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Messages - John B.

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:22:47 PM »
So paul what the price on this deck? I want to know if I have enough for it so that I will try to get one of them. I missed the forum only ones though. Some things (like a first date) get in the way of my collection.

also not to get off topic, but I had my deco deck (blue) with me and she thought it was beautiful. So you have another fan of your artwork paul.

Ellusionist posted this last night, I am assuming it has to do with this.

|| COMING SOON || "If there's a deck that makes a move ten times easier, and it makes me look ten times better, then you're damn right I'm going to use cards like this..." - Daniel Madison.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:04:39 AM »
Yea, my highschool GPA was to low, I am waiting for my finacial aid letter to know if I can get work study, and I am out of highschool, have been for a few years, so duct tape prom does not work.

Design & Development / Re: The Discourse Deck
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:40:36 AM »
As an artist I would love to participate in something like this. I imagine it could maybe resemble something like where 54 different artists could each design a different card. Also as a collector I love these types of decks. The whole community coming together to make this happen would be awesome.

I hate those kinds of decks. They have no point IMO

I am looking forward to the discourse deck design contest thing that is going on and seeing the results though.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NOC V3
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:24:13 PM »
people dont just send Don everything before it comes out. he is not a part of blue crown.

The mailman delivered a huge package today from Pierre (badpete)!
Thanks for letting me consolidate these packages with you, it really helps.

and yes... I finally broke down and picked up the rest of the merz decks. (bowing my head in shame)
After I made that purchase, I was only missing around 7-8 modern "Bicycle" branded decks.

i think your one package is bigger then my whole collection....

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:10:44 AM »
Thank you, and yea its a pain, but it seems like now I am just waiting to hear wait they are ok giving me.

8 of diamonds. I shuffled my whispering imps deck multiple times, and gave it a few cuts and then had a friend give me a random number to count down to. I think that is as random as I could have done it.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:01:55 AM »
I have made sure, I just got it done last night, my mom called them like 6 different times to make sure we were doing everything right. It still includes there taxes and estimates their contribution. It mentions to include me in their household even if I dont live there when I say how many are in the houshold and how many of the kids are going to college this year.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 07, 2014, 08:46:33 PM »
When I fill out financial aid, they ask for my parents tax information and say I am a dependent, happen to my friend as well. I live on my own, pay my own taxes, and am an independent but financial aid is stupid and since I am not married, or a risk of being homeless it wont see me as an independent (there are other things they accept to make you an independent but I still dont fit them )

And as far as other places 2 things 1. Toronto - as in canada? I don't want to leave the country. and other then that I just dont want to move to a new city where I dont know anyone. I had plans for the last 3 years to move to KC but never did, because I did not know anyone there. With a friend of mine also going to college in springfeild it allows to me to somewhat have a comfort zone.

Well, you're neglecting a major detail about college life - you WILL make friends, unless you actively avoid making them.  I have buddies I met in school that I still have today.

You don't necessarily have to leave the country.  It was simply a suggestion to consider other options - options that might be more beneficial and affordable.  If this school's Financial Aid Office refuses to consider you as independent despite the fact that you're paying your own way and no longer living under your parents' roof, you need to find a school with a Financial Aid Office that's living in the real world.

its not the college adviser, I am trying to complete FAFSA, from the government site. And it wont. I have not even been able to get with my financial adviser yet.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Bicycle Boyer - Coming, er, Soon?
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:34:58 AM »
Is there a Limited Edition Foil Signed version..........maybe one of 1000 "prototype" decks (couldn't help myself  ;D) mentioned you like green decks Don, lol it weird that I really like that tuck case? what do the cards look like, mark me down for one.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:32:43 AM »
When I fill out financial aid, they ask for my parents tax information and say I am a dependent, happen to my friend as well. I live on my own, pay my own taxes, and am an independent but financial aid is stupid and since I am not married, or a risk of being homeless it wont see me as an independent (there are other things they accept to make you an independent but I still dont fit them )

And as far as other places 2 things 1. Toronto - as in canada? I don't want to leave the country. and other then that I just dont want to move to a new city where I dont know anyone. I had plans for the last 3 years to move to KC but never did, because I did not know anyone there. With a friend of mine also going to college in springfeild it allows to me to somewhat have a comfort zone.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 06, 2014, 11:30:48 PM »
If its a private christian school the options for scholarship are going to be coming from that school and most likely will be merit. So SAT scores and GPA. Also good connections help. Each school is going to have its own set of scholarships, and they keep them pretty visible for the public.

Financial aid doesn't have to be based on your families income you just have to be taken off as a  dependent.

To be honest it sounds like  some soul searching is in order here. Figure what it is you really want and throw yourself 100% behind pushing forward. You can always change direction  its building the momentum thats hard.

I really cant think of what a specific christian college could offer that could not achieved elsewhere.  Your goal and energy seem to be focused on getting into a specific school. School is a stepping stone, its something you go to on the way to something else. Figure out what it is you want from college and go for the goal don't narrow your options by fixating on the means or tools.  if the goal cannot be separated from this particular school then maybe its the school you want and not the purpose of it. Probably not a good reason for going.

Nothing worth it comes easy. Buying a good deck of cards wont make you a magician, buying a custom Les Paul wont make you a rock star, and simply "going" to  a school wont get you anywhere either. Its the work, and development of the skill.

I understand what you mean, and I do want this college, I also want a degree in business, and I know I will have to work for it. As far as fiancial aid I am an independent but when filing FASA unless you are one the requirements to be one then they dont see you as one.

If you're living on your own, filing your own tax return and can't be claimed on anyone else's tax return, you're independent, period.

I think what DD was trying to get across is: what specifically does this college have in terms of your major that can't be obtained elsewhere?

Business is a common major, available at many different colleges, and some are better than others.  Plus the preliminary work can easily be accomplished at many two-year colleges.  If what you want can be found elsewhere, you need to expand your options.

Is it that you need the religious community?  There are many religious, Christian colleges to choose from.

It's sounding more like there's something specific about this school you're aiming at.  Could it be that you know someone who's either attending there or working there and want to be with that person?

I am an independent, finacial aid does not see that. and a friend of mine is going there, plus I have been wanting to do more with my magic, and its springfeild, MO close to branson, st. louis, Kansas city. A lot of places I can start making connections and performing on weekends/summer.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Bicycle Boyer - Coming, er, Soon?
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:07:58 PM »
Oh, I think I have one of those...

Clearly photoshop, come on CBJ, cant you do better then that? :p

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 06, 2014, 11:04:14 AM »
If its a private christian school the options for scholarship are going to be coming from that school and most likely will be merit. So SAT scores and GPA. Also good connections help. Each school is going to have its own set of scholarships, and they keep them pretty visible for the public.

Financial aid doesn't have to be based on your families income you just have to be taken off as a  dependent.

To be honest it sounds like  some soul searching is in order here. Figure what it is you really want and throw yourself 100% behind pushing forward. You can always change direction  its building the momentum thats hard.

I really cant think of what a specific christian college could offer that could not achieved elsewhere.  Your goal and energy seem to be focused on getting into a specific school. School is a stepping stone, its something you go to on the way to something else. Figure out what it is you want from college and go for the goal don't narrow your options by fixating on the means or tools.  if the goal cannot be separated from this particular school then maybe its the school you want and not the purpose of it. Probably not a good reason for going.

Nothing worth it comes easy. Buying a good deck of cards wont make you a magician, buying a custom Les Paul wont make you a rock star, and simply "going" to  a school wont get you anywhere either. Its the work, and development of the skill.

I understand what you mean, and I do want this college, I also want a degree in business, and I know I will have to work for it. As far as fiancial aid I am an independent but when filing FASA unless you are one the requirements to be one then they dont see you as one.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Bicycle Boyer - Coming, er, Soon?
« on: April 06, 2014, 12:17:36 AM »
I'm working on the copyright for that. :)

But on topic this reminds me of the hemp deck just when I look at it.

Man, I love my orange bikes, so I say just dont go to the extreme and do all the colors of the rainbow.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:29:57 PM »
Are her parents rich?

There is no her, Its a christian school and I am wanting to get back in to that lifestyle. I have kinda bounced back and forth looking at other religions and just chose to go back. As far as this one, I have a friend going, my brother will be (hopefully) and I really like the city.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 01, 2014, 10:20:19 AM »
Yea, well I am going to this college for a specific reason. So community college and trade schools are kinda out. Though I am planning on hitting up bartending school.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle - Killer Clowns - Coming soon
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:46:20 AM »
Yep, though I wish there was a card with him and another person, and they made it look like he stabbed him to find out the card.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:44:38 AM »
Yea the school I want to go to is more of a private college, not a state. And yea I am filling out everything I can. As far a finacial aid my parents make to much.

I am entered and promoted this to everyone so that hopefully I get more entries.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Scholarships
« on: March 31, 2014, 09:10:50 AM »
I was in the lower half of my class. 2.77 gpa. High school was not important to me. I thought I would be a famous magician without school.

The Conversation Parlor / Scholarships
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:44:46 PM »
So I recently got accepted into college. Its not cheap and am working on getting some scholarships. I am wondering if anyone here knows of some good easy to get scholarships that are most likely not won/awarded yet that I might be able to get my hands on. Or if any of you want to fund the endeavors or a fellow magician/card collector that works too. I honestly thought since a lot of business (or so I am told) offer them Ellusionist, Theory11, or Dan and Dave, might but no luck there. :(

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