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Messages - Utterfool

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You bastard.  I was working on the exact same thing for the past week.  :-[  Well, back to the 'drawing board'...

In all seriousness though, they look great so far.

Make them anyway Russell
If there is one thing I always say is
"You can never have to many Eldritch decks"
that and
" Never piss where you are going only piss where you have been" 
But I don't think that one is appropriate in this situation

Introduce Yourself / A Complete and Utter Fool
« on: July 31, 2012, 09:37:39 AM »
Greetings and salutations all.

and welcome to the forums

It seemed appropriate (since I just jumped in to the discussions) to take a step back and say Hi and, perhaps, introduce myself.


I am an avid collector of many (very many) things. (feel free to ask me about my other collections, I love to talk about them)
Playing cards being one of them
My interest in playing cards goes back to when I was about 16. We were helping my grandmother move out of her house and I found a box full of old Aristocrat playing cards  (my grandparents had apparently been quite the card players in the day)
These were beautiful old cards many of them not even opened. Unfortunately at the time I was not a collector of cards and used them. I used the hell out of them, but in the end that is what cards are for.
Anyway that set off an interest in cards and when I got older I began to collect. it really wasn't until about 4 or 5 months ago that I found out that there was a large group of people who shared the enthusiasm.  I was surfing the web trying to find where I could pick up a Tendril deck (which I missed on Kickstarter) when I stumbled upon UC
and that is when I came upon the world of competitive card collecting
Since then, a card collection that numbered around 150 after ~10 years of collecting has risen to >250 in 5 months.
Needless to say my bank account has gone the other way.

So I am an avid collector, including cards... lets see
I am not really a flourisher, although I have always been into cutting decks (long time card player as mentioned above) I have never been to creative with it. I practice now and then but don't really have the talent. Perhaps it is because I don't have very dexterous hands, at least that is what my wife says ( oh snap) .... hey wait a minute.

So personal stuff beyond collecting.
perhaps, but at a later time as this post is rather long and I really know none of you at all.

any way.
Good to be here now
I hope I can contribute in my own special way

Just remember
Just because one is a fool it does not mean they are an idiot.


Introduce Yourself / Re: POLL: What's your age?
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:43:58 PM »
I was so much older then I'm younger than that now.

Man I re-read this post so many times and I still don't get what it means. o.O
Haha I thought I was the only one  ::) I think it's just a joke

It's Bob Dylan  :-[

Freakin Robert Zimmerman

Wow, I am certain that the surveys are accurate now   :t11:

Introduce Yourself / Re: POLL: What's your age?
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:42:25 PM »
yeah Im only 22 :P I have nothing to look forward to in terms of Birthdays now :(

Have fun turning 21 Alex :P i wish I could get a flight over there, I'd buy you some good drinks yeehaw

And woo Lara! I dont feel so bad

Actually If you are American
There is always 36
That is when you can tear up your draft card and not have to worry about finding a place that will rent you a car.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Coffin Fodder - Coming Soon!
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:48:02 PM »
Here are some pictures from the artists Deviant Art page
Not sure if any of these are actually in the deck, but it probably will be a similar styles
BMP who posted the original thread on UC has said the box is correct but the cards are black and white.
Take it for what it is then


Also, I'm still not sure what your point is. Don is losing credibility? Shit, I had no idea that being friends with people who work at a company, and enjoying their products publicly, makes you a liar. I guess I lose credibility for being friends with Marcus from E? Are Russell and Adam liars because they know Lance?

I have no friends  :(

Holy F@%* I must be the most credible person in the freakin world  :D


To Blink 153

I was going to stay out of this one, since I had my say at UC. But since my name was brought in by bring a post from there, I thought I would comment here as well.

I will admit you received a lot of vitriolic comments from some of the UC users after the video. The video disgusted me so much that I was one of them.
And when your "brother" came on to defend you he received even more, I was not one of those.

However I think there was a lot of constructive criticism and questioning that you completely ignored. You found it easier (which it is) to defend yourself against the childish attacks, and that is all you did . Besides saying that your printer was a trade secret you never addressed any of the legitimate concerns.

So I will restate here my biggest concern.
You have claimed on many occasions to have received copies of this deck and know that it handles expertly. However you have yet to produce physically for review or (and all I want) is physical evidence through video or image that this deck even exists.
Right now you have shown art work that is computer created and therefore only exists in bytes. Although much of it looks to me, that it is clipped from other sources so should have taken you only a few hours to put together in photoshop, I will take your word that it is original work that took time to create. It is still not proof of a deck.
A person may not ask of such proof of a company that has shown itself to be professional, and until the release of the video I did not ask for it myself (I was a backer). But after seeing that video I had absolute doubt that you could or would bother to come through on your promises. You need to gain back trust and you continue to fail to do this  by supplying long drafts with no substance, I will admit however that your last post where you defended yourself and talked less about promises but admitted to some of your mistakes and tried to explain what you have learned , was, actually, a step in the right direction.

The second issue I have is with your secret nature. This is not just about the printer (though it has a lot to do about it) but in general
Keeping a trade secret is fine for a company that is going it alone. But you are not selling your deck on Kickstarter, you are asking for investment in the deck and your company and offering the deck as incentives to invest. A company that is not open to it's investors (freely or when ask questions) does not get investors. Investment is a risk, if you are unable to come through with this project we lose money. (There apparently is some way to get money back through Amazon but it is not a clear and easy system.) People ask questions so that they can minimize their risk. If you don't answer them, they minimize their risk by not investing.

Believe me I actually want to back this project. I am quite fond of the kickstarter system and would like to see it thrive. I am also quite fond of collectible playing cards and do not see a problem with the market being saturated with 100s of awesome cards  (I am not in the game for the value). I however would hate to see the market get flooded with 100s of sub par cards, or scam offers.

If you try and answer my concerns fully (go ahead and keep your trade secret just show us the deck) you would probably be able to winme back as a backer.

I am not sure if you really care to though.

  You had to destroy the entire deck?  Saving a few for tricks would have been pretty nice.

No just had to destroy the box and the 9 of diamonds. So now I have an LTD with the ad card as a 9 of diamonds.

I haven't had much dealing with Ellusionists customer support.
But the one incident that I did (with my last order) I had a great experience.
I called Jennifer and she was quick to help me. She asked that I send her pictures of the issue and she was much more prompt than I was at getting back to me(within a couple of hours vs. me getting back the next day)
With a few emails, a few pictures, and a few snips to a beautiful deck (the only part of the experience that was not agreeable to me) I had a replacement deck sent out within a day.

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