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Messages - Candace B

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Dark Templar (KS)
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:01:54 PM »
This deck is BEAUTIFUL! They look like they would be a little hard to play with just because the indexes blend in with everything else so well but I'm not sure that I care. I would buy this deck just for the art. This is pretty much $15 for an awesome matching set of mini art prints, and that is a killer good deal. :] And you CAN play with them, so who wouldn't want to play with such a good looking deck? At least a few games at the start to show them off. Then you can pull out a more standard deck later if you want your play to get more serious. :] This deck is awesome. :3

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jackson + USPC =........?
« on: October 16, 2013, 01:58:13 AM »
Awesome news!  ;D Congrats Jackson! What an exciting and amazing new development and you absolutely deserve it! Looking forward to seeing all the new decks you put out. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: IRON KINGS, funded ! 2 days...and that's it :)
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:52:51 PM »
Agreed. Congratulation Whaam on getting your deck funded! :D It's good to see you having this success after so much work. Hope you can get your creepy deck funded soon as well. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: CREEPY deck, New Tuck-box !!!
« on: September 03, 2013, 03:43:02 PM »
OK, NEW tuck-box for Creepy here. I'm a little worried about what you're gonna say about this 1 :D Hope you like..

Wow! I saw the new tuck on kickstarter and got all excited! I came here right away to see what you had to say about it. I REALLY like it! Much more fitting style for the rest of the deck and design-wise it looks very sharp! :] I especially love what you did with the back part of the image (the white light looking stuff). That and the characters' posture and dramatic angle really draw my eyes up to the name of the deck. The "Creepy" word itself looks sharp as well and is a nice balance between the whites and blacks on the rest of the image. The whole thing feels very balanced. Well done! :]

These look much better with full color! I didn't really care for that sketch but now that's it's colored it makes the whole card look a lot better. :] I think it would be wise of them to color them all. $15 is still too high for me but I think more people will be ok with the price if the cards look more finished. :3

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pharaoh Playing Cards by USPCC (KS)
« on: August 21, 2013, 12:46:57 AM »
If you want to make something look like it was painted on the pyramid wall, then don't do it by half-measures.  Really DRAW the WALL, with the cracks and the border lines and the other background features.  That would look epic, and no one would care about everything being in profile.  But this is more like "it's good enuf fo' gub'mint work..."  This design is to great design what DMV visits are to great ways to spend a day off.

Agreed. It's amazing what small details like that can do for art. Even if the actual faces and bodies where left exactly as they are(not sayin' they should.. but they could), if all the stuff around them looked real, the whole thing would look legit. :3

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pharaoh Playing Cards by USPCC (KS)
« on: August 21, 2013, 12:25:59 AM »
That sounds more correct.  Except that it was Bicycle Haunted, rather than Bicycle Hunted..  :))

The art is a bit lackluster on this.  At least he made some effort at making proper two-headed courts - it's a shame they're ALL in profile, making the entire court "one-eyed".

Yeah, THAT'S the one. ;] ...silly keyboard...

I'm also not a really liking all the profiles, but I can imagine why they did it. I'm guessing they were wanting to make it all look like hieroglyphs (which works well with the color choices) and that's actually a pretty cool idea. :] They have a colored glow around each of the images that I'm guessing is to suggest they where each carved into the sand colored wall. I think some groves and shadows should have been a more effective choice for that, but really, it's a pretty cool idea. i think a few edits to clean up around the edges to make it look more like a real carving could make the profiles more forgivable. :]

Way too expensive for the quality of the art. Having said that, I am actually kind of interested in the sketchy style that they've drawn in. The queen of hearts image looks especially nice. The other samples look like they were either rushed or drawn by another artist. Either way they aren't quite consistent enough for my liking. Hopefully they will reveal more then just those few cards soon though. At the very least, it would be nice just to see what is being planned for the tuck and back. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pharaoh Playing Cards by USPCC (KS)
« on: August 20, 2013, 11:59:24 PM »
I thought the emotions deck was done by Xtu Productions (the guy who is doing the Creepy deck right now). This deck is from the guys that did the Hunted deck that was successfully funded. But you're right about the pharaoh deck being done before. I think it was in black and white last time though I don't remember who did that one either. I think I like this one better though. The tuck box and back are nice and I like having them in color. I'm not too impressed with the courts or the aces though. :/ The arts seems kind of lacking by comparison.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing cards and Fantasy art: A good mix?
« on: August 20, 2013, 07:30:46 PM »
So do you have anything to show that you're working on?  Are you going to rehash your original art deck?

Sort of. I am reusing some of the ideas and over all theme I had for the last deck, but the art as a whole is going to look very different (more illustrative/full color) It will hopefully look more detailed and finished than the last one. I should have some things to show soon and I will be sure to post a new topic around it in the design forum. :]

This is a really great idea! I'm not a serious card player or anything, but I love to play for fun. I would love to have a deck like this. When Alex mentioned bringing them camping I thought that sounded like a perfect use. I would buy a brick of them just for that purpose it the price was right. And if I would, I can't imagine why a real card player wouldn't. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Uusi "Blueblood Redux" KS Launch Date.
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:53:16 PM »
This is a beautiful deck! There are so many things I love about the design, especially the watercolor looking pips. Beautiful! I'm not at all surprised to see this doing so well right off the bat. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing cards and Fantasy art: A good mix?
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:49:14 PM »
My suggestion is to find a subject that would appeal to everyone, give it excellent detail, break some rules (Badass Spades & Grenades broke them all) and get feedback from people who are your target audience.  This is a great place to do that.

As far as creatively making a two way court's harder than it seems in an art deck.
Detail can be killer and that is something that I had to learn the hard way with my last deck. Hopefully I won’t make the same mistake twice.

I’m not sure what you are referring to as far as “breaking rules”. I’m assuming that you are just meaning that it’s important to think outside the box and be original?

The two way court design can be very tricky, and that’s why I decided to say you have to be creative to make one work, not that you are lazy if you don’t. It’s hard to do, but I also think it’s the fun part! :D Solving a problem and making it pretty to look at is a good challenge.

The biggest issue I ever hear from the community about one-way or two-way being critical is in regards to the back design rather than the front.
This isn’t what I was thinking about but I’m glad to have learned that about the card backs. I have been wondering why only slight differences on card backs has mattered to people and now I know. Thanks again for the informative post. :] It’s kind of fun being the dummy on the card forum who doesn’t know anything. I get to learn new things with every post. XD Somebody needs to start asking art questions so I can have something intelligent to say for once. :3

As far as the consulting thing goes, thanks for the offer. I’ll keep you in mind for when I get further along. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing cards and Fantasy art: A good mix?
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:45:48 AM »
Sorry about that - I tend to go on and on!  But yeah, there's a place for art decks of the type you're talking about.  The appeal may be less universal, but if you hit upon the right audience and subject matter, you'll find it popular enough to make a successful Kickstarter project out of it.

Don't be sorry, I appreciate your comments! Especially your comments about coloring the art properly for printing as that is something I've been concerned about for my own deck design. Thanks for bringing it to my mind again. That is something I'll need to do some more research on. :]

As far as the art on "art cards" goes I have a question I've been wondering about. I see a lot of comments around here about making art for cards two way instead of one way. From the card player/collectors perspective it seems to work better and most people like it more. (I like it better too). :] I wonder than if "art cards" would appeal to more of the card players and collectors if the artist(s) could find a way to make their art two way art and still look like quality art. You know, if they made it somehow interesting and artistic rather then just slapping a mirrored image on the bottom and drawing a line through the middle to divide it.

 ...I probably shouldn't criticize that too loudly. There are a lot of very good decks who have gone with that tactic. I just don't like it. I doesn't seem very creative to me...

But yeah, I wonder if that would make any difference for people who are maybe on the fence about art decks. If it could be done skillfully, making the art two way would make the deck more functional and still be pretty and artsy. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Re: CREEPY deck
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:38:21 PM »
Two points of view applied here (imo) and both are right, just the perception of 1 or the other is different depending on the person (I can show you at least 4 comments on KS and elsewhere from people that absolutely love the box) :)

Very true. Art can be seen differently by everyone. Glad to hear that you are getting a positive response. :]

Playing Card Plethora / Playing cards and Fantasy art: A good mix?
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:18:54 PM »
Hey guys! I have a question for anyone who wants to answer. What do you think of fantasy art on playing cards? And by that I mean full color, digitally painted, illustration art. The kind of thing you see for video game art. What do you think? Is art like that on playing cards a good mix?

I’ve seen several decks with this sort of art do really well, and I’ve seen many others do poorly. Why do you think that is? Is it just a matter of personal preference, or is there more to it than that? If you were going to buy a deck like that, what would you want to see as far as making the art fitting for a good deck of playing cards?

I am an artist who loves to produce art in this style, and I would love to produce that art as a deck of cards. But I also want it to be a quality deck of cards, not just a novelty item that doesn’t have much functional use. Can this sort of art make a good deck really great? I’m just not sure, and I would love to hear some opinions on the matter. :]

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Discourse peeps! :]
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:13:08 PM »
Thanks guys! And thanks Alex for the advice on my last deck. There are some things that I still like about it, and some other things that I think I can do much better this time around. Marketing being one of them. :] The other big one is similar to what I was just saying about the creepy deck, that the art wasn't consistent as a whole. Again, something I think I can do much better this time around. And I am going to be sticking with the elements theme again though I probably won't call it that again. I think it's a cool theme that has the potential to be a really cool deck, it just hasn't been done well yet. At least not on kickstarter. :]

I have a question for you guys though. I'd like to get some opinions on what people think of fantasy art decks. (meaning art that is full color and looks either illustrative or like video game art) I was going to start a topic around that in the design thread but I don't know if that's the right place.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: CREEPY deck
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:48:58 AM »
Now, when I was starting to think about the design for this one, the illustrator in me said "hey, you got cards with lots of details, very complex artwork style here,...that's how the tuck should be,...and more". I said OK,...let's do that. But, while I was preparing the design... the designer in me came forward and said "hey, no way. You should do the opposite, a minimalistic approach to the design that only gives a hint of what is to be expected inside the box." And guess what, I took the designers advice.

I get where you are going with the idea for a more minimalistic design on the tuck box. I like the idea but for some reason I am also finding the tuck box to be boring in comparison to the art on your court cards. If I had to pin point why, I'd guess that it's because it's inconsistent from the rest of your card art. More specifically, the lighting is inconsistent on both the tuck box and between the tuck box and your other art.

On the box art: The light source on the monsters head is different from the light on the rest of the body. We should be able to see at least some highlights on the shoulders like we do on the top of the head.

Between the box art and the card art: One of the things I really love about your monster art is the contrast between the black and white and the different line weights that you use. :] That variation suggests some very dramatic lighting and drawing it as line art makes it look minimalistic in it's own way. Minimalistic but still round and full of depth. And that's where I think the inconsistency is coming from with your box art. There is so much black that it actually flattens out the image. I like that you want to add more black to this image, but it doesn't look like it's in quite the right place. I would suggest adding in that blackness with line weights like you did before, just make them thicker (even really thick) in the back where you want it to be in shadow. By using thick lines instead of just a big black shape, you will leave room for little highlights (or reflective light) that will give roundness to the box image as well.

Some examples of the highlights and reflective light I'm talking about:

Anyway, that's just what I see. Please just take this as an opinion from another pair of artist eyes. That's all it's meant to be. You are clearly a talented artist and I think this is a great looking deck. :]

Introduce Yourself / Hello Discourse peeps! :]
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:10:27 AM »
Hey everybody! My name is Candace and I am a new member here. :] I’ve actually been lurking and reading the forums here for a number of months but I hadn’t become a member until now. I enjoy playing cards and finding pretty new decks but I am much more an artist and designer then I am a card collector.

I discover this forum when I attempted to create a deck and launched it on kickstarter a few months back. I launched it as the “Elements” deck. I even got a few backers from the link that was posted about it in this forum and that’s how I found this place. :]

Like I said, I love playing with cards and finding awesome new decks but I’m not very familiar with it (not like all of you guys anyway). I am an artist by trade and am beyond excited by the idea of producing art for a deck. Since my first attempt at designing a deck back in April I have fallowed this forum closely to try and learn more about the trends for decks on kickstarter, what things work, and what things don’t. I finally decided to become a member here because I feel I’ve learned a lot from you guys.  I want to be able to comment as well and give back to the community from an artist’s perspective if I can. I am also working on a new and vastly improved deck and am excited to show you guys what I’ve got soon. :]

You guys are awesome! I'm excited to be here! :D

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