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Messages - Siegismyname

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: #playingcards on Instagram
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:19:13 PM »
Hello people. Those are some nice pictures. Mine is Do follow.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: decks that come with a blank card
« on: November 15, 2012, 06:36:20 AM »
I think the crown decks come with a blank card. I've only opened a green crown deck but it had a blank card in it
my green crown came with a double backer

Playing Card Plethora / Re: decks that come with a blank card
« on: November 14, 2012, 11:15:06 PM »
smoke and mirrors v5 and v6, the new white lions series b. thats some of the newer ones that i can think of at the top of my head.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors v7
« on: November 13, 2012, 01:52:32 AM »
I sincerely hope that after the v7s. There would be a continuous run of playing cards by dnd without compromising the awesome back design and quality of the snm. Be it a Smoke AND Mirrors deck or a Smoke and Mirrors deck, such a quality deck should be 'unlimited' (I tried to refrain from this adjective but couldn't find a replacement)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors v7
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:19:31 AM »
That cheap, you think?  I'd think more.  You could pay around $400-500 just for the first six decks, versions one through three in both colors.
I dont think the first three versions are worth THAT much. They are probably around $300-400 range. This entire brick would definitely be worth the buy if it was under $450.

Mine isn't missing the pip on the KD. Just checked :)

its on the top, give me a few minutes and I will show you.

EDIT pic added. It does not have the Theory11 symbol anywhere on it though.
so thats what it says under the seal. I reckon it would be a continuous string of 0s and 1s.

Yup. I bought a few during my trip to the US too from walmart and I can confirm that they cost around $3 per deck. I have also opened 1 to play with and I must say that they handled nicely even after a week of use in a humid country. The back remind me of the mirrors v3 and the court cards remind me of the magic con v2, both of which I am fairly attracted to. Although the courts look like the MCv2 decks - enlarged and without the borders, I still prefer the mcv2 ones but the robots are something differenet. They were definitely worth the buy. One point to note is that I saw some reviews online which said that the KD of the blue deck is missing a pip on one side but is fairly unnoticeable which serves as an awesome gaff. I cannot confirm this as I opened the black one :(

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors v7
« on: November 08, 2012, 10:50:21 PM »
At first, it's appealing, but think about the price point, sure, it's the entire S&M series as well as maybe a "limited" collector's box, but wouldn't that cost maybe a few hundred dollars?

Also, if Don't theory11 is correct of a deck seal, is this the first circular one made?

Dude - spellcheck is not a replacement for proofreading...

To my knowledge, there hasn't been a round deck seal before.  The original tax stamps upon which the seals were based were always either square or rectangular, so the manufacturer seals kept this tradition.  USPC uses square stickers, while Arrco (while it still was a separate company) used rectangular stickers.
Well, the Pr1me decks had a round seal.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors v7
« on: November 08, 2012, 09:29:32 PM »
Via facebook and Instagram, it appears that the "thing no one has done" might involve a case of some kind. Looks vaguely like an ammo box to me, and there is a dog tag.
The first picture looks like the top of the new box partially obscured just so nicely by the dnd dog tag. and it seems to suggest that there will be a seal of sorts. Well its all mere speculation. ^^

I would most probably get a few of these no matter how it looks just to complete my collection. I have complete faith in dnd that the final installment of their brain child would not be a disappointment.

I reckon that they released the link because they are a business after all. Which business would print decks and not sell them to the public. It was only a matter of time before they released the link.

from a business standpoint, keeping it a secret had the potential to work out for future decks, being able to market future secrets effectively based on the past success of the deck and how keeping it a secret could have made it so only the people who bought the first deck would've gotten the second. Unfortunately it didn't work out like that, but if it did it could've been a good thing for future sales on decks.

this is of course only my opinion, but I figure that's what they were going for
Quite true. I didnt think of that. I still havent placed an order as it just didnt connect with me with the custom pips and stuff. There are still no review of this deck. Hmmmmmm.

I reckon that they released the link because they are a business after all. Which business would print decks and not sell them to the public. It was only a matter of time before they released the link.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors v7
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:46:25 PM »
Here is the photo that Don is talking about. It is a close up of what looks to be a tuck box. You can see an embossed "I"
People having been guessing that its the tuck box but Dan & Dave responded back saying, "Your guesses are good, but far from close.   Its like nothing we've ever done before - or anyone for that matter."   I took that as its not the tuck box.   Plus it looks more like Dan & Daves double D logo an not an "i."
Yes. MY interpretations are exactly the same as yours. Its the double D logo that is found on almost everything dnd. And I do not think that this is related to the v7s. It should be another product by itself from what they are saying.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sultan Republic Playing Cards, Treasury Edition
« on: November 06, 2012, 03:20:28 AM »
So there are at least 2 other products linked to the sultan deck? One being the treasury deck and the other is unknown to those who have not broke the code? This is interesting. I might just buy one to break the code. I love codes.

Did anyone watch the marking system video and notice a background sound that seems to be repeating itself backwards? I cannot seem to figure that out as I do not have the necessary software to 'unravel' it. Help anyone?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Zenneth Kok's Entwined Hearts
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:35:52 AM »
Lu Chen using Project C deck (program in Mandarin Chinese, it is a Taiwanese TV program)

Card trick starts at 05:05

Sorry this is not the Entwined Hearts trick.

Awesome set!  I think I have the last two bits figured out and the first is commercially available, but his performance was excellent and I can't understand a word of Chinese.
He actually performed the duct tape effect before but he brought it to a whole new level with a new ending to the effect. I would very much like to learn the first effect where a signed card goes into a bottle. Any idea where I can get it Don?

Back to the Entwined hearts effect. I still prefer Wayne Houchin's handling. Similar to this effect . The trick only starts at around 9:00. I does not require a double backer and a normal card can be handed out for examination rather than a gaff card. But a gaff card as a souvenir would serve as a much better momento as a normal car. How contradicting.

Sorry Don. The whole trick is in Chinese again :p

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Zenneth Kok's Entwined Hearts
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:05:45 AM »
Here is a link to Zenneth's performance.

No offence to Zenneth, but this trick looks very similar to Wayne Houchin's Distortion and I am sure the handling can be improved on such as getting rid of the double backer altogether which gets rid of the 'TL' in the end. I am sure it doesn't matter to your regular layperson but I reckon that would be a cleaner ending. And also the routine that is slightly long.

P.S If Zenneth is reading this, do you happen to have a performance clip of Lu Chen doing this effect as it says on the coterie site that the T.V performance right is sold to him in 2012. Thanks.

I thought the performance was fine.  I looked at it with the eyes of a spectator, not the eyes of a magician - which I'm sure you didn't.  To a layman, I'm sure it was just a cool trick.  As far as judging the routine on length, it's hard to evaluate when you can't understand the language, as I can't.  Can you?
you are right. I looked at it in the eyes of a magician, and yes I understand every word of it. Even as a layman I think it was slightly too long. probaly 3/4 of the time would be perfect. maybe I am more used to the DnD style of direct in-the-face and shorter tricks. It is a fine trick none the less.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: the White Lions - Hidden Secrets B
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:12:24 PM »
i dont want to say too much because a friend of mine show me the exact printed instruction which was given to him by blaine himself. but basically tilt the card alittle or see it by a angle you can see there is a line that is thicker than the rest. by that you can tell if the card is a high number or low number. This allow you to read the marking even across the room. i still cant fully read it myself but just play around with it, the marking is truly one of a kind
still cant find this line :(

But I found the 7, Q difference Labyrinth mentioned. :)

I am liking how some of the products come on the site only after you have selected the required products like the new fan back promotion and the entwined hearts refill. Overall the site is easy to maneuver. Still thinking if I should get some of the new Bees.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Zenneth Kok's Entwined Hearts
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:28:59 AM »
Here is a link to Zenneth's performance.

No offence to Zenneth, but this trick looks very similar to Wayne Houchin's Distortion and I am sure the handling can be improved on such as getting rid of the double backer altogether which gets rid of the 'TL' in the end. I am sure it doesn't matter to your regular layperson but I reckon that would be a cleaner ending. And also the routine that is slightly long.

P.S If Zenneth is reading this, do you happen to have a performance clip of Lu Chen doing this effect as it says on the coterie site that the T.V performance right is sold to him in 2012. Thanks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: the White Lions - Hidden Secrets B
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:19:31 AM »
the marking is ingenious, to differentiate the overlapping marks you need to read the stripes.
care to elaborate? or you can PM me :)
I have been waiting for this review for a while now. Thanks for the review. Especially the UV part. The difference in the marking system for the 7 and Q is also something which I didn't figure out. U mentioned in the review that your friend opened the purple lions? May we have a glimpse of it. Some pictures would be gladly appreciated.

sorry late for post
bcuz I have heavy schoolwork   :mindf-ck:

my friend River opened a DB signature "Rainbow deck" from AIP bottle set

it's looks deep purple not rainbow

so now I also curious about is the UV deck from variety box   8)

The UV would most probably be the exact same as the blue ones. But who knows? That's just a guess. Seeing the Rainbow ones make my regret of getting them lesser. But it is still a nice deck though.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: the White Lions - Hidden Secrets B
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:44:36 AM »
I have been waiting for this review for a while now. Thanks for the review. Especially the UV part. The difference in the marking system for the 7 and Q is also something which I didn't figure out. U mentioned in the review that your friend opened the purple lions? May we have a glimpse of it. Some pictures would be gladly appreciated.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: favorite gaff card
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:59:15 AM »
I love the moving pips gaff cards. But it would not be possible to incorporate it into a standard(for those who know how it works would understand why). For me anything that involves moving the ink on the cards are awesome.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: What purchase(s) was most worth it?
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:42:06 AM »
Mine would have to be when Dan & Dave first came out with the Smoke & Mirror V1's.   I bought a brick of each and have only opened 1 Mirror deck.   The rest are chillin in my display cabinet.
that was a very very very smart buy. Almost as good as if you bought some JNs back in the days when they cost a dollar a pack or what every minuscule amount.

Just remembered that I also bought an autograph pair of the blue series A WL way back when they first came out and ended up receiving a brick in the end. I hunk it was a mistake on their part.

Don. U really make me wish that I was living in the US. With all these frequent lectures and sessioning with all these great minds in magic.

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Players Deck Review
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:07:39 AM »
Just so you know the 'JL' on the flaps stand for Jeff Lianza and he is depicted in the JoC.

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