre-order this weekend. Here's the link to revelations 5 where Daniel Madison talks about the deck:

Playing Card Plethora / Re: LTD uncut sheets! Only 115 available!
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:52:24 PM »
I am surprised there not all sold out by now. It seems like ellusionist has been making a bunch of ''rare'' stuff just to get more money.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Could This Replace the Deck Clip?
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:51:14 PM »
Wow those look pretty cool. All though they don't look like they will fit a deck to me. But we won't know until someone has one in there hands.

Wow theres A LOT going on in the back design. I kinda like it. I like the ace suits.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECKS - Bicyle Star decks from USPCC
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:48:30 PM »
I'm not a huge fan of this deck. It looks alright though.

I still perform at a hospital, usually once a week, and I give away the decks that I perform with.  It takes about an hour to get there, but I go because they made a specific request for volunteer magicians, a request that Jason Brumbalow posted on the Ellusionist blog back when he still worked there.  The kids like having the souvenir of the visit, and they get to see for themselves that the cards aren't trick cards in any way - I wouldn't just give them away if they were, now would I?  It's also good because while some kids go all out with tablet and notebook computers, many of them are in the hospital with little more than the television or the occasional visitor from the hospital volunteer staff.  They'll loan you a book or sit and play a board game for a while, but when I give them a deck of cards, they get to keep that and take it home and it gives them something to do when the family comes in for visits.

Very often, the kids I approach are fine with their present situation, but every now and then I get someone that's frightened or in some amount of discomfort.  It's probably the most special thing that ever happens to me when I see that child transform, so when I leave the room, they aren't screaming and they're not quite so afraid anymore.  In the pediatric emergency room, the doctors are always steering me to the patients that are most in need - I get to be their opening act!  It's not always easy because the conditions aren't always ideal and I've seen my fair share of illnesses and injuries that might make some squeamish.  But the result is worth it.

I still have many decks from the last deck drive I organized here, but I also go through them at a pretty good pace, perhaps a brick a week now, sometimes more.  Most of them are Streamlines - unfortunately I ended up with the older, cheaply-made Chinese ones, but should I do another deck drive in the future, I'm just going straight to WalMart and buying up whatever Streamlines they have in stock (they get the new Kentucky-made ones and they're much better).  I also have many decks that were shipped to me from individuals - Alex donated some of his Vortex decks (the teens really like them), Mike from BMPokerWorld donated some mixed bricks of "scratch-n-dent" decks that collectors tend to not enjoy so much and recently Doris ordered some bricks of Bicycle Standards shipped straight to me from Amazon.  But the need is always there, and I keep filling it as much as I can.  Sometimes I even give a few bricks directly to the volunteer program for distribution on their library carts or the tote bags they take from room to room filled with board games and similar stuff - they're insanely popular.

Alex, you let me know how much of that briefcase you're willing to send to those kids via my hospital visits, I'll pay postage - and I'll gladly accept (through Alex) donations to help defray the shipping costs.  As long as the decks are "open but new" or still sealed, I'm glad to have them and I know the kids are twice as glad.  And if anyone else wants some for distribution in hospitals such as what I'm doing, please, speak up!

Wow that's a really cool job you got!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck By Dan & Dave
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:44:33 PM »
It's a shame these are sold out, I really want one!

Yea make a review for it! I like the unboxing though.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Just Chillin' Jam
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:40:07 PM »
Cool video! I liked the original move done at 2:46.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: New discount code for BBM
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:34:29 PM »
Thanks Don! I will be using it.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Repeating tricks for the same audience.
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:33:02 PM »
I think magic is always about developing your own routines and ways of presenting something. Just because the gaff card might not change, doesn't mean you can change or create a new trick with that gaff card. I have learned to develop many routines with all of my decks whether it be an invisible deck, gaff deck, stripper deck, svengali deck, and so on.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Cardini change vs ego change?
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:30:10 PM »
So is the cardini and ego change the same or not?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- Floral Deck from Aloys
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:27:17 PM »
These cards and the whole idea of only 500 decks sounds like crap to me. They are trying to make there cards ''rare'' just by saying theres only 500 decks? Sounds pathetic. I won't be buying these unless I get more information on them that changes my mind.

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID][unbx] Mollaspace Cards black and red
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:23:40 PM »
Good review. Those cards look sweet to me.

Deck Reviews! / Re: If An Octopus Could Palm Deck Review [VID]
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:22:19 PM »
Nice review Joker and the Thief. It's not a typical type of review i'm used to seeing. I like it!

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