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Messages - kmdhstew

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I think this was a huge success!

I certainly don't know of all the people involved in making this event happen but thank you to all. Lee, Tom and Judy it was a pleasure to meet you. I was the one with the old Congress ads from the 40's. I will take you up on your offer to see similar items from your collection at some point in the future.

Jay thanks for getting us the gift bags and those who supported the event. Nice little score there...a D&D private reserve deck!

Thanks Lee for the Jerry's card and I also picked up a pair of 1860 cards from Tom and Judy.


Playing Card Plethora / Most Expensive Deck Opened
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:46:15 AM »
Curious, what is the most expensive deck you have opened?

When I first started collecting 3 years ago I always ordered 2 decks and opened one. Although my collection is still small, at 120 decks, the hobby has become too expensive for me to buy 2 decks every time I like a deck. Now I rarely open decks....seems a shame in a way. To date the most expensive deck I've opened would have to be the Sultan Treasury deck. I just had to see the inside of the box (although I paid regular price for it, it has since increase in value to $30 to $40).

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Eastern Canada Ice Storm
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:35:56 AM »
I'm about 10 minutes from Jason. He's been without power for a while. I lost power for about 12 hrs, it came back on about 30 mins ago. Hopefully Jason is getting his soon if not already. We got about 30 mm (1 inch) of ice. Trees down everywhere!! 

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Poker Side Table
« on: February 20, 2013, 12:21:56 PM »
That is awesome...I might have to make a few of those.

Just to be clear. I'm looking for the Lions DB split spades, not the Tally Ho. I'm not even sure what the TH are going for, I didn't research them.

I can only offer a trade based on today's approximate value, not the speculative value 2 years from now.

I originally posted this trade on UC. Now that it's posted over here....anyone else interested? I'm looking for one of each color DB Split Spade Lions (red, blue, black) for 3 2012 magic cons.

As per the rules. My name is Dave Stewart. I live in Oshawa, just outside Toronto Canada.

Hey Kpop...I'm over here too. ;)

I'm also interested in how others reply to this. But here was my logic. The ebay prices are fairly close....a few bucks either way depending on the day of the week. I was lucky enough to get a brick of magic cons and rather than sell them wanted to trade to build my collection. So if someone had DB decks but wanted magic cons then we both win.

It's not about getting exact value for me. But rather building my collection. As for Nathans comment. I don't agree 100%. The split spades have been out longer and are around $25 give or take. Look at the value at the magic cons from a year ago....selling at $60. I think the magic con v2 have more potential....just my opinion.

Either way, I'm interested in what others think too.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:33:14 AM »
Thanks Lara....hahaha no batman in this cave. My teenage daughters mostly. I have a poker game this Friday night, so once I'm setup I'll take a picture to share. It's not as special as it sounds but it serves it's purpose.

The Seasons uncuts have not arrived and even if they did they won't be framed any time soon. I'm not sure yet how I'll frame them. Alex Chin has created some fantastic borders in the past. First I'm in no rush and second I'm hoping Alex will do the same for his own uncuts....and share of course :D 

I also intend to frame the old magazine ads and display them soon. I'll take a few pictures.

Has anyone got invoices yet I really want these  I don't want to miss out on it

Yes, I replied to Russell within hours of his posting and I got an invoice the next day.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: May 06, 2012, 07:56:21 AM »
Thanks for the welcome.

Josh, my favourite deck is the JAQK T11 but I also like Rev. 1 and anxiously await my Seasons. I'm just a collector, no cards tricks/ flourishing etc for me....yet anyway. I'm in awe of those who can.

Don, that's sounds fantastic. I can only imagine their collection. I have the book on my list of things to get (fathers day  is coming up soon  ;) ) . I wasn't aware they were in the Toronto area. And I hear ya...I've already been a little "swept" up!

Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: May 05, 2012, 02:07:40 PM »
Hi all,

My name is Dave Stewart. I've been hanging around for a little while but never introduced myself. I live just outside of Toronto Canada.

I'm 45 (one of the old guys), married and have two girls who are as old as a lot of you...based on the "age" poll.

I started to collect a few decks late last year with the thought of having some different cards to play poker with. My research lead me to Aether and UC. Soon after I discovered I was an acquaintance of CBJ (moved over to UC but still adding content here). With his assistance I'm now hooked on collecting. Thanks Jay....I think!!

In 6 months I've collected close to 45 decks, counting some doubles and a brick (to get a free deck). I'm very interested in collecting vintage decks and other items. I have the Season's uncuts on the way and recently bought some old Bicycle magazine ads. These items will be on display in my man cave poker room along with any other interesting items I can find along the way.



Playing Card Plethora / Re: Actuator Deck Number Sound Off
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:55:59 AM »
I see you have been around for 7 months. Thanks for the advice! And it wasn't a spam...more of a fun comment.

Relax a is short. Besides the way I see it is people only want to see what others have so they can find the ones they want.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Actuator Deck Number Sound Off
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:06:18 AM »
It just may start a trade frenzy. But for the time being, let's stick to what we have and not what we want. Otherwise this thread could get mad cluttered. So again, what deck numbers do you HAVE??

If it wasn't for madness I'd be insane :-\

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Actuator Deck Number Sound Off
« on: April 14, 2012, 08:17:30 PM »
1687 & 0693 with 2 more decks on the way

Could this start a trading frenzy? ::)

Cos, will the decks be available at any resellers? I probably only want one deck and could combine that with other decks with another reseller?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK: Theory11 Rebel deck
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:44:33 AM »
People collect for many reasons. Some to have them all, others vintage only and others because it's a sickness  ???

I'm still a newbie collector. But as a collector I'd rather buy limited editions, rare and/or hard to find decks. I'm not all that interested in collecting a deck everyone can buy. However, I would still buy a deck that I find visually appealing, just to have one.

Having said that, if T11 wants to print 5000 or 50000 decks that should be up to them. My guess is they are printing cards to make a profit, so why limit production when they can sell more. Unless of course they claim it to be "limited".

Playing Card Plethora / Re: How many collectors open decks?
« on: March 10, 2012, 02:08:08 PM »
That's interesting. I think most agree that having a sealed vintage deck is special and I'd never buy a sealed vintage deck and open it. But I'd also like to own vintage opened decks. I wouldn't use them but it would be nice to see and touch them.

So....that brings use back to new decks. If you think a deck will be collectible would it not be acceptable to still open it. Albeit the value may go down, but in 40 or 50 years is it still not going to be a collectible deck and some will be happy to own an open and cheaper deck.

I certainly understand the concept of buying a few extras with the intention of selling or trading them in the future. Those I would certainly keep sealed. But maybe if I'm collecting for just's ok to open them  8)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: How many collectors open decks?
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:20:51 AM »
I fear vintage collecting will start soon and I'm also interested in getting a few uncuts to frame and put up in my poker room. I'm in's too late to turn back!

Playing Card Plethora / How many collectors open decks?
« on: March 10, 2012, 09:32:14 AM »
I'm a new collector...just a few months now. I started out looking for interesting cards for poker games and discovered the world of collecting. Because I started out by collecting only decks of interest I can't resist opening every deck I buy. And now have started buying 2 or more decks of each I get (gets expensive fast).

My question is, how many collectors out there buy decks and never open them? Do you eventually get so many you are able to resist the temptation? Seems the idea of collecting is you get to open and see and touch. But the down side is they lose some collection value.

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