Carbon Fiber Playing CardsProject by Sly Kly
Third created, $35,000 goal, $100/1 deck Early Bird, $120 Standard Price
According to the project creator, these cards will be made from actual carbon fiber, then printed with the card design and punched out.
This is Sly Kly's first playing card project, (his first two were dice manufactured on a CNC machine, unsuccessful, then a successful relaunch).
I would need more information before being able to make a full assessment. From this image:
it is possible to see a white edge to the cards. This, in addition to the perfect orientation of the fibers, gives the impression that the design has been printed onto regular cardstock. Whether these cards are merely a mock up of what the end product will look like, or whether this is an impressive scam, or the cards are real carbon fiber and the white is the edge of the card with residue from being punched out is up for debate. We shall see.
At $70,000, a version accented with red thread will be released
and a blue thread accented version will see a release at $100,000
First impressions?