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Messages - Jonathan

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:10:41 AM »
All I can do now is back the Sherlock Campaign like I wish I had backed the fed 52 parts 1 and 2. (When the part 2 was running I was still really new to collecting cards ... so I got one of each deck ... I hadn't quite figured out the buy 2, 1 to keep 1 to open thing -.- hahaha, also, not loaded enough at the moment to just throw lots of money around everywhere XD, then again, who is? haha).

From someone else who is a collector on a budget and relatively new Jonathan, I've come to a few realizations.

1. You can't have everything

2. Patience is a virtue, those decks that you think will be hard to get or cost a fortune will present themselves here and there with the right opportunity. I also missed out on the Fed 52's, but I'm happy to report that I was able to secure them with a little give and take and lots of communication......and ended up with a new friend  ;)

3. Really research decks, I HAD a long list, but its getting smaller because I'm starting to not go "OH and AH" over just a back design, don't get me wrong, if it's something that appeals to me AND the price is in line for what it is, I"m in (Example: Massa decks, Love the cards, you can get them really inexpensively)

Also, as one of those who started with the "2 of everything" changes as you understand what it is your paying for and you figure out "HOW" your collecting. Most importantly have fun with it otherwise there's really no point.

I don't know everything, but If you ever need anything just ask  ;)

Thanks for the post Sparkz, I hadn't realised you were relatively new to collecting and on a budget too haha.
I do remember reading a fair few of your posts on other threads.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you do a pretty big trade with Jackson? (I could be wrong, my memory is far from perfect)

As for point number 2... yeah I'm beginning to realise that with some of the kickstarter projects, after reading the forums here I've noticed there have been a few straight out scam KS projects while there are others that have had horrible post KS fulfillment.
The main example I can think of is I missed the Quicksilver KS campaign... but apparantly managed to buy one on the aftermarket before people have received their KS pledge fulfillment (which I think is very, very wrong).

Yeah I don;t have 2 of everything - that's just my ideal haha :P.
The other problem for me from a collecting point of view is international shipping to purchase just one or a small number of decks inflates the price per deck pretty significantly. It tends to be better to buy a major haul then the shipping cost/deck drops to more reasonable levels (*I hate that shipping to Australia is so dear on account of us being on the other side of the world from... well.... you know... EVErYTHING XD"

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Arcane
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:03:36 AM »

As Jake (Xntrix) mentioned below, if you have problems getting the deck deal after joining, contact him.  His email address is in his signature at the bottom of all of his posts.  He works for E and can get you squared away.

On one hand Don, thanks for pointing that out to me :D. I missed that Jake works for Ellusionist.

On the other hand... dammit now I have more things to try and stretch my limited funds over XD *prepares to crunch budgeting numbers*

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Blue LTD by Ellusionist
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:58:38 AM »
Thanks for the review, glad I watched this review.

Wanna hear a funny "stupid, newbie card collector" story?

I bought an opened blue ltd off ebay in a lot a while ago.
When I used the deck a bit (it was shuffled *apparantly once*) I realised, "Hey there are two Queen of hearts in this deck, what the...? :S"
When I examined he two queens carefully I realised one had a red back... and I thought, "oh boy, the guy who sold this to me must have had a red deck, dropped a card and accidently packed a red backed LTD queen into his blue tuck box XD and now I feel bad for him because he has a red LTD short a Queen of Hearts"

Thanks to your review... I now know that I am an idiot :D and the guy who sold me the blue LTD deck IS NOT short a red LTD queen of hearts haha (Not that it really matters, apparantly the guy had quit collecting"

And that's my nooby card collector story for the day XD


Mine thought was worse. Pedo-bear

AHAHA, true I hadn't thought of that!
Although I don't know if Pedo-bear is worse than thinking it had to do with Furries... perhaps we shouldn't go down that line of conversation XD


Emperor was fairly open early on with the private funding part. If no mention was made until halfway through, then it would be different.

I remember they took quite the grilling/aggressive comments at the start (I was a pretty early backer on that project... kicking myself that I only got 1 blue though -.- when I had the opportunity to get any number XD).
A little while after the grilling they revealed the funding etc

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:34:34 AM »
Hey jonathon, have you got in contact with Jackson through the forum? I'm sure he'll be willing to negotiate to some extent.

Hey Nurul,
Thanks for the suggestion. I thought about it (I know Jackson has a "I'm a starting card collector and will trade fed 52 for other decks" threads and I've seen some awesome trades going down there).
Problem for me is three fold:
1: I'm a relatively new collector and don't have many rare/cool decks to trade to Jackson and from what I've read of his trades, the few rare-ish decks I do have Jackson has already traded for :(
2: I'm a new member on these forums, so I can't post on that board yet XD.
3: I'm from Australia, international shipping is stupidly expensive so it probably wouldn't even be worth Jackson's time to trade a small number of decks when he can trade large Quantities with Americans in America.

All I can do now is back the Sherlock Campaign like I wish I had backed the fed 52 parts 1 and 2. (When the part 2 was running I was still really new to collecting cards ... so I got one of each deck ... I hadn't quite figured out the buy 2, 1 to keep 1 to open thing -.- hahaha, also, not loaded enough at the moment to just throw lots of money around everywhere XD, then again, who is? haha).

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Executive Deck - Ellusionist
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:04:38 AM »
Funny review.
I like the custom pips on this deck. I don't mind the courts, they're different.
"much anticipated side design" XD lol
You said these are middle of the road in terms of handling - off the top of your head, which decks out there are top of the line for handling?

Some of my favorites for handling are the original (not reprinted) smoke & mirrors cards (i played around with the last three versions...  blue, red, green) and the magic con 2012 cards.  For an especially substantial card stock I like the Green Artifice v2 (with white borders)...  at least at the time I bought the green artifice v2 they had a great stock, and I find it is easier to get nice fans and le paul spreads out of them.  I was also pretty happy with the way the Ultimate deck handles by Dan and Dave....  only problem is the price on that one.

Thanks for the answer!
I JUST ordered an Ultimate deck from D&D (along with the october fulton's) and now thanks to you I'm looking forward to it EVEN MORE. :D.
Funny, I remember hearing somewhere that the magic con V1 cards handled poorly... come to think of it is the magic con 2012 the v2 version with the star on the tuck?
Yeah I have some artifice V2 decks and I noticed the stock was much thicker and "cardboardier (?if that's even a word)" than the artifice purple I have.
I can't do a LePaul Spread, it's a cool flourish that I wish I knew - any tips for where to learn it/who teaches it best/well?

I'm no expert, but from my memory, the monarch deck handles amazingly. There are other decks I've handled that were amazing too but the Monarch is the one I remember at the moment.

Wow that answer :| ... *bow down to the omnipotence*

This add-on is amazing, and so well priced I would be a fool not to. Hence why I added it on as soon as I could set the funds aside.  :D

I'm with you ronyo!
Love the add-on. Added it on too XD.
I'm so loving the look of this deck, even more than the last one of his that's yet to arrive.
The level of detail displayed in some of the updates just seems unreal... that said I'm definitely a novice card collector/appraiser/connoisseur so I wouldn't know what the limits of detail the USPC can print are

What is this "bear brick series" you speak of?

Lol... oh god, when I first saw this deck I thought it had something to do with furries XD...
I gotta get my head out of the gutter -.-.
I swear it's not always in the gutter, I swear!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Arcane
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:51:58 AM »
I'm not a black club member.
I emailed ellusionist support and they were really good at getting back to me, very prompt.
I tried what they suggested - no joy on the code putting a red arcane deck in my cart.
Putting the black club membership in my cart did activate the 5% discount, but not the red arcane offer :(.
So looks like non members can't join and take advantage of the offer.

Although, if anyone does join and the code works AFTER you've bought the membership... please tell me/post here? Pretty please :D?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:46:17 AM »
Hey Ronyo,

Thanks for the message!
Gratuitous markup indeed.
Saw the new king's wild site and the prices there - very cut that the fed 52 part 1 decks weren't available on the fed 52 part 2 backerkit :(.
Don't have the budget to justify paying $200 for one of each or $400 for 2 of each when for the same money I could add a significant number of beautiful decks to my collection XD.
Sadly even with the high prices I'm still strongly considering it XD.
Funny enough the shipping on the new kings wild site seems very fair compared to some other sites (but maybe its just because the shipping looks small compared to the price of the decks XD).
I still use online videos - haven't gotten to the point where I've learnt enough cardistry to go looking for more than what's online haha.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dale Mathis “3D and Mechanical” Deck (KS)
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:58:02 AM »
What ever it is.  I think Dale's deck is the new deck in a bottle...

Not with all that hardware on it, it's not...

Could just get a really big bottle? Haha

I'm in for a deck at the moment but really considering getting the fancy frame - it looks amazing the international shipping will kill me though XD.

Btw, I'm Jon, new to posting on the forum but I have been around for a few weeks reading many posts as "Guest" - Don I've been over to the introduce yourself part of the forum and posted a topic there :D.

Welcome to the board!

Yeah, even a huge bottle isn't likely, unless you're looking at one so large you could just slip the whole deck into it, easy peasy.  Paper possesses certain qualities that metal simply doesn't have...

I was half joking but I guess if they were really going to try it they'd have to fabricate the bottle around the massive metal frame?
I actually don't know how they make the AIP bottles but I always assumed the bottle was assembled around the deck inside

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: A gift from D&D
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:17:51 AM »
Do they do a mystery deck run every year?
I'm new to the card collecting scene so I wouldn't know haha.
But damn, more cool stuff these holidays to completely drain my bank account and then some XD.
I don't know what to get and what to leave :|

Deck Reviews! / Re: [VID] Executive Deck - Ellusionist
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:14:56 AM »
Funny review.
I like the custom pips on this deck. I don't mind the courts, they're different.
"much anticipated side design" XD lol
You said these are middle of the road in terms of handling - off the top of your head, which decks out there are top of the line for handling?

That list could use a few addenda.

For example, when someone comes to Kickstarter announcing they're designing a deck to be made by USPC but have a ridiculously low goal, say $1,000 or even $5,000, you need to know whether they're supplementing the project with their own funds.  If not, then it's clear the "designer" has no clue about the real-world costs involved and hasn't done enough research - they're likely inexperienced designers at best, utterly clueless at worst.

Can anyone else think of rules of thumb that should be a part of this guide?

I still remember the blue emperors went something like that - and now look how in demand they are (at least for the time being)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:08:48 AM »
Hey Sparkz,

Oh god do I know kickstarter is a dangerous place.
My wallet/bank account feels the pain haha

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Exquisite Playing Cards from Handlordz
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:52:53 AM »
It looks like a beautiful deck.
I didn't know the idea behind the MMD series of decks until I went to the extremehandz website to look at the exquisite deck. Now that's I've read about the MMD decks... I'm thinking of adding them to my collection hahaha before that I didn't think they looked special from what I'd seen.

My problem isn't with the deck itself - my problem at the moment is with ALL the AMAZING projects coming out and the holiday sales coming up... I only have limited funds and don't know where to direct them all XD.
I have a feeling this deck will unfortunately land in the " it looks great, but there are nicer/rarer/more time limited things to get out there *I'm looking at you Jackson Robinson and Uusi projects*

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jackson to do Sherlock Holmes
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:41:53 AM »
Well it's midnight but no limited edition decks?

Edit: Nevermind. God, I really fucking hate Daylight Savings.

Daylight Saving Time is still in effect for another 13 minutes on the East Coast...  It ends at 2AM, sending clocks back to 1AM Standard Time.

Yeah Daylight savings screwed me up too XD.
I didn't know you guys had Daylight Savings in the US.
I had calculated the release time to be 4 AM where I was so i was staying up late haha.
Then at 3 AM got an update on the fed52 part 2 project with the live link - I nearly shat myself scrambling over to the page XD.
Oh This Jackson Robinson project is the biggest playing card pledge I've made on kickstarter... except maybe for Dale Mathis' 3D Mechanical deck if I get that frame :| ...
Between Dale Mathis and Jackson Robinson they're going to get my first born and second born children XD.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Dale Mathis “3D and Mechanical” Deck (KS)
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:37:59 AM »
What ever it is.  I think Dale's deck is the new deck in a bottle...

Not with all that hardware on it, it's not...

Could just get a really big bottle? Haha

I'm in for a deck at the moment but really considering getting the fancy frame - it looks amazing the international shipping will kill me though XD.

Btw, I'm Jon, new to posting on the forum but I have been around for a few weeks reading many posts as "Guest" - Don I've been over to the introduce yourself part of the forum and posted a topic there :D.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey guys!
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:33:44 AM »
Hey Nurul,
Thanks for the message; yeah I'm actually pretty familiar with these forums. I've been reading many of the posts here for the last couple weeks and didn't realise I hadn't even registered hahaha.
Hmmmm some of my favourite magic tricks. I tend to like magic that can be done impromptu with no trick/gaff deck/cards. Like I said I'm originally a teas hold'em player so i like the kind of trick that you can do for friends, then sit down and play a game of poker with afterwards.
Specific tricks that I like: 2 card monte, the this'n'that trick
But I still have a lot of practice to do to get my magic smooth. *think still has to practice the double lift because it's too slow and obvious kind of level hahaha

That said, since becoming more involved in cards I have bought some gaffed/gimick decks. I LOVE the invisible deck - dead easy to use and just makes my friends go, "Wtf, how did you do that?"
I'll get around to posting my collection in a bit - I haven't actually ever taken a photo of all of it at once - usually I take photos of individual decks

Introduce Yourself / Hey guys!
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:18:34 AM »
Hey everyone!
My name's Jonathan and I'm from Australia.
I've recently become a card collector, beginner magician and beginner cardist.
I originally got into cards because I liked to play texas holdem poker; then I youtubed some card magic from the like of David Blaine etc.
My inner card collector was really kicked into existence with when I joined kickstarter midway through this year and found all the awesome card projects listed there. Sadly I joined too late for some of the amazing projects *COUGHFED52PART1COUGH*
I'm mostly a card collector that tries to play with some of the decks I have duplicates of.

Cheers guys,

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