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Messages - bhong

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Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: slippery cards
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:26:08 PM »

Some people think that refrigerating their decks will bring them back.  Haven't tested this yet.

I actually got a chance to test this one by chance as I had a deck of cards in my bag while I was outside in the lovely Canadian cold last month. I'm not sure so much as bringing them back, but I found that the deck handles really nicely for awhile after being in the cold. I had a Legends V1 deck on me though. I should tested it out with a USPCC printed deck.

I've got a friend who's a huge Dr. Who fan. What would be cool if they actually had a whole deck of cards like that. The artwork is pretty decent and would make a great deck of cards, in general, and especially for fans.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors: Gold Reserve Edition!?!
« on: January 03, 2014, 08:15:25 PM »

V5 - Paper denim edition.  Same design as v4 but in green.  No deck seal.

I think this might be one of the few times anyone can correctly correct Don.  ;D ... But do you mean "V5 - Paper denim edition.  Same design as v4 but in blue.  No deck seal.."?

I think the Reserve Edition would, honestly, mean anything if it was only sent out to DOTM members and for contest/giveaway and are the Buck Twins' private stock. If it's just being sold like any other S&M, then it honestly doesn't mean much besides just fancy advertisement. But honestly, I do love the packaging in this deck. It is amazing, but it's just sad it's another re-colour.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: January 01, 2014, 11:06:56 PM »
The last day of spin was actually pretty fun for me.

1st Spin: Win another spin
2nd Spin: Win two spins
3rd Spin: Win 100 pts
4th Spin : Nothing

As much as I didn't win a lot, I found the contest a lot of fun and congratulations to all that won something cool, besides points, out of the contest. I do wonder if they'll extend the contest if the grand prizes aren't won by tonight. It'd be cool and I guess it proves how much I just want to spin again ....

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:09:40 AM »
I'm curious...has anyone read anything about whether the prizes will be awarded? Some contests are set up where all prizes will be rewarded, no matter what, and some state that prizes that remain in the pool at the end of the contest period won't be awarded. I scanned the rules, but don't remember anything one way or the other. If they will be awarded, some folks are going to be winning soon.

Still just points for me and my wife.

I honestly don't remember that all the prizes have to be rewarded at all. I knew T11 has stated that some of them have been claimed already. I think even if people haven't won a lot of point, T11 has done a great job with the contest as I always come back to spin the next day. I've, luckily enough, gotten enough points on top of my pre-existing points to get a free White Monarch deck.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Card Brick Boxes Question
« on: December 26, 2013, 11:37:04 AM »

If someone was looking for inexpensive storage, those monster boxes are hard to beat.  For five or six bucks, one can hold 125 decks and they stack easily enough.  That's over ten bricks.  But they get HEAVY.

I've see those boxes you're talking about, Don,and I think the weight moving around more than 10 bricks of playing card decks at a time is what prevents me from getting them. The ones I've got that hold a brick and a half is heavy enough.

Maybe a nice quality brick box with that same clear window lid, to display the contents. A nice, furniture-quality piece.

Are you thinking of a way better version of the variety brick boxes that D&D sale and use? Or something a wooden piece with a glass on the lid so you can see into your box? That'd be a pretty cool to have, but I'm wondering at the cost of that though it would make a really nice show-off piece to have.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Card Brick Boxes Question
« on: December 26, 2013, 09:25:21 AM »

And i still have the question.. how much deck u can put in that envelope?

To answer your question, it honestly varies by how tightly and loosely you package the decks and how much protections you want to give. There's no this size envelope can and should fit X number of decks of playing cards. Your best bet, if you still have the envelope, is to test it out. Grab a bunch of decks and either some newspaper or bubble wrap to test out. If you're bored enough, any single envelope can hold one deck card, but one extremely protected deck.

But back to the topic. I think, for me, it's a price point and convenience. I enjoy using those cardboard boxes that sports card/trading card collectors use. They're cheap (under a dollar for the largest single width box that can hold between 19-20 decks) and like Don said, the cardboard is really really sturdy. Now if I wanted to display my collection, that'd be a different story.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Daniel Madison Rounders, Players, Dealers...???
« on: December 24, 2013, 03:31:14 PM »
I think for the popularity of the decks is probably a bunch of factor, but I imagine one of the big selling point is Daniel Madison, himself, and they're his personal deck. The other appeal might be that the Dealers, since they're unlimited and relatively cheap, are a pretty decent marked deck. Once you memorize the system, it's quite easy to figure out what card is what except for the Jokers and King of Diamonds, which has the same marking. I guess there is also the appeal for the Blue Rounders, Red Rounders and Scarlet Dealers 'cause they're "very rare".

Personally, I like the Madison Dealers 'cause of it's a nice shade of green and it's a marked deck.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Eastern Canada Ice Storm
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:45:41 PM »
All this makes me feel bad as I've had no outage at all so far. I've got a few power flickers throughout the weekend, but otherwise I'm fine. Things look pretty bad with so much covered in ice. I think a good chunk of the trees in my area look like they might fall down or have fallen down due to the weight of all the ice on it. I hope everyone can get power back soon.

I thought I'd include a picture, take from Toronto Hydro, showing how many people don't have power. It's not completely current, but it's crazy to imagine how many people in a big city doesn't have power right now. I'm very thankful I haven't been affected much at all.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:27:25 PM »
I've got a "no reward" just as I'm 20 pts away from 3000 pts ....  :(

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 56: Madison Rounders vs Fontaine
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:02:46 PM »
Rounders for me with the touch of class in DM's logo on it plus the Madison court cards. The Fontaine feel like barely any effort went into them.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Terrible Experience with Ellusionist
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:47:00 AM »
I didn't order on the Cyber Monday sale, but ordered a bit afterwards and still not "items have shipped e-mail" 'cause they took care of domestic orders for everything first. I was extremely disappointed that an order placed no December 5th has gotten me nothing at all. I think they've dropped the ball on this pretty hard.

They were pretty quick to own up to that, the thing that annoys me is that I tried to cancel my order (Because I knew it wasn't going to be here my xmas and some of the items were meant as presents) and they wouldn't let me.

Yeah, you're right. They owned up to that and even had pictures of Brad Christian, on their Facebook page, helping out at the warehouse shipping.

That last part of not letting you cancel is pretty bad. I think any company should let you cancel your order with a valid reason.

I get that they're super swamped with a ton of orders, but personally I'm still way disappointed on how things are handled. Obviously, I don't know how Theory11's Black Friday orders compared, but I remember my order shipped out within a week after placing the order and really had no issues at all.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Terrible Experience with Ellusionist
« on: December 22, 2013, 01:19:11 AM »
I didn't order on the Cyber Monday sale, but ordered a bit afterwards and still not "items have shipped e-mail" 'cause they took care of domestic orders for everything first. I was extremely disappointed that an order placed no December 5th has gotten me nothing at all. I think they've dropped the ball on this pretty hard.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:33:03 PM »
I wish I remembered to post it on the day I got it, but the day that was most fun for me happened like this:

1st spin (free spin) - win 2 spin
2nd spin - win another spin
3rd spin - nothing
4th spin - win 500 pts
5th spin - win another spin
6th spin - win 50 pts.

I'm about 30 pts away from a either the White Monarch or Propaganda deck. Any suggestions which one I should take when I get enough points?

Really beautiful artwork in this deck. I love how the indices are done especially with the tilt on each corner. It'd be cool to see that re-done with a new deck. For a moment I thought the KoH was holding a pointed dagger at himself until I realized it was just his sword but cut off . . .

Think I prefer a gentle wind - but might not notice the difference in the sub-zero temps here in Toronto.

Welcome! And it's great to see more Torontoians here! I'm looking forward to a lot of the interesting things I'm sure are to come.

Thanks so much for showing these off. They're really amazing and I'm having a hard time deciding which backs I wish would get reprinted. No 203, 200, 181 and 148 would be great to see again. As much as I know Bees are casino back decks, I'd love to see the 181 bee back with a Bee deck (Ace of Spade and Jokers from a Bee deck).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:18:30 PM »
In their listing of decks in their store, T11 will list them in order of release for the most part, but will list sold-out decks at the bottom.  That would be why White Monarchs and Red JAQKs are near the bottom - totally sold out or restricted to being a company prize or promotional giveaway, but either way they're not coming back in stock for purchase.

Don, I'm not talking about the playing cards page with the sold out decks at the bottom. I understand all of that. I'm saying it's strange that in "The Archive" section, where customers can spend Elite Points (as attached) that Red JAQK's are 2500 points, White Monarchs are 3000 points and the most recently released BLACK JAQK is MORE at 3500 points. Black JAQK's are not as difficult to get as the other two decks I mentioned yet its harder to obtain through "The Archive". It should be Black JAQK 2500, Red JAQK 3000 & White Monarch 3500.

I noticed that oddness with the Black JAQK requiring more points even though it is so recent of a deck. I'm just wondering if that's due to potential demand; more people still want it even though it is more recent so they'll charge more points for it. They recently (a month or two back) raised the points required for the Brown Wynn. I remember that use to be 3000 pts but is now 7500 pts. That could, too, be demand or just limited stock still available within their archives.

I thought I'd chimed in a bit since Sparkz mentioned me.

I think the most important thing is to do your search to see with which company you'd save more a bulk order directly to the UK and which you'd save more by having a proxy to re-ship it to you in the UK. Just for shipping to Canada, I find that Theory11, Ellusionist and Dan & Dan have relatively the same shipping prices give or take a dollar or two. If I order enough decks, it averages out that with the shipping price, I'm paying a dollar more than the listed price since the initial cost to ship 1 deck is pretty high, close to 8-10$, but with each additional deck they only add 1-2$ more on top of the initial shipping so it really does pay to buy in bulk besides the bulk deck savings.

Others like CARC or Club 808 or Kickstarter decks, the bulk shipping price is really low or next to "nothing", especially for CARC as the shipping is included in the deck price. These ones are good to have someone be a proxy to re-ship decks to the UK, but part of that is finding out how much it cost to ship over there in a flat rate box and how much you can jam into it. Obviously, the more you can jam in the more you save when you average everything out.

The other issue that needs to be address is custom fees. I honestly don't know what gets charged what in the UK. I know for Canada, any playing card order's who listed value is under 100$ is normally pretty safe. This might be another area where the initial cost is higher, but each additional item is only a small increment increase so for a longer order, the cost averages out on a large order to be only a small additional cost.

My suggestion, like Don's, is to do the research and work to see what would really cost what and what is the best saving.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Uncut Sheet Purchase?
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:45:30 PM »
They're nice, but sadly, they just sit rolled up in tubes most of the time.

I pretty much have the same sentiments as Fanofyankees13. I picked up the Master Collection off of Theory11 when they had that up in the summer for sale at a really good price. I gave two away as gifts and the other three just sit rolled up in tubes in my closet.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 10, 2013, 12:14:20 AM »
Are those J nugs real?!

Yep, the Lee Asher Certificate is just above them. But those aren't even close to being the most valuable decks out there. Don't be distracted by the Nugs star dust.

Pardon my ignorance, but what decks out there are more valuable..I want to take a look!

I don't know my decks as well, but the 2 decks to the right of the Legends V2 and 3 decks at the very top look like some nice vintage deck. I'm guessing 70-100 yrs old. I think a lot of current collectors are so obsessed with the Jerry's Nuggets that they overlook a lot of other cool decks. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 09, 2013, 09:33:25 PM »
I second that jealous ... extremely jealous!  ;) But what are the decks to the extreme top of the photo and the deck to the left of the 505s?

+ 1 for Sparkz

Great gentleman to trade with and run a proxy with. Amazingly patience and great to communicate.


The theory11 Christmas contest is amazing this year, I think. Your getting an opportunity to win something everyday. My first spin I received 50 elite points. I do have concerns about the coding of the wheel. Does everyone win 50 points first spin? I will keep you updated.

12/6 - 50 Elite Points

I got 50 Elite Points too, but I had a friend let me know they got the 500 points on their free spin. I'm guessing it's randomly, but more so that the probability is that you'll likely to get the lower rewards. Honestly, I'm hoping to win enough points for a free deck in the archives or win a free deck. I'd love the big prizes, but I know the odds of that are really really low like most lotteries.

Heads up on the Theory11 contest, but it's one free token EVERY 24 hours so it's not calendar day, but time based. It was posted on their forum.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: December 07, 2013, 12:43:35 AM »
Some recent packages. It's been a good week. I actually got the Streamlines at Walmart. Only a buck a piece!

The bottom row is from from Fanofyankees13. Awesome seller!

How are the Empire? I'm still waiting for mine, but I hope the registration on the cards came out really good.

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