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Messages - Jonathan

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:13:17 PM »
Hey guys,
Thanks for the advice.
I've been to the two 188 stores and checked out their inventory. No blue bloods unfortunately :(. But so far I've picked up ramblers (39 HKD) and a theory 11 rebels (98HKD) deck but I'll be back for more haha... I'll check out Mongkok as well.
I'm in the process of selecting decks to add to my collection haha.
The 1F store did have a white LTD for sale at 980 HKD, bout  120 USD.
I did ask about limited decks but they couldn't help me too much. Apart from white ltd I didn't see any other rare decks around.
Looks like my bank account shall take a beating regardless.
Can I ask where I'd go looking for a pack or two of fake nuggets?

Mmmm.. Yeah I saw the $70 for one deck and $125 for two... I'm out haha.
They nice sketches, but $70 a deck isn't really justifiable to me.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:22:49 AM »
Not until I get those turquoise Bees. I don't think they were opened.

Their collection isn't as vast as the other ones mentioned here. The only intriguing decks I saw were Altruism (not sure which version), Animal Kingdom and Phoenix Apocalypse.

I'm not sure if fake Nuggets count as intriguing.

Hahaha, no worries; I'm thankful for the info you've already provided.
I'm sure they'll be plenty of variety to satisfy my addiction. ($13 ogma decks :|... I'm up for a few of those I like that deck)
Fake nuggets eh? Small part of me does wonder how they handle.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:15:38 AM »
I was sorting through my collection a couple of days ago, sorting out all of my duplicates.

Here area couple of photos I took



Ho. ly. Sh. %&...
Lol wow by my count that slab look to be 792 decks
Wonder if they're all unique XD.
That's definitely a damn impressive collection, no chance you run a playing card museum or anything do you? :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 19, 2013, 07:47:04 AM »
For that shop in Mongkok, I looked at the website.  Kinda strange - all but two of the decks have price tags of zero HK dollars.  Either they're insanely cheap, or out of stock!  The two decks they did have, Ogma by Skulkor and Curator by HOPC, were marked at HK$64.  That's about AU$8.80.  Pretty good price - it's just a tiny bit less in US$, and normally HOPC sells Curators for $7.95, while the Ogma deck is a sold-out collectible.

If I had to guess, assuming those numbers are typical, you'll get a decent deal.

That sounds much better than Australia.
Last time I looked in a physical store in Australia (just last week) A Pluma deck was $13 and a standard rider back bicycle was on sale for $7 XD.
So if I can get custom cards for less than a deck of standard bikes.... I'll be singing ahahaha.

DUDE, thanks for that post. When I posted this topic I was hoping for a store name and maybe some hazy directions. Your directions and even an approximate LIST of some decks far exceed my expectations. Thanks man :D.
Also... if the 188 store has Blue bloods... F%&$ me and my bank account I'm getting them XD (I'm probably one of the many that has all of uusi but the original blue bloods).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:55:51 AM »
Hey guys,

Thanks for the prompt and detailed replies guys :D.
I was about to say 198 Wan Chai road? I'd heard of/been to 188 Wan Chai before (like 6 years ago) and it was shaped like an 8 so I thought you meant there. Last time I went there I don't remember there being a card store there, but thanks so much for telling me that; now I'll be even more eager to go to 188.

Also thanks for putting this topic in the correct forum br3xis; I wasn't sure which one it should go in haha.

One more question; anyone have an idea of the prices over in HK? Whatever they are I'm sure they're cheaper than here in Australia/they'll have more variety.


Playing Card Plethora / Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:13:28 PM »
Hey guys,
Hoping one/some of you may be able to give me some advice.
I'll be going to Hong Kong in a week's time and was wondering if you guys know any physical stores I can walk in to in Hong Kong and pick up some more decks to add to my collection.
I found one youtube video from 2010 that pointed one store I plan to try finding, but I'd appreciate if any of you guys could point me in more right directions, thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dragon Dynasty Bicycle (KS)
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:09:39 AM »
I like some of the little details int he design, but I do see where Don is coming from when he says looks like a new designer.
I hope the courts don't repeat, but so far it looks like that may be the case

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 48: Ghost vs Masters
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:03:25 AM »
I also love the ghosts, either colour haha :D.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 14, 2013, 07:51:32 AM »
I'm here, I'm listening. Let me know what your looking for on my end. I'm pretty straight forward for what im looking for.
I'm not a Fan of E at all
I like a few T11 & D&D decks
I mainly like old USPC or companies bought by USPC decks.
If you have anything with a Bank Note Back then I'm really interested.
I also look for any deck that has a Federal or Government theme like a Congress deck with the capital as the joker or old war decks with eagles and such.

Thanks for the reply Jackson!
Which T11 and D&D decks do you like?

I'm a fairly new collector, so I don't have any older decks or anything with a bank note back; I don't even know what the bank note back is haha!

What I'm looking for is easy anything Fed 52 ahaha. Especially part 1 because I missed the kickstarter for it. I'm a backer on part 2 but regrettably I only backed for 1 of each deck (this was before I realised I prefer to have 1 deck to open and 1 deck to keep sealed)

Wow, thanks for that in depth answer Don.
Damn now I wish I had picked up the legends Dan was selling a few days ago haha XD. Oh well, some other time maybe.

As for the new deck order thing; I'm impressed by the quoting of the mathematician :|.
The Aladdin 1001 smooth finishes I have come in some completely weird order - it's not ace through king or king through ace. From what I can tell it's SOME kind of stack and I assume it's meant for a particular magic trick I just don't know what that trick is.
The Aladdins I'm referring to are the ones from The Blue Crown, I'm not sure if you were referring to a different set of aladdins when you were talking about the handling earlier.

Some flourishers call for a smoother finish, others call for cards that will "cling" to each other better.  Have you tried something like Aladdins with a smooth finish?

Honestly I haven't found that my "broken in" decks performed any better than when they were new (maybe I broke them too far in?)

This is going to sound stupid but... I opened a pack of smooth finish aladdins and was so confused by the new deck order they were in I didn't shuffle or do anything with them XD.
I meant to go and research what the order is/what it's for but I didn't come up with anything XD.

Hey guys,
Not sure if there's already a discussion topic on this so I'm creating this one.
For you card flourishers out there, are there specific decks that you use/like/find better for specific flourishes?

I'll give you guys the example that set this topic off:
I've recently been trying the ninja flip (a one handed top card reveal) with some of my newer decks (eg Ltd Blue and a bicycle standard rider back) and was finding it hardish. By that I mean more than half the time the top card flew away instead of just flipping over XD. I cracked open an old cancelled aristocrat casino finish deck of cards I picked up in vegas in the early 2000's and tried a few things with that deck.
I found it fanned like s&%* but I could do the ninja flip so much more easily and more consistently than with the newer, smoother decks.

Anyone else have anecdotes like this?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Carbon Fiber Playing Cards (KS)
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:56:01 AM »
Has anyone wondered what these cards would be like for throwing :| ...
Suspect they might pack a punch, more of a punch than the usual cards anyway.
I remember reading somewhere that someone was making banshee throwing cards that "scream" through the air when thrown in a certain way. That idea but made in carbon fibre would be pretty cool i think

Hey buddy, sorry to hear you're leaving the hobby. Best of luck in Med school!

I'm located in Australia too, AUSPOST isnt such a bitch interstate =p I'd love to pick up some of your single decks if possible.

Send me a pm (:

Auspost is still expensive interstate compared to America haha, especially for anything more than a brick.
I emailed him and Joel isn't interested in selling single decks; I think he wants an easy offload in one go sort of deal - I suggested he may have an easier time finding buyers for single decks though.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Beginner flourishing
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:49:16 AM »
190 helix and sybil cuts are good ones after the charlier's cut.
(I'm a beginner flourisher too, got the charlier, 190 helix and sybil cuts down :D).
Have you tried rolling charlier's cuts? The fundamentals are the same as charlier's cuts but doing them in both hands is hard XD.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Introducing the Fanangled Deck (KS)
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:17:42 AM »
I like the minimalist look to this deck and I especially like the contrasting areas of solid and striped.
But I'll be cautious backing this one, like you guys have pointed out, the homework doesn't seem to have been done particularly well here.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: News from Zenneth Kok
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:07:23 AM »
Any idea when the new products will be up?
I agree with Don, it's hard to take advantage of the spend over $100 over with the limited selection of products on offer in the store.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 46: Monarch Series vs Artifice Series
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:05:50 AM »
Monarchs easy easy easy win.
Funny you were the one to post after me; I was almost going to say in my above post.
Monarchs hands down beat most decks I can think of - the only thing at the moment that I think may give them a run for their money are the fed 52 decks but I have no idea how the fed 52s handle, can't wait for the part 2 to arrive down under

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Karnival Delirium
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:00:33 AM »
I agree that the card designs seem like a bit of a let down when compared tot he box design, but i still don't mind the deck.
I agree that the ogma deck did awesomely with the optical illusion, and I haven't seen the royal optik deck yet but I'm really looking forward to seeing it in person early next year (if the royal optik deck is better than ogma I think I'm in love already).

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 46: Monarch Series vs Artifice Series
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:52:51 AM »
Both cool decks.
But Monarchs win hands down for me. I prefer both their handling and their design.
Also, Monarchs were in a movie, can the artifice claim that? :P


Well, the AFP would have many more questions regarding Pedo-bear...  :))

I believe you're correct there :).
My question is, how do you that the AFP would be more interested in the Pedo-bear? I didn't the AFP was well known enough to garner international attention.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:37:30 AM »

Easy solution to the issue that just might work:

  • Find out what Jackson wants in exchange for what you want.
  • Find a US retailer who's selling it.
  • Order and pay for it, have it shipped straight to Jackson.
  • He sends you what you want.

Of course, you should wait until you've met the minimum standard before posting - at your rate, it won't be long.

... ... ... ... ... ...
I can't believe I didn't think of that before -.- .
Either you're a genius; I'm an idiot.... or most likely, both -.- XD.
Although with the KWP online store open now I can't see why Jackson would accept your genius plan except out of sheer generosity.

Hahaha at my rate... it'll be... 6 more days, the post number will be irrelevant, the time limit is the one.

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Blue LTD by Ellusionist
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:31:49 AM »

E did the same thing with the latest printing of the Series 1800 decks - each has an extra Queen of Hearts of the other's color.

The Blue Crown did similar with a few of their decks, most notably the NOCs, but they included cards with the same color back.

Ahhhh, thanks for the heads up I have a pair of unopened series 1800 decks, now I won't be surprised/confused when I see it haha (although if it were a new deck I don't think I'd be as eassilyconfused). What's the deal with it being the Queen of Hearts? Is there some history there that I'm unaware of?
I've been waiting to get some NOC's, haven't had the budget to fit them in yet (hell, if a certain amazing deck designer doesn't slow down with his projects I may never have the budget to fit them in .... ever.... :P XD)


Ah, there's no need to be concerned.  The Secret Service agents that monitor this board have already contacted the FBI, who have dispatched agents to the location of your IP address.  They'd like to take you into custody - for your own protection, mind you - and ask you a few questions...  :))

Haha I think there'd be significantly more bureaucratic red tape, what with me being in Australia and all.
Think the FBI would at least have to go through ASIO (our equivalent of your CIA I guess) or the AFP (... I think this would be our closest equivalent to your FBI?) and/or through the local police department.
Furries aren't actually illegal here as far as I know... I remember once going to a picnic in the park and there was a large gathering of furries who also happened to be in the same park having a BBQ - they were very open about it... we were mostly young, naive and , after that day, scarred..... Haven't been back to that park for anything since XD

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