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Messages - wongster88

Pages: [1]
I was looking through some decks that I have accumulated and I noticed that the bar codes on my new studs are different. I have attached a photo and I am hoping that one of you could let me know the significance behind this difference; that is, if there is any.



Playing Card Plethora / 150 decks of Absolut Vodka Playing cards
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:30:14 PM »
Yesterday I decided to do my occasional search on ebay for the decks that I find interesting. Lo and behold, I found this listing:

This is probably one of the best deals that I have seen for any type deck in a while. A grand total of $515 for 150 decks of Absolut Vodka playing cards, you cant get better than that; that's about $3.44 a deck.

Unfortunately, I did not have the money to snag this awesome deal but someone did. So my question is: Who bought it?
If any of you fellows out there bought this, hook a brother up  ;)

This was certainly one of the times that I wished I was rich.


A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Where to get vintage decks
« on: April 11, 2012, 07:16:34 PM »
A good way is to browse through forums and check if there are any sales going on through the forums. Often people want to make some quick cash or dwindle down their collection, so they often sell their cards at pretty good prices. Just gotta keep your eyes open and hope to be lucky. Good luck man. What decks you looking for?

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