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Messages - bhong

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Federal 52 Part 2 plus images
« on: December 05, 2013, 07:29:24 PM »
You should bust that guy's chops - the one that's already selling it on eBay.  Ship to him last or something!  Make him sweat!  :))

I hate when people sell things they don't even have in their possession yet.  Anything could happen before the seller takes possession that would prevent the item from being shipped to the buyer.  Often they don't even list it as a pre-sale.

Totally! I wish I could figure out who he is, and I probably would. :)

The seller is listed as "punkrok0007". I wonder if they reused that for their Kickstarter screen name? It would be hilarious if that was true.

These are sold out at T11.

If you missed out, you can pick them up at the1eyedjack for $8


That's a pretty good deal. The1eyedjack has solid prices but unfortunately they don't have the red and blue JAQK decks. Anyone know where to find those at a decent price?

JAQK's site has the Blue JAQK. I haven't ordered from them 'cause international shipping is awful from them (30$ for 2 decks). They show the older one way back design, but I've heard that they do have the Theory11 version. You could try asking them to find out. Their 9$/deck is probably the cheapest you can find them at.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pressers Deck from Ellusionist
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:12:09 PM »
These are now available for Black Club members.

Then I'm guessing they'll be out soon for the general public. I've got a feeling that the Cyber Monday server crashes and the extended sale delayed the Pressers coming out sooner.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pressers Deck from Ellusionist
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:24:43 PM »
The Ace of Spade of the Presser deck looks really cool in colour. The whole deck is an interesting direction for Ellusionist. I think my only small gripe is that I wish for the tuckbox, they didn't add in the "weather look" to it. I honestly don't think it's needed. They could have gone with an off-white yellow for the tuckbox colour instead and it still would have looked really great. But they've got a beautiful colour palette on this deck. I'm curious to as when Ellusionist will release this. I'm wondering if it's end of this year or start of next year.

edit: thought I'd add in the photos of the deck taken from Ellusionist's Facebook page:

Introduce Yourself / Re: How did you find PlayingCardForum?
« on: December 01, 2013, 11:29:46 PM »
Google search on the secrets of the Legends deck when I was looking into other marked decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Global Unrest
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:31:56 PM »
The map design that's all through the deck is pretty cool, especially with the bombers in them make the uncut something nice. But I'm really disliking the King of Hearts there. Call me being over-sensitive 'cause I'm Asian, Chinese not Japanese, but I'm finding how the Japanese general, or whatever rank you want to throw on him, to be a bad caricature of Asians. I know it's stylized, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

Even the Black Friday coupon code is over at Theory11, some of their decks are still discounted 15% if you add them to your cart. It'll be on for a bit longer before they reset them back to now.
Black JAQK, Medallion, White Artisan, Silver Monarch, Red Monarch, Black Artisan, Monarchs are all 5.91$ a deck, so bulk discount price even on a single deck.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:00:00 PM »
I fell for it last year spending over $100 worth on the mystery decks. Didn't get squat. Not falling for it again this year.

Just curious, but care to list of the decks you got?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dan and Dave: Mystery deck V2
« on: November 29, 2013, 06:13:13 PM »
Is this even legal? Sounds like a lottery to me - guess that stuff's okay in Vegas, though the USPS may look at it differently.
Retail on Ask Alexander is $5.99, so $5.95 a pop is fine - but does every deck they send out have a retail of at least $9.99?
(Or would they claim the butcher paper, twine and labor-intensive tying is enough to cover that cost?)

Regardless - can't trust them. Easy pass.

It's perfectly legal as they are completely honest about what you'd get, a random deck, kind of like blind box designer toys. I understand the cost of time, packaging and etc, but I think it'd be more worthwhile if every deck they offered was at least what they're charging for it or close to that 10$. It'd suck to get pay for it and end up with the 2$ Massa. But I'm guessing the 10$ is probably the overall average cost of those 100 decks to D&D.

Check this out.

Feels bad to live outside the US.

Ouch! Where are you shipping to? I know UPS is general is pretty expensive. I'm going to take a wild guess and guess, Australia?

!An0nym0u5, it's even worst for me being in Canada. I'd lose money on the conversion for the refund; I'd get the money back in USD and then it'd be used to buy back Canadian dollars and losing out on the service fee and then I'd have to go through another conversion to re-order. But props to Lyle and Theory11 for taking care of their customers.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Medallions - Theory 11
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:03:20 PM »
Looks like the deck is online a little bit early, but no bulk discount yet:

No pictures of the pips shown so I'm curious as to how they will look like since the deck is full custom.

The courts have new faces, but appear pretty close to the standard.  As you mentioned, no spot card images yet.

Just saw how rest of the deck looks like on Theory11 Expose. Standard pips, but custom back, tuckbox, jokers, Ace of Spaces and court cards. Not too bad. The tuckbox is suppose to be the same paper stock as they used the Red Monarchs so I'm looking forward to it as I haven't had a chance to see the Red Monarchs yet.

They are up 30 minutes early... Don't mind if I do, Picked up SIX

I did the same thing, but if you notice you don't have the bulk discount you normally get with 6 or 12 decks. It's not up yet, but at least you don't have to worry about it selling out or the server crash as people mad rush for things at 11 EST. I wonder if it's possible to ask for that little bit back later on...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Medallions - Theory 11
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:40:32 AM »
Looks like the deck is online a little bit early, but no bulk discount yet:

No pictures of the pips shown so I'm curious as to how they will look like since the deck is full custom.

Those holes in backs of the tuck cases are unnecessary things.

Actually, Lawrence says that people like them.  Go figure!

I think the hole in the tuck box works really well with the design. Like !An0nym0u5 pointed out, the back of the tuck isn't the same colour of the deck so the window gives you a better view of the card colours ,but to each their own. I'm glad there are become a "staple" deck. I really do hope they're for sale in North America. I wouldn't mind picking up some to play with friends.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Medallions - Theory 11
« on: November 28, 2013, 10:47:09 PM »
These look great but I can see a mile away that these are set up for a white counter part.

We will see about that. We don't go in planning additional colors, but we do try to stick with designs that look classy and could potentially work well for aditional color runs in the future. This always depends on how well the deck is received. This deck is actually brown and gold. It looks great (from the photos I have seen), and mine will be to me tomorrow to check out in person for the first time. I am stoked.

// L

Lyle, any chance you could let us know if you guys will be run any promotion(s) along with the 4 Black Friday releases?

January 21, 2014


"WE ARE JUMPING ON THE BANDWAGON AND OFFERING A BLACK FRIDAY SALE!  We have never had a sale this big!  Enter the code BLACK anytime after 11am on November 28th, through the 29th and 25% off the entire website!"

I attempted to use the code but it says "This discount code is not valid". It may be 11am PST and not EST. This obviously isn't confirmed. Just thought I should share this with you all.

I just tried it and it still does not work

The code seems to be working now. They've got some pretty decent collection and have the Red Imps for less plus 25% off with the code as well.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Medallions - Theory 11
« on: November 27, 2013, 01:32:34 PM »
T11's got a good lineup in the deck department this year.

Glad to hear you think so!
We aren't done yet.
// L

Secret fifth release?

14.95$ a deck???

I'm guessing part of the high cost is securing the rights to make it an official Bruce Lee deck, where as the Game of Death version of Fulton's Chinatown (wow, that's a long title for a deck of cards) is inspired/paying homage to Bruce Lee which would fall under fair use. This deck has the approval of the Bruce Lee Foundation and everything.

I'm totally glad to be wrong. Any chances of a sneak peek at the cards?

Not quite yet, but you guys over here are good to me so I'll tip you off to a little secret that nobody else knows yet. This is something I hear people ask ALL THE TIME for us to do with our cards. We don't do it terribly often, but we do try to create decks that appeal to several different crowds.

***Spoilers*** Full Custom ***Spoilers***

// L

Your an evil man Lyle, lol

I'm going to second that, totally evil, Lyle. Amazing news and now I've got to talk my wallet into opening up some more. Honestly, thanks for proving me wrong and dropping by with this cool news.

I still think it'd be a releasing of an older deck or a re-colour of something. I honestly can't imagine it be a completely new designed deck though I'd be happy to be wrong.

Normally I don't like to simply tell people that they are wrong, but in this case I am more than happy to say it loud and clear. You. Are. Wrong.

Enjoy! ;-)

// L

I'm totally glad to be wrong. Any chances of a sneak peek at the cards?

CARC Thanksgiving Day Sale:

Global Titans (brick, classic gold/pearl white) - 27.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Ask Alexander (brick, cambric finish) - 31.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Black Acorn (brick, cambric finish) - 31.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Bicycle Skull & Bones (blood red, air cushion finish) - 43$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Professional Bicycle (gross, half air cushion finish, half smooth finish) - 399$ (US shipping included) - 39%
Exquisite 6 pack (1 LE Red, 5 Blue) - 44.95$

Do we know what time the sale starts on Thursday?

Yep, if you go to CARC's site and click the link to any of those decks (ie. ), where you normally have an "add to cart" button, instead there's this text: "Our Black Friday Sale Starts on Thursday Afternoon! See you then."

CARC Thanksgiving Day Sale:

Global Titans (brick, classic gold/pearl white) - 27.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Ask Alexander (brick, cambric finish) - 31.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Black Acorn (brick, cambric finish) - 31.50$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Bicycle Skull & Bones (blood red, air cushion finish) - 43$ (US shipping included) - 50%
Professional Bicycle (gross, half air cushion finish, half smooth finish) - 399$ (US shipping included) - 39%
Exquisite 6 pack (1 LE Red, 5 Blue) - 44.95$

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Legends V2.0 - Metallic Black (CARC)
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:21:24 PM »
It looks like they've changed the release date to match the Exquisite. The Legends v 2.0 will be released on Thursday afternoon.

Nosejam...I sold a deck last week to someone in Switzerland and the shipping there was just over $12,  if you count the $1.75 for the padded envelope , it is very close to $15.  I agree that if you are in Canada $15 is indeed steep  but to Europe and Asia $15 is close to the norm

I haven't really looked into it, just basing it off what other KS projects charge for their delivery.  Didn't Jackson apologise for the cost of delivery for his Sherlock deck, and that's $9.

She seems to have picked up a few backers so far, I suppose the higher price means you need less backers to reach your target as well.

I don't think Jackson so much as apologize, but truthfully admitted that the cost of international shipping is high, state that USPS prices will go up come Jan 2014 and provide a chart of what it currently cost him to ship to France from Texas based on current price.

It's a nice art deck, but the price is a bit steep. I'm curious as to the printer. I doubt anyone would perform with this deck, but hopefully it's a decent printer to better capture the art when it's printed.

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