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Messages - Utterfool

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Hey Don

Take a look at the picture you posted.
It clearly says "Vintage" on the deck

Since you did not post the link to the auction I couldn't see how the guy actually worded the statement.
If he worded it as you said "12 Vintage decks of hockey playing cards" than he was being misleading and or inaccurate
If he worded it "12 decks of vintage Hockey cards " then the person was completely accurate because that is what it says on the deck

When you are as limited on something as 25.
Do not release it in batches.
5 per day for 5 days means somebody who really wants it may have to tune in 5 days in a row and still miss out to the person with the really fast connection who sells 4 of the 5 they ended up purchasing on Ebay.
I think the idea of having everybody who wants one enter their email plus the address where you will send the item (this will help cut down on multiple sales to one person, sure people can have multiple addresses, but it is much easier to have multiple emails.)
Then you do a drawing of the entries and allow those people to purchase the item. If they do not purchase it by a certain date you do a redraw until you sell all the items.
I think this is by far the most fair way. It is completely random, it is harder for people to enter/win multiple times.  It also doesn't crash your site or bring on the ill will that comes (even when it isn't your fault) when someone goes to your site at 4:00AM tries for 3 hours and still doesn't get one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - Mythos: Cthulhu Calls by 4PM DESIGNS
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:46:55 AM »
Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing - an off-white-on-white pattern in the back borders?  If so, it's intriguing.  If not, I need to see my eye doctor soon, anyway...  :))

Yes it's actually a grey tone of all the pips as a border. The demo deck shows up a bit lighter than expected so it's something we might darken a tad in the final product.

Please don't
The barely noticeable effect gained from the offwhite (grey) is fantastic.
I think it is much more insidious when it lurks there just out of sight. Much like one of Lovecrafts other dimensional creatures.

I believe you do have to buy a whole brick of one color to get the deck from Tannen's
I was not offered a free deck when I ordered 3 of each.
Of course when I ordered they were offering the deck for $19.95 instead of $34.99 as now.
I ended up picking up 2 red and 2 black ivory and just paid the $19.95 for the special edition.
These are for the colection so I didn't need a whole brick.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Q and A. Questions needed!
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:54:54 AM »
1. What type of device do you use to stop all your card fans from going counter clockwise?

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:45:09 AM »
Alex, is Cirque Du Soleil still in Vegas? That was an amazing show.

Which Cirque? I think there are 7 of them running right now.

If you do book through Kayak or one of the other cites you may want to ask opinions on places first.
For example- one of the lowest rates you will find for a hotel in Vegas on the Strip is The Imperial Palace... However I suggest staying far away from their, it is a rat hole.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Anime
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:57:03 AM »
I have a question for you Lara

do they have professional cosplayers in China
When I was in Japan at one of the way to many Comikets I attended, I met a woman who was a professional cosplayer.
I found out that some people in Japan , men and women (although mostly women) get paid a good deal of money to cosplay.
I am not talking about "Booth Babes" here. Women who get hired to stand around in outfits and look pretty. These are people who for a living design and make their own , and sometimes others, real like , extremely intricate and often amazing anime costumes.
I know there are people here in the US who make there own costumes and sometimes sell them, I even had a friend who moved it into a career (by getting a job with costume design at Cirque de soliel, not profesional cosplayer) but I have never seen anyone in the US do it professionally.
So I was curious if it happened in other asian countries or just Japan.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Dan & Dave Variety Box
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:47:22 AM »
Does the "lovely" display box and the brothers signatures actually add any value to this set?

I want to open this thing up and mount the decks on my wall and sell the ones I already have, but I have no clue if I would be better reselling this thing in a couple months and then buy the decks I am missing that are contained in it individually.
I have never had a love for custom brick boxes, due to the way I display my cards they don't get seen.

Any thoughts?
Which would be better ?
Sell the Arrcos. White lions, Ace fulton midnights, Tahoes, and Jaqks.
sell the whole thing in a month or two and buy the others individually.

No Joker?

I will sign a Joker

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: August 31, 2012, 10:14:00 AM »
Vegas - 3 things I must recommend you do while visiting Vegas
1. See Absinthe at Caesars, It is a hilarious Vaudevillian circus show
2 and 3. get off the beaten path and see the  pinball hall of fame and see the Bone yard. You won't regret either of them.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:56:17 PM »
If kickstarter begins enforcing their no more than 10 rule more fervently, this may be the end of legitimate decks on Kickstarter.
I think this might be an audit issue. I think that because Russell's campaign made so much and broke it's goal so quickly the staff at kickstarter chose to audit it.
You can see by looking through some of the smaller campaigns on kickstarter they don't audit everyone.

If they start auditing the pledge levels it will certainly make it difficult for card designers to use the kickstarter marketing plan.
We will see the disappearance of decks like quicksilver, Tendril and the like
Kickstarter will still be viable for flash in the pan/ money grab decks like those from AlienInks or the art house deck where they charge $20 per deck.

This would be a real shame if it were so. I like kickstarter for getting decks, I can often get decks in numbers that I want and pick up extras that I want like uncut sheets.
It is a toss up when decks are released on a certain date on a small website if I even get the deck at all let alone any extras

Perhaps I am being too hasty to say that Kickstarter is done as a legitimate place to market cards.
But I have heard too many times that Kickstarter is a bit of a hassle and this certainly won't make it easier.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK: Theory11 Rebel deck
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:03:56 AM »
I believe it is "limited"/ "rare"
And they will only be releasing 55 on Friday
5 (for their 5year anniversary) x 11 ( for theory 11)= 55
They said they will release more at later date so that these won't be considered a badge of honor.
Don't worry they promised that they have boosted their network for this

Actually I made all of that up

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New DECK Cards of Legend
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:27:33 PM »
I will be picking these up for my umm... for my brother as well.
Yes for my brother that's the ticket. :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards
« on: August 24, 2012, 09:01:51 PM »
Definitely prefer the blue seal.
The green color does not bother me, I think it will stand out nicely and look decent.
I am not fond of the message on it. It makes the deck feel more like an advertising or free giveaway deck. IMO it loses some of the class of the deck... If a deck can have class.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ORNATE Playing Cards - Coming Soon to HOPC
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:01:36 PM »
Congratulations to Randy and Midnight Cards for a ridiculously successful campaign and a beautiful deck.

All I need to know now is " when will we see the uncuts?"

Good luck in your future endeavors

I think this whole situation is fantastic.

It should now be quite obvious that
1. The first deal was a better deal as far as gift "value"
2. The second deal is a better deal as far as fairness to the consumer.

As I mentioned previously the issue still is this is a FREE gift.
The only people I see who might have a legitimate reason to be upset about the second deal ( which is now in the past) are those who won the badge of honor in the first deal and were planning on reselling the box that now do not have the same value, or those who paid entirely too much for a deck in the secondary market that they should have known would eventually been released in larger quantities.

As for the original 50 boxes, although their value has gone down, their rarity still remains. Only 50 of those sets we're created and most likely only 50 will be. Sure you can build that set separately but that is not exactly the idea here. You could have done that before the release, since there were Gold Crown decks distributed that we're not in the set, granted it would cost you a lot more. The point is the box is still a badge of honor for the collector, just not maybe for the reseller, but I have no love for a reseller that would take a rare item from someone who genuinely wants it just to sell it back to that person at a inflated price.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - Carpathia Deck
« on: August 15, 2012, 10:02:27 AM »
Why does the dolphin have a tea bag in its mouth?

I would call this the Virginia Slim deck.
"You've come a long way babe"

I was very "meh" when you started
but now
The back is so simple but yet so sophisticated.
The red is spot on. I don't know if any other color would have worked that well
I like this a lot.

To riff on Utterfool's box idea - it would be wicked-cool to have a "collector's box" with the deck inside (or two of them) in the shape of a major philosophical work (in dummy terms, a book)!  It sits innocuously on your bookshelf, waiting to be used for that Friday Night game against the math majors!  It doesn't even have to be wooden - you could trim costs by carving out actual books, much like you sometimes see in the movies with people converting Bibles and other tomes into stash boxes for weapons, cash, etc.  Paperbacks or ancient used textbooks that are no longer current might work nicely.

(Somewhere in there is a joke about superposition and that blasted cat that people babble about in conversations but really are clueless and trying to sound smart for the girls in the Psych Department...)  :))

The "recipe" for making such holdouts is pretty simple.  Figure out the desired thickness and grab about that many pages from the center of the book.  Use VERY THIN layers of school glue to make the pages into a "block" of paper.  Use a hand jigsaw to cut out a space in the size/dimensions desired.  Check that your "stash" (the deck{s}) isn't sticking out of the sheaf of glued pages - if it is, glue some more down and cut to fit.  Glue more pages at the bottom to form the bottom of the stash space, and you're done - one cool premium to go with a pack or two of cards!  (As the glue is drying, use pressure to keep the pages from warping on you.)

Though this idea is awesome and I may do it for these decks if they are ever made,  I don't know if it is realistic for a kickstarter project. The kind of box made from an actual book would have to be a super limited release because of the time it takes to make. when I was saying limited I meant like 1 - 2 hundred not 1 -2. Although the faux book idea is brilliant and I am sure you can find a box maker to make collector card boxes in that shape.

I have to hand it to Randy and HOPC, this release went very smoothly and the deck is arguably the nicest modern deck to be released (up there with the Seasons and Tendril IMO) It is absolutley amazing

Then by all means, let him know in the topic about his deck!  I'm sure he'd love to hear it.

@Don   you can be such a Bitch  ;D ;D :P

By the way, WHICH eBay are you looking at?  'Cause I just checked, and they have three listings - two "buy it nows" for $14.95 each and an auction starting at $25 with zero bids and six days left.

It was up there for $40
It was one of Lazarus's decks, he always puts things up really high (fishing for idiots) and then lowers it after a day or 2. He has it up for $20 right now

Actually I am pretty impressed with the picture he took of the front he captured the metal foil well

To add on to what Don just said.
The majority of your backers are going to be US backers and if you make them add on shipping to their pledge many of them will actually think twice about pledging (especially if you charge $1.50 -$2.00/ per deck as I believe hazofhorsham suggested) I know I wouldn't back at that cost. The people who are use to paying the extra shipping are the people who buy from abroad, these are the backers that won't blink at having to add the extra money for shipping (even if thye may not like it)
The price you charge for a deck should be lower than what people would expect to pay for that deck at retail, they are making a investment in you and your product that doesn't exist yet, if they expected to pay retail price they would be better off waiting until the deck existed and they saw reviews of how it really looks and handles. I suggest $7.00 for pledges of only a couple of decks and $5.00 for pledges 10 or greater.

Fulfillment time I think 3 months should be a fair time frame.
But what I think is most important is keeping in touch with your backers and letting them know where you are at each step of the process. If there is a set back at USPCC and they will be late, let them know. Always update the backers and they will be good if you have to push that time to 3.5 - 4 months. This happened with "The Deck of The Living Dead" they had to  adjust their design and lost their printing slot, they let there backers know right away and everyone was happy.

uncuts- yes
stickers- sure, but I agree with hazofhorsham just throw them in, maybe mention them and show them, but don't make a big deal of them.
Tshirts- your designs look great, I actually prefer you going more with the philosopher and less with the card aspect with these and I think you can use this to sell your design and get pledges from non card collectors. However Shirts are not often big sellers with card collectors and it may not be cheap to do small runs of shirts, I am pretty sure both Blue Blood and Deck of the living Dead had their own printing presses and did them themselves.
Card clips- not with your deck. I agree with Don here, I don't think your deck is going to appeal to Magicians and possibly not to cardistry people. So the interest in the card clip may not be as strong with the people who pledge your deck
Prints- This falls into the same thing as the T-shirts. I usually don't like playing card prints ( I am getting 2 with my grid deck because they came in the same pledge as the uncut sheet and I have no clue what to do with them) But prints from your deck might have appeal to more than just card collectors. If you do them well you might be able to get history and philosophy people to pledge for prints and Tshirts (Hipsters will probably pledge for the Philosophy King Tshirt as well)
low pledge level are probably not needed, they are put there for the people who like to pledge a dollar or two on just about every project just to show support, rewards are certainly not needed at these levels, especially ones that ship out (as Don said the cost would be killer)
Other premiums suggestions
-dealers coin with good and evil/ right and wrong or something else philosphical on each side.
- card box- this could turn out to be a beautiful deck and one that would be of interest to more than just card collectors (as I said magicians and cardists may not be interested)  a limited wooden card box would be a nice premium. Something for fancy display that would look good in the library near your philosophy books. A box similar to the one that was done for Seasons.

I don't have too much advice/input on costs, not having done one of these myself. What you put seemed reasonable.

I am not friends with anybody from HOPC and I have had my fair share of criticism of them (see olympic 2012 games decks)  but I am shocked that anybody would be upset by this.
Sure this deal isn't as sweet as the first release of Gold crowns.
The initial release of only 50 sets of cards including the gold crowns, that was a gaffe on their part IMO, as it truly made the deck a badge of honor.
This promotion is for a free deck after you buy $100 dollars of other stuff. They are doing it for 4 hours allowing people to get up to 3 in one order and I am sure if you really want to you can place multiple orders, pay multiple shipping and get more than 3 Gold crown decks.
This is no different than when Ellusionist has there promos for the LTD deck (I know last time it was for an LTD and a Black Ghost) they had you pay $100 dollars to get that.
The biggest difference is they are doing this with a new release so instead of having to buy up the old stock (like with E) to get a rare deck you can buy up new stock you probably don't have, plus some re-released stuff you may have missed (Verve and If you really wanted it The 2012 games decks). My only complaint and this is minor because I was more than ecstatic at the chance to get the Gold Crown (which I think is a beautiful deck) is that they didn't offer Ornate uncut sheets (which I would really like to get my hands on) if they had offered the uncuts I might have been able to get 3 Gold crowns.
But $100 is not unreasonable. Perhaps it seems unfair to people with tight pocketbooks, but that is hardly a "Badge of Honor" level sum especially when offered to any and all over a 4 hour period. With more and more "designer decks" selling at the $9 mark you will have to get use to seeing $100 sums or find a new hobby.
For me I found it easy to hit $100 (I even went over $200) any deck I plan to use I always buy a brick, so a brick of each a couple Verve and another 7 green NOCS (for hand and foot) and I got my Gold Crowns without even thinking about it. I am not saying this because I want to flaunt my wealth (because I am certainly not wealthy). I Just want to show how $100 isn't really unreasonable.
And when you are looking at generosity, because although this was just a marketing thing, it is still generous to offer anything for free, they certainly didn't need to, because IMO the Ornate decks sell themeselves and plus the friendly people at Midnight cards did plenty of advertising for them.
But when it comes to generosity one shouldn't complain about it. I mean I was furious about the way things were handled for the initial Gold Crown give away and the fact that I missed out on it, but, I stayed out of that argument because Blue Crown didn't have to offer those

Ok I think I will stop now really have begun to ramble and have forgotten my point

Playing Card Plethora / Re: So let's say I restarted my channel...
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:04:08 PM »
I am not a flourisher or a magician, for the most part I don't care how a deck handles. If I am going to use it, it only needs to be able to shuffle and deal decently and not fall apart in an hour. If I am collecting it, it only needs to have a good design and not look cheap.
What I watch reviews for is to see what decks really look like. I like that most reviewers keep the handling part of a review until the end, I usually just turn off the video after they show me the deck.
I find that most advertising promos don't really give you the true look of a deck.
( that is why I love coming to the design section of these forums, designers often show you every card). So for me, I always feel the more reviews the merrier, because it gives more chances to view how the deck looks ( since many reviewers show it in different ways and lighting)

I would love to see more obscure decks get reviews. There are some older, unique, and expensive decks that I would like to get a look at to see if it is really worth me wasting my money on.

And I agree with a lot of what was said above. As collectors and card hobbyists we love cards and devour the information that is out there another channel that shares that info, especially with interviews from different perspectives (designers, producers, retailers, enthusiasts, flourishers, and magicians) would be a lot of fun.

I wouldn't worry about your viewership too much. You have a audience here you can advertise to, who I am sure would check it out rather quickly, and plenty of people who would pass it on to the greater community.

The only issue with viewership, and I don't mean this as an attack as I was not involved with your kickstarter campaign and don't wish to bring up the arguments, is rebuilding your image in other forum environments, which theoretically shouldn't be difficult, but would take an effort that you may not have time for.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ogma pearl white limeted clip
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:01:27 PM »

Come on brothers! Be the first in the cosmos to own the most unique deck in this time continuum!


I think that is AlienInks Schtick - with Galaxy cards

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