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Messages - John B.

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Kickstarter and "Limited Editions"
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:14:38 PM »
We probably should not get off topic as to who is and is not pushing the envolope but I only knew like 2 of the guys on your list. and neither of them made something I felt was nice enough I wanted it. Personally encarded is my favorite, jackson robinson has some stuff I like and most of kickstarter imo are eh at most.

I've been a little busy this month!  ;D

That one with the king on the bike. Are those a variation of standard bikes? I was wondering because they caught my eye and I am interested.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 22, 2014, 07:48:32 PM »
One nice thing about the sideways tuck is that the seal lays flat across the edge and one straight cut lets you open the deck and then have it look almost perfect when you close it back up. :)

sounds awesome. I get to keep the number showing and still have them open . :)

Do you have an idea on pricing for this deck yet?

That's like asking a woman how much she weighs or how old.  ;)

Hey I do that all the time and live to tell the tale.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 22, 2014, 04:56:17 PM »
One nice thing about the sideways tuck is that the seal lays flat across the edge and one straight cut lets you open the deck and then have it look almost perfect when you close it back up. :)

sounds awesome. I get to keep the number showing and still have them open . :)

Do you have an idea on pricing for this deck yet?

I initially backed it but pulled out because I had a problem with the way limited edition was used.

I'm curious, but what problem did you have with the way the limited editions were being used?

I think he means the "term" limited edition. Some backers are claiming that the "limited editions" are not actually "limited"

I don't understand how they're not actually "limited." Please explain.

Probably in the fact that he had a certain amount in the pledges available and then added more, increasing the amount available. That would be my best guess.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 22, 2014, 11:15:10 AM »
So is only the seal numbered? If I open mine I will have to be careful with the seal then. :(

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Whispering imps black edition
« on: March 21, 2014, 05:24:58 PM »
I tried to get this image. Could not figure out how. :mindf-ck:

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 21, 2014, 10:05:27 AM »
can we request a certain number? I mean personally I have my favorite number and would love the one number it.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 21, 2014, 08:52:10 AM »
I try to buy 2 decks usually. Would be really cool to get one hand signed  ;)

I think with it being such a small supply the should all be hand numbered and signed.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Box/Bad Robot Deck from T11
« on: March 20, 2014, 03:57:03 PM »
I would open it. I like the mystery, but part of that great feeling is solving it.

I will say brian brushwood was selling these on his site - - and including a mystery gift that was really close to him. That was the reason I bought it. Which I now regret because I have a deck that has cards that IMO are crap - but a nice ? wrapping - and a little magazine brian used as a promotional thing when he started doing college shows.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:16:25 AM »
I would say limit it to 3, and do it per ip adress. I say 3 because it allows them to get one for the collection, one to trade, one to open up and play with. I personally just need one.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:18:58 PM »
So I get a personal e-mail 10 mins early for sending good chi your way right? :) I always love your work, you my current favorite designer. I feel I have to get one of these.

Ask someone where they have cards. Each person you ask will answer differently. Up front, in this aisle, on this end cap, etc. As a former stocker there are normally 4 or 5 areas they are stocked at.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Jokers Deck - Coming April to Club 808
« on: March 17, 2014, 02:42:55 PM »
I really like the idea of being able to add all these jokers to your collection. I wonder if the backs will be standards or what.

BTW: If someone is interested, and wanted to buy one from the site I would be interested in buying/trading for this deck. Just something for you current club 808 members to keep in mind.

Well I guess I will be hitting walmart up later today. Cant resist buying them from a store.

Thanks, you did not have to do that. I was just wondering because I did not see my name on there and was wondering my rep.

EDIT: I should have one or 2 more. Fanofyankees and I have a traded at least once ( under his name I gave him a positive ) and I bought from him before as well, dont know if that counts.

I just never made a trade. Had decks I was willing to trade, but no one made an offer. had magic I wanted to trade (and thank you don for trading for it) and so I just never had any reason to.

So I guess names get taken off if they have been inactive for 12 months. Does that mean I will be getting back on the list? Also does that mean my new positive trade points = 1?

+1 for Don. just recieved a package from him, which was super well packed.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Club 808 members: your experience
« on: March 10, 2014, 07:48:31 PM »
I am an ex member. I got it for the play more cards kit, which is worth it. Other then that I personally find it lame. The contest are kinda nice, I won 2 of them and got free stuff, I enjoy reading the articles but people occasionly share the good ones here, and all in all I just thought it was eh. I never bought the limited decks. I am more a magician (why I like the play more cards kit) and less a deck collector. you also get a bigger black friday discount, I believe it was 15% instead of 10%. I cant think of anything else. I personally would say do it for a year, after that decide if you want to continue to be a member.

my phone and computer update automatically. and everyone reminds me so yea...

I say One normal joker, one with the reveal, one blank card, and one 2 color double backer. I have only 2 decks that use that and I absoulty love having it for one of the effects that I perform. dont have a reveal on the face. It can be nice but you can have to much going on there. Focus on making them beautiful pieces of art.

yea I was thinking those same things but I figured I would just ask.

So I have a question, say there is a new member, and he is friends (in the real world, not just over the internet) with a member of the forum, who has been here a while. Would they still have to wait a week, and make 25 post? Just wondering because I friend of mine might be swinging by with some magic stuff he will be selling.

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