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Topics - lumpyliew

Pages: [1]
Im selling a deck of White Monarchs @ $100 in Singapore . Leave a comment below if you're interested

Hi there , I'm looking for these decks
White Lions Series A Red
Brown Wynns
Set of Split Spades Lions
Smoke and Mirrors V2

Preferred trading/buying locally ( Singapore ) . PM me or leave a comment will reply ASAP email me @ song6_song6 at

Playing Card Plethora / How to fix sticky cards?
« on: July 30, 2012, 06:04:56 AM »
In my country , Singapore , the weather here is hot and humid which is the main reason causing my decks to be sticky . ( feels terrible ) Anyone has any suggestions on how to resolve it? Greatly appreciated .

Introduce Yourself / Hello Everyone!
« on: July 28, 2012, 06:49:18 AM »
Hello everyone , I'm new to AetherCards . I'll be selling away some of my extra decks in the near future . If I have go against any of the rules , please inform me ASAP . Thanks . Guide me :)

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