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Messages - Lightang3l

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Jaded Moon Deck
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:53:24 AM »
Any way we could see those "redone" cards?

 Not yet... sorry.
I wasn't a big fan of the first batch of pictures. I can see the potential in the deck, but it still needs a lot of work. I'd love to see some of the newer versions of the cards. Remember there's no rush! The more time and effort you put in the better the outcome will be  :)

 Sadly I have other projects going on right now... I have redesigned all 4 aces, all face cards, and aligned everything that was misaligned, but there is only so much I can do right now... but if I get a green light for producing them be sure they will get top priority.
They look pretty crazy! Not like any other Bicycle deck I've seen. NICE!  :D
very nice design

Glad you like them!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Jaded Moon Deck
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:08:27 AM »
Guys, you gotta be kidding... Right...?
Most of this looks like it was but together by some kid who just discovered photoshop. Most of the "art" is actually brushes that were very likely made by someone else, and then there's some basic effects added in layer style. The pips and courts are extremely pixelated and show an obvious lack of experience and/or actual work on them, and... Hey, the image on the back was cut in the top/bottom and left that way.
That's some basic amateur work, really. :-\

 Moon, I'm not a kid, and i did not use Photoshop. There are no brushes used in the design. Of course they are pixelated... they are 3 times the size of actual playing cards...if not more... All the court cards have been redone (read my above post) and are no longer pixelated and  are much cleaner. The backs are no longer cut off and will most likely look totally different from what you see.
 Keep in mind that they where made just for fun and they where just a concept. Still... they where well received at Ellusionist.
Thanks for the feedback!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Jaded Moon Deck
« on: January 13, 2012, 04:13:28 AM »
Hello everyone, I'm Lightang3l from DeviantArt.

I just stumbled upon this forum by accident. I read through the posts and I want to answer a few questions about the decks.

1. The tuck box nobody seems to like... I did not make that! Someone else from DA made the box when he contacted me to produce the decks and wanted to show me how the box will look.

2. The "Jocker". That was a mistake on my part... It got pointed out really fast but since the image was already uploaded I did not bother to change it...

3. The cards are remade right now. All the face cards have been changed and are now a lot cleaner and have defined edges produced from a vectorized template.

4. The ace of hearts has been remade (keeping it original design) with a chained heart core, which I kind of like, if i do say so myself.

5. Probably what most people are asking.... YES. They will be produced. I'm speaking with someone about that at the moment. If all goes well he will make these happen and there will be a website where these can be obtained.

Expect the revamped Jaded Moon deck to be the first to come out. Fingers crossed! :D

Sorry for the late replay... just found the site... Feel free to ask any questions you might have...

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