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Messages - zaganh

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Zaganh - let's make this SIMPLE.

Offer a clear list of what you're selling and what you want for it and how much to ship it - all in the FIRST post of the topic.  This "choose 12" thing is a bit confusing for some, since you're offering 14 options.  SIMPLE offers at good prices are the most likely to SELL FAST - and that's what you want, right?

BTW: it's sort of obvious, but specify which Artifice v1 you're offering.
Also, Split Spades 1st Edition can be construed two different ways.  Some would call the Tally-Ho decks the 1st edition, while the Split Spades Lions are actually marked "1st Edition".

May I offer a list, as a suggestion, for descriptions that leave nothing to chance?

Smoke & Mirrors v6 (x2)
Smoke & Mirrors v5
The Black Crown Deck
Split Spades Lions, blue
Artifice v1, blue
BeDeceived's The Style Deck
Fulton's Chinatown
Fulton's Clip Joint
US Regulation/Vintage Plaid, Arizona Red and California Blue
Ask Alexander, Cambric Finish
Arrco reprint, red

Either choose a dozen of these and offer them as your brick, or make it clear that people can choose a dozen of the above.

Simpler still - offer a single price for the whole bleedin' lot!

Get rid of that "must sell tonight" stuff and just say "I want to sell them in order to buy the Vaudeville deck before it sells out - offer expires when the Vaudevilles are gone!

haha i changed it is it better now ?

Mine shipped this morning also, I really hope I won one of those prizes! I really want that uncut tuck box.

i hope i won one too i really want the crystal ball ^^

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ad card album
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:54:46 PM »
Wow thats pretty neat. I wouldn't seperate the decks though. I feel like the joker is stil part of the deck.

i love the jokers and would like to keep them in but i use card clips and i only have ones that dont fit jokers ><

Ah. I see. I never used a clip before so I wouldent know.  ::)

why is he stroking his carrot? ->  :karrit:

most only hold 52 cards i think the only ones jokers fit in are the bigger ones from e i think

huh im confused

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ad card album
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:45:51 PM »
That's pretty cool. Never thought of doing that. I thought of taking a box and putting all of the ad cards and jokers in it. Making a "custom" deck with different backs and faces. I can just pull one out whenever I need one and do tests with those cards as well (try roughing power etc.).

its a card album for a marvel card game haha you can put a cover inside it too oh like lenard green is it

Wow thats pretty neat. I wouldn't seperate the decks though. I feel like the joker is stil part of the deck.

i love the jokers and would like to keep them in but i use card clips and i only have ones that dont fit jokers ><

Playing Card Plethora / ad card album
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:02:27 PM »
i just got a card album for my ad cards and jokers thought it looked pretty cool thought i would show everyone a few pages and does anyone else do this i would love to see pics ^^

Isn't 120$ a bit steep for those decks without the Tungstene? I calculated and with the 12 decks worth the most I reach a total of about 115. Shouldn't the price be a bit lower? JMO

i could go lower if you wanted to buy the deal we could haggle a bit

i value them at the prices below even though im selling them lower as a deal to get them to the uk i have had custom charges and high shipping too

v6 20 dollars
black crown 18 dollars
david blain split spade blue 1st edition 25 dollars
v5 30 dollars
v6 20
artifice v1 9
style deck 10
chinatown 10
clip joint 6
plaid both colours 12 for both
ask alexander cambric 6
arrco red 6

and tungstene goes on ebay ive seen for like 40 pound a deck with would be aournd 60 dollars

Can you mention in your FIRST post what the finish of the Ask Alexander decks is as well as the Arcco color and the DB Split Spades' color?

sure ill put it in now

I was very pleased to see that my order had already shipped! That was quick!
Also, I received the video of how to use the trick in a separate email.

Great job Blue Crown!

mine two i got the tracking code at 6pm and i was like wheres the video its still not there but then i got the video in the e mail a few hours ago i like the force that was there i didnt know any forces

cant wait to get my hands on these =D

choose 12 of these if you buy tonight (before vaudvile sells out)  i will add tungsten to the selection

i think post on a brick is 35 dollars

black crown
david blain split spade 1st edition
artifice v1
style deck
clip joint
plaid both colours
ask alexander

120 dollars

Please include shipping costs, and define "tonight" - give a specific time that the offer is valid for.

i put it haha ^^

you want to buy them or you want them haha ? yep i have a deal with a guy to get some but i prefer vaudvile so im getting vaudvile first then mana

tungstene iaocp v5 split spade lion blue black crown 91 dollars tonight only

Wow, that's a crazy price for those! Individually bought, those decks would probably add up to around $150, by my calculations. Unfortunately, I've way overdone it with cards lately otherwise I'd be on this like a fly to poop. Jealous of whoever buys it!

yep i know the values and its a crazy price thats why its only until the vaudvile sell out i want to get another brick before there gone otherwise i wouldnt be selling this low hopefully osmone will snap it up

You listed "v6" twice.  Including that, you posted 13 decks - a baker's dozen rather than a brick.  Please clarify for your potential customers.

oops haha well they can choose 12 of those decks i listed and have v6 twice if they want ^^

tungstene iaocp v5 split spade lion blue black crown 91 dollars tonight only

tonight means until vaudvile sell out and shipping is baout 10 dollars to the us i think

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Ultimate Custom Brick!
« on: March 24, 2012, 12:59:15 AM »
yeah the mystery brick idea sounds fun

my dream brick would be

magic con
jerrys blue and red
white lion
Haha your on top of your new decks, I see, with the vaudvile, tendril and vortex decks before you even get to own them :P
I will do a thread for the mystery brick tomorrow. I am too tired right now. And maybe a dream brick would be nice and see who has the most desired brick!

i have bricks of all those coming hahai think i have over 80 decks ordred i never owned any jerrys or magic con either but i know il love them from the look haha

Playing Card Plethora / Re: advice what decks to get from china
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:05:48 PM »
LoL most people don't know much about Beijing anyway, or any other parts of China. Also on a side note, Hong Kong is not China. ^_^

It would would be nice to know where in China she will be at. because if she happens to be in Beijing or even Tianjin then I could tell you to tell her where to go to get you decks from here.

Fake Nuggets here are really good quality... none of those crappy paper stock with rough (no) finish. :P

haha one of the places should be in china ill get her to text me where the places are she told me on the phone but i cant remeber

really thats awesome what colours are they in ? on the internet i have seen red blue black and green

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your Ultimate Custom Brick!
« on: March 23, 2012, 10:58:04 PM »
yeah the mystery brick idea sounds fun

my dream brick would be

magic con
jerrys blue and red
white lion

91 dollars zaganh@hotmail selling them so i can buy more vaudvile if anyone buys before tomorrow you get a free v5 or black crwon you can choose ^^

I havn`t got the video yet, and I also LOVE this deck, hopefully it handles a little different then the Crowns because I didn`t love the handling on those.

i saw the video in the store it said sold out i was worried everyone downloaded it while i slept haha me too i hated all things on the crowns the handling the desighn on the court cards i only liked the black crown box but these look incredible does anyone know what stock and finish they said somthing about it in the video ?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: advice what decks to get from china
« on: March 23, 2012, 02:09:25 PM »

Where is your sister staying at in China? Beijing? Shanghai?
SlyS and I are meeting up tomorrow, and I'm taking him around town and maybe to a close by card shop.

oh here is my link to the olympic cards

on and @DON i havn't found any yet

she said three places there one was hong kong and the other two i havent heard of

wow the olympic ones look awesome thanks for the link

i didnt like the crown deck the green ones looked cool but i got some black crowns and hated them so i didnt follow the vaudvile deck at all then when i saw the release video i was blown away it looks incredible i think it will be my new favouret deck when i get it i cant wait

did anyone get the video yet ?

got a brick of them ordred the raffle looks cool too yeah where is the video ? and the code didnt work for me either i have never odred from there before i just registred now

spend over 70 dollars and you get to buy a tungstene for 20 dollars sale until vaudvile sell out

smoke and mirrors v6 x2  $15
style decks x12  $80 for the brick
black crown x1 $15
ask alaxander cambric x1 $6
aristocrat red x1 $6
artifice v1 blue x1 $9
smoke and mirrors v5 x1 $20
vintage plaid blue x1 $6
vintage plaid red x1 $6
david blain split spade lions blue the ones with 1st edition on the box in gold x1 $25
monarch x1 $9
clip joint x1 $6
arrco red x1 $6
bee erdenasium x2 $5

what would somone trade me for these three ? blue split spade lion 1st edition/black crown/v5

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