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Messages - Lushbob

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: What I use to track great eBay auctions.
« on: January 08, 2012, 08:57:54 AM »
Thanks for the link, Alex! I'll be sure to check the site regularly.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dare Iced coffee Deck of playing cards
« on: January 08, 2012, 08:57:06 AM »
How do they handle?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello, a new member from Italy
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:01:44 PM »
Welcome to the Discourse, Massimo!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: What will happen to all the extra LTD Decks?
« on: January 07, 2012, 06:54:39 PM »
you are right, they said you could only do this now unless you win it in a contest.

They told me in an email that the only possible ways to get the LTD. deck from them were to win a contest that offers the LTD. deck as a prize, or through a 'Spend $X and get a free LTD. deck'. They did say that nothing was final, but that there will be at least one other chance to get the deck.

Hey man, Once I've finished my order and paid Kpop, and i have enough money, I'll do that for you, but what would i get in return?

Haha, Five, the whole point of this is that you either buy these decks, or pay for them.
The things that you get in return are the decks that you're going to be buying.

Thank you! I'm working on it!

Good to hear! I'm eager to get a chance to pledge for this deck. Amazing work.  ;D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: 3 New D&D Releases
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:47:06 AM »
Wow, I haven't been on for about a day and I missed all of this!  ;D
In my opinion, these look like really nice decks. Looks like we were spot on with our guessing, and with the previous thread about the US Regulation Playing Cards. I agree with what many have said before me; this design wouldn't suit a border, so I'm glad that they're borderless. I like the tuck box, and the way it looks like it has a leather texture to it (I'm guessing that it's not actually leather, and just printed to look like leather, but I can't see perfectly from the pictures. I highly doubt they'd have a leather tuckbox anyway).
If I had the money, I'd probably buy a brick of each. Or possibly a mixed brick, with 6 of each. I prefer the 'Arizona Red' deck over the 'California Blue' deck, but I quite like both of them. And the custom brick box is something I'd definitely like to get.

Design & Development / Re: Ace of Spades Design
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:44:04 AM »
Those designs look pretty awesome!
I'd be interested in seeng the rest of this not-yet-existent deck! ;)

I paid less than fifty cents a deck including shipping.  They were going REALLY cheap on eBay.  Someone acquired some of the bankrupt casino cruise line's assets and was selling them off fast and cheap.

Wow! Good thing you caught the deal then! That's insanely cheap!

"jack12" gets you 10% off for 2012.

Thanks, I've added that one in and updated the ones that no longer work.

Can we get this topic "pinned" to the top of the Plethora?  It's a keeper.

Sure can!

Thanks a lot! :D

I may cancel then, because $45 just for four decks, it's a bit pricey for me

Wait, you thought it was going to be $45 for 12 mixed Blue Crown decks, and an extra Black Crown? That's about $3.50 a deck. That's insanely cheap for any of the v2 Blue Crown decks, especially a Black Crown! If he was doing that deal, I'm pretty sure they would have sold out instantly.

All right. And sorry, I thought you said that you had a hundred spares of each of three decks. But yeah, I see what you meant now. And you're already down to half of the original amount! Wow. How much did the gross-and-a-half cost you?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: 3 New D&D Releases
« on: January 04, 2012, 04:54:17 PM »
the only thing I want from them us the vintage variety box. other than that they haven't had a decent card product since SMv6. they should stick to what they do well: magic & cardistry

I agree with all of what you said there! The Vintage Variety Box is the only thing that I really want. And that doesn't even have any of their own stuff in it, I don't think.

They've been carrying T11 stock a lot more often lately.  I predict they'll carry the Steam Punk, Charity: Water and whatever new deck they used in that video with the plaid pattern that's the same as on one of the raffle ticket designs.

Yeah, I think it's likely that they'll release that plaid pattern deck. That's the deck that leapt to mind immediately when I read that post, that's for sure.

Playing Card Plethora / 3 New D&D Releases
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:09:32 PM »
Hey, guys. I just read this on Dan and Dave's facebook wall: "Visit us this Friday as we announce the GRAND PRIZE winner for our Holiday Contest and officially kick off 2012 with 3 amazing new products."
I've posted it up here because I'm guessing that at least one of these releases will be a deck of cards. I'm not sure, though. I mean, they did just release Tungstene, Jerry's Nugget and Arrco decks. Admittedly, none of these were actually their own decks, so maybe that means that this release will be a release from Dan and Dave themselves?
Either way, I'm pretty sure at least one of them will be a deck of cards. What do you guys think the deck will be?

Wow. That's still a huge collection. And doubles of almost every deck? Impressive. I've only got doubles of a handful of decks, ignoring the rider backs.
I'm pretty impressed. Sounds like you've got yourself a nice little collection there! And about 300 uncancelled casino decks? Wow. I've never even seen an uncancelled casino deck for sale on the internet. Although to be honest, I haven't even begun looking.
But that sounds like an awesome collection. I look forward to some pictures of it. Will you be doing a video of it aswell?

I'm not surprised to hear about shattering cards.  They were a proof-of-concept deck, never really intended as a production model.  When I was younger, I had a few Kem decks that ended up on the heap because cards cracked and I was too lazy to go for replacements.  The worst was when I brought them to a poker night and the guys took it as an opportunity to slam the cards as hard to the table as they could when they got caught up in showdown.

As far as missing out, I don't feel like I lost much.  I like cards but I'm not obsessed, and I like them for using as well as for being beautifully made.  It was poker and magic that pushed me into collecting, and I keep it in control.  Hence my laissez-faire attitude in my remarks...

Yeah, me neither. But it would certainly be pretty annoying for that to happen to a deck of these Expo Gargoyles. Guess it just teaches you to care of your cards!

Yeah, I'm not really that bothered either. They'd be nice to add to my collection, but there are other decks, and to be honest, a lot of the rarer decks don't look all that amazing, compared to some of the other, much cheaper decks. So, I tend to go with them. Partly to do with their look, and partly the price. So, unless an outstandingly beautful deck of cards completely misses me, I don't think I'll be that bothered. I was mainly interested in this deck because I think the Gargoyles look amazing, so it'd be nice to see the prototype deck, and at least own a bit of the work that was a precursor to the finished product.
And for me, it was most certainly magic that pushed me into collecting. But now, I do a lot less magic, and a lot more collecting... But I've only got about 60 decks. Didn't I hear somewhere that you had nearer to 800 decks? :P

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Whats your Favorite?
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:00:59 PM »
I am not much of a console player ( I much prefer the PC ) but I will definitely have to vote for the good ol' N64. Without a doubt, that machine got me hooked on gaming as a child and some of the games I played I remember just as if it was yesterday. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were truly amazing games and I enjoyed them at least the same, if not more than the majority of games I play today. I can also remember the countless hours my younger brother and I spent working our way though Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie. I can't also forget about the original Playstation and how much of an epic came Crash Bandicoot was. Brings back the memories.

Haha, another Nintendo fan joins the ranks! :D
And yeah, Goldeneye and Banjo Kazooie were definitely up there among my favourite games. Good memories. ;)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Whats your Favorite?
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:37:58 AM »
Oh Im not saying Nintendo is terrible at all!  Each system sells for a specific audience.  Like some people have stated above, they bought the system that allowed them to play exclusive games.  Nintendo is the same way.  But if your gonna throw Nintendo in a poll with the PS3 and Xbox 360.  Well.................. its not really in the same league.  But still a good system none the less.

Haha, yeah, I know. ;) And hey, I know that the majority of people would totally agree with you. But I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy, and a stickler for retro things. I still play my NES most days, and the SNES and N64 are in my opinion probably the two best consoles released. But you're right, they're not quite in the same league.

The Expo deck was made for a design expo, and won a design award there, if I'm not mistaken.  The deck is very much like the release version of the Gargoyles, but there's no metallic ink and the cards are PLASTIC, not paper.  It's why they appear to be darker.  I had the chance to get them at face value but let it slip.  C'est la guerre...

Ah, okay. That explains it. And yeah, I heard about the plastic cards. Apparently there have been reports of these cards shattering! That would suck so bad.
Man, how did you miss that chance? You must be pretty pissed. :P I'm glad that I didn't even know about the Gargoyles decks until all the Expo decks had been sold out - at least I know that I didn't think 'Oh, that's just $5 so it'll be crap.' and miss a great chance. I started collecting 3 or 4 years ago, but stopped after about a  year due to money and family issues. To be honest, it was actually the Vortex deck that brought me back to collecting. It's a shame that I missed the stuff like White Centurions, Brown Wynn's, Red Artfice and all that, though. But hey, I'm back now, and I plan to not miss any more of the interesting new releases.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck - Aladdin Domebacks
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:24:31 AM »
As far as I know there are only the 1001s and the 1002s, am I right?

Yeah, just the 1001s and 1002s until these Domebacks come out.

I happen to like the look of these.  But what makes the Aladdins such a big deal these days is the performance.  I'm interested in seeing how the Air Cushion Finish works with this deck, and if the same stock is being used.

BTW: what stock is used on regular Aladdins that are in production today?

Yeah, it would be really interesting to see how Air Cushion Finish would work with it. I'm guessing that it won't feel like the traditional Aladdins (obviously, as it has a different finish), but I'm pretty sure they'll be okay. And no, sorry, no idea about the stock.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gilded edges on the Aladdin 1002
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:20:12 AM »
I love the cards though from a collectors stand point. The gilded edges look great and if you don't use them a ton they don't wear a lot. The boxes look fantastic as well (I just wish the card backs were the same color).

If the cards were the same colour as the box, that would be absolutely amazing. They'd be my favourite coloured cards by far. Although, they can get a bit sore on the eyes...

Has ANYONE ever seen a magician or a cardist perform with a gilded deck?

Yeah, that's true. I'd hardly heard about gilded edges until I saw a review on the 1002 decks. I'm guessing they're so uncommon for the exact reason you stated; magicians and cardists probably don't like using them.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Skallops : Kickstarter project
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:16:23 AM »
But every set comes with at least one pack of cards!   8)

Haha, how did I know that someone would say that? But if I'm just getting it for the cards, that would mean dropping $30 on some standard bikes.  :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECKS - Bicyle Star decks from USPCC
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:14:59 AM »
Judging from the picture, it looks like we're getting closer to the release date.
I'm actually sort of warming to the idea of this deck. Obviously, the one way back is a big downfall, but as a collection piece, I think the star on the front gives it a certain eye-catching charm. I hope to pick up one of each colour. Nice enough to add to my collection, but not nice enough to bother getting multiples.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Whats your Favorite?
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:12:49 AM »
There is no way Nintendo is gonna beat out a PS3 or Xbox 360.  lol  Just saying  :P

Nintendo's awesome! Just because they don't have the same gaming speed or graphics quality... or range of games... or quality of games in some cases, doesn't mean they're not as good!  :P

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi!
« on: January 04, 2012, 07:40:32 AM »
Welcome to the Discourse! Yours is definitely one of the more memorable usernames. ;)

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