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Messages - bamabenz

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Uusi Gilded Decks
« on: July 24, 2014, 12:24:24 PM »

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Origins playing Cards (KS)
« on: July 18, 2014, 02:17:10 AM »
I just got a Double. Interesting to compare the two sets of faces. The First Edition definitely pops more than the Grail. Maybe next time print one version with a smooth finish? Weren't the historic decks smooth?


Design & Development / Re: Pounders - a Founders deck parody
« on: July 18, 2014, 01:58:44 AM »
I think that The Independence sorta already fits that need. But if you designed a Kings Wild Founders deck, with the same historical figures as the courts, used standard colors and a bright white background with the Bill of Rights as a joker that would be pretty cool.

I'm sure that your art would be distinct. I would not worry regarding copyright, as ideas are not copyrightable only the expression of the idea.

<Two More Thoughts> it would be a great gesture if you offered a buck off for the folks that pledged for the Founders deck, maybe a special pledge level with a limit to 1,138 backers. It would be interesting to just use the honor system. And the publicity that you got for doing this would be pretty cool to see </Two More Thoughts>


I just got a deck delivered that I bought on eBay. The Queen of Hearts isn't symmetric -- the flower she's holding isn't colored.
Mistake or gag?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tally Ho + Kings Wild=
« on: July 15, 2014, 09:34:58 AM »
Actually, what we know is that 6 gross have been bought, not that 6 people bought 1 gross.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: KINGS WILD PROJECT - Official Topic
« on: July 08, 2014, 01:16:31 AM »
Will there be a limited edition as well?

Design & Development / Re: Delicious
« on: June 29, 2014, 01:05:19 PM »
Those Heart Courts...WOW.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Shannon Young's Derby Deck (KS)
« on: June 13, 2014, 10:46:00 PM »
I was tempted to pledge, but then saw the bottom reward:

Ad Spaaaaaaace - Have your ad printed on 1 side of one card and included in all decks from this Kickstarter campaign (minimum 2,500 decks). We'll also send you 10 decks to show off your ad. You'll need to provide the ad artwork and ad design and content subject to our approval. Please contact us with your ad information prior to the close of the Kickstarter campaign for approval.

Why would I pay $10 for a deck with ads?


Playing Card Plethora / Re: ICON Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:28:24 AM »
Well, I see that someone named Tay backed this 4 times among the earliest backers, and Tay hasn't backed anything else.
But then again Emmanual Jose and Mike R. have backed this too...

The part of the description I like best is:

I should add that my whole family, especially my Dad, will be supervising this project and helping me to make sure everything runs smoothly during the whole process. 


Thanks for putting this together. I love their decks!

For those interested in their older decks, V1 looks like its unavailable, but V2 is on sale here:
Use TWIT15 as the promo code. I just order two decks for £39.98 GBP including shipping to the USA using my PayPal account.



"There are four uncut sheets available as well. These are a one time offer for KS only. Below are graphics closely representing what you will get. Two of the pledge levels include a deck of cards as well as the corresponding un-cut sheet."

You can ask for uncut backs OR fronts of each deck.


Look at what he's actually stating; "On track to submitting/approving the finals of The Writhing Dark to Bicycle as soon as the end of this week."

And "I want to address the point that I have been doing other work as well. Namely Pairs and some other side projects. The income from these projects allows me to keep the budget from The Writhing Dark on the level, and to make sure that the project gets fulfilled without any hitches. That said it does take up some time, so I hope you can understand my decisions regarding what I accept and what I pass on while getting TWD out to you."

So he's taking on other projects so that the Writhing Dark doesn't have any hitches, but he hasn't submitted final artwork to USPCC almost 5 months after the project funded at over 100K, and he's started another KS project for the same rewards? Put that together with his messy break-up with Albino Dragon, and what do you get?

What you don't get is somebody who ran out...because production hasn't even started yet.

I'm a fan of Shane's art, but this strikes me as poor form.
A second Kickstarter when he hasn't fulfilled the first -- really?
And offering a lower price on decks than most of the first backers paid for?
He had 185 backers pay $12 in the original campaign and in the second campaign 50 backers are only paying $9.
I don't think he's being dishonest, but this just stinks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: House of Cards Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:26:33 AM »
Don, Jackson asked us to kill it, but last comment - there were pictures that clearly violated his rights.
You got the wrong topic.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: House of Cards Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 29, 2014, 01:09:39 AM »
Latest (last?) update from the Project:

Apr 28 2014
Cease and Desisted!

Hello everybody!

We have just received a cease and desist request from the big man, Director of Business and Legal Affairs at MRC II Distribution Company L.P. Elizabeth A. Miller who respectfully asked us to remove any copyrighted material.

We have complied by taking down the project.

This is disappointing for us as, after extensive research, we were sure that this project -- given that it did not overlap with any official merchandising and was on a very small scale -- fell under fair use law and the Visual Artists Rights Act. We still believe that it does, but have no interest in arguing about it. After attempts to contact Netflix et al. and Kickstarter's approval of the project, we were sure that there was no trouble (especially given that there are many fan art projects on Kickstarter). But we were wrong and we apologize for any disappointment y'all may feel!

Be aware that all of the money pledged returns to backers, don't worry.

Also, we'd ask you to take this as an opportunity to ask Netflix to put out some official merchandise (especially a deck of cards) for House of Cards. We'd love to see it on the market, and love to have a deck of our own!

Thanks for your support, and sorry for the disappointing end to this project!

-No Reply Team

I like how the King's eyes match the accent colors.

...which only goes to prove just how confusing the actual situation can seem at times!

I can tell you this.  If you were walking around in Taipei, stumbled upon this factory by sheer chance and asked in perfect Mandarin about placing an order for custom playing cards, you'd be referred to the Expert PCC on West 30th Street in New York.
Don't you love Globalization?  :-\

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Hotcakes by Uusi (KS) coming April 2014
« on: April 26, 2014, 03:16:36 PM »
Any chance of a Hotcakes calendar?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sophia Rae Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:48:09 PM »

I think its funny that when a DMCA letter is brought up everyone thinks im a bad guy attack the little guy trying to make his way in the world. When are little guys going to learn to abide by the law. I sent a DMCA about that Sherlock Museum deck and everyone got all upset even though I abide by the law and got a license when at the time the public domain issue was still in limbo. Oh ya not to mention the $10K + dollars i spent for the privilege of abiding by the law.

any ways... off topic sorry. small vent.

Jackson, as Don noted in another thread, its sort of weird to send a notice to a forum -- did you send a DMCA notice to Kickstarter too?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Origins Gaff Card
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:30:23 PM »
Very nice! But it will make the wait for delivery of the decks seem even longer...

Chris posted numbers. There were 1000 LE packages produced. Let's see how fast they show up on eBay.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: House of Cards Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:22:18 PM »
This and Sherlock are night and day. This is not only a living breathing IP it also has a full cast of actors who each own the rights to their faces and likenesses.

Old Game Dev Story:

Any body remember the Nintendo Game NBA Jams? I cheerleader from a NBA team sued the creators because the 8 bit cheerleader in the game had her likeness. AND SHE WON! Fan art or no this creator will get glassed if they don't watch it.

No argument there.
The character likeness's really make your decks stand-out.
I'm waiting on 40 of your decks to be delivered -- this week I hope!
I didn't pledge for the Museum decks.

The original thread died a good death here at the Discourse, but then he accused her of copyright violation again in this thread, and I hate to see a young kid just starting out getting the bum's rush out the door.

Let's agree to kill the conversation.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: House of Cards Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 23, 2014, 08:54:43 PM »
Can't. That was the one thing that I agreed not to do when I asked to see it.

You had to ask to see the takedown notice?
That doesn't make sense. I guess I wasn't clear. Just post the actual takedown notice, not any accompanying documentation.
That can't be private. Otherwise no one could ever dispute a takedown notice, or know what is being alleged.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: House of Cards Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 23, 2014, 07:58:30 PM »
Gosh, now I remember reading your post.
I'm troubled that you state what you received proved infringement.
Will you post the takedown notice so we can discuss what it actually states, what was proven and what was demanded that be taken down?


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