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Messages - Siegismyname

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I've placed many a bid on these decks… I love them… I've seen them in a Variety of colors and back designs… I will say that I haven't seen all that many Vintage USPCC transformation decks, so this deck holds a special place in my heart… I've seen them go for under $100 to over $300… I am still waiting to find a complete deck with box in great condition that will not destroy my pocket… Referring to another board, this is one of the few decks that I wouldn't mind having open to see the artistry involved… (Although I'd still take a sealed deck first)…
you now have one more contender for it on eBay. Haha.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:36:28 AM »
Acutally the DC prize had already been won.

Theory 11 also confirmed it on twitter.

What a lucky guy

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:32:56 PM »
My last 2 spins resulted in no rewards :(. the past 3 days however were 150, 250, and 100 pts. One of the day was free spin.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: My original effect
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:09:20 PM »
Although I didnt win the SNC, thanks for the kind words guys.
That color change :o awesome job man.
Which one were you referring to? the first one or the second one?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:07:32 PM »
Had to chime in here. I decided to go for a brick, because I like gambling, apparently. It didn't turn out too shabby, but 3 October? Really? Maybe my 4 month old will enjoy them.
The Octobers are quite nice actually. Whats there to complain? You have 2 ultimates, a v6, a white lions, a mirror reprint, an old arrco and a tahoe.

U know what I mean ;). "Uncut" sheet. How would you call it then?

Actually, I don't.  You're talking about taking a deck of loose, cut-out playing cards and as if by using a torn-and-restored trick, reassembling them back to the uncut sheet they were punched out of at the factory.  You might not realize it, but that's what you said, in essence.  If you were talking about making a print based on the deck design, or framing the individual cards to loosely simulate the look of an uncut sheet, that would be another story, but it's still unclear what you wanted to do.
Framing the loose cards to simulate an uncut is exactly what I envisioned.

U know what I mean ;). "Uncut" sheet. How would you call it then?

Actually, I don't.  You're talking about taking a deck of loose, cut-out playing cards and as if by using a torn-and-restored trick, reassembling them back to the uncut sheet they were punched out of at the factory.  You might not realize it, but that's what you said, in essence.  If you were talking about making a print based on the deck design, or framing the individual cards to loosely simulate the look of an uncut sheet, that would be another story, but it's still unclear what you wanted to do.

Don, that sounds like a sweet magic trick. Taking the Torn & Restored to a new level and restoring a deck of cards into an uncut sheet. Not sure how it would work, but I think it'd be a sweet ass stage trick.
Sorry to interrupt the thread, but I had to say it.
Indeed it sounds like an awesome stage routine.

U know what I mean ;). "Uncut" sheet. How would you call it then?

I would make an uncut sheet and frame it up

Second Entry:

22 Dec 2013

Yeah. I got my pictures from wopc actually. Those can be really pricey eh.

Was doing some research on playing cards and I came across this transformation deck. Similar to the ultimate deck and the curator deck, I found this deck very inspiring. Anyone knows anything else about this deck? Would love to get my hands on one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 08:15:04 PM »
Thought I would join in the fun. Got these in a trade with Shade a few weeks ago an awaiting my CARC Black Friday haul.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / My original effect
« on: December 08, 2013, 11:42:52 AM »
Since this is my first magic video and I used it to join this week's t11 SNC, I figured maybe I could also post it here for some of your feedback. Feel free.

Blaine also had some prototype trick decks made. 4 in total. The Svengali is a red deck plus a white deck

It looks like my hopes are slim. Good luck to the rest.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Card clips
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:02:05 PM »
also there is the vault by Jamie D Grant. Its a clip and a trick.
The Vault is not a trick. But it helps to do one of Jamie's trick easier without the need of removing it from the card case, In this case the Vault.

Playing Card Plethora / (New Deck) Coterie 1902 - 2014?
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:16:27 AM »
No sign of a name. Just a picture from Coterie's FB page. Will change title as the year progresses

Resembles the Magic Con 2012 deck, don't you think?

Just received my side of the trade with Shade. He's fast and responsive. Very careful packaging as well. Mine should be reaching him in a day or 2. Would definitely trade with him again

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:08:42 AM »
Love his handling of "out of this world" and the "regeneration" with a dollar bill. There is actually a vid of the special on YouTube

Updated quantities. Pending a trade with Shade.

As one trade did not go through, the split spades are now still available. I have more of the firehost decks if any of you are looking for them. ISO list edited.

Update some sold decks n ISO list. Keep those enquiries coming. If there are any decks you would like to trade for my ISO list I would gladly try to find them. I m surprised no one grabbed bee split spades yet.

Some decks have been spoken for. Am still looking for the ones that are left. Thanks for looking.

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