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Messages - Lukeout

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Design & Development / Re: Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 13, 2013, 03:32:05 PM »
Good advice (and I am totally in-line with NOT making it a flea market). I'm going to add 25 signed/numbered sheets for each of the two decks. Strictly limited. I also decided to make both decks limited editions rather than have 1 limited and 1 unlimited. I'll probably pass on the poker chips, but I might add a hand silk-screened T-shirt (which I assume will sell better to gamers than card collectors). Not sure if I'll do the K of Hearts or the Ace of Spades that we've been tweaking lately.

Design & Development / Re: Revolution Deck
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:34:44 PM »
Not a huge fan of the back direction. But as a guy who grew up on land George Washington used to own, and whose brother was the head gardener at Mount Vernon for a decade+, I am totally digging the faces! You may want to look at the chair design at Independence hall during the constitutional convention that George sat in - it has an almost crown-like back that could look good behind him (the top of the chair is below).

My suggestion for the backs would be something along the crossed muskets (one direction, but cool), or if you do flags, I'd go with naval pennants shape (also one direction, but cooler than the band of the same name). You could do a top down look at two lines of muskets (the people holding them off screen to the right and left) and fill the center with smoke (from the muskets). Just brain barfing, not sure if any of those would work, but the flags feel forced to me.

Can't wait to see what this is like when it's done!

I love your Ace of Hearts man. That is back-of-leather-jacket-cool... (or front-of-baby-doll-T-cool). Looks like you're off to a great start. Good luck!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 13, 2013, 08:56:21 AM »
I'm curious what other folks think about 4-color decks. I have friends who love them, and others who can't stand them (a lot of solitaire games use the red/black divide). I could go either way, but for a mash-up of "classic playing card motifs" and "something else" it seems like 2-color makes more sense.

going to need to mull this one over...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 12, 2013, 04:49:56 PM »
Jordan did some tweaking of the crowns today. He's also working on a more "ornate" Ace of Spades. Here's the updated Crowns...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:46:53 AM »
In a traditional deck, the court cards have different "headgear"/crowns.  It makes them easier to distinguish from each other.  Yours are nearly the same, particularly the jacks and kings.  Jacks have flat crowns, queens have "swoopy" crowns like you gave them, and kings have crowns with more points than the queens.

I like what you did with the edge - is that intended to be some kind of cribbage marker or something?  It's an interesting idea.  You can use it as a counter with a Meeple as a marker.

Good point (ha!) on the crowns. Maybe we'll see if we can do some tweaking on those, particularly the Jacks and Points for the kings. We probably wouldn't go with different crows for different suits due to the subject matter. When Meeples appear in games, they often come in identical shapes, but different colors for each player (so you would have all the Red Meeples, and I would have a matching set of Green ones for example).

The Marker around the outside of the card back is called a "victory point tracker" This motif appears on tons of board games. Similar to cribbage, it marks a players progress, when the game ends, the player who's marker is furthest along when the game ends wins. Here's some examples on game boards.

I really appreciate the feedback, super helpful.

I like the architectural take on the deck boxes, with the corner of the boxes representing the corner of a building. Nice touch!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:38:56 PM »
Sprouts, your "Power to the Meeple" image got me laughing immediately. Well done!

I'll get the pips out shortly (Jordan has left for the day). They are all meeple shaped with the suits cut out of them.

Good feedback on the back. We wanted to keep it dense so white spots/dust wouldn't show up when printing - plus most card backs are dense. But I can see where the denseness here is different as it's not delicate line-work, but blocky... blocks..

Playing Card Plethora / Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:27:17 PM »
Hey Everyone, I wanted to share new playing cards decks here that I worked on with my friend Jordan Martin. It’s not an art-centered deck - it’s more about the collision of two of our passions.

To be honest, we didn’t make this deck to appeal to playing card collectors even though we both love what is being done in the medium. Instead, we made this deck primarily to appeal to people who share our passion for board games and who also like playing cards. We expect these cards to be used for traditional games by the purchaser, as opposed to static collecting or magic.

For the design, we chose the iconic shape of the “meeple.” If you don’t know what the meeple is, it’s basically a wooden game piece that is used in lots of board games sometimes with slight variations. It’s sort of the European version of a “pawn.”

Because the meeple is so simple in form, we wanted to keep the imagery in the deck iconographic and clean. Since I expect this deck to be used to play games (by most purchasers), it needs to be uncluttered and easy to read at a glance. It has to fan well, stack well in solitaire games, and be easy to recognize across the table for games like Hold ‘Em poker. It also needs to be very meeple-ee while capturing the traditions of playing cards. After tons of tinkering, this is what we ended up with, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

We are planning on launching the deck early in January on Kickstarter.


Playing Card Plethora / Uncut Sheet Purchase?
« on: December 11, 2013, 12:03:36 PM »
I'm curious how many folks here also buy uncut sheets of cards. As a creator, I'm trying to figure out if I should offer them, and honestly I'm just curious! (I don't own any, but I own a lot of gaming art).

Design & Development / Re: Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:52:37 AM »
Our plan is definitely to use USPC - they seem like the gold star standard and they have made it pretty easy for Kickstarter folks to work with them.

Sounds like I should at least add the uncut sheets as an option. It can't hurt too much as I think I'd only have move 7 or 8 to break even after KS fees and shipping. It'll be more like a customer service option than a revenue generator. I should be posting more info about the deck this week, maybe I'll just ask folks here if they would rather have a print or an uncut sheet (we have one piece of art that is silly fun that I think people would like to have on a T-shirt, but I don't want to be in the T-shirt business).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: How do you guys value open/used decks?
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:36:27 AM »
As I use all my decks, a good used one would be fine with me. If it's cheaper, then all the better!

What I'd really like to do is trade used decks for other used decks if possible.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Newbie
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:08:13 PM »
Ping me if you're anywhere near Lebanon, PA! I'd love to catch up with some other local designers.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Chinese Opera
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:04:33 PM »
I like this deck, and would love someone to put together a deck along these lines with custom royals.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but there is someone who has done exactly that.

In my opinion, they're spectacular.

The deliveries have begun for the blue backs and the reds are likely just around the corner; I'm sure you'll be able to find some in the secondary market.

Thanks for the heads up, nice deck!

Design & Development / Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:05:51 AM »
I'm preparing my first deck for Kickstarter in January. I'll be posting more here about it shortly (I just found this forum yesterday!). I've been looking at all the KS campaigns, and all the non-deck offerings that seem to go along with playing card decks. I've done 5 Kickstarters to date, 4 games with friends, and a kids book with my wife, and I prefer to just focus on the key product - the decks.

My deck isn't painterly (more like a clever mix of two iconic genres). I couldn't imagine anyone wanting a print or an uncut sheet, but then again, I've never made a playing card deck before. I'm just trying to get a handle on if I should offer a bunch of other things or just focus on decks. I figure by focusing, delivery and production will be more straight forward, but I don't want my campaign to look too sparse.

Any of you past publishers or backers have any insight into the value of all the extra-type offerings? Worth doing?

Thanks everyone,

Design & Development / Re: Clipped Wings
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:53:04 AM »
I'm new to this forum, so this is the first I've seen of these. Damn, these are cool. I can see the challenge you had with all B+W clubs and spades, and not going just Red+White for Diamonds and Hearts (I think you had to go with black too, good call). I think you struck a great middle ground with the accent red in the images - that cardinal piece just crushes me - too cool. Reminds me a lot of Charles Harper ( - one my all time favorite artists. Can't wait!


Design & Development / Re: Back Design Concept
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:43:15 AM »
Cool look - I particularly like the overall "softness" of the design. My only two worries would be printing (sometimes things look way better on computer screen then they do on paper), and the second would be that you have a fair bit of flat black, which will show the occasional spec of dust (this is the reason most decks have very intricate backs - so the random dust particle isn't as obvious).

But even with both those concerns, I really like this approach as it straddles "classic" and "different" really well. Good job!

It often IS good design. However, it's not always good playing card design.

I agree here. If you're going to go with a deck that it sparse (as opposed to detailed illustrations), the theme should come through AND it should be playable. I enjoy thematic decks and illustrated ones, but my thematic decks are all very usable.

I am not a fan of the title either. When I saw the title of the deck, I was expecting to see a clever deck designed for color blind people, but the deck was Soviet WWII propaganda based. I think the deck needs a name that more clearly describes it's design aesthetic.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Chinese Opera
« on: December 09, 2013, 01:00:57 PM »
I like this deck, and would love someone to put together a deck along these lines with custom royals.

Design & Development / Re: Fair cost/designer pricing
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:29:58 PM »
If possible, try to get an artist who will work on a royalty - Ideally one who already digs the subject matter. I don't say this to be cheap, I say this because you want the designer to be really engaged in the product. The designer should do well if the deck does well. Then you can count on the designer not only to do the best job he can (or has time for), but also, he can help you market your deck by bringing in his personal social network as well.

If you can't find a designer like that, then hit Odesk and browse through some portfolios.


Design & Development / Re: My updated deck of Bicycle Playing Cards
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:13:04 PM »
I second the comment about consistency of fonts. This deck seems like it would be a great conversation starter, as it throws away so many conventions.

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle Wild West Deck - Eagle Playing Cards
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:10:22 PM »
I like what you did with the 4 there from a design perspective. It might effect playability, but I'm not sure how many deck collectors care about that (I play with all my cards, so it's a pretty big deal for me). As a side benefit, it could be used for some REALLY fun magic tricks...


Introduce Yourself / Re: How did you find PlayingCardForum?
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:04:07 PM »
It was in an update to a Kickstarter campaign.

Introduce Yourself / New Designer Hello!
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:02:33 PM »
I have been loving all the action on Kickstarter and other places with playing cards (that Pagan deck on right now is particularly great IMO). They motivated a friend and I to design a deck which we will be putting up on KS in early January. I've got a lot of experience with games on KS (4-for-4 funded and delivered on time or early), and I even published a kids book with my wife this year on KS, but this will be the first deck of cards I've worked on.

I found this forum today, and I am really blown away. I've read through probably 500 posts today (seemed that way at least), and all of them seem very helpful, polite and considerate even when opinions varied. This is the kind of community that the internet was made for. Very happy to be here to learn and hopefully contribute.


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