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Messages - Lukeout

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Deck Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:47:23 PM »

I agree Dan.

Why do people insist on calling me Dan when my name is Don...?  :))

What shenanigans?  This is the first I'm hearing of it, but that shouldn't be surprising since I'm no gamer.

Here's an interesting thought - create a tier for a board game that uses the deck!  It can be a simple but entertaining beer-and-pretzels game that comes with Meeples!  It doesn't even have to be something new, just something that comes with the deck.

Sorry about the name thing, as a guy who grew up being called Luke Skywalker his whole life, you think I'd be more careful.  :(

I'm actually working a game that uses the cards - printing the rules on the two extra cards. Can't announce anything yet as it's got an issue I need to figure out still.

Some folks over in the game space are creating early birds to give the feeling of a "deal that you have to act quickly on" then when it is about to get filled, they add a bunch more spaces to it. On the backer side, there are whole groups of folks who pounce on all early birds, and then 90% of them back out if the campaign doesn't hit a bunch of stretch goals. When spots open up on the "Early Bird" space it makes a campaign look really bad. That doesn't seem to happen on playing cards as much so I'm probably over reacting.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Foto Grafis v 2.0 Now Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:42:13 PM »
I love these photos. I like to use my cards for playing, so I probably won't back, but I might be looking at some prints or something. Seriously beautiful though.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Deck Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:44:22 AM »
You'll need to promote it a lot among the gamer community - it's a rough market out there for decks now and any good deck has to reach beyond the card collector community in order to really go big.

I agree Dan. This deck was made for folks who don't normally look at playing card project. It's also the reason I didn't do early birds (they are getting a bad name on the gaming side of Kickstarter lately due to some shenanigans). I expect the campaign to start slow as the product isn't really a bulls-eye for either group (it's not a big euro game and it's not a deck specifically for collectors). Going to take some work to get over the line for sure. Hopefully this deck and decks like it can grow the playing card collecting community.

Playing Card Plethora / 1 Color Relaunch of Meeples with Early Birds
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:18:01 AM »
Thanks to all the help from this forum, I've finally got my deck ready for Kickstarter and just launched it. I really appreciate all the advice - you guys were amazingly helpful. I'm super happy with how the cards turned out, but I'm going to be letting the backers guide the deck box design during the campaign as I think it can be better.

Luke  :D

Design & Development / Re: EXPLORE Deck - come check it out!
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:29:09 PM »
I like the focus on Skylines that I'm seeing. Cities hold on tight to those (I think Las Vegas even copyrighted or trademarked theirs). Might be a good cross sell to the architects of the world.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Texas Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:26:42 PM »
Super impressed with the way you take feedback man! It's not an easy thing for a lot of folks to do. Looking forward to the post-Texas materials!

Not my cup of tea as it seems almost like someone applied a photoshop filter to a standard deck, but I'm curious to see what the metallic stuff looks like in the real world. I do like the elegant letters for the royals though. I wouldn't call it minimalist as it's not really simplified, just blurred/kaleidoscoped - I'd probably call it "interpretive" or something similar. There are some very minimalist decks out now that make these look downright busy.

I do think the updated royals are a big improvement though!

Design & Development / Re: Playing Card Shipping & Kickstarter
« on: December 27, 2013, 04:00:24 PM »
To me, the worst part of shipping isn't the packaging and mailing, it's the after shipping customer service. Getting emails from all over the world about an occasional dented box, ripped package, etc... You just never know when a mail man is going to put a bass guitar amp on top of your box in the truck. Even if it's 3-4%, that can be a lot of headaches. For our last game kickstarter, my other company created a game box that fit exactly into a USPS medium flat-rate box just to reduce damage. We got some odd looks for our box size (a bit larger than it needed to be), but our external damage issue rate dropped to 0.

You need not go to using a box so large for the game, just to make the post office flat rate packaging.  Television sets made of fragile glass and liquid crystal diode and light-emitting diode components make it across the ocean intact all the time.  Notice when you open a new TV, there's all these special styrofoam blocks fitted to hold the TV firmly while in the box and fixed into place with pieces of cardboard.  It's almost like a jigsaw puzzle in there - the easiest way to remove the TV is lifting the box up with the bottom opened, sliding everything out in one piece.

It wouldn't be too hard to craft similar "buffer" pieces to perform the same function for your games, allowing you to use a smaller size.  Styrofoam isn't even needed - folded cardboard glued together to prevent shifting, done right, can perform the same function.

Don, the reason it works for games well, is that those boxes tend to get stacked on top of each other. Odd shaped boxes get stacked wherever. And a tight fit strengthens the overall box. It means a dent in the outbox definitely dents the box inside, but the odds of that dent happening are substantially less. We went from 3-4% shipping damage to zero. And the box was free, and we didn't need additional packing stuff like bubble wrap or styrofoam! I don't think any of this directly translates to playing cards of course, but it worked for us!

Design & Development / Re: Playing Card Shipping & Kickstarter
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:34:40 AM »
I like the concept of this post, and I agree that more people should figure out shipping before they start a Kickstarter project. However I disagree with the way you're calculating time and money on this. You've also over-inflated your numbers by using gross revenue instead of net profit.

Federal 52 Raised = $149,156.00 during it's 40 day campaign period
Backerkit Period = $15,728.00 during a two week post ordering period

Total Capital Raised in a 54 day period = $164,884

I worked an estimated 200+hours during that time period doing: Design, Answering Backers, Kissing Babies and Shaking Hands, making sure my wife didn't kill me.

$164,884 / 200hrs = $824.00 per hour

(obviously this number is different with EVERY project but the equation is the same)

Hour spent fulfilling packages = 140+ (2970 orders)

During the fulfillment time I was making $0 and could have been preparing for my next project.

Money lost while fulfilling = $115,360

That above number makes it a NO Brainer for me to pay a fulfillment house, even if they charge me double, it is absolutely worth my time.

How to estimate shipping cost

Shipping for your project will roughly come out to %16 - %18 of your total pledge raised.

I raised $164,884 for the Federal 52 Part I project and spent $27,000 on postage and fulfillment.

You were paid to Design, Produce, and Ship the decks. The fact that the production and shipping occurred after you received payment doesn't mean it's time you weren't paid for. That's the attitude of every project that has failed to deliver.

I agree here, you were paid for a product and a service. When doing the math, you need to load all costs (isn't backer kit only 1%?) including shipping supplies, etc... That said, there has to be a break point where fulfillment is just better for life quality. I'm going to run with the "family plan" on my project (i.e. get the whole family to help and pay my kids some to show them what work is).

To me, the worst part of shipping isn't the packaging and mailing, it's the after shipping customer service. Getting emails from all over the world about an occasional dented box, ripped package, etc... You just never know when a mail man is going to put a bass guitar amp on top of your box in the truck. Even if it's 3-4%, that can be a lot of headaches. For our last game kickstarter, my other company created a game box that fit exactly into a USPS medium flat-rate box just to reduce damage. We got some odd looks for our box size (a bit larger than it needed to be), but our external damage issue rate dropped to 0.

Design & Development / Re:
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:15:11 AM »
Hats off for creating something really unique. My day job is as an analog game designer and adding a few cards to each suit open up all sorts of options for new games (we should have talked earlier, I could have designed a few for your website/insert!).

I have to ask though. Why not let folks get just 1 deck? Is it because the fulfillment fee would chop in too deeply?

Design & Development / Post KS Sales Channels?
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:56:21 AM »
Not sure if this is the right sub-forum or not. But I'm curious if there is a thread somewhere on post KS sales channels. For my previous game Kickstarters, it was fairly easy to tie into an established network of distributors and retailers. As a newb to playing cards, I'm curious if there is a similar network for playing cards? I see a few on-line retailers, but I don't have a good sense of who the "big boys" are in the space.

Thanks all! (and apologies if I put this in the wrong forum!)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Phantom Deck - by Nanswer (Eric Duan)
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:29:22 AM »
I'm going to agree with most here. The joker I like - it brings the creepy. The other royals look sort of empty to me. The back is interesting to me. I really like the design, but the overall feel doesn't seem to get the theme I think you are looking for. Instead it looks almost like a nice throwback design. Like there was an old casino named "The Phantom" (if that was what you were looking for, then great job!).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Card Brick Boxes Question
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:20:56 AM »

And i believe USPS flat rate boxes cost more than envelopes as well.

Not to pour salt, but USPS flat rate boxes are free from the Post Office. They even print on the inside of them now because people were turning them inside out and using them for regular mail.

That card back is slick. I see these sales going well beyond the traditional collector. Get these sold in PXs by next Xmas maybe?

Great job, and I look forward to seeing this type of quality for the Marines....

This deck really isn't my cup of tea, but damn that voice-over guy in the video was awesome! I wish I had a friend who could do that type of silky voice-over for my videos!

I think the deck has a solid chance of making it. If nothing else, it rides on the heels of the Sherlock decks (more literary theme stuff). I don't think this deck holds up to the Sherlock standard, but it doesn't need Sherlock numbers to fund either.

I'm just catching this thread now. Did anyone ask why he is limiting to just 100? I have to assume by the text that the limit is 100 total, not 100 for the Kickstarter.

Thoughts on the deck (not that it matters anymore I guess...)
Card Back - really nice.
Deckbox - One cool font, and one WTH font. I like the design elements, but that second "line through the 0" font is off putting in both places.
Pips - I like the design of the pips very much. I think they are clever and elegant. I don't think they match the "grain" concept of the back very well.

Good looking product! looking forward to seeing some images of final decks. Did anyone on this board get one?

Design & Development / Re: Showing early sketches
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:09:11 PM »
Just going to chime in and say share away. This site has been amazing with constructive feedback.

Design & Development / Re: Short KS Campaign?
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:16:46 AM »
Sounds like 30 day minimum is a solid consensus. I have some zany schedule issues for 2014, but I want to make sure I give my projects every chance of success. Looks like I'll have my 1st deck go live on Jan 1st or 2nd (probably the 2nd) and run through the end of January. Thanks all, very helpful.

Design & Development / Re: Give it a look
« on: December 19, 2013, 10:12:09 AM »
I like them! Unique, but not so far out there as to not be recognizable as card backs. Does the deck have an overall theme, or are you just doing backs?

Design & Development / Short KS Campaign?
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:51:04 AM »
Are there any examples of a short (14 day or so) KS campaign for a playing card deck?

All my gaming ones have been 30 days or more, and there is data to support longer campaigns, but I'm curious if anyone has tried a shorter one for playing cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pagan - New Deck from Uusi (KS)
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:40:59 AM »
I'm guessing the gilding is "pure collector" here right? I can't imagine you can shuffle those.

Not my cup of tea, but I love the regular cards (and I was lucky enough to get one of those wooden boxes too!)

Design & Development / Re: Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:35:48 AM »
Engaging is a great idea. I've done some of that on this forum as I think the opinions here are (from a creative standpoint), flipping' fantastic. The signal to noise ratio on this board is the highest I've ever seen.

Interacting with backers live is good - certainly when answering questions. Might be a little tough for me on my project to interact in real time on the creative of the deck due to the fact that it's almost more "concept" than "art", but I'm going to try!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 16, 2013, 10:25:59 PM »
Awww I like these.

Great contrast from all these skull...and dark themed decks.

Thanks CrankUP - I'm a fan of clean design for function and ornate design for beauty. Playing cards can go either way for me as they are both, but there are certainly a lot of "ornate" options already. I like who playing cards are a lens to look at other topics through - if you look at an ornate topic (like the Chinese Opera), they you'll get an ornate deck. If you look at the meeple through that lens, I think the final version needs to be clean and bold.

Design & Development / Re: Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 14, 2013, 05:21:27 PM »
You bring up excellent points. I guess I look at what I'm trying to do as a little different. With these projects (like the children's book I published through KS last year with my wife and niece), I'm not really motivated by money. I am motivated by the the idea of products I can be proud of and happy customers.

I have worked at companies with big hits before. I was a Brand Manager at Wizards of the Coast during the Pokemon days - where we once printed over 1 billion (with a "B") cards in a single month! I've learned that big successes, while they can bring in lots of cash, often derail non-money life goals. I once witnessed one of the best creatives I've ever known turn into Human Resource managers because their company was "so successful."  (no offense to HR managers intended!)

All that said, I am super happy for folks who launch a great project, make lots of cash, and can leave to do what they want with their lives. That is a GREAT success story and something they should be very proud of!

Design & Development / Re: Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:10:00 AM »
I'm going to add 25 signed/numbered sheets for each of the two decks. Strictly limited. I also decided to make both decks limited editions rather than have 1 limited and 1 unlimited. 

What happens if your project is a runaway success and you run out of decks? 

I throw a party and work on another idea!  :D

Seriously though, I have no problem selling out and creating a bit of a collectable in the case of a runaway hit.

My goals might be a bit different than other people who run these projects. I just want to make great projects that people love. I'm not terribly concerned with selling the maximum number of decks, particularly if that comes with lots of additional hassles. Those hassles could get in the way of me working on more projects!  I'd find it much more satisfying to make $1K each in profit from 5 projects than $5K from one project if that make sense. I know the 5-projects path is a lot more work, but with that work comes a lot of satisfactoin.

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