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Messages - kdklown

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Playing Card Plethora / My new 52!
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:38:31 PM »
Ok people, feel free to load this thread up with pics every time you empty your mailbox!  Show off and flex your collecting muscles.  Comment on other member's hauls.  Or just scroll through and drool.  Aaaand go!

Don, please merge this if a topic already exists but I had no idea what title to search for!

EDIT: Here are a couple new scores for me lately.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Sale
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:27:55 PM »
2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

Yeah, the Luxuries are pretty sweet...  I always thought the plaque was a bit much, but it was Alex's brainchild - seems to have worked nicely for TBC.

Yep, when we first went over the job brief for the Blue Luxury Deck, the Metal plaques were something that Alex had already found and had sizes figured out. I hope they don't mind me letting this out, but the original plan was for all of the BC Luxury Decks to have the real Metal plaques. Two separate bottlenecks caused the creation of the standard version.

First, USPCC couldn't do the skinny Seal Sticker that wrapped to the front of the Tuck Box, so those had to be printed by a third party printer and applied by hand. And then the costs on the Metal plaques came back much higher than expected and would've made the Deck MSRP price much too high. Applying the Metal plaques by hand took longer than expected as well. So, with the prohibitive costs and labor of the Metal plaques and custom-shaped Seal Stickers it was decided to create a standard version with a USPCC Seal Sticker and the Embossed version of the plaque.

I'm glad they created a small number of the Metal plaque versions as originally envisioned. They look really sweet with the Foil crest logo and are truly unique!

Thanks, Randy

Sure is nice to have so many inside men around here!  Thanks for the insight Randy.  The luxuries with the metal plaque just look so much sexier than the standard versions side by side.  I was floored when I unwrapped them today.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Lee Asher Jerry's Nuggets Sale 2013
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:09:44 PM »

Nah, I'm in for the $200 teir only.  I've got silly good restraint (and I've got one of each color already so it's easier to say nay).   ;)

Dude stop growing your collection! My jealous-o-meter is going to explode :( Sell me some of your goodies! Sharing is caring ;)

I've picked up som great stuff recently (JN's are not recent). We don't have a look what I added to my collection thread on this site do we?  We be nice to see what people score/show off our own hauls. 

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Lee Asher Jerry's Nuggets Sale 2013
« on: September 26, 2013, 09:59:28 PM »
I'll try for one of the first two.  If I don't hit that lottery I'm gone.  At $200 it's essentially a bargain.  Ridiculous for a deck of cards but still a bargain on the open market.

Next thing you know you'll be staring at the 320$ lottery tier and be like "ah well tis' gon go up neway, mite asw'l". I'd be careful of the 'consequences' if i allowed myself to get into the position of intending to purchase =p

Nah, I'm in for the $200 teir only.  I've got silly good restraint (and I've got one of each color already so it's easier to say nay).   ;)

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Lee Asher Jerry's Nuggets Sale 2013
« on: September 26, 2013, 09:43:52 PM »
I'll try for one of the first two.  If I don't hit that lottery I'm gone.  At $200 it's essentially a bargain.  Ridiculous for a deck of cards but still a bargain on the open market. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Sale
« on: September 26, 2013, 07:21:49 PM »
2 White Nauticals, Red Luxury w/plaque and a Blue Luxury w/ plaque.  Man those tucks are gorgeous on the Luxury decks!

And again... Updated.  Thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Sale
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:49:52 PM »
Damn Jerks at TBC givin' me a free deck with my brick purchase.  And further more they had the audacity to disclose all the information about my free white deck being sold in the future at the time of purchase.  They sure gotta lotta nerve!   The unmitigated gall!  I have half a mind to write a strongly worded letter.   >:(

That was sarcasm, for the uninitiated.  These complaints are maddening.  This is not directed at you Anonymous, there are a ton of people screaming about getting a free deck and it's annoying me.  BTW the deck is still, as always limited to 2000 so it is fairly rare.  That is all.

Hey guys / gals,

I am trying to bolster my playing card collection, and am willing to trade hand signed (or not signed) Federal 52 and or Gold Certificate (Bicycle branded or unbranded) for the following decks. Depending on the trade more than one Fed deck may be traded (EX I would trade 12 signed Fed Decks for a Jerry's Nug) I would also be willing to trade the upcoming Silver Certs and Reserve Notes if your willing to hold them for the trade until I get them from USPC.

If you have something NOT on the list you would like to trade for some Feds let me know anyways, I'd like to see what you have.


- Ellusionist Black Ghost v1
- Ellusionist White Ghost v1
- Ellusionist Shadow Masters
- Theory11 DeckOne v1
- D&D SMv1-6
- Absolut Vodka
- Fournier 605
- Virginia Slims
- Brown/Red/Blue Wynns
- Tally Ho Split Spades
- RJRTC "Watermelon" Bees
- Massas
- Jerry's Nuggets
- Erdnase EATC Bees v1
- Masters Rider Backs
- Vortex Deck (who ever designed these cards must be the son of zeus.)
- JAQK Sellers
- Golden Nugget
- English Laundry
- Gold Seal Bicycle Rider Backs by Richard Turner
- Bee Diamond Backs

I missed out on Fed 52 decks so I'm looking for one of each branded and unbranded.  Here's what I've got available for trade. 
Black ghost v1
Brown Wynn
Jaqk Cellars
I have an extra JN Blue but I'm working out a trade with someone who has two reds so that's pretty much spoken for. 

Pm me and let me know what may work for you.  Thanks. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Blue Crown Sale
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:12:40 AM »
I mean as maybe unwilling someone was to buy a brick just to get that one free deck they thought would never be released any other way, they ended up purchasing a brick anyway. If you're willing to pay for a brick, why complain?

They complain because they're applying "cereal box logic".  A kid sees a cereal ad on TV that shows a really cool-looking free toy surprise inside, a limited-time offer.  He really wants that toy - he'll buy a box of the most boring cereal imaginable just to get that prize.  He completely forgets that the money paid was for the cereal - to him, it was paid for the prize and just the prize, because that's all he wanted out of the transaction.  If he could, he'd rather buy the cereal, get the toy, then sell the cereal minus the toy in order to get the toy for free - but there's isn't a huge market for open cereal boxes with no toy inside, especially when all the other kids out there are trying to sell theirs as well...  Meanwhile, the entire purpose of the toy was to entice you to buy the cereal - but you're supposed to eat the cereal, since that's the point of buying cereal in the first place.

Here's a kid who paid for the cereal, got the toy, and now the cereal company is selling the toys separately - he doesn't see it as the freebie he got for the box of cereal he bought, he sees it as the toy that cost an entire box of cereal to get.  He also failed to take into account that this cereal company always sells their toys eventually.  This also ends up pissing off those kids who bought many, many boxes of cereal, just so they could sell the toys as rare, precious artifacts - no cereal necessary, just get the toy!  Now that the company is selling the toys, they're not worth even close to the cost of the box of cereal it cost these speculators to get each toy, so they're stuck not just with all the cereal, but any toys they couldn't sell off before the company got into the act and started selling them for less.

The whole time, none of those kids are seeing the toys for what they are.  At first, they were free giveaways to thank them for buying the cereal in the first place.  Then, for those kids who really liked the toy but couldn't afford to buy a whole box of cereal, they try to make them happy by offering to sell them the toy for less than the cost of the cereal - but more than the cost of the original toy, which was in essence free.

And that is why there are many little boys out there pouting and saying bad things about mean old Blue Crown, the company that gave decks of cards away for free with the purchase of a brick of other cards, then offered to sell them separately for those little boys who couldn't afford to buy a whole brick of anything.  :))

The problem with your example is that the cereal company is not asking you to buy 12 boxes of cereal to get the free limited toy and then weeks later sell the toy on its own for less money then those who had to buy 12 boxes of cereal.

As a customer, would you ever want to buy that cereal again? Especaily since you made the point that the only reason they are buying the "boring" cereal was for the free toy anyway.

Sure, because the cereal company made it clear to me that they would be selling the deck in the future. It's on me if I got jumpy.  I read the description of the deck and didn't bite on the brick for this reason.  Then I bought the whites on Monday night for $10.  I don't understand the venom (BTW they are way more pissed on UC than over here so far) BC fully disclosed that they would be made available in the future.  And anyone that bought a brick did get a free deck of whites as promised. 

The Conversation Parlor / Re: The most active month since March!
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:43:10 PM »
Wow, thats great to hear.  Love this place and glad to be a part of it.  Great work Gang!   :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Backtracking
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:20:51 AM »
Ok, I'll give you 2 different top 3 lists and here's why.  I don't open the vast majority of my decks.  They stay sealed on display.  For this reason Most of what drives my interest in a deck is the tuck design.  I do look at the cards online and open some stuff I have duplicates of for the purposes of practicing or performing magic. 

Tuck Design top 3 in no particular order...
Royal Optik (either color)
Federal 52 series (Preferably Unbranded, I don't have these yet but I don't need to to realize the magnificence)
***There is a good chance the Decos from Encarded will bump the Monarchs off this list when I receive them.

Cards Design top 3 in no particular order...
Ultimate deck
Fed 52 (see above)

This list is obviously fluid, could be different this evening or if I walked into my poker room and looked at my displays!   :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Angry God Of Wealth by Nanswer
« on: September 23, 2013, 08:45:28 PM »
I'm sure I'll get corrected if any of this is wrong but I'm pretty sure Nanswer is a magic company.  Eric Duan is one of if not their main designer and or a co owner.  Nanswer is also listed on all of the following of my decks, Rosefinch, Black Warrior, Butterfly Effect, Kite and Puppet and Takefu (just a quick glance there's probably more).  All of which are Duan designs.  They also produced the Butterfly deck designed by Lotrek.  BTW Penguin magic has the Angry God of Wealth deck for $9.00, that's where I got mine.

Design & Development / Re: Working on a new deck...Steampunk Pirates
« on: September 21, 2013, 05:06:26 PM »
Thin all the way!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: - Special BOGO Deck Deals!
« on: September 20, 2013, 07:28:06 PM »
Carbons went quick.  They were gone last night when I got home and read the post.  $19.99 for 3 Floral decks is the new deal. 

I appreciate that but it's a bit pricey.  I was hoping someone here might have one I could snag for a little less painful amount.  Just placed an order for one of the Great whites though.  Thanks again. 

Anyone have any of the original DMC sharks?  I'm just looking for 1 deck. 

He has 1 positive and no negative testimonials.  Its a sticky post at the top of the STISO board. 

Updated... Again.  Thanks Folks!

Design & Development / Re: Foto Grafis - New deck in the works!
« on: September 15, 2013, 12:58:10 AM »
So... 2 ballet slippers, 4 legs on a chair, is there a third eye on the doll that we can't see?  Or am I searching for correlations that don't exist?  Either way looks very promising!

I'd say you're looking a little too hard.

Bubble Burster!   :-[

Design & Development / Re: Foto Grafis - New deck in the works!
« on: September 15, 2013, 12:30:56 AM »
So... 2 ballet slippers, 4 legs on a chair, is there a third eye on the doll that we can't see?  Or am I searching for correlations that don't exist?  Either way looks very promising!

Awesome guy.  I bought the 2 display cases he sold on here.  Very accommodating seller.  Super easy to deal with.  He's legit.  Purchase at will. 

Got a couple decks from KPOP.  Great transaction.  Thanks again!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Federal 52 (KS)
« on: September 05, 2013, 12:50:41 PM »
Hey folks, so theses are shipping now.  If anyone cares to help out a fellow collector who missed out on the KS feel free to PM me.  Thanks gang. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Apollo Deck Reprinted?
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:32:00 PM »
Clearly putting the cart before the horse here but to piggyback on one of Don's comments...  A couple of add ons that, from my perspective, would be home runs with this deck are as follows...

1) Some reprints of vintage playing card advertisements.  The kind you could imagine seeing hung in a general store in the 1890's.  Could be original designs.

2) *Replicas of old time card presses.  Used around and before the turn of the last century to prolong the life of a deck of cards.  Saved buying new ones that were used constantly either in the local saloon or at home.  Of course you would have to outsource this production.*

Again a little early but theses are a couple things that leapt to mind when I thought about this deck.

* I'm sure Don will correct or can elaborate on these statements.*

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