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Messages - Lee Asher

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Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Origins Gaff Card
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:01:00 AM »
Great gaff, thanks for the trick! I have my Origins decks and am looking forward to trying this on people!

So... how did it go? Success? Or fail?

A while ago, I created a free guide to help you keep your cards in top condition. While it's primarily written for 605 owners, the majority of the info applies to other decks as well.


Hope that helps...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:07:41 PM »
Lee, if I recall, they can access for more than just CTD on Ask Alexander - there's a number of magazine/newsletter titles they can access at the 52+J level!

Yes, you can access the Chicago Playing Card Collector's Club newsletters as well as the International Playing Card Society's Newsletters. Plus, the CARC throws in some magic texts for 30 days. It's pretty sweet!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:22:30 AM »
Some people have asked about how the Club Deck handles (if you dare open yours!).

They handle like butter...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:39:31 AM »
People have been emailing me asking if they join the 52 Plus right now, can they purchase the silver edition club deck? The answer is YES!

Keep in mind, with your membership you also get:
  • Digital access to the CLEAR THE DECKS via Ask Alexander.
  • Access to the hidden 52+ section here on the PCF.
  • The ability to have some of your best decks appraised by club experts.
  • Plus much more...
Treat yourself, you deserve it! Join right now, and purchase deck(s) today.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:35:47 AM »
By the way, if you're a 52 Plus Joker member who did not attend this convention, you'll get the opportunity to purchase the Club deck after the convention finishes. Please stay tuned.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:28:26 AM »
Here are a few more pics to whet your appetite...

Jackson Robinson & Bill Kalush have outdone themselves!!!

Join the 52 Plus Joker right now, and add this beautiful deck to your collection.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: EXCLUSIVE First Look: 52 Plus Joker Club Deck
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:19:00 AM »
I'm willing to make a donation to the club in exchange for one.

No need to make a donation. Just join the club, and you then have the ability to purchase a couple of these beauties!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Can anyone tell me about these stamps?
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:21:49 AM »
While I've never seen the stamp before, I do know that this back design has been counterfeited by other printers. I've seen it selling at a local "dollar store" for 99ยข.

I can assure you these are not counterfeits.

So if no one has ever seen this seal before? ... then we have a bonafide mystery!

Playing Card Plethora / Can anyone tell me about these stamps?
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:29:26 PM »
Hey everyone,

A few weeks ago, I picked up two decks that had this seal (see below). I'd never see it before, and couldn't find any information about it. Have you seen it before?

Photo 1

Photo 2

While the deck pictured has no cello, the other one does. We can deduce from the seal being under the cello, that it was applied at the factory. If anyone could shed some light on this seal, that would be great.

Thanks in advance for your help!


ps. My best guess is that these seals were from some special event held at USPC, but I could be wrong!

If you're interested in owning a deck of authentic Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, head over right now to & vie for position. Good luck to those who participate in this year's #JerrysNuggetPlayingCards sale!


Join us right now for the #JerrysNuggetPlayingCards Twitter games, in celebration of tonight's JNugg sale. Follow @LeeAsherMagic to participate.

Good luck to those who participate in tomorrow's games & sales.


For those interested, be ready to purchase authentic JNuggs (starting at $50) on Sept. 4th, 2014 @ 8:30pm (EDT)

Only Fifty (50) Jerry's Nugget decks will be for sale on LeeAsher.Net. All decks sold this year are in As Issued condition with cello & unbroken stamps, as if they just left Jerry's Nugget Casino gift shop.

Don't wait, don't hesitate, don't even blink or you'll regret it. Click here to read more how much these vintage decks will cost per deck.

If you miss your opportunity to purchase a deck of authentic Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards on the 4th of September 2014 @ 8:30PM (EDT), then you'll have to wait until next year for another chance.

Good luck to everyone who participates tomorrow.

Lee Asher

ps. Let me know if you have any questions.

pps. #JerrysNuggetPlayingCards Twitter games start tomorrow morning, in celebration of tomorrow's JNugg sale. Follow @LeeAsherMagic to participate.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: My Current Work On Thunderbird
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:17:08 AM »
Hello everyone,
I've got Lee Asher's super incredible Thunderbird PDF, and I thought I'd share my current progress on it.  Mastering my right hand angles have been tricky, but I'd love your feedback on how I can improve it!

@WildWildCat - Great! It's clear your hard work & efforts are paying off.

The only suggestions I have are:
  • Start performing for groups of people, instead of the camera. It helps you learn real-world angles.
  • Slow down, and milk each ace so you get the most out of the routine.The slower, the better.
  • What's said when performing this routine? Maybe start thinking about your patter/ script?

Hope that helps. Again, good work. You've made my day!


ps. I love that you don't move your fourth finger on the final production! Perfect!

Yay! Welcome to staff ranks BadPete!

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Origins Gaff Card
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:48:02 AM »
Thanks guys. Hope you fool some people with the Origins gaff!


Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Origins Gaff Card
« on: April 24, 2014, 10:17:06 AM »
Hey everybody,

For those of you who funded or purchased Origins cards recently know that they come with a special gaff card. With a little creative thinking, you should be able to discover some very interesting ways to use it.

Imagine taking the King of Spades and making it vanish from the deck, only to have it magically travel across the room, through a stack of cards into the Origins tuckbox.

Sound cool? Want to learn it?

Take a moment & download the Origins Gaff Instructions PDF for free - right now.


*Special thanks to Don Boyer, Kip Pascal, and Rick Davidson.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Who is from Canada? say eh!
« on: April 17, 2014, 08:59:36 AM »
TO is in the house!

*NOTE: I'm not Canadian though (yet).

...(Flip them a certain way, we'll come back but only if you use the exact same decks, and don't shuffle them overnight, et cetera) and they didn't think that something was up. It's an odd case.

It's not uncommon for high-rollers to request different terms than what regular players abide by. When you have a big bank roll - anything goes! In the end, it's the casino prerogative to abide.

I'm no lawyer, but I believe the real question we should be asking is ... Did the dealer knowingly collude with Mr. Ivey? Taking advantage of the house due to a flaw is one thing, but colluding with an employee is another.

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