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Topics - Candace B

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Playing cards and Fantasy art: A good mix?
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:18:54 PM »
Hey guys! I have a question for anyone who wants to answer. What do you think of fantasy art on playing cards? And by that I mean full color, digitally painted, illustration art. The kind of thing you see for video game art. What do you think? Is art like that on playing cards a good mix?

I’ve seen several decks with this sort of art do really well, and I’ve seen many others do poorly. Why do you think that is? Is it just a matter of personal preference, or is there more to it than that? If you were going to buy a deck like that, what would you want to see as far as making the art fitting for a good deck of playing cards?

I am an artist who loves to produce art in this style, and I would love to produce that art as a deck of cards. But I also want it to be a quality deck of cards, not just a novelty item that doesn’t have much functional use. Can this sort of art make a good deck really great? I’m just not sure, and I would love to hear some opinions on the matter. :]

Introduce Yourself / Hello Discourse peeps! :]
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:10:27 AM »
Hey everybody! My name is Candace and I am a new member here. :] I’ve actually been lurking and reading the forums here for a number of months but I hadn’t become a member until now. I enjoy playing cards and finding pretty new decks but I am much more an artist and designer then I am a card collector.

I discover this forum when I attempted to create a deck and launched it on kickstarter a few months back. I launched it as the “Elements” deck. I even got a few backers from the link that was posted about it in this forum and that’s how I found this place. :]

Like I said, I love playing with cards and finding awesome new decks but I’m not very familiar with it (not like all of you guys anyway). I am an artist by trade and am beyond excited by the idea of producing art for a deck. Since my first attempt at designing a deck back in April I have fallowed this forum closely to try and learn more about the trends for decks on kickstarter, what things work, and what things don’t. I finally decided to become a member here because I feel I’ve learned a lot from you guys.  I want to be able to comment as well and give back to the community from an artist’s perspective if I can. I am also working on a new and vastly improved deck and am excited to show you guys what I’ve got soon. :]

You guys are awesome! I'm excited to be here! :D

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