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Messages - alethea

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re:
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:12:36 AM »
Has Amber read this thread?  Don't people get how full of shit this guy is and that it's just this one guy, not a team of people?  I mean, he's a big enough asshole that I wouldn't buy them even if they were GOOD but come on, there's obviously no hope for anything worthwhile here.  If it cold be proven, I would bet he didn't even draw that awful shotgun, let alone the design of the king.  In fact, you can tell what he added because the bits he copy-pasted are symmetrical.  All he has ever done in the past is taken other work, hurriedly and inexpertly modified it and tried to pass it off as his own.  I don't see why he'd stop now.

Hi Kanped! This is Amber. My darling husband didn't want to reply on here for me, so here I am now with my fancy own account!

I am only on page three of the thread you all have going here, but I tend to stay current on the magic/cardist/illusionist drama via Lance and all his chattering around the house.

In replying to Shawn/et all. I was simply trying to lend a voice of reason and logic to the haterade he was receiving. I was incredibly curious how he would reply to logic, given his response to dissent is "Delete post!". Also, while my advice may fall on deaf ears to anyone and everyone doing work at The Con Artist, it may be advice that is taken by another person who happens to read it and decides to pursue some form of art within this community.

I am trying to play nice, despite repeated attacks towards Lance saying things such as "fuck you" and other drivel that Matthew has posted previously. He can claim all he wants that his account keeps getting hacked, but at some point even being hacked isn't an excuse, as you obviously need to improve your security. If you can't be bothered to keep you facebook secure, why the hell would I give you my credit card info or mailing address for product (that looks like garbage no less).

So yes, I am aware. I am being nice. Eventually though, I will go one of two routes: Full out ignore or full out (respectful) attack. Obviously, ignoring him is the best path as it will be less painful than running repeatedly into a brick wall.


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