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Messages - zaganh

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could of had a better stock i think
Premium bike stock is actually really good, I think. The stock used for custom decks is better than the one used for rider backs; add to that better quality control and the durability boost of magic finish, and you've got yourself a really nice deck.

As for the design, I think sometimes we have to accept minimalism as something more than laziness. I personally love them and at this price, I consider it worth it.
That said, I didn't get any because international shipping is a b****. ::)

awesome that makes me feel better i was thinking rider back shipping to the uk was quite good cheaper than circle city cards is for americanas to the uk

i think they look awesome and theres not so many yellow decks so that will be good could of had a better stock i think but will be awesome to use im not sure why i got so many noc though and only 2 americana now i think about it i should of got more americana shame the courts arnt the colour of each deck like iaocp when they were terqoiuse looked really cool

i really want to know more about the secret deck the blue crown made and never released anyone have any ideas or know anyhting ?

i got 24 noc decks and 2 americana =D wasnt bad shipping 52 dollers

i updated it guys ^^

i started colecting ad cards and put them into a catalouge type book thing but  dont have that big of a variety of decks just a good quanity of the decks i do have so if anyone wants to let go of some ad cards from decks eg double backer as card blank face card i dont have depending on what ad cards you want to give me ill trade you decks for them

i want anything you dont see in this picture of my colection i really want the mana brown wynn a jerrys joker prime ad cards theres so many i dont have so if anyone has a few ad cards they dont want or alot of them from diffrent decks pm me and we can work out a trade i have to trade what you see in the picture my e mial is

depending how many you have to trade and what your trading me if you giving me say 15 ad cards im looking to trade one deck but if your giving me more than 15 or the double backers jjokers and all extra cards ill swap more with you

Deck Reviews! / Re: Vortex deck review
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:31:59 PM »
loved it and when the duck tried to spread or fan and threw the cards was so funny ^^

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 16, 2012, 09:14:11 PM »
i asked syd about if theyll be in variety box or dotm

I am sorry that you missed out Zagan. It is possible though that the decks will be in a DOTM or Variety Box.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 15, 2012, 09:22:57 PM »
i dont understand why they dont just print them again due to demand from the fans it would be win for them as they would make more money and all of us would get the decks we want for the right price

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 15, 2012, 03:46:09 AM »
so how many hours from now until there released ?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:41:37 AM »
I just received the April deck. It is really a disappointment. Here it is:

So Far, the decks have been, if I am not mistaken:
October: 1st eddition arccos
November: Arrco US Regulation Blue Seal (OHIO)
December: Tungstene
January: Smoke and Mirror v6
February: Bee Squeezers
March: 1st edition Split Spades Blue
April: Cambric Finish Premium Gold Bee

They call THAT a NEW deck?!?  That's new only in the sense that it's still wrapped in cellophane and has an intact seal!

I don't know about you guys, but if I'd bought a DOTM membership, I would not be happy right now.

sulks they should of give magic con

Hey, they shipped before the MCv2 was even released.  Maybe next month...

they shipped them the 9th im sure they might of had the deck by then hopefully next month ^^ anything will beat the bee deck :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: April 12, 2012, 11:59:15 PM »
I just received the April deck. It is really a disappointment. Here it is:

So Far, the decks have been, if I am not mistaken:
October: 1st eddition arccos
November: Arrco US Regulation Blue Seal (OHIO)
December: Tungstene
January: Smoke and Mirror v6
February: Bee Squeezers
March: 1st edition Split Spades Blue
April: Cambric Finish Premium Gold Bee

They call THAT a NEW deck?!?  That's new only in the sense that it's still wrapped in cellophane and has an intact seal!

I don't know about you guys, but if I'd bought a DOTM membership, I would not be happy right now.

sulks they should of give magic con

Design & Development / Re: a friends back desighns
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:20:27 PM »
I like it, but its very plain, and too geometric, and I don't think it matches the other cards at all.

It's not supposed to.  It's not his design for his deck - it's a friend's design.

Honestly the only thing I don't hate is the blob. This is a draft but I'm not a fan of this at all. Also I'm unsure of how this could turn into an AoS. I know this is kinda harsh but I am noticing the a lot of artists, whether good or not. I don't think every piece of art fits in a deck.

It's not supposed to be an Ace of Spades.  The title of this topic states that it's a back design.

I'm starting to feel like the only person who reads anymore!  :))

OK, so I'm assuming this is only a partial design, since it looks like only the top half of a card back.  This looks a lot like a piece of currency, like a new design for the 10 euro note or something.  If he wants to make a banknote-themed deck, that would actually be an interesting concept - closest I've ever seen to that are some half-assed efforts using a US $100 note as a card back.  If the Aristocrat 727s can make a successful comeback, I see no reason why this couldn't become something "note-worthy" (insert rim-shot here)!  :))

haha yeah he mentioned he desighned that one like a bank note he has many more i need to uploade

Hey I read too. :P LoL

Anyway, @Don, "BANKRUPTCY" deck? Nice one.
I still need to get myself some Aristocrats (can you believe that?!)
But yeah, With what Don said as a possible theme (bank-note) maybe that is something to work with right @zaganh?
good luck

thank you but this is a friends deck this is mine here

Design & Development / Re: light deck
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:03:56 AM »
started sketching the back desighns heres a little preview of a part of it

Design & Development / a friends back desighns
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:09:07 PM »
a friend saw me working on the light deck and wanted to start on a desighn too he asked me to get him feedback on his desighns

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:24:29 AM »
the lip balm looks cool

I'm very sorry to say this, but there is NO SUCH THING as cool lip balm!  :))

haha its as cool as a lip balm can be :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 06, 2012, 10:07:18 PM »
the lip balm looks cool

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and daves new releases tonight
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:40:34 PM »
i nearly spit my juice out when i saw dan and daves april fool

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and daves new releases tonight
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:46:46 PM »
It's about time for a new deck!  It's been weeks since their last deck release.  Weeks!  If The Twins are going to have a new deck ready for the monthly subscription (DOTM) they need to get on it and release it already.
I agree but they didn't mention a deck. They are probably concentrating their efforts on Magic Con 2 and S&M v7 (lol, as if designing a v7 takes them more than a day or two). And for DOTM they will probably give out some T11 releases or some older decks.

im hoping the dotm deck is magic con they said they was working on several decks so anything is possible haha

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and daves new releases tonight
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:05:38 AM »
heres the pic of there comment its on there facebook also there doing a new contest tonight

Playing Card Plethora / Dan and daves new releases tonight
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:52:11 AM »
they said

Dan and Dave The new version will be released tomorrow night at 8pm PST (autocatch the baddass version dan and daves words from facebook) along with several other new items. You're in for a treat!

also theres a contest tonight too

damn im spent up on vaudvile haha ><

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Help wanted: Warped Cards and Storage?
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:39:15 PM »
i live in the uk i just keep my card on my bookshelf they stay perfect my bedroom is on the third of the house and the house overlooks a field but they seem to stay perfect maybe its how it put them on my shelf or maybe its because im high up oh and i never shut my window unles its raining really badly so my bedroom is always cold ^^

i have alot of decks to trade pm me if you have any april fool decks to trade or e mail me see my colections below if you want to trade tell me where you like and ill see how much shipping is also ill trade for your cards depedning on the value of cards you want from me we can haggle and the reason im trading for them is because i have alot of the same cards so i can let a few of my decks go so if soone spent 12 dollars and 2 joke decks they could get a black crown from me for it so we would be both getting somthing we want

i have plaid
bee erdansium.....

if your looking for somthing ask if i have it pm me ^^

what would you give me for a blue plaid and 2 bee erdenasiums ?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:25:30 AM »
ill trade somone for a couple ill trade a black crown for two i have many other decks i would trade too pm me =D


haha i changed it is it better now ?

The "David Blaine" deck is "blue", not "blush".
I never heard of a "balck crown" but I have heard of Black Crown.
Add "AND MORE!" or words to that effect to the title, or it looks like you're only selling S&M v6 and Black Crowns.
And I think $80 is pretty steep for the Style Deck - unless you're selling by the brick, which you should note.  You give individual prices for all the other decks, you should do the same for Style if you aren't selling by the brick.

thank you i made those changes =D

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