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Messages - Lee Asher

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+1 ronyo_faukx

Just received my Dale Mathis decks. Excellent! Thank you.

Hey hey fellow card enthusiasts,

The fourth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

  • Tom Majski
  • Matthew Schacht
  • Thomas Dawson
  • Don Boyer
  • Maxime Heriaud
  • Rod Starling
  • & me

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


His video is so fun!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tendril Ascendant (Encarded)
« on: March 06, 2015, 04:27:30 PM »
Those look sexy!

Those are all kinds of sexy. Thanks for sharing Lee.

You're very welcome. Agreed! They are pretty sexy...

This just in...

Our cover story of this month's CARD CULTURE #3 is about the Bicycle V(Vow) P(Protect) L(Love) Luxury Playing Cards Set. The kind peeps over at BOCOPO just sent me some proof pics of the 2nd edition VPL tucks.


Are you accepting magicians for working at the camp?  I figured inquiring minds would want to know...  :))

As you can imagine, there's a pretty long waiting list for staffers. But that shouldn't stop you from contacting Sorcerers Safari and asking.

2014 Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp Documentary (camper's cut)

Take an inside look at what goes on at Canada's premier magic camp and find out why many of our campers return, year after year. After watching this documentary you’ll see, everyone has so much fun they just keep coming back. With many notable guests in regular attendance, this summer is your chance to join us.

This year's magic camp dates are August 15th - 19th 2015.

Disappear for a week and immerse yourself in the rich art of magic, make friends and life-long memories, all while enjoying the great outdoors. To register right now, or for more information about attending Sorcerers Safari Magic & Performance Camp, please visit our official website.

Egads! it's out?!  ;D -runs to email-

Yes, sir.CARD CULTURE comes out on the 15th of every month, like clockwork!

Just had a flick through, looks great guys!

Thank you kindly! On behalf of the CC staff -- enjoy!

Hola fellow card enthusiasts,

The third edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

This issue we hear from people such as:
  • Larry Lubliner
  • Don Boyer
  • Thomas Dawson
  • Maxime Heriaud
  • me
...and a wonderful spread about this year's PCF 2014 award winners.

Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


ps. Thanks to Lance Miller for his help with the cover.

JNuggs would definitely make a statement though.

A statement of love!

The girl in the vid is not the same as the girl in the photo. After watching these two clips, I realized the vid girl never showed her finished product.

Therefore, I found a pic of a girl wearing a playing card dress. Hence, the difference in back designs.

Now if you really loved your significant other, you'd make this dress from JNuggs!

Still undecided on what to get the love of your life this Feb 14th? Grab some of your best decks, a sharp needle and some thin thread, & get to sewing!

Create a dress made of playing cards for her - PART 1

Create a dress made of playing cards for her - PART 2

Look how happy your special Queen of Hearts will be when you make her this type of dress!

*Bees were definitely harmed during the filming of these videos!

These may only barely be vintage.  USPC started using the company seals instead of tax stamps in 1965, and they didn't switch from the liquid-activated adhesive stamps to the sticker seals until sometime in the 1980s, I think.

One more adjustment... I believe (and this is still up for debate) USPC switched over to those sticker seals in 1976. This corresponds with Mr. Turner's correct assessment of the date.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Old Goodall Deck
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:24:37 PM »
That's a beautiful deck!

So back to the deck...

My apologies. I had no intentions of derailing this thread.

And now back to the deck at hand...

I'd still take that bet against long odds... =) You might be surprised how many Asians travel to the U.S. to gamble (or live there already)... Unfortunately we can't actually bet since we both have to be dead for the bet to be settled =P

Action accepted!  ;)

I'd take a sizable bet against pretty long odds that table games will not be disappearing anytime soon... Have you seen the metrics from Asia?! And in particular Macau? Slots may make more margin but tables destroy them in terms of sheer volume. People like to have a tactile sense of what they're playing and, as has been pointed out, some distrust computers and the like and prefer to interact with real people and real cards. Baccarat probably sees more turnover than all the other casino games combined on a global basis...

Pardon me. Let me rephrase... They will vanish in the Americas.

So they keep 97 cents on every dollar input.  By connecting machines in one venue, or across multiple venues, you can get massive jackpot amounts.  But its always just a percentage return.

It's the same in Las Vegas, though it seems like you have it backwards. For every dollar you play, you should win 97 cents. The Casino keeps 3 cents every time you win. Now the real questions is ... how many times do you need to win before you go broke?  ;)

So, If most U.S. gamblers are anything like me, I can see why we have more people per machine. I'd rather tip an actual dealer and know a casino is paying an employee then taking a job away with a machine.

If the Casinos had it their way, there would be no more table games. Upper management thinks in square footage, just like real estate. Think about how many slots you can fit in the same space as a Black Jack table. Craps table? etc...

Also, keep in mind, slot machines don't call in sick because their kids have a cough!

In 1994-1999, when I was going to school for casino management at UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), slot machines brought in about 70% of the strip's bottom line.  ??? Maybe it's changed a bit, but probably not.

We will probably see table games go away in our lifetime.

I believe you. I doubt anyone would treat you any differently.

Sometimes. You'd be surprised bro...

Seeing as most of us males were born with testicules, to say DM or I for that matter are swell or nice guys (all the time) is not a realistic statement. I understand what you meant though. I don't take DM calling people "closet lovers" or c@nts on Instagram personally. He's a swell guy! Lol

I was simply referring to the times I've personally dealt with Daniel. He has always been respectful & friendly.

What I'm about to say is not a reflection on Daniel Madison because I think he's a supremely swell guy.

I did read this... Someone on the other forum took the words out of my head. "A casino which would be a safe-haven for crooked gamblers" Can't imagine (sarcasm) why investors or casino insurance companies would not want to back something like that? LMAO

True, but forget investors or insurance companies for a sec because all gaming must be licensed by a governing body (depending on where you live). For instance, all casinos and key employees in Las Vegas must be licensed through the Nevada State Gaming Control Board. This is not an easy task, nor an inexpensive process. It's daunting, invasive, and quite frankly designed to thwart exactly what Mr. Madison wanted to create.

But even more to the point, Casinos don't need to cheat because they only make money when you win. Sounds crazy right? But it's the truth...

I know you're thinking to yourselves right now, "Lee, that doesn't make any sense!"

It does. Hear me out. The easiest way to explain it is by using the old casino game KENO. For those of you who are not familiar with KENO, it's simply a lottery that happens every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day. God bless Las Vegas!

80 numbers are on the board. 20 are then randomly chosen (Just like most lotteries). 20 chosen / divided by 80 total is easily broken down into 1/4. This is called a True Odd. For everyone $1 you bet, you should win $4. Makes sense right?

However, in Las Vegas where you can play KENO, for every $1 you bet, you only win $3. Meaning, they keep a $1 when you win.

So what happens if you lose? Simple. The money goes into escrow (the cage), and waits until someone eventually wins it. Then the Casino takes their piece. This happens over and over, 24 hrs a day.

...and that's how Casinos generate gaming revenue ladies & gentlemen. Thanks for listening.

Class dismissed!

Can i just ask, i see that some have the red Marlboro Texan #45 with a tuck case. Is it placed in a tuck, after which goes in the slipped case? or is it a different deck/version?

Great question. This reproduction has both decks fitting into the single slipcase, which acts as a tuck. There's no tuck that gets slipped into the case.

By the way, there's also a divider between the decks inside the slipcase (really hard to show in a photo).

This is my open (personal) one. When new, both decks are sealed in wax paper.

Hope that clarifies things...

Knowing mine isn't complete and is slightly worn does bother me, but getting it for about $10 instead of $1,000 makes me feel A LOT better about it.

I'm with you! The touch and feel are a HUGE part of it for me. But history has shown us that people collect for different reasons & purposes.

There are a bunch of guys at the local magic shop (and here in town) that refuse to buy a deck if it's not sealed. That's their choice. It's their limitation(s). Maybe with time they will branch out and expand their tastes? But for now, I'm just glad they collect cards. It could be worse, they could be hoarding beanie babies???

Put me down for a set. it is a faithful repro. thought I had a set but when I checked - not there!

Sold! Another satisfied customer...

Agree!  I just love reproduction decks, especially transformation ones since original Cottas will go for thousands.  Actually, even the reproductions aren't cheap, but reasonable if you are willing to wait.

Glad you agree! And now I agree right back ... some of the repos do go for crazy $$$!

I also don't shy away from partial decks (my Vanity Fair) or those that aren't in mint condition (my Eagle deck).

You can get some wonderful partial finds, especially at antique shops & garage sales. However, my gut tells me the idea of buying partial decks might scare off some modern collectors, especially if their entire collection only consists of sealed decks.

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