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Messages - zaganh

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im very lucky to have a deck of  jerrys nuggets on the way =D the blue ones if you have an open deck of red ones id love to make you an offer ^^

shame to see it didn't succeed they asked me for advice too heres what i suggested at the first desighn

a lot of people buy decks only from uspcc also some people only buy decks that have the bicycle logo on

also with no borders they wouldnt be good for magic you would need them on both sides as the decks dark

if your sticking with the no borders art type of deck for flourisihng you should put a better back just for flourishing like an aurora or somthing or the galaxy

and the stock and finish to have on a deck at the moment is either bee casino or aristocrat stock and magic finish
it looks like a really nice art deck but you would have to change it for magic users or make the back pop more for cardists i might pledge for some next time im paid

and for the second design they put with the borders i suggested

hi the back looks really nice but i would prefer it without the little planets just whats behind looks awesome but that's just my opinion haha also the ones with the rings should face the same way and be the same size also i think the box needs more work the cards look really nice but the box looks cheap many people buy to collect so they want an awesome looking box the fans look really nice also your welcome im glad i can be of help =D

i asked you many times to sell some iaocp decks hope your selling some of them in the sale ^^

ive got 24 decks you want to trade for any ? pm me ^^

i want a fultons casino midnight fuel if anyone has one to trade or sell pm me or e mail me at im in the uk pm me with what decks you want for it and ill let you know what i have off the top of my head i have

vaudvile chinatown style v6 vortex prime and all kinds of other decks ^^

traded all three white clips =D

Have you tried this guy yet?

He's looking for a Porper clip.  Maybe you two can come to an agreement?

Thanks don ill ask him ^^ its such a beautiful clip if I didn't have more than one I wouldn't trade it make offers guys before its gone =D

The 'value' on that thing is only 50ish bucks. Just because you had to spend a lot to get it, doesn't make it worth that. Not many people are wanting that item to drive the cost up that high.

Good luck on the trade though.

i refused a 100 worth in trade already because there wasnt the cards i wanted even if the fact that you had to spend 250 to get one dosent make it worth that much they are limited too with there been only 200 and with the price being high they will be pretty hard to get plus you get a free deck of skulkor if anyone wants to trade there fultons ^^ also the red wax deck is worth 30 because you need to pay for a brick to get one the gold is worth a 100 and so on

ill trade a pearl white skulkor joe porper theres only 200 in the world and you had to spend 250 dollers to get one ill trade it for a dealers dozen of fultons casino with the midnight fuel im in the uk contact

i have 2 decks on the way i would trade you a deck for a ace fultons dealers dozen never mind i htought this was for white monarchs miss read haha ><

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ogma pearl white limeted clip
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:08:42 PM »
Your post office is crazy man. Customs delays, tearing packages open, stealing decks and attaching "sorry" notes to make it all better - yeesh.

Also, your spelling is terrifying. :P

Moving on, those clips are quite sexy. Whenever I see "Ogma" I can't help but thing "Dogma."

I hope the deck has something to do with that, since that's the only thing that Ogma is.

haha i think everyones skulkor clips was delayed because if customs im not sure also the mail man always throws my packages on the floor wich is anoying >< i think skulkor sent dlh yours was with royal mail here ups is best i think i cant spell at all >< hope theres some vortes left in august

skulkor are sending me another clip today =D ill have a second pearl white skulkor porper soon

Playing Card Plethora / Ogma Pearl White Limited Ed. Clip
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:55:04 AM »
skulkor sent me an extra pearl white porper i ordred 2 skulkor ones they only sent one but they sent a limeted one for there upcoming deck ogma its a pearl white one with no logo that isnt out yet looks pretty sweet also they already sent another 2 red wax sealed decks because the porpers was delayed so they gave me 6 red wax decks 4 collectors boxes i almost had 60 decks from them and they sent it exspress with tracking

need some ace fultons guys i have picture below ill have some white monarchs soon too ^^

i want fultons casino but im hsort on money so im offering awesome deals for every trade youll get a free skulkor you can offer me your own trades let me know

1 and a half bricks of style for a brick of fultons casino
1 and a half bricks of vaudvile for 14 fultons casino
14 chinatown a brick of fultons casino
3 red wax skulkor half a brick of fultons casino
1 brick of skulkor in colectors case brick of fultons casino
1 and a half bricks of skulkor without case for 14 fultons casino
iaocp and 1 skulkor 5 fultons casino
1 brick of tendril for 1 brick of fultons casino
pre order 14 vortex for 14 fultons casino

ill also have 2 white monarchs in a few week so if you set a few fultons casinos aside for when i offer them to trade
my collections down low

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 somthing i noticed
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:47:22 AM »
I emailed them regarding this and they said there was something wrong with the jokers so they took them.

thank you for the info thats strange haha they look awesome on the pics of the uncut sheet

That's a crock!  They looked fine on the uncut - just a star in the middle of the face.  They do this with the Magic Cons apparently - the first deck had no jokers, either.

i know right maybe there saving them to send out as free sighned cards when they run out of v3 jokers

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 somthing i noticed
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:24:40 AM »
I emailed them regarding this and they said there was something wrong with the jokers so they took them.

thank you for the info thats strange haha they look awesome on the pics of the uncut sheet

Playing Card Plethora / magic con v2 somthing i noticed
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:14:13 AM »
i just got mine and i noticed that theres no jokers but there are on the uncut sheet if there all printed same as the uncut sheet what happned to all the jokers ? does anyone know why they arnt in the deck

If I'm understanding this correctly, it combines the catching aspects of Pokemon with the maintenance aspects of Tamagotchi.

yeah =D with an even better art style also when you get it to level 5 you odnt need to take care of it it never dies ^^ i really need somone help from south america theres a free one i need ill give a deck or a few dollers for it its called sapo the games free the mobbles free so if your in south america please downloade it and catch the mobble all you do is click catch mobbles and it will apear on the map and you either walk to it or it will come to you slowly and you click on it and it runs by back and forth just tap it a few times it will be knocked out then click the catch button its like a minutes worth of work and ill give you a deck or a few dollers its exsclusive to south america so if people could help me i would apreaseate it

Sorry Don, I'm just really tired. It was my last days of my final exams. I'll be stopping with these posts. And for the game. I don't play it, so I don't have any mobbles I can trade. I've few questions about the game though. Seems fun to me, even if I don't have a smartphone. Do you have to like buy for every mobble? Or is catching them free. The first think about it when I read your post, is that it makes me think a bit of pokemon. Or is it completely different?

theres 70 mobbles out right now and more each week and you can catch about 20 or so you can buy the ones you can catch for 50 mobble dollers wich is half the price of one you have to buy that you cant catch i think theres 30 you have to buy and some or location specific so you have to go to a certain country or place to catch them and any you get you can trade with people so if you make a good trade you could get a rare one for one you caught if they dont have it its a litlte like pokemon but you just catch them and you have them in rooms each has a uniqe room toy and diffrent costumes its really well done you can see some of my mobbles down there i have 20 on one acount and 21 on this one you can see one of the rooms and my kalt sleeping playing and sitting if you have an ipod touch you can play too i use ipad ^^

if anyone trades me any rare mobbles or gifts them to me when the updates out ill give you decks for mobbles if any one here has the game and wants some awesome decks let me know im zaganh2 in the game

First, what the hell are mobbles?

Second, this belong in the Sales/Trades/ISO board, not the Playing Card Plethora.

sorry i put it in the wrong place don i atached a pic of one of my mobbles there like cyber pets you catch them on google maps in the game you have to walk around catching them or you can buy eggs and get a random one it costs like 7 99 i think thats 15 dollers to buy a couple but some are countrie exsclusive or can only be caught at a certain building and even though i bought like 30 i cant find the ones i want each mobble has 2 costumes and a uniqe toy and room anyway the games free and some mobbles people can catch walking about i havent got or you can buy them and ill give you more decks than what you spent if any one wants a good few decks for some mobbles add me on the game zaganh2 its android or ios ^^

seems legit...

it is to buy one mobble i want is more than a deck and people play it aorund the world its a big thing so if anyone happens to have mobbles and collect decks i have alot of decks i would trade to help complete my mobbles collection also there was one you could only catch if you was at e3 in the building i just thought i would ask if nobody has the game its cool i just thought maybe sombody else collects decks and mobbles haha ^^

if anyone trades me any rare mobbles or gifts them to me when the updates out ill give you decks for mobbles if any one here has the game and wants some awesome decks let me know im zaganh2 in the game

First, what the hell are mobbles?

Second, this belong in the Sales/Trades/ISO board, not the Playing Card Plethora.

sorry i put it in the wrong place don i atached a pic of one of my mobbles there like cyber pets you catch them on google maps in the game you have to walk around catching them or you can buy eggs and get a random one it costs like 7 99 i think thats 15 dollers to buy a couple but some are countrie exsclusive or can only be caught at a certain building and even though i bought like 30 i cant find the ones i want each mobble has 2 costumes and a uniqe toy and room anyway the games free and some mobbles people can catch walking about i havent got or you can buy them and ill give you more decks than what you spent if any one wants a good few decks for some mobbles add me on the game zaganh2 its android or ios ^^

if anyone trades me any rare mobbles or gifts them to me when the updates out ill give you decks for mobbles if any one here has the game and wants some awesome decks let me know im zaganh2 in the game

 first person for each only
spend 60 and get a free iaocp
spend 30 get a free red wax skullkor
spend 20 free v6
spend 15 free plaid
spend 10 free style or skulkor

first person to order gets a free style deck or skulkor on top of what they order ^^

i have
 style $7
 plaid $6
 v6 $15
 clip joint $6
china town $10
 a bandit $10
 tendril $10
skulkor $10
 pr1me $10
 and more ask me vortex on the way when alex sends it too haha

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck from Bedeceived
« on: June 03, 2012, 11:34:31 AM »
i love the pattern on the box i think it should of been on the back and i hate the look of the court cards i got 2 bricks of style but i dont think ill bother with these

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