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Messages - Utterfool

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: KS Deck Coming Soon: Bohemia by Uusi
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:59:32 PM »
I am definitely excited about this deck.
I really enjoy the work of the Uusi team.
The Blue Blood deck was remarkable and easily became one of my top 5 favorite decks (with 1 -4 being favorites for personal reasons that is quite a feat)
I suggest checking out their web site in general They have more of their artwork there beyong the playing cards and it is all truly unique.
There is no doubt on my mind that this deck will get funded and that I will be trying to figure out if I keep the posters and art prints from Blue Blood on the wall or if I switch them out for Bohemia

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan Dave Variety Box Encore
« on: September 23, 2012, 07:38:07 PM »

Also, with a Midnight Fuel, Game of Death, and an IAOCP, I feel you could sell those alone for around $120.

That is probably why they threw in the Stud and Aladdin you can get both of those for $5 total max.

The only decks I need from this are The octopus deck and the Bee deck. Definitely not worth the price for me, even with the possibility of resale.

If it is still available after the paycheck comes next weekend I will probably end up buying it. (damn addictions)

Playing Card Plethora / Dan Dave Variety Box Encore
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:48:55 PM »
With Little Fanfare for once
Dan & Dave have released another variety box
Another chance at Game of death for those who missed the last 3 or don't want the stripper.
Split spades I guess are ok
and an octopus deck
The Ebay prices for these decks add up to more than the asking price....

I just feel like I have seen this box before

I guess that is why it is an encore

Oh yeah a link

Closed at $921

I didn't win  >:(

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Aurum from Encarded
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:13:48 PM »
Looks like a pretty intricate cut out on the front of the tuck case.
If that were so it would be even more unique than a holographic seal


Third, what if your collection is so large, it would take up more space than you in your own coffin, requiring a larger (and more expensive) coffin and burial plot/mausoleum space?  Mine's getting close to that point already...

It's called a funeral pyre, Don.

 am going to have to agree with John

The shade of blue does not work for me.

The initial idea (from what I thought) of the Verve deck was the feel of leather (that is the tecturing they did with it)
Red worked for the deck design. Red leather is common. Blue leather you don't see as often, especially not such a brigt blue.
I could see a brown, or yellow, Maybe orange or white. But I don't think blue was the best color choice for the concept.

As I have mentioned before I am a collector of many things, some of which have some value, none of which currently have any extreme value. However this is a question that I have thougtht about in the past.
My wife and I do not currently have any children nor do either of us have an interest in spawning, so leaving them to the brood is out. My sister has kids but I would be damned before I let those things have any of my collections again. I let my nephew have whatever he wanted from my comic collection except for my Batman comics and the ones his father felt were not appropriate for him. He decided the only thing he would want is Batman and threw such a tantrum because he wasn't given the free things that he specifically wanted. (kind of like card collectors when they get free decks from companies)
My wife and I decided to arrange an auction after the last one of us dies (most likely her) and then donate the prceeds to charity. We haven't chosen a charity yet, but we have a few in mind.
We want to make sure we find a reputable auction company that will do research on our stuff so that it is sold for a decent price.(no $2 jerry's Nuggets, not that I own a Jerry's nuggets)
Hopefullly by then something in one of my collections will have some decent value and it will be worth the while of the auctioneer and the charity we give to.

The other option is paying property tax on our house for the 100 years and turning it into one of the most pointless museums in existance.

5,000 decks huh? And just a simple color change from an existing deck. Hmm. If that sells out in a day like the red one, I'll be really disappointed if Aurum takes weeks or months to do the same. The verve dck is very nice, one of my favorites, but we already have a nice version of the deck. Making it blue is underwhelming.

Doesn't seem like too many companies  are pursuing originality in cards anymore...or maybe I'm just jealous...

(If it hasn't been made clear yet, I am not a big fan of simple color swaps and the way people act like a new color is the greatest thing since sliced bread)

You are just mad that since the Tendril deck successfully combined every color under the rainbow there is no color you can swap it to  ;)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: $37,000 for marshmallows
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:42:42 AM »
these sound great! I want some!

that's not the point.
Dammit >:(

Don't you have school?  :D

The Conversation Parlor / $37,000 for marshmallows
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:22:20 AM »
this woman has raised over $37,000 dollars selling homemade marshmallows on Kickstarter

What am I doing wrong with my life? (besides spending so much time on Kickstarter)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - RITUAL by Elite Playing Cards
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:15:23 AM »
I would love to see you add some of the things available in the pledge levels as options

Like the card case
Right now I don't see the uncut sheet and card case available in any of the lower pledge levels together.

Having it as an add on would be better than creating a new pledge level

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Kickstarter deck (kind of) Animal rivals
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:12:01 AM »
my bad

I am not sure how I missed that

I usually do a search before I submit and today of course I didn't

What a fool I am

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Blue Tune Deck Review
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:07:15 AM »
I really like your reviews I have gone back and watched many of them.
I like the way you structure it the same for every deck. So we know what to expect and when.
my only criticism is I wish you would be a little more critical on decks, even if you like them. You use the word "cool" far to often a few more descriptors would help us gauge your full opinion and help us create our own.
Otherwise I think you do a solid job

Playing Card Plethora / New Kickstarter deck (kind of) Animal rivals
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:00:38 AM »

Hey Guys and Gals
I know we have been flooded with new decks on Kickstarter recently
But here is another that I think has a pretty nice design.

The back is unfortunately a one way back, however I have asked the creator to join our community so hopefully we can change his mind on that.

With our help and backing it would be nice to see this deck succeed

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - RITUAL by Elite Playing Cards
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:27:02 PM »

PS: Utterfool: we are a new brand of playing cards, however, we also own another brand in the magic tricks industry and we have been around for almost 10 years. We are not associated with any previous card

That was really a commentary on the fly by night company that was making the "Spider Kingdom" deck.
I didn't mean anybody to really believe you were associated with them.

I am really quite fond of your deck and have backed it.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - RITUAL by Elite Playing Cards
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:10:29 AM »
Actually reminds me of that spider kingdoms deck that was on kickstarter briefly.

Remember, the company that was making "Spider Kingdoms" was sold because their design was so amazing that some company thought it would be a good investment to buy a card company that never actually produced a deck, so the project was stopped for that sale.
Since now they belong to a larger company I am sure we will see the "Spider kingdom" decks again.

Maybe Elite is the company that bought the "Spider Kingdom" people

Oh, excuse me ... Is my sarcasm showing?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: info on marked and stacked white lions
« on: September 18, 2012, 12:50:34 AM »
Aces are marked
They have a single half spade with thin borders.
This appears on the bottom right hand side (side determined by one way suits being up when you turn the card around)
It is the same marking as the 2 but it only appears on 1 side.

I am trying to work out some of the other markings as it seems pointless to me that 8 and 3, 9 and 4 etc.. would have the same marking

On another note this shows you how new I am to the collectible card community, I didn't even realize these were marked when I bought them.
Because of that, look for sales of White lions Series B coming soon.
I collect cards as well as use them for gaming. Marked cards aren't much use to me. Not if I want to keep friends.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - Compass
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:09:32 PM »
I like they way the back has evolved. It looks designed now versus blocked together in MS paint like the original

The AOS is decent too.
However I really don't understand the point of the smoke effect on the Joker card. It doesn't seem to fit.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The New Deck Report
« on: September 11, 2012, 05:00:33 AM »
You either really like the Deck of Extraordinary Voyages
You messed up the links. Big Time  ???

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:39:48 AM »
Can anyone explain Why the price of hotels are so expensive on the 3rd of Oct in San Francisco?

I can't ... but a quick internet search can give some clues

Playing Card Plethora / Re: {VID} - Deck Collection - 9/6/12
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:35:22 AM »
It was more suggestion than instruction.  I have no power to move posts in this forum.

You Have No Power Here Don Boyer HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Officially launching tomorrow (sept 9th) at 6pm PST.
I've expanded the early backer $6/deck reward to a limit of 20 backers.
I've also added a 1-deck slip-case box that will be similar in design to the 2-deck wooden box (details to come soon) as a $65 reward level.
I've added a $250 reward package that includes 10 decks, 2-deck wooden box, uncut sheet, and art print.

The price doesn't work out on the $250 deal. All  of those reward levels put together + the 4 extra decks ( even at 10 a piece ) only adds up to $220 by my calculations

The Conversation Parlor / Re: parkour/free running
« on: September 08, 2012, 08:39:21 AM »
Isn't Parkour the French Martial art of running away?

Finally was ahead of the curve and like utter picked up two of each and the deck at the lower price... I'm glad Tannens was honorable... Seems as thought they quickly shot the deck to $35... So much for honor...

Actually the deck is now $50 ... :o

I wish I had bought more than 1

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