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Messages - Lee Asher

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With the 30th anniversary of our annual convention upon us, the buzz is starting to rise to a boil. Various private emails and threads on this discussion forum are asking questions about who's attending, speaking, and launching new decks at this year's convention. So instead of fanning the rumor fire, let me tell you who you will see at this year's 52 Plus Joker Convention.

It's a long laundry list of 'who's who' in attendance, so here are a few highlights:

Lenny Schneir - For those who don't recognize this name, he officially member #1 of the 52 Plus Joker. That's right! He started all this 30 years ago, and now he's back to see the progress we've made in his absence.

Kostya Kimlat - Known in the magic world as one of the best with a deck of cards, he's going to perform his brand of sleight of hand during one of our events, but he's also going to attend the convention as he's become a new member of our club.

Rhonda Hawes - She's going to share her vast knowledge about Art Nouveau with Art Deco playing cards during one of the speaking sessions. She's going to show some imagery that will blow your mind. Wait until you see what she has in store.

Mark Stutzman - You might recognize him as the famed artist known for his work with David Blaine, Conjuring Arts, Legends Playing Cards, and most recently the Whispering Imps. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please stand and up make some noise for this guy. He plans to speak at this year's convention, so arrange your travel plans now.

In addition, both Expert Playing Card Company and United States Playing Card Company will be in attendance this year. I'm sure they'll each have amazing new goodies for all to enjoy as well as fresh thoughts about the continued innovation of playing card production and manufacturing.

Registration for the convention is only $100 for three days of playing card awesomeness, and that also includes a table to sell, trade, and promote your decks in the dealer's room.  Where else can you meet legendary collectors & designers, hobnob with premier card manufactures, and talk playing cards with other enthusiasts all night long? Only at a 52 Plus Joker Playing Card convention!

Want to join us this year? The convention will be held in the Doubletree Hilton at Orlando Seaworld on October 7th, through October 10th, 2015. For more information, please visit the convention page on the 52 Plus Joker website.

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Adobe CC lifetime giveaway
« on: July 21, 2015, 04:15:26 PM »
We use Adobe CC to create CARD CULTURE. One could say it takes CC to make CC. ;)

This is actually a rather famous deck - it appears still on the cover of the Hochman's Encyclopedia!  The "Murphy's Varnish" deck is the name I know it by - but I don't know the Hochman number for it.

Murphy's Varnish is the Hochman as A1.

Weird. Only issue 8 is causing trouble for me. Most of the text comes out as squares. I'm guessing it might be an OCR problem. Anyone else having this problem?

I just went and checked, and there seems to be an issue. I think it's a matter of re-scanning the file for Alexander. I'll write the powers that be, and get this fixed right now.

For those members who read CC directly from the PDF, there should be no issues.

I just renews my membership but it's not allowing me access to the member portion yet.

I just checked, and you should be good to go. Let me know if you have any issues.

Enjoy CC #8!

Zdravstvuyte fellow card enthusiasts,

The eighth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

  • Tom Majski
  • Mike Goodall
  • Giovanni Meroni
  • Larry Lubliner
  • Yasha Beresiner
  • USPC
  • Thomas Dawson
  • EPCC
  • Don Boyer
  • & me

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


+1 Mydnyghte

Received in perfect condition!

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Hart's Squeezers #352
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:21:48 AM »
I'd say they are worth more in the wrapper, but it depends on your buyer. Nice find by the way!

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Interesting Thought...
« on: July 04, 2015, 09:15:08 AM »
My job is to simply create good ideas. It's up to others to act upon them!  ;)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Interesting Thought...
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:49:54 AM »
One of the cues that had me doubting the veracity of my own decks was that they were supposedly "canceled" according to the box seal, but the cards were completely intact - no cuts, marker ink, drill holes, etc.  The card in your photo is in the same condition.  But it is indeed possible that you stumbled upon the genuine article, especially if the design is no longer in use.

It's real. I'm certain...

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Interesting Thought...
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:18:55 PM »
I thought that looked familiar.

Lee, did you take a closer look at the deck?  It's one of a handful of casino deck designs that have been circulating far and wide lately - because it's counterfeit.  I have a red and blue deck, same exact design - on the cheapest, smooth stock imaginable, in a tuck box that looks like a window Bee box and has a "casino-used/canceled" seal, but the cards inside are 100% intact and forged.  My brother found them, he doesn't remember where, a couple of years ago.  The previous owner of that card probably got the deck from a local dollar-store or a shop somewhere in Toronto's Chinatown area carrying knockoff goods.

On the plus side, that means that it actually traveled a lot farther - from some factory buried in the backwoods of China, more than likely, to a cheapo wholesaler that serves the low-end shops in the Toronto area...

I disagree Don. This is a legitimate Casino in Reno, and I can guarantee you this card is not a knock-off. It's real.

My best educated guess says this is a design offered in the Aristocrat Casino deck line. I'm not disagreeing that the pattern might be printed on knocked-off decks in China. However, I believe with absolute certainty, this card is USPC-made.

... in Toronto's Chinatown area carrying knockoff goods.

Toronto's Chinatown is pretty good about keeping knockoffs to a minimum. What kind of people do you take us for up here???

The Conversation Parlor / Interesting Thought...
« on: June 18, 2015, 11:33:34 AM »
Interesting Thought...

I found this lone uncancelled casino card in the grass of the school yard directly behind my home. It's from a Nevada gaming house called the Sands Regency, located in Reno.

Finding this card got me thinking about the distance it must have traveled, in order to come to rest in Toronto.

Erlanger to Reno - 2176 miles
Reno to Toronto - 2419 miles

TOTAL =  4595 miles (7395 kilometers)

*It most likely traveled in a pack, and not by itself.
**It could have made stops in between the point of production, Reno, and it's final resting place. We have no access to this kind of information.

I know people track currency, (and it's much easier to do it with bills) but it would make an insightful social experiment to do this with playing cards.

Hey there,

Even if it's ISO? And I'm just buying? Not selling?

As far as I know you have to meet the requirement for posting a thread on the board. and yes even buying.

mod correct me If I am wrong.

This is correct Hankman. Sorry Lydian. We'd like you to participate a bit on the forums before you get the privilege of buying, selling, and trading. It's a minuscule obstacle to overcome if you're truly serious about being part of this community.

On a side note, when you do have the ability to post in the STISO area...

As I'm sure you know, GNuggs come in multitude of varieties and colors. It's a safe bet to say you would probably rather have a 1965 black LV GNugg than a 1980's black Atlantic City GNugg. Right? It's always best to be precise with your requests in this area.

Hope this helps.

Speak with you soon Lydian.


Did OO-see the Titanic piece? LOL!

This is great ! I can't wait to go home and read this after work :)

We think you'll really enjoy this issue. My personal fav. article from #7 is about the playing cards on the Unsinkable Titanic. Who would have thought?!?


Annyeong fellow card enthusiasts,

The seventh edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

  • Uusi's Peter Dunham & Linnea Gits
  • Thomas Dawson
  • USPC
  • Kardify
  • Rod Starling
  • Don Boyer
  • & me

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


Moshimoshi fellow card enthusiasts,

The sixth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

  • Clay Boulware
  • Maxime Heriaud
  • Tom Majski
  • Thomas Dawson
  • Don Boyer
  • & me

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


The Conversation Parlor / Discarded Playing Cards In Etobicoke
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:17:23 AM »
Fun story in last week's Toronto Star newspaper about discarded playing cards by a guy named Larry Fedoruk. Read it in full here.

ps. Should we tell this guy about Secondary usage for playing cards?

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Ask the Experts at 52 Plus Joker
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:08:42 AM »
Sorry to report, but the deck pictured above is fake.

The thin security strip (which should be red), as well as the off-colored label and position gave it away. I hope you paid for these in counterfeit money because this is a counterfeit deck.  ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Newbie in here
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:36:19 AM »
Hello everyone, my name is Arthur and I'm from Toronto.
Nice to meet you all~*

Hi Arthur!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bee Quality Playing Cards (Black)
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:33:46 AM »
Do any of you know if this is genuine?

If I remember correctly, there was a small batch of black Quality Bee decks created, but never sold. These seem to look legit, but my best advice is to write the seller, and ask more questions. Also request more photos.

Hope that helps.

Nervous? Your story about the origins of the BOWL-A-RAMA deck is not only fascinating, it's inspirational!

Life threw some lemons at you, and you decided to make delicious lemonade from it. Lots of great life lessons in your interview!

Be proud. Just sayin...

Bonjour fellow card enthusiasts,

The fifth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

  • Tom Majski
  • Randy Butterfield
  • Don Boyer
  • Mike Ratledge
  • & me

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Are all Vegas Casino cards created equal?
« on: April 04, 2015, 07:50:34 PM »
I'll be in Vegas for a couple of days in May and am going to pick up some decks of cards for my collection.  Are all Casino cards created equal or are the specific casinos that have better quality cards then others?  Let me know, thanks.

No. Not all casino cards are created equal.

You'll find a handful of brands being used in the different casinos (Bees, Aristocrats, Carta Mundi, Paulson, and even Liberty). You'll also find the higher-end casinos in LV using branded Bee decks on their gaming tables (not including poker).

You should get your hands on these different decks, play around, and see which one you like the best. Then report back here, and tell us about your findings.

Hope that helps.

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