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Messages - John B.

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 96
The Conversation Parlor / Short interview I did about being a magician
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:12:08 PM »
Incase anyone is interested a college student I know interviewed me for her class. has a little bit of magic in it, the majority of my card collection,

Playing Card Plethora / Re: VJose32 Playing Cards (Etsy)...Wait, (Etsy)??
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:33:44 AM »
Because it Vjose the guy who wines about everything. Of course we are not going to care about his deck. Honestly I have no interest in them, especially for that price.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:24:27 AM »
There was someone who posted a screenshot because it stopped on the 10,000 points but said you win 250 and gave him that.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 15, 2013, 08:37:53 AM »
free spin or did you buy something for that spin?

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Top 5 designers
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:04:28 AM »
Personally I am not a fan of Uusis work :(

For me - 1. Paul carpenter. I love his stuff
2. Jackson Robinson
3. Russel kercheval - even though quicksilver went to hell I enjoy his artwork
4. I dont know any other designers that well...

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: so this new D&D closeup pad...
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:59:55 AM »
A design thought - make it so you can simply drop in a traditional 12"x18" pad, then when it wears out or gets ruined, you replace it with an off-the-shelf model.  Even better, if you can get a good magician's kit bag with pockets, one of which would be large enough to hold your pad, that would be stellar.  Could be as simple as a nice messenger bag or a haversack (it's a shoulder bag that's sized between a map case and a large purse, usually oriented to be taller rather than wider).
I'm not quite sure what you mean with the bag stuff, sounds interesting and all, but if you could clarify... :P

Its a tv tray with felt on the inside.
With all respect, not even close. But yes, I'm sure I could go lower, I haven't checked the prices on wood and all that yet

EDIT: I almost forgot, what do you guys feel is a good size for a pad like that? I don't perform magic, so I wouldn't really know...

I meant no dis-respect when I said that, and it was a personal opinion, I see it as more of a luxury item. I am find with a basic close up pad. Its something that personally I dont see value in for myself.

2nd guess, december 18th since no one has it.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: so this new D&D closeup pad...
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:13:04 PM »
Even a third I fell would be to high. Its a tv tray with felt on the inside.

Umm I kinda like the wallet thing. Am I the only one? Also if they make these new fultons in ivory I'd get a few.

EDIT: scratch that just saw the 150 price tag on that.

Yea they charge to much to have something thats branded by them, since only people in the card collector/magic circle will know who they are.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Virts offerings
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:07:17 AM »
If there's one thing I've learned about the playing card business and community, it's that if someone tells you to keep a secret, you KEEP THE SECRET.  Once you become known as the guy who can't keep a secret, you also become the guy no one trusts with secrets anymore...  Hell, I'm sittin' on a doozy right now!  :))

But I was a bit disappointed with how the last decks handled. The design was marvelous...but the deck clumped in my hands. I have OCD so I wash my hands all the time...and I don't think it's my sweat because my other decks don't clump. Might be the finish or ink used...

Come to think about it, the only decks that have clumped for me are the ones produced since the USPCC moved to Kentucky. Hmmmmmm...

Yours could be an isolated case - it happens.  USPC did have a period of about a year and a half running from late 2009 through 2010 where the decks were coming out a bit rough.  We refer to it these days as the shakedown period.  It was a matter of the print staff getting the kinks out of the new machines at the newly-opened Erlanger, KY plant.  Nowadays, their quality on all but off-the-shelf Rider Backs is noticeably higher than the last of the Cincinnati, OH plant's output.  Combine that with Magic Finish and the new decks rarely have issues.

I have started to highlight post like this incase Don has one of his white written secrets. No luck :( I thought the virts was nice but could not afford it at the time. Now I am not buying any new decks, broke it for the sherlock holmes decks, I mean pass on that guys art - no way.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: T11 Holiday Wheel of Prizes!
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:05:56 AM »
I've done alright actually. I've done around 8 spins I think.

Only elite points but they have been okay.

Couple of 500's here and there
Some 250's
few 50 pointers.
1 no reward.
That's it really...

I've seen some guys on Instagram get White Monarchs and the actual grand prize. Couldn't believe it.

no one has goten the actual grand prize, if the prize is on the wheel it is still available.
So far me :
50 pts / 100 pts / 50 pts
Friend 1 - no reward / 50 pts
Friend 2 - 1 000 pts / no reward
Friend 3 - 50 pts / 50 pts

I assume there is no way more than 1 person to log in into 1 account , so 1 acc to have 4-5 dif ip for 4-5 spin/day? :/
What about 1 person changing his ip and creating multi acc... yeah i know answer... probably should not..

I want to see people with friends in skype on video calls and everybody watching and commenting and cursing/laughing then upload to youtube and then someone to make compilation lool should be funny

use something like to block your ip go and get a free token with a different e-mail. then get back to your normal browser and check that e-mail use the link to spin the wheel. you now have a 2nd account that could win a good prize. If you do, have it ship to a friend otherwise since your other account is hooked to your t11 account they will know you had 2 and you wont get your prize. Not that I would do anything like this. I am not promoting anyone do this. We should not cheat.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: New Policy at UC
« on: December 11, 2013, 11:33:57 PM »
did he message you or something? I would love to see this conversation

I've been waiting for someone to finally do this... and it looks like it's going to be Bill Collins (Bicycle Voyager)

All 3 at once... Bicycle, Bee, Tally-Ho...

I do wish the tucks had more color to them

and I think this may be one of the backs...


WOW their minimum pledge goal will have to be astronomical. Buyer Beware.

When the dude who does 50 decks in one project says buyer beware it catches my ear, I will watch out.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Care package for the troops
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:17:57 PM »
I have a friend who is deployed over in Afghanistan, I am wanting to send a care package to him and the over troops. I apologize for lack of information I posted this after work and before I got any sleep. I am hoping to ship as much as I can in a big package as a show of support and a happy holidays to them. I am getting people from my church and work to help if they can and I figured I would mention it here with you guys in case anyone wanted to help.


Dang you I was hoping to be the only person who had that day. I still think its going to hit unsure what I am going to do with my 2nd one. I am waiting to when we are almost to the last minute to submit mark.

The Conversation Parlor / Care package for the troops
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:46:34 AM »
So I recently was thinking of doing a big care package for the troops. I am trying to do this last minute because I have been busy and just remember this. If anyone here would like to ship something to me or directly to them let me know and I can let you know how you can help. I am wanting to show the troops that we support and them and trying to brighten their holidays.

ALSO: I have just found out you could order directly from walmart and have them ship it to me or his base for me to add to the package/him to receive, if you wished.

it totally is though. It will slow down and go over 2. next time I spin it will go that speed over like 6 past the good prizes.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards
« on: December 10, 2013, 08:53:37 AM »
I all honesty I kinda do mind, because if he sells the quicksilver to make money to ship them he is selling whats he is suppose to ship. I really hope it would work out or he would atleast state thats what he is doing.

I don't know if this helps the anger at all John, but the Quicksilver deck that he is selling on his website are not quite the kickstarter version.  Or at least that's what I've been hearing.  If memory serves me right, I think only the kickstarter version got the foil on the tuck,

I will say I don't know Russell personally.  Never met or even spoke to the guy.  He's made a lot of mistakes, but I was one of the lucky backers who got their decks and dice soon after he received them so I don't have the same frustrations toward him that others (rightfully) do.  His lack of money management/business skills hurt him and yeah his lack of communication and lack of transparency on this project has been ridiculous and quite insulting.  But admitting he needed to have a sale to get shipping money?  I can get behind that.  It's honest and hopefully its a small step in the right direction.  All would not be forgiven, but hopefully he can take that money, finish his shipping quickly and everyone can move on.

BTW, I grabbed a brick of Hornets during his fire sale and like Don, I have no idea why these haven't sold out yet - great cards.  I'm hoping/expecting that money I sent him goes straight toward paying for backer shipping.

I'm crossing my finger's and wishing that first and foremost, every backer gets what they pledged for.  Also wishing Russell finds a way back into the good graces of playing card collectors.  It won't be easy, but he designs very nice decks and I think he'd be a big asset to the community if he could get it together.

no one got the foil from what I was told. He skipped out on the metalic ink as well.

neverind my points went up, they mentioned you needed an activation code but maybe thats for the bigger prizes or something.

Did you get the activation code for the points?

My second spin was 100 Elite Points. Now I'm wondering HOW or IF those points being WON are actually being added to my total. I'm also going to keep track of my total Elite Points each day I spin, just in-case there's a glitch (wink wink). This is too good to be true.

12/6 - 50 Elite Points
12/7 - 100 Elite Points (2367) 6,103 / 10k Lifetime Points

Within a few days they will e-mail you on how to redeem them.

Prizes can NOT be redeemed without a prize confirmation code, provided via email after spinning the wheel. Any potential winner who does not claim their prize within thirty (30) calendar days of first notification will forfeit his or her prize. All winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or fees, and all such additional costs that may be incurred. theory11 reserves the right to alter, nullify, or amend any contest rules or prizes at anytime.

All prizes must be verified with prize confirmation codes, and any entries found to be invalid will be disqualified. By participating in this contest, you affirm acknowledgement and agreement to these Official Rules, and theory11's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Has anyone received an email confirmation code?

@ John B.: Theory11 will be backlogged. They should get the email out within 24 hours to alleviate issues and customer support emails. The good thing is, we don't have to claim a prize we don't want.

if there was a prize you did not want could you give it to someone? I posted on their fb page but no response.

I like the backs but hate the fronts.

My second spin was 100 Elite Points. Now I'm wondering HOW or IF those points being WON are actually being added to my total. I'm also going to keep track of my total Elite Points each day I spin, just in-case there's a glitch (wink wink). This is too good to be true.

12/6 - 50 Elite Points
12/7 - 100 Elite Points (2367) 6,103 / 10k Lifetime Points

Within a few days they will e-mail you on how to redeem them.

I won 100 elite points. I am hoping to claim my token for the next weekish and then cash them in for spins all on the same day if I can.

So I am unsure if I should start a new topic but T11s holiday contest - I really enjoy it. they even made it so if you use a proxy to hide your ip so you can spin for free again you can't, not that I tried, also I really would love to go meet David Copperfeild. That might beat Dons, David Blaine story.

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