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Messages - kdklown

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Updated...  Thanks for looking.

Got some decks from Noobmachine.  Painless transaction.  Easy to deal with.

Bought two display cases from Dan Baer.  Accommodating seller.  Easy transaction and plenty of communication.  Thanks again Dan!

Got some decks from Sammyho88.  Great transaction!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: - Special BOGO Deck Deals!
« on: August 31, 2013, 12:47:04 PM »
White knuckle pair.  Regular $16.98 Sale Price $9.99
Nice Deal.

Playing Card Plethora / Favorite Tuck Box
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:24:07 PM »
The Discourse is quiet tonight.  It's quite evident that Don is on vacation.   ;). I couldn't find a thread for this so I thought I'd start it.  I don't open most of my decks so I pretty much just enjoy the tuck boxes and pictures on the Internet.  Anyway, what is your favorite tuck box design?  Pictures are welcomed.  Have at it!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: August 23, 2013, 10:12:41 AM »
I'm pretty sure they just blew up unsold box sets.  I figured everyone would get different ones.  This confirms my thought.   

Playing Card Plethora / Pack Jacket from Expert Card Company (CARC)
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:53:46 PM »
An interesting little product.  Seems useless if you own a good porper clip but a lot cheaper if you just want some deck protection.  It's like a dust jacket for your tuck box.   :)

OOOH.  That's excellent.  So, Don, what you suggest to a novice like me.  I've been thinking of getting a trick or two from them and now I can for free.  Maybe your top three suggestions.  I really wanted to get Alex's Diagonal palm pass but its DVD.  Thanks.  BTW, a very nice gesture from TBC team!

EDIT:  DPP is a download also.  Leaning toward that but I'd still like your input.

I've only received three so far.  I was about to ask the same question.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:25:28 PM »

The only visible difference of the two decks is cello (right) and seal (left).  All artwork and text on the tuck is Identical.  Thanks

Playing Card Plethora / Re: what im getting for DOTM
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:43:30 PM »
Old thread here but I couldn't find anywhere better to post the question, and it may be a dumb one.  I got my DOTMC deck today.  I received S&M V4.  I already had this deck which is fine but here is my concern.  The deck I already purchased from the D&D site ,individually, is cello wrapped with no seal.  The deck I received today has no cello and a whitish seal.  I assume they just broke down deluxe box sets and sent them out.

Can anyone in the DOTMC tell me if the got a different S&M version?

Is there any difference in the feel of my 2 V4's?  D&D site states that they reexamined everything for the box set including stock, artwork etc. 

Just curious as I don't open most of my decks.  Thanks Gang!

So I was thinking...  What excites me about the BB Redux is that it's in addition to the planned 6 deck Uusi set.  So it's like a bonus for us Uusi fans.  It also serves to round out the first three, giving us six decks to date.  It gives the creators an opportunity to hone some details they may have found needed something, while making their first effort a somewhat paired set.  Their talent as designers coupled with the fact that their projects have increased in funding with every effort leads me to believe that, barring something crazy happening, we should end up with a total of 12 decks to marvel at.   That is assuming that they are not dead set against an alternate color or tuck in one of the next versions.  Good things to come, folks, good things to come.  I realize most of this is obvious I just wanted to gush a little.  I own what I think is a lot of decks and my Uusi's are the ones that catch my eye every time I pass my display case.  That is all.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: IMPERIAL Deck coming soon to KS - with HOPC
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:00:35 AM »
That all makes sense but at this point in the game don't we pretty much know what will sell and what will languish through it's campaign?  I would say that this deck is of comparable quality to Paul's Deco.  I doubt it labors to it's funding goal especially with Randy as the designer and the brand power of HOPC pushing it.  I agree it seems like a win win for them.  My only mental speed bump is that I feel like Kickstarter is meant to do just that for new business owners/designers/inventors.  It's a little strange from my perspective that I am providing startup capital to an established entity.  Rest assured as a collector I'll still back this.  However, I respect the way Paul did it with deco.   He invested his own profit back in or at least was willing to if necessary.  Hence the low goal

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The New Deck Report and Archive
« on: August 11, 2013, 01:58:50 AM »
Believe me, I appreciate the amount of work you put in and wouldn't want to take it all on.  I have no clue what it entails.  With that being said I also appreciate, and am amused by, the amount of effort you put into correcting people.  I Love It!  So, naturally I jumped at the opportunity to correct the Big Man!   :D

I'm sure I'll be repaid in spades soon enough!   ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The New Deck Report and Archive
« on: August 10, 2013, 09:36:55 AM »
Don, double check, I think you double entered the Black Book of Playing cards in Active Kickstarter projects.  The second to last entry should read Imperial deck, I believe.  Thanks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: - Special BOGO Deck Deals!
« on: August 09, 2013, 10:59:59 PM »
3 Eclipse decks for $11.99 regular price $26.97

Sounds Epic.  Can't wait!   :D

Too funny!  So I'm really considering getting this.  If anybody took the leap I would love to hear a quick review.  Just want to see if it's worth the price.  Thanks. 

Pretty sure his post should read, both versions are not shown in the trailer/promo video.  I don't want to put words in Magic O's mouth but it's painful watching you two on totally different pages.   ???

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ralph Lauren Rugby Cards
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:59:07 AM »
Heads up...  I just picked up one of each style from amazon.  They were $15.97 each.  Significantly cheaper than Ebay.  Just thought I would share this for anyone in the group who may have these on their wish list.  Cheers.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: - Special BOGO Deck Deals!
« on: August 01, 2013, 09:03:03 PM »
Red Crown Deck Luxury Edition. BOGO $19.99

Cheapest I can Find on EBAY is $15.00 so $10.00 a deck is pretty solid.

Interesting info Zenneth.  Now it seems to me with labor costs presumably being lower in China that if one of these manufacturers shifted their focus to quality in lieu of quantity they could corner the market on inexpensive high quality decks. 

The Conversation Parlor / Some Nice Tees
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:26:39 PM »
This may or may not interest some of you.  I thought it was pretty cool.  This site has some nice tee shirts.  Check out page 2.  Some cool Houdini duds.

*My take so far...

Week 1
Nice, albeit basic, effect.  Deftly performed and adapted to create a solid quick performance. 
3.5 out of 5

Week 2
Childs play.  Feels like something I may have done as a kid for my parents.  Whether this product is available to you or not...
.5 out of 5

Week 3
This tutorial is readily available for free on youtube.  Only moderately interesting and not really the least bit "magical".
1 out of 5

Again there's plenty of time to make this worth the price of purchase.  One excellent effect and one solid worker would do the "trick".  I'm sure I can find a way to mix week 1's download in on occasion along with another that may be yet to come.  But to reiterate, to this point, MEH.

* My take is probably not worth a whole lot as don't perform regularly, just on occasion for friends.  With that being said I also feel like I know what looks good to me as well as what smells like shit. 

Still plenty of time left but I gotta say three downloads in and meh.  I'm not overly impressed with them to this point. 

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