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Messages - Mago

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I was lucky enough to snag the $50 tier through some small miracle, and am incredibly grateful!

edited for spelling

Check out Lee Asher twitter, there is a guy who tweet it a picture with the $50 tier but he said he released it. I was able to buy one at the 3 tier price i would like to think i kinda luck out to considering the prices of JN in today's market. My theory regarding how the low tiers where gone in a blink of an eye, it must of been like a lottery , Because i assume a lot ppl click the link as soon as it change. Very Happy to finally owned one. I gotta take my hat off to Mr Lee Asher not once did i see the website lag or crash  the transaction went really smooth.

Well im no card expert on evaluating the price on a deck but i have been collecting cards for about 2 years,  does a run amount count effect the price  yes it does. but   only to a extent. And let me explain why, in the past few month a lot of decks have been funded tru kickstarter and some of them had print runs of 2500 to 5000, now does there print run make them value on such a level as the red artifice or gold acarne"no it doesnt" why because a deck yes indeed is evaluated  on a print run but what gives a deck more value is the company that is producing it.I personally can create a deck  (5000 print run) and out of all does make 200 or less different by adding a gold ink or a rare sealed but that is not going to create a value for it, Because im not A big company with a lot fame and followers. Now as for the gold crown if you really want this deck but you think 17 was  a lot for the deck well i hate to break it to u but imagine if the company was selling it for this price the second market is most def going to be more. And to finish it off let say the print run is 5000 that is still considered limited edition for a big company such as E , theory 11 and ect

3x White Monarch for $40 each
1x White Monarch Uncut sheet for $75 (cheapest price around for both)

I live in the U.S,I Would preferred to ship with in the u.s but im also willing to ship internationally. Package ship with in the U.S.A will be shipped with tracking number and insurance.

Shipping price:
 1 decks is $4 (u.s.a only, package will include insurance and tracking)
  2-3 decks is 7(u.s.a only, package will include insurance and tracking)
 Uncut sheet $10.00
For international please contact me first for a quote

Type of payments:

Bonus: IF you buy 2 or more White Monarchs or the Un cut sheet i will trow a 1 free red jaqk cellars on the house.

If you have any question's please contact me here or at

Who said Black Friday meant Bad Luck?

Orders over $100.13 receive a Free 1st Edition Black Ghost Deck AND a Free LTD Deck. That's right, it's Christmas in July! Promotion starts Midnight PST Tonight and runs until Midnight Monday. Only at

Decided to put up 2 more.  Im sure a lot of you got your white monarch congratz they are beautiful . But for does who didnt here is you chance bids starting at $35. 3 Day Auction and another one for buy now at $59 Ships World Wide Insurance will be included.

1 sold, only on left the one for auction.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: White Monarch Uncut Sheets
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:58:43 PM »
And the uncut sheets are SOLD OUT, In about 1 hr and 30 min.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 White Monarch
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:52:25 PM »
sometimes i think company lie on there print run. cause Ellusionist still have  the gold arcane available after all the promotions they have done. Same goes for the red artifice. As for the value i didnt think it will drop a lot cause the ltd decks and red artifice are still around the same price and Ellusionist has had deals like this go for days. But it might im also glad i sold a few on the price i sold them at.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 White Monarch
« on: June 19, 2012, 06:16:59 PM »
see i knew they would do it as a price tier. Where there you go ppl spend 50 and get a free white monarch and 100 and get a uncut sheet and a free white monarch!!!!!!!!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 White Monarch
« on: June 19, 2012, 05:37:20 AM »
i think they are going to released them at one point but they wont put a time. that way the servers didnt crash.

Now that's insanity.  Excellent way to piss off customers.

"OK, people, we ARE going to sell these decks - but it could be at ANY time.  Please keep refreshing your browser window about every five minutes [the masses will interpret this as "every five seconds"] and, if you're unemployed, never sleep and are lucky, perhaps you, too, will own a deck of these babies!"

It would be the Internet equivalent of a riot on their hands from everyone who IS employed, DOES sleep and appears to have been unlucky, at least as far as getting White Monarchs is concerned.  Not to mention that there will be people who, either by enlisting assistants or writing a clever script, WILL refresh their browser every five seconds!  I'm thinking this would be pretty stressful for their servers...
I think theory11 is at a point where ppl are going to be mad no matter what happens . Unless they spend a lot of money upgrading there servers. Which i didnt think they would, just for one released when on a normal base there website is fine. They should just released them on a price tiers. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 White Monarch
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:59:21 PM »
i think they are going to released them at one point but they wont put a time. that way the servers didnt crash.

Monarch has been sold. Please close this Thread. Im taking a break on selling these bad boys for now. SOLD 5 Conratz to all who won.

Put another one for bids only starting at 19.99. No reserved 3 days only

bump bump bump

srry man only USA for now. And yes the gold arcane has been sold.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory11 White Monarch
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:52:04 PM »
between me and my friend we where able to get a brick. The key was just to keep on trying.The second time i order 3 it kinda went smooth. It took me only 7 minutes at tops.

Ok I put up 2 one for bids  another for buy now on  ebay. Happy bidding. Shipping World Wide

The 59.99 sold. Only up the auction one.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Vortex deck review
« on: April 17, 2012, 06:00:54 AM »
is a duck doing the best 4 card fan ever!!!!!!!!! whats not to love

Deck Reviews! / Re: Vortex deck review
« on: April 16, 2012, 03:30:07 AM »
You are the best, I couldn't stop laughing. I'm still lol.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: magic con v2 confirmed
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:20:34 PM »
lol that's why i keep saying we shouldn't buy from resellers with ridiculous price.  So this wont happened these cards are ugly ppl who didn't get them didn't feel srry. Is just a deck with a star and mix combination of colors. Save your money for the seasons playing cards and the tendril if you didnt get them. The twins are full of s****

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Vaudeville Deck Uncut Sheets
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:55:58 PM »
Sometimes even if you are in time. Because ppl buy ridiculous amounts of bricks they tend to sell out quick. I think if ppl didn't budge to pay the resellers the amount of money they charge we wouldn't have this problem  Look at the v6 scenario ppl bought bricks of does cards and prevented a lot of ppl to get a few. Now in the long run Dan and Dave started supposedly  finding bricks in the warehouse. But what can you do that's the way the world runs, you just to have adjusted. Not much that you can do.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Vaudeville Deck Uncut Sheets
« on: April 04, 2012, 06:41:54 AM »
that's very true on the numbers. Companies  try to hype stuff out so they can get your buck. I have been collecting cards for a bit now. Is sad to see it has turn into a  business where ppl buy large quantities so they can re sale them for twice or even more than that.  I;m sure in the next days these sheets will be selling for some big price. I understand if the demand is high and the quantity is low the price will sky rocket. These cards are nice but at the end it all has to do with the company that is putting out the decks.

I'm also aware  there  is always ppl who rush to buy stuff and then re-sell them for a high price, but it sucks that the card community  has gone that way.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:42:35 AM »
tx zero, Oh god, OK im not buying any of them. Dodge a bullet there.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 28, 2012, 04:10:10 AM »
can someone please pm the pics, i want to buy the deck but i would like to see the pictures first.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mana Deck
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:47:45 PM »
i always didnt like the 1 eye jack method. He raise's the price as soon as  the inventory get's smaller now is 24.99. well Technically he still has 12 last time i check he had 17 by the time he gets to 7 im sure it will be 40 or 30 get them while

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