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Messages - Lushbob

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Kickstarter - a place I will never use again.
« on: December 05, 2011, 04:19:53 PM »
I hope Amazon can help sort things out. Kickstarter definitely aren't making a good impression with this.

That sounds pretty reasonable, actually. But yeah, no way do I think they're worth it at all. I'd only buy them if they were $5, and even then I'd be hesitant.

Oh, I just got the reply. Unfortunately, with the price of the decks plus shipping, it's a bit too expensive. But I might buy them once I have some more money, if I don't find a better deal.

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, this site is based in America, but I just sent an e-mail requesting shipping prices.
If I can't find any UK sites stocking the 2008 Election Decks, I'll look into this site. Thanks!

what if...hypothetically...he does have connections at USPCC. Maybe they cut him some kind of deal to test market these decks before bicycle does a million print run on them.  I mean none of these decks are revolutionary in design.  In fact they look like something someone threw together to do a test run.

They do look just like that! And it's possible, but I doubt it. This has never happened before, and why would they test the decks through him? But hey, it could be happening.

Thirding uncut sheets and as I said earlier, prints of single cards would be appreciated as well!

Do you mean full size prints? Or just poker size card prints?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Galvanic - LET'S GET IT FUNDED!
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:59:59 PM »
Then this deck a day release schedule is gonna stop.

I agree! Although I love to see new decks, a new deck popping up the whole time gets kinda tiring. It means continuous purchases, and it detracts from the excitement of seeing a brand new deck being released.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Who started the custom card craze?
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:47:44 PM »
Yeah, I agree. I think it was Ellusionist who started it. And they've certainly done a good job, in my opinion.

Design & Development / Re: Borderless Cards - Not all bad?
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:46:21 PM »
In general, I'd say I prefer cards with borders. It gives them a neat, 'finished' look in my opinion. Sort of like a picture that's been framed, if you want to think of it that way. But I think there's a definite exception when it comes to most Bee decks. I love the bordless diamond back just because it looks so nice when you fan with it. And I don't usually perform tricks that involve upside down cards, so borderless cards aren't a drawback in that area for me.

The only other explaination I can think of is USPCC means a limit of 5000 decks in total not 5000 decks of 1 design.  In other words maybe he could order 500 decks of 10 different designs.

Huh. I'd never thought of it like that. I think it'd be unlikely, but it's definitely a possibility. If so, how come no one else has taken advantage of it?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Kickstarter - a place I will never use again.
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:37:16 PM »
This sounds ridiculous. How can Kickstarter afford to do this? A project being funded for $32,000, and they mess up with the payments? It's crazy.
Couldn't you contact the funders individually? It's a horrible feeling that this project might not work out, though I'm sure Kickstarter will sort it out in the next few days. If not, they should change their terms to include a special cases section; the 14 days should only start as soon as it's definite that all the funders have the email. Even so, it's certainly frustrating to have to set back the date of printing.
I hope it all works out soon.

Make sure to include uncut sheets :)

I second that! Uncut sheets would look amazing.

Hi Lushbob, if I use Kickstarter, I'm hoping it will be put up in the spring.

Oh, awesome. I look forward to it! Thanks!

I'm looking for all three of the Bicycle 2008 Election Decks. I asked on here, mainly because I want them as cheap as possible, and while I'll only accept good quality cards, I don't mind if they're sealed or not. So, if anyone has these three decks that they'd like to sell, then just drop a comment down here or PM me. Please note that I live in the UK, so we'll need to discuss shipping costs.
Also, if no one here has them, then it'd be great to get a link to a site that sells all three of them for quite a cheap price. Preferably a UK based site, as I'd rather not have to shell out so much for shipping.
And just to point out, it's probable that I won't be buying them immediately, so it'd be better to have a link to a store rather than say, an eBay sale that ends in the next few days.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Posting Initiatives - Check 'em out
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:43:59 PM »
I'm trying to reach 3,000 posts to get 3 signed decks!  ;D

About this reward, I think Alex has plenty of decks to give away.
So, no worries.

Awesome! :D
Now it's just the matter of achieving this soon so I can get my decks!

Also, I hope to get the 1,300 reward, although there's only one of those left. Maybe I'll aim for the 800 instead...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: dan and dave variety box v4
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:41:37 PM »
So all those QR codes are sentimental sentences in French?  Oui?  Non?  Seems like a waste of QR codes to me, when simply printing the phrases on the card would be less labor for all involved.

I think it's way cool!! It probably was easier to do QR codes. You just go online and they have qr code generators that take 10 seconds to make one. Plus they just placed the codes right in the middle of the court cards. With actual text they would have to make it look nice, line it up, size it, and whatnot.

I like it and I think it was an interesting design, but that's just my opinion.

I totally agree. I think the QR codes give it a nice 'hidden' element, if you will. And I just really like the design in general. Especially the one-colour court cards!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Galvanic - LET'S GET IT FUNDED!
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:27:20 PM »
I'd love to pick up a deck of these, I really would. But I've got a lot of decks lined up that I need desperately, and I'm pretty short of money as it is. I might think about getting a deck of these a little later, but at $24 for two decks, I can't afford it at the moment. But it honestly looks brilliant! :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Free Signed Card From Dan and Dave
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:19:52 PM »
Did you get an email saying you'd been declined?

Hi, Emmanuel! You said you were thinking about using KickStarter for funding, but you needed to do some research. If you decide to use Kickstarter, what kind of general time would you be putting it up? Like, summer 2012? 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fulton's Clip Joint Playing Cards
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:33:27 PM »
Yeah.. that's why I put "trailer" in quotes... didn't really know what to call it

Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's pretty much unrelated!

Design & Development / Re: 10 Tips For the Aspiring Kickstarter
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:32:17 PM »
Woah. That sucks. I thought it'd be free; just a couple of decks, when you're ordering 5,000 or however many. But it's nice to hear that you kept one of them for your collection; there's only one other existing one in the world!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fulton's Clip Joint Playing Cards
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:17:19 PM »
A "trailer" for the Fulton's

Yeah, I saw that on D&D's page earlier. Sure, it's a nice video, but it doesn't do so much to display the cards.

I just got a reply and here is what Emmanuel had to say about the future of his deck...

"Thank you! Yes, I would love to get the cards printed as a real deck, but I’m not sure about funding. I have thought about kickstarter, but I need to do some research first. I’ll keep you updated."

Oh, that's great news! I hope he decides to.

Design & Development / Re: 10 Tips For the Aspiring Kickstarter
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:12:36 PM »
Wow. Very interesting. Is the prototype added in the price of getting a custom deck printed? Like, is that part of the deal?

Sorry, I can't even limit it to three. It'll have to be five!
Mine are the Nine of Diamonds, the Seven of Clubs, the Three of Clubs, the Two of Hearts and the Five of Spades. They're just all really clever, awesome looking designs.

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