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Messages - Siegismyname

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The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:03:38 PM »
Can anyone explain Why the price of hotels are so expensive on the 3rd of Oct in San Francisco?

Here we go! Purple artifice page
I'm really excited for this deck. I loved the borderless blue arcanes, and purple is my favorite color!
Blue arcane? I think you meant blue artifice :). I don't own any artifice decks. So I don't plan on getting this one. I still preferred the older Ellusionist decks

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Arcane and Red Artifice v2!?!?!
« on: September 10, 2012, 05:00:58 AM »
Whoops! They are all fake. They clarified them over at UC.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - DB White Lions: Black Label
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:55:18 PM »
Finally! But I highly suspect that they would not be for regular sale.

On a side note, doesn't the imp in the background look like the Imp on dnd's t-shirt?

Updated list with 1 new bundle:

2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X Skulkor: $35

Lowered bundles:

2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X Magic Con 2012: $52
(New Price) 2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X Magic Con 2012: $50

Promotion of discount of $5 for the next purchase over $100 still stands.

Thanks for looking

Playing Card Plethora / David Blaine Split Spades AIP Bottle
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:34:42 AM »
Only 44 were made and sold at $200. This awesome AIP definitely deserves a thread on its own. Here is the link for when it was sold 3 years ago.

Anyone here has this and wants to share more pics of it?

Well, That would be an experience huh?
It will def be a first for me. PMed you about shipping.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Artifice deck?
« on: September 05, 2012, 11:33:38 PM »
They replied on the youtube page that it will be borderless and unlimited

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:37:02 AM »
As far as what hotel you stay at goes, check out the Riviera. Very nice rooms, but the dining options are terrible. Still the rates are fantastic. Circus Circus is a hell hole, stay far away. Other cheap rates are Tropicana, MGM Grand, and Excalibur, if you can catch them on a special.
MGM Grand is where DC does his shows and the reviews online seems not bad! And I checked the MGM website and it says that DC's shows are 90 mins. Alex can you please reconfirm that it is indeed 30-40 mins?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Heavenly physics - Actuators
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:57:20 AM »
Just wanted to share an awesome vid that I came across by predatordeck feat. the artist edition actuators. Enjoy.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- Silver Monarchs Deck from Theory11
« on: September 05, 2012, 06:16:55 AM »
Welcome on board Lyle. It's awesome when a rep from a big magic company comes to the forums to answer queries once in a while. This shows that they are really listening. Soon Syd from dnd might also be a member here.
I def plan to buy the silver monarchs but not now as they won't be gone in the near future and t11 decks generally handle well for cardistry and magic.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 04, 2012, 11:51:17 AM »
Alex, is Cirque Du Soleil still in Vegas? That was an amazing show.

Which Cirque? I think there are 7 of them running right now.

If you do book through Kayak or one of the other cites you may want to ask opinions on places first.
For example- one of the lowest rates you will find for a hotel in Vegas on the Strip is The Imperial Palace... However I suggest staying far away from their, it is a rat hole.
Yeah. That's y I was asking for recommendations for hotels instead of reading all the reviews. :p
I was in LA about 8 months ago and I'd definately recommend heading down to the Magic Apple in Studio City. Freakin awesome magic shop. I'd go back to San Diego, nice there. Alex, is Cirque Du Soleil still in Vegas? That was an amazing show.
magic apple noted. Might even head to the magic castle.

Anyone knows if the castle is open to public?

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:28:36 PM »
How about hotels? Any hotels to recommend and what is a reasonable price. I went to google hotels in Vegas and there are just too many to choose from.

Try one of the US-based travel websites, such as Kayak, Priceline and Expedia.  Get ideas from them, check price ranges - if you get a deal, you can even book through them.
Thanks Don. was hoping you could give me some suggestions about places to visit too :)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Criss Angel calls Dynamo a pussy and copycat
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:27:26 PM »
Just found out through the power of social media and John B.'s signature that Morgan Strebler is challenging Criss Angel cus of Criss challenging Dynamo. Interesting to see how all this unfolds. Here is the link

Hey Ben,

Looks like he was the one that took the V6 bundle :P

I am liking the sound of the 4 White lion decks (in my case 2 red, 2 blue)
Yes it does sound great. This would be my first ever overseas parcel :)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Q and A. Questions needed!
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:13:23 PM »
1) What are your 5 bottom most decks?
2) Can anyone of you do an anaconda dribble?
3) What are your everyday/practice decks?
4) Have you ever not been able to master a flourish?
5) If so which one?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everybody
« on: September 03, 2012, 11:17:09 AM »
Hi Nhat. Nice meeting you today. Hope you enjoy your decks :) Just realise that I dont have a thread here for myself. :(

Ben is an excellent seller. The transaction was very smooth with no problems whatsoever.
Thanks Nhat. Pleasure doing business with you too.

Heres an update on what's left:

1X White Lions Series "B" Blue + 1X White Lions Series "B" Red + 1X Signed Bee Split Spades Set (Black and inverted black) : $95
2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X Fultons Clip Joint: $35
2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X Magic Con 2012: $52
(NEW) 2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red + 1X A. Bandit: $44

1X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red: $12 (New)
2X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red: $23 (New)
3X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red: $33 (New)
4X White Lions Series "B" Blue/Red: $42 (New)

*Note that all Red White Lions Series B are for pre-order only

All prices are in Singapore Dollars. Interested parties can PM me directly or email me at and1ben_7 [at] hotmail (dot) com. COD at any MRT station in Singapore but preferably along the green line from City Hall to Tampines. Overseas buyers are welcomed, PM me for shipping details and I am sure we can work something out. I have not shipped overseas before but rest assured that your package WILL be secured.

Pictures are all included in the first and subsequent posts. Trades are also welcomed. Bundles only last till my personal stash of White Lions run out.

*New promotion* For the next purchase over $100 you will get a discount of $5. (Just a way of saying thank you :))

Thanks for viewing and feel free to raise any queries in this thread.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Dan & Dave Variety Box
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:03:31 AM »
You should sell your extras. That would lower the cost of your vb by a lot. I might want the midnight depending on the price. The vb with signatures is def worth some money but ever since they stop numbering them I think they are not worth as much.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post your full collection
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:24:07 PM »
I recently took a photo of my collection so I have decided to revive this thread and share the picture of my collection :)
Nice collection man.  How do you store your playing cards?  Do you have them up against the wall stacked on top of each other?
Some of them are lying down on a shelf while some are stacked on top of one another against the wall on the same shelf.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Performing magic with fully custom decks
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:20:48 AM »
For magic I think that the decks should have recoloured faces at most and a not very suspicious back. I have performed with the White Lions and was praised for having a very nice deck(she was describing the backs). No one has ever suspected the White Lions before. I think that those very custom decks should be left for collection, flourishing or poker night. Some would even argue that being too custom would confuse the player regarding the suits and value of the card.

For magic, having as standard a deck as possible would allow more diversity for the magician(gaff and gimmicks) and less suspicion for the audience.

Updated and added Red White Lions for pre-order. Have also decided to release one more Bee Split Spades set from my personal collection for a new bundle.

1X White Lions Series "B" Blue + 1X White Lions Series "B" Red + 1X Signed Bee Split Spades Set (Black and inverted black) : $95

Thanks for looking

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post your full collection
« on: September 02, 2012, 09:48:15 AM »
I recently took a photo of my collection so I have decided to revive this thread and share the picture of my collection :)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Recommendation for my US Trip
« on: September 02, 2012, 05:47:57 AM »
How about hotels? Any hotels to recommend and what is a reasonable price. I went to google hotels in Vegas and there are just too many to choose from.

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