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Messages - Alien Ink

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / The ELEMENETS deck (is almost gone)
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:34:18 PM »
Alien Ink takes the themes of our decks as far as they can possibly go, and the ELEMENTS deck is no different!! We've fused the standard pips, each with their own element to make some really awesome, totally and completely custom pips. It's what we do :-) They're almost gone tho so get over there and pledge!!

There are 3 days left to come and be a part of the project and we welcome you there!! Thanks so much and stay awesome!

-Alien Ink

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Wine Deck - Alien INk (KS)
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:53:29 PM »
Hey Everyone!!
I wanted to stop by and say hello and say a few things.

First off, every deck, that has ever been pledged to Alien Ink projects has been delivered. I hit speedbumps on my first project, due to the printer I had used for the first deck, but all my other decks went very smoothly, and I think there is more merit in fighting through speedbumps and delivering than never experiencing them at all.

The Infinity deck, was delivered with a holographic tuckbox and to great kudos by backers. Please feel free to check the comments section of the project. If you didn't back it, you may never see it (vjose32 may do an unboxing but I haven't seen it up yet) but comments flooded in that people were happy to have spent $20 sight unseen for the deck.

The current project, the Wine Deck, is by Chiara Ferrari; the artist for the Flowers deck and I'm happy to hear that you like the direction we've taken this deck.

Now, I'd like to leave you with and idea that I can't get out of my head. I don't want to fill this thread with it, so I'll leave a link to my latest update for the Wine project.

Many of you have backed projects that have never, and will never deliver. I have proven that no matter what it takes I will get my backers their decks. I'd like to make it up to those of you that have been hurt by undelivered card projects; that info is in the update, and I'd love to hear your feedback.

Thanks so much guys, and I appreciate your support.

 -Alien Ink

Playing Card Plethora / Re: (KS Deck) Galaxy Cards 2nd edition
« on: July 07, 2013, 02:40:03 AM »

Glad to hear that u like the cardback for GC:2E. I am very excited to hear what everyone thinks of the plastic decks when they go out very soon. I have been learning cardistry and magic since the moment my life was consumed by playing cards, and I love to use this plastic deck. I have yet to own another plastic deck like this, and if you are looking for one, (and especially if you like the design!) you will be very happy!! I'd consider it's quality exceptional, and will enjoy hearing from cardists that I'm sure are much better than I!! 

Also, you can use them at parties and not be afraid of people that don't love cards the same way we do, grabbing them off the table with their nails, bending them when they hold them etc, and making u cringe :-) I like using custom decks at parties but I'm always nervous. These will last a good long while, so look forward to them!! Thanks for being a part of the project!!   

-Alien Ink

Playing Card Plethora / Re: (KS Deck) Galaxy Cards 2nd edition
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:13:20 PM »
Mr. Mollusk,

I posted some images of the Pip cards on the project page. They seem to be too big to put here, but you can find them on the project page now!! Lemme know if you have any other questions!

Cardsitry 'Giant Fan'. love it!  8)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: (KS Deck) Galaxy Cards 2nd edition
« on: June 25, 2013, 06:45:22 AM »
Wow, thanks so much! Happy to hear that!

I will be sure to take some pics of the number cards as soon as I can. Probably tonight. Right now, I'm off to class. I will be working on the video showcase for the plastic deck and taking some pictures of the numbered cards for you tonight.

Glad to hear you like the deck, and hope to see you there!! <-----Here is a quick showcase of the plastic decks characteristics. I am an amateur cardist, learning every day, so I hope it's enough to show you how awesome it is and how great it handles. I'm excited to offer it, and so happy that so many people are pledging for, and adding it on. It's been a great success, and I know that people will be very happy when they get them. It's the best plastic deck I own.

I'll have some number card pics up for you soon, I just wanted to post this real quick. Thanks so much!

-Alien Ink

Playing Card Plethora / Re: (KS Deck) Galaxy Cards 2nd edition
« on: June 24, 2013, 02:24:17 AM »
Hey Aether!!!
Wassup Deck Review, Don, and Mr Mollusk!! Missed u guys!

Just wanted to pop in and clear up a few things!!

First, it's not UV ink. It has been OPTIMIZED to show in a very cool way under UV light. When people see it in person, they've said that it really looks like a planet hanging in space in the UV light, so I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I've got a UV pen that I've been working with and it's a lot of fun.

Secondly, the plastic deck, is insane. I thought I had picked up the wrong deck when I started handling it, because I have owned plastic decks before, and they have never felt, or behaved like this. They fan, they faro, they feel amazing and just BEG to be shuffled and played with. They are soft, and comfy, and I just love them. The print on them is also the best fidelity I've seen on a custom plastic deck, and I'm very happy that so many people have pledged for them. It's a really cool way to get out plastic decks to those that want it, without having to dedicate an entire project to plastic. I promise I'll have a video up soon on the project, showing the plastic deck in action, and you can see for yourself how cool it is!!

I'm glad to be back, glad to have all the GC1 decks either sailing along in the mail already or in people's hands, and launching with the super moon was fun. It feels like a new birth for the company, and moving forward, I promise that the well of awesome stuff coming from Alien Ink is far from over. Thanks for your support guys, and I'm around if you want to chat!!

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